honor me as god

Chapter 11 Upper and lower epidemic areas

Chapter 11 Upper and lower epidemic areas
Chino walked up to Elder Tang, raised his hand, and gently adjusted the angle of his head: "Yes, that's it, don't move~"

Tang Lao felt that this person had a bubble in his head, so he scolded: "Go!"

"Pfft!" The moment Old Tang opened his mouth, Chino's little hand pierced like a viper that was attacking.

Because the angle was well adjusted and the speed was too fast, the blood sprayed out did not splash on Chino at all, only a little bit of saliva was on the waterproof leather gloves.

"If you don't want your tongue, donate it to someone who is useful." Kino released his fingers.

Foam of blood gushed out and quickly blocked the swollen throat. Tang Lao was paralyzed on the ground, his thin body twitched, and dense blood spots appeared on the surface of his eyeballs. He was choked to death by his own blood in the severe pain.

The thug froze for a moment, roared and rushed towards Chino, his huge fist smashed into the air like a cannonball.

The phantoms were intertwined, and Kino had gone around behind the thug like a ghost, and a hand was wrapped around his neck, from a distance, it looked like he was hugging Qingqing me and me.

But in fact, at the moment when the small hands were surrounded, a violent cracking sound came from the beater's neck, and the atlas was directly broken.

There was another insignificant corpse in the room.

The one-eyed dragon's eyes were terrified, and when he was about to scream, Paladin punched his scream back to his stomach and covered his mouth.

Kino took off the dirty waterproof leather gloves, and the white gloves against the skin were still as clean as winter snow. He raised his slender index finger to his lips, smiled and made a silent gesture.

The one-eyed dragon was breathing heavily, nodding in panic.

Seeing this, Palatine let go of his hand, and a chaotic gasp echoed in the room.

Chino: "Are you the second in command here?"

The one-eyed dragon nodded like smashed garlic.

"Congratulations~ Starting today, you are in the top spot." Chino's tone was friendly, "So, about the transaction just now, are you willing to take over?"

The one-eyed dragon was so frightened that he dared to refuse, and said tremblingly, "Yes! I am willing!"

In this way, the salt crystal was successfully sold and exchanged for 1083 silver moons.

The one-eyed dragon thought he could send the plague god away, but Kino found a chair and sat down, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for dirtying your floor, Paladin, help him clean up."

Paladin honestly went to clean up the bodies of Tang Lao and the thugs, as well as the tongue that had left the body, and brought a bucket and a rag, and began to wipe the blood on the ground.

"I still have a cooperation I want to talk to you about." Chino motioned for the one-eyed dragon to sit down, pointed to the thick sack at the door of the room, and said, "The moon coins I brought, including the moon coins sold by Yan Jing just now, have a total of There are more than 2000 silver moons. I can honestly tell you that these silver moons are not clean, and I want to make them clean."

The one-eyed dragon shrank his head and asked, "How do you want me to cooperate?"

"Do you know any friends who collect oil paintings?"

"Yes, but they are in regular business."

"Very well, I just want a regular businessman." Chino thought about it and asked, "This kind of regular transaction usually has a receipt, or some kind of certificate, right?"

The one-eyed dragon nodded: "Yes, there is a certificate. There will be the official seal of the local chamber of commerce on it. At the same time, the tax must be paid. The tax for oil paintings is 5%."

Kino untied the sack, took out the packaged oil painting, and spread it out in front of the one-eyed dragon: "How much do you think they are willing to pay for this oil painting?"

The one-eyed dragon looked at it for a moment and scratched his head: "It's a very ordinary oil painting, maybe a dozen copper moons."

Chino smiled and said, "Not more than that? I like this painting, why don't I sell it to them for 2000 silver moons?"

The one-eyed dragon wanted to laugh, but didn't dare to laugh: "It seems a bit difficult to do."

Kino brought in the sack containing the silver moon and stuffed it into the one-eyed dragon's arms.

The one-eyed dragon was holding the sack, a little confused: "Sir?"

Chino shrugged: "This is your money, not mine. I hope you can contact your friends and sell my painting for 2000 silver moons. Remember to open the voucher."

At this moment, the one-eyed dragon finally reacted, and unconsciously showed a look of amazement, he stood up and bowed to Kino, and said mysteriously: "I looked carefully, this painting hides many mysteries, it looks like it came from a god. hand, it will definitely sell for a good price, I promise you!"

