Defect another world

Chapter 8 System-level bugs

Chapter 8 System-level bugs
** 008 System level BUG **
"This fact confuses me very, very much. Do you have any thoughts on this that might help me?"

Ai Ting obviously noticed his expression, and tried again to guide him to tell the truth.

"Ha ha,"

Meng Fei's mind quickly turned back from the sluggishness.His real idea is obviously impossible to tell the Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

It was just a getaway in a car accident.It is said that not only a murder is involved, but also an even more unexplainable resurrection and time travel.

He must immediately find a reasonable explanation to fool him.Fortunately, it is not difficult.

If there is any difference between the fingerprint comparison and DNA comparison between him and the dead body of the car accident, it is impossible for Captain Ai to chat with him politely for so long.Either he is a fake Meng Fei, or the deceased is a fake Meng Fei.

Then he would either be released home or already sitting in the interrogation room.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was a tool carried by the deceased who pretended to be me and got blood in the car accident.

"So what you call my fingerprints and bloodstains are not mine, but the deceased's.

"This person tried to impersonate me and must have managed to forge the same fingerprints and DNA as me."

"Fingerprints? DNA? Forgery? How can this be faked?"

On Ai Ting's beautiful face, her brows were furrowed.This is where she is most troubled.

In identical twins, the DNA is the same, but the fingerprints are still different.

The general method of forging fingerprints is to put a film finger cot.But neither the corpse nor the living person in front of him had finger cots on their fingers.

"Captain Ai."

Meng Fei took the opportunity to raise his voice.

"This is someone forging my identity and it is a serious crime. My rights and personal safety are seriously threatened.

"Is it your duty to protect legal citizens? Is it your job to investigate the suspect's forgery?"

"Of course."

Captain Ai answered obligingly.

"So what's the point of leaving legitimate citizens who have been victimized to interrogate for up to four hours?"

The sudden series of blows made Ai Ting's face livid, speechless.

She wasn't technically "interrogating" the man.But it is also true that people stayed and chatted for most of the night.

This content is not an "interrogation", is it just me and me?

"As a victim, I ask to see the body and what he left behind."

Meng Fei struck while the iron was hot and seized the opportunity to fight back.

Since the photos can't be scanned, I can just scan the real thing directly, and I will definitely find clues!

"The corpse of the deceased is a special kind of evidence in criminal cases."

Ai Ting was almost dizzy from being stunned.But when it comes to this, she resumes her businesslike demeanor:

"Criminal Investigation Guidelines, Section [-], Article [-], during the investigation stage, only parents, children and siblings can apply to visit the corpse of the deceased in a criminal case. Permission must be obtained from the investigators.

"If you meet the conditions, I can allow it. But you and the deceased are not in a qualified relationship."

"I think this person is one of my twin brothers that I didn't know about as a child."

From the information in the notes, Meng Fei was an orphan. He didn't know who his parents were, let alone whether he had any brothers.

So it's reasonable for him to doubt it.

"Suspect? What about the evidence?"

Ai Ting reminded.

"The proof is that our DNA is the same!"

Meng Fei said with a cheeky smile.

Three or ten minutes later, in the evidence warehouse, Meng Fei saw the hammer.It comes in a labeled clear plastic bag in a checkered drawer.

Ai Ting opened the drawer, but she didn't look at it herself, but made a gesture of invitation.She was going to keep an eye on the "suspect".If the suspect tried to destroy evidence, she would strike first.

"See for yourself, don't do it."

Meng Fei obediently took a look, but didn't make a move at all.The situation was similar to what he expected.

In the photos that Ai Ting showed him, there was definitely blood on the hammer head.But now it's gone!

Recall that when he used the program to "repair" his head, the blood stains on the bed and clothes disappeared.

Based on this inference, if the murder weapon was stained with blood, it should also disappear.

This fully shows that the "bloodstain" that once existed belonged to him, not the deceased.It also proves that the hammer is really the murder weapon.

The investigators have not discovered this yet.

After the car accident, they rushed to the scene as soon as possible, took pictures, took evidence, and took the things into the warehouse for storage.

Who would have thought that the evidence would undergo such an inexplicable change by itself?
But he didn't say anything, just nodded slightly to show that he had seen it.Ai Ting quickly closed the drawer.

"Let's go and see your body."


Meng Fei was sweating profusely.

But when he walked into the cold storage underground of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, he couldn't help but fight a cold war, put away his collar, and let out a breath of white air.

The deceased left almost nothing left.No wallet, no documents.But it's not surprising in this world.

Under normal circumstances, they can verify their identity with their face and fingerprints, and they can easily complete the payment by swiping their fingerprints or swiping their faces.

But it's a bit strange that the deceased did not have a mobile phone.Maybe it was done on purpose because I didn't want to reveal more information.

The only thing he had besides the clothes was the hammer, which was in the chest pocket of the man's coat when the accident happened.

A scan did not find anything suspicious.

So only the corpses remained.

When they got here, both he and Ai Ting looked solemn, only the uncle who was in charge of managing the cold storage sneezed indifferently.

"It was just delivered at night - No. 0291, called Meng Fei... That's it."

Meng Fei blah blah blah, can you stop using my name casually?
It was a black body bag on a push bed.

It is similar to the black garbage bag he used in his previous life, except that it is thicker and stronger, with a zipper on it.

Meng Fei felt something was wrong.

It was indeed in the shape of a corpse, but the bulge was not enough, giving him the feeling of being inexplicably deflated.

Is it empty inside? !

Ai Ting seemed to have noticed it too, her eyes were a little alert.

When she put on the disposable gloves and touched the zipper, the bulging figure collapsed as if it lost its support.

"Old Qian, isn't that right? Why is the body bag empty?"

"How is that possible!" Lao Qian protested in an extremely ridiculous tone.

"Come and see!"

At this time, Meng Fei was actually more shocked than them.

Because the system he didn't call jumped out directly in his mind.Not only did it jump out, but the displayed text turned red.

[warn!warn! ]
[Warning: Found system-level bug traces! ]
[Warning: Found system-level bug traces! ]

(End of this chapter)

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