honor me as god

Chapter 361 Plenary Meeting

Chapter 361 Plenary Meeting
In the Dogland Kingdom, the high-level meetings are mainly divided into two types—the king's meeting and the imperial meeting.

The "King's Conference" is co-chaired by the left hand of the king and the right hand of the king. The subordinate members come from the royal family, the five royal families, or non-royal aristocratic officials with strong influence in the local area.

The topics of the Royal Conference include politics, military, people's livelihood and other fields. Members can initiate drafts of new additions, deletions, and revisions of the code at the meeting, discuss wars and peace talks, urban construction in various places, and select provincial officials, etc. All proposals will be voted on at the meeting.

If the proposal fails to vote at the royal council level, it will be sent back for reconsideration or discarded.

If the vote is passed, the proposal will be submitted to the upper level, the "Imperial Council".

The range of members of the "Imperial Council" is very narrow, consisting of and only royal ministers. They are headed by the king, and the rest of the members are all blood relatives of the king.

Proposals voted and approved by the royal council will be discussed and voted at the royal council for a second time.

Only the proposals voted and approved by the Imperial Council will have final effect and can be implemented throughout the kingdom.

In addition, the "Imperial Council" has the right to initiate a leapfrog review of the proposals rejected by the "Royal Council". If the proposal is approved by the Imperial Council after review, the proposal will still be valid.

In short, the "Imperial Council" and "King's Council" are the relationship between the latter being responsible for the former - the Royal Council is led by the king's left hand and the king's right hand, and the major families share the daily government affairs and accept the decisions of the Imperial Council. Supervision and control.

The royal council is led by the king, and only blood relatives can become councilors. They vote and screen the bills submitted by the royal council and have the highest decision-making power.

This kind of political system was established by the "ancient king" Dogrand I at the beginning of the founding of the country. While sharing government affairs among the major families and improving administrative efficiency, it firmly locked the final decision-making power in the hands of the royal family to ensure the ruler's freedom. Absolute authority.

In addition to the two major meetings of the king's land and the imperial court, there is another meeting that is even more special, and that is the "Plenary Meeting of the Kingdom".

The plenary meeting of the kingdom can be regarded as a collection of the royal council and the imperial council, and the leader is the king. At the same time, the range of members of parliament no longer has political limitations. Provincial officials at the provincial level will all attend the meeting, which is a major meeting that runs through the entire superstructure.

Throughout the history of Dogland, from the founding of the ancient king to the present, compared with the long period of 513 years, the number of plenary meetings of the kingdom is uncountable, but the proposals passed by voting at each meeting have greatly affected the trend of the kingdom.

The most representative one is 23 years ago, that is, in the year 490 of the Huo Calendar, four years after the end of the "Bay Osmanthus War", the 4th Kingdom Plenary Meeting.

At that time, the war with the Far Eastern Dynasty severely damaged the vitality of the Dogland Kingdom, and the veterinary disease had spread in the territory for another 4 years.

At that time, the blood therapy of the "Scarlet Church" had already been used on a large scale in the kingdom to help patients, but the church refused to hand over the secret recipe of blood therapy to the royal family in any form.

In response to this situation, in the "54th Kingdom Plenary Meeting" led by Perseus, members of various parties debated endlessly.

Someone suggested appeasement, allowing the Scarlet Church to treat the people with blood, as long as it can suppress the animal epidemic and stabilize people's livelihood.

Someone proposed a military conquest, using heavy troops to force the church to make concessions and hand over the secret prescription of blood therapy.

Some people proposed to cooperate on an equal footing, concede part of the political interests, first give official recognition to the church's blood therapy, and at the same time legislate to restrict it to ensure that the future situation is controllable.

Some people also think that there must be no opening for concessions, and they would rather slaughter the infected to control the animal epidemic than let the existence of the Scarlet Church affect the authority of the regime.

That year, Perseus was only 31 years old, and the kingdom left by his father could be described as internal and external troubles, the building was about to collapse, and the difficulties he faced were unimaginable.

In the end, at the plenary meeting of the kingdom where the discussions were intense, the young king made the final decision-passing the "Ecclesiastical Special Asylum Law".

It is hard to imagine what would be the situation in Dogland today without the "Special Church Asylum Law".

Perhaps, under heavy pressure, Dogrand found another way to control the animal epidemic, and it was not restricted by the church, and there was no need to make any concessions, and the regime was as stable as Mount Tai.

Or maybe Dogrand has been completely destroyed by the animal epidemic, the political power no longer exists, and another brand new country has appeared on this land.

There is no "if" in history, and it is meaningless to speculate on the present from the past, but it is undeniable that the Kingdom Plenary Meeting has a huge influence on the entire Doguland.


No matter what the final voting result of the meeting is, there is no doubt that it will affect the process of the entire Dogland Kingdom and the direction of the historical development of future generations.

For many people, today is an ordinary day, waking up, eating, working... endless repetition.

In the central city of Wangcheng, a resident played cards all night yesterday and woke up until the sun basked in his buttocks. He yawned and was about to go out to buy food, but found that the road was empty, and he encountered a checkpoint before he walked far. It was sealed tightly.

The residents poked their heads out and found that there were many checkpoints behind the checkpoints, and the guards became denser as they went back.

Not long after, a soldier came to the residents and asked in a cold voice, "Why are you staying here? Didn't you receive the martial law order?"

Before the residents could react, a little girl suddenly ran up behind her, and while waving the notification document in her hand, she shouted in a milky voice, "Dad, the soldier uncle sent this to you yesterday, and I forgot to give it to you."

The residents subconsciously took the documents from their daughters, but before they could read them carefully, another group of soldiers came.

"What does this person do?" Three soldiers wearing the uniform of the "Cardinal Garrison Corps" approached, all of them were "Zhimang" of the fifth sequence. They looked at the residents in front of them coldly, like hunters staring at their prey, As if to attack at any time.

"Boom boom boom—" the deafening sound of piercing the sky sounded, the giant dragon echelon of the Regnom family soared through the air, the giant dragon covering the sky and the moon hovered over the royal city, and the fully armed dragon knights looked down from the dome Get to the surface and contain any hazards that may arise.

The magnificent royal city, the fortified barriers, and even the airspace have been completely blocked.

Seeing this posture, the residents buzzed and went blank. They quickly picked up their daughters, apologized to the soldiers, turned around and ran home.

At this time, the Royal City has been completely blocked by the Cardinal Guard Corps, and the military flags are passing through the streets at high speed. The most elite soldiers in the entire kingdom guard the huge wall of the Royal City all night. The most detailed investigation.

Today must be a day that changes history!
(End of this chapter)

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