After dealing with the dirty money at Cyclops, Chino left only a silver moon on his body, and some scraps of copper and iron moons, and left the black market with Paladin.

Kino took the silver moon in his hand and played with it, turning it back and forth between his fingers, like a butterfly dancing.He has a special liking for this kind of moon coin. The silver is not as dirty and greasy as copper and iron in color, and it does not have the upstart feeling of gold. It is elegant and restrained, and it feels great.

Chino turned the silver moon to the palm of his hand and held it: "Paladin."


"are you hungry?"

"I" Palatine hesitated, wondering if this was some strange ordeal.Although he was indeed hungry, he felt that he should maintain a capable image in front of the superior, and said, "I am not hungry."

Kino shrugged: "Really? I wanted to say, you and I have been busy all morning, and I should invite you to dinner."

Paladin was a little panicked when he heard the sound: "Sir, you look down on me too much."

"How about you accompany me to eat something?"

"My pleasure!"

The two came to the civilian living area. Chino paid attention to the food in this world. As far as the civilian class was concerned, it was not much different from the previous life. Most of the staple food was bread made of wheat. peas and the like.

The price of staple food is also very low. Taking grain raw materials as an example, a few iron moons can buy a pound. From this point of view, 1 iron moon is about the same as 1 yuan.

However, Chino read a book last night called "The Lunar Coin Theory". He found that the world's economic system is rather special. The gold, silver, copper, and iron of a lunar coin not only represent purchasing power, but also the scope of purchase.


Jinyue has the strongest purchasing power and the widest range of purchases. It can buy everything, from military-controlled products to diesel, rice, oil and salt—of course, no one will use it to buy oil and salt, and hawkers can’t find it.

Silvermoon can buy everything except military controlled items.

The purchasing power of the Bronze Moon has become limited, and the standard weapons, rare metals, land, school tuition, etc. that can be paid with the Gold and Silver Moon cannot be settled in the Bronze Moon.

The bottom layer of the Iron Moon can only be used to buy the necessities of life, such as farming tools, needles and threads, cereals and beans, firewood, rice, oil, salt and sugar, as well as food made from these raw materials.

Live poultry, livestock, meat, eggs, milk and other meat products cannot be purchased with the Iron Moon - these "luxury goods" should at least be settled with the Copper Moon.

The most important thing is that the moon coins can be exchanged downwards, but not upwards.

For example, if you need loose money, you can exchange the golden moon for the silver moon, silver for copper, and copper for iron, but not the other way around.

That is to say, even if you have more silver moons, you can't exchange them for higher-level golden moons. The same is true for copper and iron - this refers to official channels.

The underground channel even dares to buy and sell salt crystals, and it definitely supports the upward exchange of monthly coins, but it is definitely illegal, and the handling fee will be ridiculously high.

At the same time, different status and different occupations have different types of monthly coins when settling remuneration.

For example, Chino, as a civil official in Xilin Town, is a full-time official, and his salary is settled in silver months, and his salary is 1 silver months per year.

Soldiers like Paladin are paid in copper months, with a salary of 1 copper months a year.

Therefore, the lunar coin in Doguland not only represents wealth, but also social class.

Chino patrolled the market and found that there was not much meat.

It's not surprising that meat can only be purchased with copper moon coins and above. In a border town like Xilin Town, meat is a luxury item, and there are only about 1000 residents who can afford it.

However, instead of meat, Chino was looking for sugar.

He has an extremely serious "sugar addiction", the kind that kills him without sugar.

In his previous life, he was imprisoned for a long time after being captured by the leader. He didn't eat anything sweet when he traveled here, and he had already committed a sugar addiction.

Fortunately, he found cranberry honey bread in a bakery, and a whole piece only cost 3 iron moons.

He wiped the tabletop and chair with a tissue, bought half a dozen bread in one go, and started eating after washing his hands.

Paladin stood beside him like a wooden man. He didn't eat breakfast, and Chino's taste was very good-looking.

Kino found Paladin staring at the bread in his hand, smiled helplessly, and handed over an uneaten piece of bread: "Eat one."

"Thank you, my lord." Paladin stopped pretending, and there was no need to struggle with his stomach.

