Chapter 29
The war is still going on. With the name of Shan Gu joining the battle, the balance of victory seems to have been completely tipped to the desert horse bandits.

"Ta, ta, ta" When the horse bandits were slaughtering, the crisp footsteps suddenly came. It was very soft and soft, but it concealed a shocking sense of oppression, so that even though it was slight, it was drowned out. All the gold and iron sounded.

The originally hot battlefield fell into a brief dead silence at this moment, and the needle drop could be heard.
Under the gazes of everyone, Chino walked towards Shan Gu with a tungsten steel dagger in his hand. The burning beacon made the shadows on his face appear and extinguished, and the amber pupils were also looming in the firelight, occasionally bursting with strange lights.

Shan Gu saw such a little guy coming, he pointed at Chino's nose and laughed wildly: "You, challenge me?"

Chino looked at Shan Gu who was aloof, his little head tilted, a little confusion in his eyes: "The corpse is talking?"

"Huh-ah!!!" What responded to Chino was the roar of the nomads, and Shan Gu instigated a maddening attack, as if Mount Tai was inclined to a mayfly.

At this time, the horse bandits were suppressed by the bows and crossbows of Lugo and others, and they could not spare their hands to aim at Kino, and they had no intention of helping. In their eyes, Kino was just an ant that was about to be crushed to death. That's it.

Just when the Earth Xinglong was about to smash Kino, without warning, his body suddenly disappeared in place.
Shan Gu just blinked when he found a ghostly shadow jumping in front of him. When he saw the amber pupils at such a close distance, he realized that it was so beautiful, so delicate that every iris pattern could be seen. See, there is a slight fire, like the most precious gem in the world.





Under the light of the beacon, the amber streamer accompanied by the cold light of the blade, leaving fleeting afterimages in the air, and the air hissing along with the sound of blood spurting echoed in the vast sky, like a detached music.

The tungsten steel dagger slashed rapidly around Shan Gu's body, like a storm, the dark light blocked the sky and the sun, and the sharp cold light poured out recklessly.

Tendon, tensor fascia lata, femoral artery, radial carpal canal, brachial artery, transverse cervical nerve, common carotid artery.

All incisions, without exception, are all fatal parts of the human body, and the physiological characteristics of human beings are destined to have very little fat protection in these parts, and one injury is half of the human being.

If all are injured
"呲!" As the final beheading sound settled, Shan Gu's middle meningeal artery was penetrated, and the tungsten steel dagger quickly drew a moon arc in the air, throwing off all the blood that was covered with it, accompanied by the master's figure quietly Landing, light and silent.

The rider died, the ground dragon was frightened, fled with a neigh, and Shan Gu's devastated body was also thrown to the ground, and blood spurted from the dense wounds all over the body, dyeing the ground below him red, as if he was pounced on a layer of scarlet. carpet.

Beside the corpse, the demon was smiling, without a drop of blood on his body.

Shan Wule stared blankly at his dead brother, his lips trembling and muttering: "No no no no. No!!!"

Chino raised the tungsten steel dagger and aimed it at Shan Wule, the smile on his lips curved like a blade, and said two words: "Single pick."

"Ah!!!!" His younger brother was killed in front of him, and Shan Wule couldn't control his anger, so he attacked on horseback.

Kino rushed forward like a ghost, and the dagger made a sharp sound like a bird, piercing the femoral artery of Shan Ule's thigh.

It has to be said that, as the Dadan of this horse bandit, even though his physique is far inferior to that of his younger brother with giant blood, his fighting skills are not known by several grades.

When Shan Gu died, in addition to grief and anger, Shan Ule remembered Chino's attacking tricks.

If Chino is a processor, what disadvantage does he have on the battlefield of this cold weapon, and his attack tactics are one of them.

Processors pursue the ultimate efficiency, pay attention to weak clicks, and often go straight, without too many changes, and masters can easily remember them after reading it once.

