honor me as god

Chapter 35 The Twilight Administration

Chapter 35 The Twilight Administration
After getting permission, Paladin pushed the door and walked in.

The bathroom is very large, dug directly from the rock formation on the ground, surrounded by a circle of red sandalwood. After the hot water is poured in, it is not only rich in minerals, but also has a fragrance of purple wood. Nerves are relaxed.

Of course, this is the exclusive treatment of civil officials. The bathroom of ordinary soldiers is damp and narrow, and they can only stand and pour water on themselves with wooden buckets.

Just as Paladin was about to report, he was startled.

Kino was soaking in the hot water with his eyes half-closed. His amber eyes, which were even more magnificent than gems, seemed hazy and clear. His already delicate face was even more delicate due to the mist. He fiddled with the wet broken hair. , the water droplets dripped from the slender and thick eyelashes, rolled down the eyelids like pearls, scratched the fair skin, and finally penetrated from the corners of the lips and disappeared.

Although they were all men, there was nothing to be ashamed of, but when Paladin saw the attractively curved collarbone on the water, he unconsciously turned his eyes away, and Shen Shenghui reported, "Sir, level six military intelligence."

Kino didn't know how many times he washed his hair. He filled his hands with bath essential oils and rubbed a bunch of bubbles on his hair: "My hands are too wet, please read."

Paladin was a little hesitant at first. According to the military regulations, he was not qualified as a centurion to see the sixth-level military situation, but since it was an order from Chino, he did not stick to the rules. He opened the letter and said slowly:

Xilin Town civil officials personally open.

Dear Civil Registrar Chino van Helsing:

It is with grief that I write this letter for you.

Twilight administrator Huck Lorison passed away yesterday. Alchemists found a toxin in him that we have never seen before, making it difficult to find the real culprit.

Dusk City needs a new ruler, who should be replaced by one of the civil administrators of Dusk City's 11 towns, according to the Doguland Administrative Act.

I learned from the military intelligence report from the raven that Xilin Town was attacked by horse bandits. Not only did you not abandon the people and run away, but instead, you were willing to live and die with the town, and you wanted to fight to the death. This kind of chivalrous spirit moved me very much.

The troops of the surrounding towns have already set out to help Xilin Town. If you are still alive and see this letter, you are the administrator of Dusk City.

I wish you peace.

Inscription: "Consul of the Beacon Fire Province" Rezakhal Delin Regnorm.

After Paladin read it, his eyes widened in disbelief: "The administrator of Dusk City was poisoned to death, your promotion!"

Chino's expression was calm, he shook an empty bottle of essential oil in his hand, and frowned: "Why are you running out again."

"Sir, you're an administrator now, don't you think?" Paladin froze suddenly before the word "surprise" was finished.

Although Kino never told him his whereabouts, he knew that Kino went to Dusk City the day before yesterday, because they revealed it when chatting with Lugo and others.

After Chino went to Twilight, Huck Lorison died suddenly.

Because of his meritorious deeds in defending against horse bandits, Chino was full of honor in the eyes of the superior consul, and was directly promoted to the vacant administrator position.

If Paladin only thought this kind of thing was a coincidence before, now, when he found that Kino didn't show any surprises, he suddenly had a terrible idea in his heart.
Chino: "What are you thinking?"

Paladin's lips trembled, and just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, there was a tingling pain in his fingers, which was a warning from the survival instinct of his nerves.

He gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "You said you ran out of essential oils. I was thinking about what flavor of essential oils you like. I'll go get them."

"Get me a bottle of strawberry flavor, thank you." Chino gave Palatine a playful look.

Palatine left the bathroom like a drowning man coming to the surface, panting and sweating.

He swears secretly in his heart that he will rot his thoughts in his stomach, like putting milk for ten days and ten nights, making it completely rotten!
After Palatine got the essential oil back, Chino took another two-hour bath. The skin was almost washed away, and red marks from the rubbed capillaries could be seen in many places on the skin.

And because he used a lot of bath oil, his whole person smelled like a walking strawberry.

After taking a bath and packing up, Chino took his subordinate soldiers, civilians, and captives of horse bandits to Dusk City, ready to settle in.

Xilin Town has been destroyed by horse bandits, and it is very unsafe. The superiors asked all the troops and people to be temporarily transferred.

As for the rebuilding of Xilin Town, that's what the next hapless civil administrator will have to deal with.

Because there are many civilians, the team's speed is relatively slow, and it took two full days to reach Dusk City.

When Chino led the team into the city, the front-line battle report had already been spread to various places through the raven.

The military and civilians in Dusk City already knew that Chino defended Xilin Town with more than 300 defenders. He not only repelled the first wave of the horse bandits offensive against the desert fire, but even successfully dragged the support troops to the town and captured all the more than [-] horse bandits.

This record is a miracle, and now, the creator of the miracle has come to Dusk City to take office, which is a great encouragement to the local military and civilians.

At the east gate of Dusk City, people gathered on both sides of the street. The dark crowd was separated by the cordon drawn by the defenders and spread to the end of the street.

Some people chanted Chino's name, some welcomed the new civilians, and some yelled at the prisoners of horse bandits, all kinds of noises came like a tide.

When did the centurions of border towns like Palatine and Baiza see this scene?

The reason why they were assigned to Xilin Town was that they were from humble backgrounds and had no backers, so they could only be sent to the border to endure hardship.The blessed land of the royal city was definitely reserved for the descendants of the nobles.

Second, they are not talented enough to become extraordinary warriors, their status is at the bottom of the army, and they are sent to the border to be cannon fodder.

Apart from their parents and comrades, not many people even know their names.

The reception on this scale, coupled with the salute of many civilians and local soldiers, they seemed a little flattered, and they didn't know where to put their hands, so they could only bury their heads and follow Chino.

At this time, a little girl with a bouquet of laurels squeezed out of the crowd, blushing and said, "Hello, Mr. Administrator, can I send you a bouquet of flowers?"

If you want to replace it with other arrogant nobles, most of them will ignore them, or let their subordinates collect them on their behalf.

Chino got off the horse directly, took the flowers with both hands politely, and smiled like a warm winter green sun: "Thank you, I like it very much."

The little girl bowed shyly to Kino, squeezed back into the crowd, and hid in her parents' arms.

Seeing this scene, the young woman next to her not only sighed with intoxication: "God is on top, how can the new administrator be so gentle, he is an angel!"

When Chino settled in the Dusk City government mansion, the first thing he did was to replace all the furniture in the bedroom, even the floor, because he noticed the last time he came here that Huck Lorison didn't like it. Wear socks and slippers.

As for why Huck died, the reason is simple.

Kino gave him an antidote the day before yesterday, and he did promise to give him an antidote once a month.

Chino never broke his word.

It's just that Chino "forgot" to tell him that the poison's burst cycle is 24 hours.

Just as the craftsmen were tossing the room, Palatine found Chino: "Sir, the inauguration begins in an hour."

Chino turned around, smiled and said, "Clean up the interrogation room, I want to see someone."

(End of this chapter)

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