"Wash your hands first."


After eating sweets, Chino walked through the streets, familiarizing himself with the layout of Shilling Town.

There are still 13 days before the reincarnation team strikes. This is the first battlefield, and you must know every corner well.

The farther he went to the edge, the fewer people gathered. Passing through an urban area, Chino found that there were soldiers' watchtowers and a blockade in front of him.

Looking through the wooden fence wrapped with sharp iron wire, you can see the dilapidated urban area in the diagonal area, the houses were damaged by the rain and stained with mold, and only glass residues were left on the dilapidated windows. .

Paladin reminded softly: "Sir, you'd better not go over there, that is the epidemic area."

Kino remembered the lycanthropy plague in Dogurand, and he looked at the soldiers near the blockade, each with a beak mask hanging around his waist.

He has seen this kind of thing. In the past life, the plague doctors in the Middle Ages would wear this kind of protective equipment. It has the shape of a bird's beak. A gas mask.

Kino deliberately pretended to have forgotten something, and knocked on the head: "How many people infected with the zoonotic disease are there in Xilin Town?"

"There are more than 200 people in total, more than 150 in the upper epidemic area and more than 50 in the lower epidemic area."

"Up and down?"

Paladin was taken aback: "Sir, this is a decree signed by the royal family, have you forgotten? The royal family allows the Scarlet Church's epidemic doctor to perform blood therapy on infected people and divide the epidemic area into upper and lower layers."

Kino heard the sound and looked over. There was a man in the corner of the blockade. His back was bulging high, his skin was taut with the deformed bones, his nose and mouth were protruding like a tumor, and his palm was twice the size of an ordinary person. , the nails are black and sharp, and there are rough steel hairs on the back of the hand.

Undoubtedly an infected person.

Beside the man, two epidemic doctors wearing bird-beak masks are transfusions for him. They are wearing burqas, the color seems to be soaked in scarlet and warm liquid. , like some indescribable creature.

In the blood bag, the color of the blood is dark and dark. Although human venous blood is originally black, the blood infused into it is as black as oil.

Originally, the man's eyes were bloodshot and trembled from time to time, but after the blood was infused, the tremors of his body were significantly relieved, and the bloodshot eyes were no longer dense.

Paladin reminded: "The plague of zoonosis is still incurable, and once contracted, it is lifelong. The reason why Dogoland is able to control the disease is due to salt crystals and blood therapy. The "purifying blood" provided by the Scarlet Church can make Infected people temporarily lose their infectivity, but they must undergo regular blood therapy, otherwise the infectivity will return. "

Chino noticed that when the plague doctor was injecting purified blood into the man, he was also bleeding on the other side, much like a crude dialysis therapy.

The filthy blood that is released will be put into a special sealed container and taken away by the epidemic doctor.

After the blood treatment, the soldiers removed the spiked wooden bars and let the man return to the affected area.

Paladin explained: "Those who have the money to pay for blood therapy to make themselves non-infectious can live in the upper epidemic area, which is the area in front of you now. They can breathe the same air as us, but for the sake of For security reasons, you cannot leave the blockade. And those patients who cannot afford blood therapy will be locked in the lower epidemic area, which is a hell, and you won't want to go there. Even if you want to go, you must wear complete protection. equipment."

Although Chino has exchanged wasteland biological genes and has strong resistance to pathogens, he is not sure whether he can resist this beastly disease. It is better to be careful before confirming that it is effective.

However, wanting to know more about it, he asked: "So, theoretically, we are now in no danger of entering the upper-level epidemic area?"

"Theoretically, this is the case. The infected people in the upper-level epidemic areas will receive blood therapy on a regular basis. They are not contagious, and the symptoms are mild. The reason is not seriously eroded, and they are not aggressive. But it is best to be careful at night, especially in the double moon sky At night, their animal blood will become restless, and we will invest more people in the blockade."

When Chino was reading a book yesterday, he noticed that there are two moons in this world, and the distance between the two moons changes periodically. Every 27 days, there will be a "double moon volley".

Chino tapped his head again: "I forgot a little, when was the last Double Moon Volley?"

Paladin thought for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, it should have been half a month ago."

"Understood." Chino's eyes showed a faint smile, "Since there is no danger, come with me to the upper-level epidemic area to see."

(End of this chapter)

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