Of course, there are very few people who can watch it once and still not die.

"Bang!" The saber pressed against the dagger.

Shan Ule is one of them.

Shan Ule's face was twisted, and his eyes seemed to breathe fire: "I will cut off your head and eat your body raw!"

Chino: "Try?"

"Roar!" Shan Ule shook Chino away with his strength advantage. Before he could counterattack, Chino had already attacked.

Shan Wule instantly saw through Chino's offensive. This guy was too short and didn't ride a horse, so he could only reach his thigh, and this blow was a jab at his thigh.

He pressed the saber against the dagger again, and was about to fight back, when Kino suddenly released his right hand, the tungsten steel dagger fell from the air, passed through the defensive range of the saber, caught it with his left hand, and drew a moon arc in the air.

"Pfft!" The dagger directly ripped through Shan Ule's gastrocnemius muscle, causing a piercing pain that made him roar uncontrollably.

Hearing the master's howls, the warhorse became restless for a while and wanted a savior.It didn't have time to carry Shan Uler away from the distance, and the streamer hit in an instant.

"Pfft! Pfft!" Two piercing voices sounded, and the warhorse's eyes were stabbed blind. The severe pain caused it to fall into a manic state.

Before Shan Ule landed in mid-air, Chino's dagger had been switched to his right hand, aiming at the middle meningeal artery of his temple. Once hit, he and his younger brother would die.

Shan Ule broke out in a desperate situation, twisted his body in mid-air, grabbed Chino's right wrist in a volley with his left hand, and blocked this attack with his strength advantage.

He is dead!This idea flashed in Shan Uler's mind.

His attacker was caught, and now it is difficult to defend and escape, and his attacker is still there, and he can be cut in the middle with a wave of the saber!

"Bang." Shan Ule fell to the ground, ignoring the rib that was sorely shaken, he grabbed Chino's right hand in one hand and the saber in the other, aiming at his slender waist.

However, the next scene made Shan Ule's hands and feet cold in an instant.

Kino silently stretched out his left hand, aimed at Shan Ule's eyes, and lifted his palm to reveal the pocket crossbow mounted under his wrist.

mean!Before Shan Ule could curse out, the strings vibrated, and the arrow of the crossbow poured into his right eye.



Luckily in the misfortune, he instinctively turned his face to the side just now, and the crossbow arrow did not penetrate the brain directly along the eyeball, but went out from the side of the eye socket.

Although it was not fatal, the severe pain had already made him incapacitated, and this eye would definitely not be saved.

The horse bandits did not expect that Shan Gu was killed first, and then the most skilled Dadan also fell to this point.

Seeing that Chino wanted to make up for the kill, they didn't care whether they were singled out or not, and hurriedly kicked the horse's stomach: "Rescue Dadan!"

Lugo and the others also rushed over: "Protect civil officials!"

The two teams collided with each other, and the horse bandits rode their horses horizontally and ran staggered in front of the injured Shan Ule.

Lugo and the others, holding spears and shields, kept pushing back the manic warhorses, protecting Kino behind them.

After a short fight, the two groups of people were afraid that their main general would be lost in the chaos of the army, so they did not dare to fight, they hurriedly retreated to distance themselves, and stared at each other.

The horse bandit's deputy lifted Shan Wule, who was grumbling in pain, onto the horse, and subconsciously looked at Chino, who was guarded by Lugo and the others.

When he saw the pair of gem-like amber pupils, he unconsciously felt a deep chill in his heart.

Now Dadan is seriously injured, and the dragons have no leader. He must be brought back to heal his wounds, and he must not fight.

What's more, the strength of this Chino is unfathomable. He first killed Shan Gu and then shot down Shan Ule. His deputy thought he was not an opponent, so he could only shout in a deep voice: "Withdraw!"

It came like the wind and went like the wind. In the sound of the retreat horn, the horse bandits quickly fled from the city gate, leaving only a burning town and a city full of corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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