Lord God hangs up

Chapter 98 098, "Walking in the Worlds" is charging! [Please subscribe, please ask for a m

Chapter 98 098, "Walking in the Worlds" is charging! [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

Like a speedboat cutting into the sea.

The four hooves of the Nightmare Demon Horse, burning with the flames of purgatory, trampled on the surface of the sea. Two white waves of water immediately splashed on both sides of the horse, vividly interpreting the specific situation of "cutting the waves".

And the flames on its four hooves even ignited the sea water, leaving two rows of burning hoof prints on the sea surface, which lasted for a while before slowly dissipating.

In order not to disturb the people on board, Ni Kun deliberately avoided the ships and chose the other side of the bay to go into the sea because he was worried that the "halo of fear" of the Nightmare Demon Horse would scare the common sailors to the ground and make the ship smell bad.

He rode the Nightmare Demon Horse galloping recklessly for half an hour on an empty sea before returning home with full enjoyment.

Return to the shore first, put the nightmare horse back into the “pet space” of the reincarnation watch, and then return to the boat on the waves.

Back in the cabin, Zhu Yuyan was falling asleep by herself. Ni Kun was in good spirits, full of energy, and didn't feel sleepy at all, but she didn't want to bother Zhu Yuyan, so she sat down and drank a cup of herbal tea, and began to study how to give the reincarnation wristwatch the "walking in the worlds". "Function charging.

The function of walking in various worlds needs to anchor a "base" in advance.

The original bases of the reincarnators were naturally their respective residences in the main god's space.

But now the Lord God of Reincarnation has lost contact somehow, causing chaos in the world and all kinds of chaos. Ni Kun can only anchor the "Datang World" where he is in as his base world.

In the future, if you go on a walk in various worlds, when you return, you will directly return to the world of Tang Dynasty.

In addition, starting the world walk and traveling through the world of reincarnation requires energy consumption.

Originally, this service was also provided by the "Lord God", so there was no need for reincarnated people to worry about it.

But now that the main god has lost contact, Ni Kun, a reserve reincarnation number 001, can only find a way to recharge the reincarnation watch.

The problem is that there is no hint on how to recharge...

"So what exactly should I do?"

Ni Kun looked at the functional interface of "Walk in Worlds", the energy index was [0/100], and the bar graph of the energy slot was empty, and he pondered for a while, remembering the greedy demand for spiritual power from the little finger of his left hand, he couldn't help but move in his heart:
"Perhaps, it can be like this..."

He closed his eyes, urged the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill" mental method, and began to practice inner strength.

Ever since he discovered that when practicing internal strength, every ounce of internal strength produced would be intercepted by the little finger of his left hand. Ni Kun has not practiced internal strength for a long time, and only focuses on cultivating external strength that will not be affected by the little finger.

This time, in order to try to recharge the reincarnation watch, he picked up the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Kung Fu that had been suspended for a long time.

Ni Kun used to think that he was a fool certified by the authority of the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu", an iron-clad waste root.

It wasn't until he discovered the mystery of the "Golden Finger" devouring internal energy and spiritual energy that he realized that his failure to cultivate internal energy had nothing to do with his physical appearance.

Maybe he was originally a peerless genius?
Otherwise, how could he still have the appearance and quality of "lower fool" after being intercepted by the golden finger?

Originally, he had a good talent, and after four times of rebirth, he obtained three types of spiritual bloodline strengthening, and he also practiced the strength of the bull demon and the tiger demon bone refining. Ni Kun feels that his current root quality has definitely been raised to a level. Extraordinary situation.

With his current state of mind, if he turns back to practice internal strength such as Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, he may be able to practice other martial arts after Zhang Wuji's "Nine Suns Divine Art" has been completed. All martial arts in the world can be achieved overnight. Well, even the kung fu of the Great Teleportation of the Universe can be done in one go.

Facts have proved that Ni Kun's self-confidence is very reasonable.

At this moment, it didn't take long for him to exercise his mental method, and an extremely pure and thick internal force was generated in his dantian.

Regardless of the quality or quantity, it is more than a hundred times what it was when I first started practicing Dragon Elephant Prajna.

According to this efficiency, if he can practice normally, he might be able to reach the first level of Dragon Elephant Wisdom in just one hour.

After that, even if the difficulty is doubled, it only takes 2047 hours for Ni Kun to cultivate the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to the unprecedented thirteenth level of Dacheng state.

Unfortunately, even now, he still cannot practice normally.

The extremely pure and thick Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu internal energy has just been generated, but it was all absorbed by the little finger of the left hand.

Speaking of which, Goldfinger is no longer as greedy as before after devouring the "Tree Demon Origin".

More than ten days ago, when taking the honey liquid brewed from the Yuanmu Dzi Bead, the golden finger had only taken [-]% of its spiritual power.

But now, it has swallowed up all the internal force that Ni Kun cultivated on his own, leaving nothing for him.

This is even more extreme than before.

In the past, when Ni Kun cultivated his inner strength by himself, he still had at least one percent of the results left.

