honor me as god

Chapter 19 Tavern Hire

Chapter 19 Tavern Hire
At dusk, the deducted moon coins were delivered to Chino on time, which also gave him a new understanding of Huck's private money.

Whether the number of moon coins is accurate or not, Chino has calculated by the weighing method, and there is basically no deviation. Presumably Huck does not dare to play tricks.

The total weight of the mixed moon coins was more than 15 tons, and dozens of giant sacks were packed, which could not fit in his own carriage.

Chino could only hire a caravan to transport heavy goods in Dusk City, put these sacks on a carriage, mix them with the 1800 silver moons he brought, and instruct his entourage to guard them.

Afterwards, he packed 100 heavy silver moons in a small bag, locked the carriages one by one, and walked to the slum.

Unlike the clean and tidy main urban area, the slum area stands out as a mess, the ground is full of filthy silt, and the excrement left by the horses and carriages driving past livestock.

Flies are a frequent visitor here. Occasionally, fat mice can be seen running by the roadside, and they are skillfully caught by the ragged shopkeeper. After falling to their death, they are thrown into bamboo baskets and sent to the kitchen to make pies, and then they are made with beef. Sold in name.

For Kino, who is obsessed with cleanliness, this is hell. He avoided those filthy roads and took a long detour before finding an underground tavern.

The so-called underground tavern is a tavern that does not have legal qualifications, but the operators are very hard in the background of the underground forces, and the officials also acquiesce to its existence.

Compared with regular taverns, the order of underground taverns is very chaotic, and there is a customary rule: you can fight, it doesn’t matter if you kill people, but no matter what happens, you can only solve it in private, and you are not allowed to go out and complain to the security soldiers.

Therefore, ordinary civilians will not come to the underground tavern. The guests here are either bloodthirsty gladiators that no one dares to provoke, or various contraband dealers, or some carrying murder cases on their backs, looking for a safe haven to rest. criminals, killers, mercenaries, etc.

The tavern in the evening is always so lively, there are rough roars and drinks persuading everywhere, and the foam splashes in the air after clinking glasses.Slave traders can also be seen selling newly caught men.

Don't look at these slaves wearing shackles and despair, there are many warriors with extraordinary talent among them, and some may even be the future champion of the arena.

In addition to wine and meat, men and women are of course indispensable. If you look around, you can always see men flirting with tavern maids.

Some people are fooled away from their wallets by rhetoric, go down a glass of wine and get drunk, but only touch their small hands.

There are also veterans of the love scene. After the ambiguous, they go straight to the topic, discuss the price, and after the negotiation, they go to the corner and start to stage pictures that make hormones rise.

There is never a shortage of bloodshed in underground taverns. The cause may be fighting for a woman, accidentally bumping into each other, or two people looking at each other. One of them said, "What are you looking at?"

Whatever the reason, right now, there are two drunk men fighting in the middle of the tavern.

One of them is a stalwart, with explosive muscles and countless battle marks on his body.

The other was two heads shorter than him, with a slender build, with thighs not as thick as arms.

The former is undoubtedly a gladiator. He not only has battle marks, but also the iron brand mark of the local family. This kind of mark can only be possessed by regular gladiators who have passed the trial, and it is also a credential to enter the arena.

"Come on! Dude, if it's a man, kill him!" Amid the booing of the drinkers, the gladiator pounced on him and swept his legs with a ferocious blow, his calloused feet scraping a piece of dust on the floor Yin, instantly smashed the thin man's lower plate.

Before the lean man could get up, the gladiator used his absolute strength to knock him down and beat him severely.

"Puff puff puff!" This kind of close-range beating is a real punch to the flesh, and he started with the ruthlessness unique to a gladiator, specifically hitting the weak points such as facial features and weak ribs.

Due to its great strength, his fists also have a tearing property, which can crack the skin and drip blood with one punch.

It didn't take long for his fists to be covered in the blood and minced flesh of the lean man.

The gladiator fists poured down like rain, hitting the lean man until he was unconscious. Then he kicked him away and raised his arms to show his sturdy muscles to the audience: "Roar!"

The audience also toasted and cheered.

As a reward for winning, the gladiator also received free wine from the tavern owner.

With a satisfied smile on Kino's face, he looked in the direction of the fight and snapped his fingers: "Hey, man, are you interested in helping me?"

"He~tui! Go fuck your uncle!" The gladiator despised a petite boy like Kino the most, and spat directly on the ground.

Chino shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm not talking to you."

When the words fell, the gladiator suddenly felt that there was someone behind him, he glanced back subconsciously, and saw a face covered in blood and grinning.

"Crack—" With the sound of broken bones and ripped flesh, the lean man took advantage of the gladiator's slack and violently broke his neck, allowing him to see his back for the first time in his life.

The gladiator stiffened for a few seconds, collapsed to the ground powerless, his face was bruised, he spat out a black tongue, and the capillaries in his eyeballs also burst completely under the pressure, dense blood spots appeared, and the corpse trembled for a while and then stopped moving.

After a short silence, the roar broke out again, and everyone pointed to the corpse on the ground and kept making fun.

"I'll give you a suggestion. Next time, you don't need to use so much force. It's enough to break the first atlas, which is more labor-saving and efficient." Chino shook his wallet and asked with a smile, "So, if you're interested Will you help me?"

The lean man wiped the blood from his face, walked to Chino's side, and asked coldly, "What kind of work?"

Chino took out 4 silver moons and placed them on the table neatly: "Be my dog, tentatively set for half a month, if I need more time, I will renew. I will give you 10 silver moons in total, these 4 are deposit."

The lean man glanced at the bulging purse, his eyes full of greed that could not be hidden: "20 pieces."

Chino took out another silver moon and put it on the table, and said lightly: "1 pieces, and then bargain, you and the gladiator will end up together."

The lean man looked at Chino subconsciously. He was a bloodthirsty mercenary. Since he could use weapons, he had been doing dirty work everywhere. He dealt with human life all day long.

The boy in front of him looked harmless to humans and animals, but when he stared at the pair of amber pupils, he felt an instinctive sense of crisis in his heart. Anxious bioelectricity was running around the nerve endings, causing goose bumps all over his body.

He didn't know the reason at first, but he realized it later - it was this man's smile.

It's a meaningless smile, it doesn't mean happiness, it doesn't mean any emotion, it's like it's engraved on the face, just like the mask the clown wears during performances, you have no idea what a dangerous face is behind the mask .

After a moment of weighing, the lean man accepted the money and said in a deep voice, "Then 11 pieces."

Chino: "It's a pleasure working together."

The lean man stretched out his hand, and Kino glanced at the blood on his hand, shook his head and said, "There's no need to shake hands. My name is Kino van Helsing, what's your name?"

"Lugo, I haven't met my father, and I don't know the surname." Lugo looked at Kino up and down and asked suspiciously, "Kino van Helsing. Are you the civil administrator of Shilling Town?"

"Oh? Is my name so recognizable?"

"Hehe, they all say that the civil administrators of Xilin Town are rubbish. They eat and wait to die every day. They have no ability at all. Now it seems to me that either those people have a problem with their brains, or you are fake."

Chino's smile grew deeper: "Which do you think it is?"

The danger has come again.Lugo rubbed his skin and turned his eyes aside: "Dogs don't need to know so much. You feed me meat, and I'll bite you, it's that simple."

"Good dog." Chino bought him a pot of top-grade peach wine and half a catty of top-grade beef.

(End of this chapter)

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