But Ni Kun didn't care too much, he just regarded it as "sacrificing" the secret treasure house.

According to Goldfinger's habit of devouring spiritual power to a certain extent, it will give him back-feeding, and at the same time open a secret treasure house, maybe after devouring enough internal energy, it will also give him some kind of back-feeding, and open another secret treasure treasure house?
Ni Kun continued to stimulate the mind to generate internal force.

Soon another pure and thick internal force was generated, which was still swallowed up by the golden finger.

Ni Kun took his time and continued to work hard.

His mentality is very stable, anyway, now that he has enough support, it doesn't matter if he succeeds in cultivating his inner strength.

In this way, he has been practicing for an hour, and he didn't stop until Zhu Yuyan woke up.

And under Zhu Yuyan's attention, Dafangfang raised his left wrist in front of her, and showed his reincarnation watch.

Zhu Yuyan really turned a blind eye to his actions, as if she was "blinded" by something and even her spiritual perception.

Ni Kun smiled slightly, and called up the "Walk in Worlds" function interface to check the energy bar.

The energy index became [0.3/100], and the column chart, which was originally empty, also rose by a tiny bit.

Ni Kun immediately lifted his spirits:
"Sure enough, it can be charged!
"It seems that this time the golden finger devoured all the internal energy I cultivated, and used part of the internal energy to recharge the reincarnation watch!"

Although one hour of practice can only recharge 0.3 percent, and Ni Kun needs to practice external skills, lightness skills, and flying swords, so he doesn't have a lot of time to practice internal skills-he can't put down all other practices and only practice internal skills with all his strength , to charge the reincarnation watch.

The function of walking in various worlds is very attractive, and it seems that there will be countless opportunities and adventures.

However, the specific benefits of walking in various worlds are still "unknown" full of variables and risks.

It is undoubtedly extremely unwise to expect too much from the unknown.

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand.

The correct way to live is to firmly grasp what you already have first.

But even if Ni Kun only practiced for one hour a day, according to this efficiency, it would only take less than a year to fill up the energy tank.

Besides, he wouldn't just practice for one hour a day.

The conditions for practicing Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu are not harsh, and you can practice for a while anytime, anywhere in your spare time.

As long as time management is done well and more fragments of time are spared for cultivation, it will be no problem to increase the daily cultivation time to two or three hours.

In addition, as his physique continues to strengthen, the internal strength he cultivates per unit time will only increase.

"In this way, I might be able to fill up the energy tank in just three or four months! If I change to a higher internal strength...

"Well, in fact, the first few layers of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu are simple and easy to practice, and my cultivation efficiency is very high now. The internal force generated in one hour of cultivation can surpass that of an ordinary genius in a hundred hours. The requirements for cultivation conditions are not high. , Daily walking, sitting and lying can take time to practice, and can make use of daily fragments of time.

"If you switch to a more advanced internal skill, it may not be possible to have such a high efficiency of fragmented time utilization.

"Forget it, unless you get super awesome skills, you can use the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to recharge. Anyway, after practicing, the skills will only be recharged by the little finger..."

Zhu Yuyan couldn't see the reincarnation wristwatch, but seeing his radiant face and happy face, she couldn't help laughing and asked:

"Young master is so happy early in the morning, but what good happened?"

Ni Kun laughed:
"Of course there are good things. As for what good things are, you will know tonight. Don't cry when the time comes!"

The spiritual source of Shui Ling's blood is located in the kidneys, and the function of the kidneys has been greatly improved, making it easy for Ni Kun to urinate ten meters against the wind.

With such a powerful motivation, Zhu Yuyan has recently borrowed the Yuan Mi Dzi Bead to practice, and she has initially possessed the characteristics of the "blood like mercury pulp" of the first-level martial arts, and her physique has improved by leaps and bounds, but Ni Kun is confident that she can still make her cry and bow her head. .

Ni Kun was full of confidence, but Zhu Yuyan just pursed her lips and smiled, revealing a look of interest and anticipation, and said sweetly:

"That concubine really wants to experience the power of the young master tonight..."

It was still early in the morning, the sun had not yet fully risen, and it was still very early in the evening.

So when Houhou came over, Ni Kun took out the Yuanmu dzi again, and asked her to boil the dzi honey liquid, ready to start this morning's practice.

Practice is quite interesting.

Especially the practice where the achievement can be clearly seen.

The feeling of becoming stronger little by little is like playing games in the previous life, watching the experience value increase gradually, and finally filling the experience slot, and successfully leveling up, the visible positive feedback is refreshing and full of expectations , unconsciously addicted to it.

Consume Tianzhu honey liquid in the morning and morning to practice external skills.

When it was over, he also used the excuse of testing the achievements of Houhou's practice, and had a sparring with her, using the flying sword to reduce the dimension, and was defeated without any accident.

However, Zhu Yuyan knows what Wan Wan knows. There is no new skill in the [Cultivation method] list, but there is an extra item in the [Other] list: Wanwan's undergarment.

This made Ni Kun secretly scold the reincarnation watch as an old critique, otherwise why did it always refresh: Yingui School secret aphrodisiac, Zhu Yuyan's bellyband, Houhou's undergarment and other sundries?

After lunch at noon, take a short rest, and take the opportunity to practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu to recharge the reincarnation watch.

Then I found Xia Xingbu and Hu Yi, and only said that I wanted to see their "physical skills", and fought with them a few times, defeating them easily, and convinced them to admit defeat. There are two more secret techniques.

[Sen Luo Mie Xing: Koga ninja secret technique, which can integrate itself with the surrounding environment and escape in the earth, wood and mud.Exchange price...]

[The technique of the leech: Koga ninja secret technique, which can quickly absorb the blood of the enemy through skin contact with any part of the body.Exchange price...]

[Others] Among the miscellaneous items in the options, there is an extra "Hu Yi's chest wrap" as expected...

In the afternoon, I studied lightness skills again. In the narrow space of the sea-going ship, I practiced the advance, retreat, avoidance, maneuvering and dodging of "vertical walking plum blossoms".

After dinner, Ni Kun fished for a while, while performing the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, chatted with Hu Yi for a while, and successfully passed the test of Hu Yi's self-recommended pillow mat. After seeing that the time was almost up, he returned to the cabin and practiced the dzi beads again Honey liquid, with Zhu Yuyan and Hou Hou, practiced body training exercises together.

After the practice, he was sweating profusely, his skin was red all over, and the white mist was steaming, so he took a hot bath with Zhu Yuyan, and let her experience how powerful he was after being strengthened by the "Shui Ling Bloodline".

The sparring lasted until midnight, when Zhu Yuyan was extremely tired and fell asleep, Ni Kun got up again in his clothes, offering sacrifices to Feijian.

He was originally physically strong and full of energy, but after being strengthened by Shui Ling's blood, his energy was so strong that it was about to overflow. He practiced all day and spent half the night with Zhu Yuyan, but he was still in good spirits and never tired.

Only after offering sacrifices to Feijian, he felt a little tired due to the exhaustion of energy, blood and spirit, and needed sleep to recover.

Basically, you do not need special sleep at ordinary times, and you can recover to your peak state after a short nap during meditation.

This gave him a lot of time to spend more on cultivation.

ten days later.

The energy of the "Walking in the Heavens" function of the Samsara watch has been charged to [5.7/100].

Ni Kun's physical strength has also increased slightly, and the degree of "blood like mercury" has further deepened.

The green bamboo sword is also refined to the point where it can be used freely.

The Chenghuang Flying Sword was refined to the point where it could be absorbed into the body, turned into a sword thread, and nourished in the blood. It can be sacrificed and nourished by itself throughout the day with the spirit of energy and blood, and there is no need to deliberately draw symbols for sacrifice.

When casting the flying sword, the consumption of energy, blood and spirit is also much less, and I will not feel tired after cutting more than ten swords in one breath.

If you don't care about the loss of Qi and blood, even cutting dozens of swords is not a problem.

Even the range of the flying sword has been increased to forty feet.

Although Ni Kun sacrificed to practice the flying sword, he followed the evil way of "blood sacrifice", but after all, he was reborn four times, and successively obtained the blood of fire spirit, wood spirit, and water spirit.

He also specializes in human and immortal martial arts, and has obtained the rare treasure "Yuanmu Dzi Bead" to strengthen his body and body, and even has some of the characteristics of "blood like mercury pulp" at the beginning stage of martial arts.

With his current physique, using blood to sacrifice evil ways, and consuming energy and blood to drive the flying sword, no matter the range, power, or number of times he used the sword, it has far exceeded that of Mrs. Mao back then.

Even taking the burden of "feeding" the Nightmare Demon Horse and the Chenghuang Flying Sword with Qi, blood and spirit at the same time, there is no discomfort at all.

In addition to the great improvement in strength, a thing that surprised him happened.

When the sea ship finally finished its journey northward after a long journey of nearly one month, when it arrived in Goguryeo, he opened the exchange list and casually glanced at it.

In the end, I found that the balance of my "Reincarnation Account" in the lower right corner of the exchange list had quietly changed at some point——

Reincarnation points: 200.

Origin crystal: gray *1.


Speaking of which, during this trip to Jiangdu and Liaodong, Ni Kun felt that the harvest has far exceeded expectations.

In Jiangdu, he got rid of that scumbag Bianbu, subdued the elders of the Yin Gui Sect, and had a deeper friendship with Dongfang Bai.

At sea, he harvested the Yuan Mi Dzi Bead, reborn for the fourth time, and obtained the blood of Shui Ling.

He also opened the secret treasure house and got the reincarnation watch, green bamboo sword, and nightmare horse.

Even Zhu Yuyan and Houhou have benefited a lot from following him, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.The body is getting better and better, and the skin is more delicate.

This trip has already lived up to Ni Kunjing's original intention of thinking about moving, going out to make a breakthrough, and bumping into opportunities.

Of course, he didn't enjoy it.

The Japanese pirates headed by Emperor Fengyun have not yet been killed, and their respective skills and treasures have not been "scanned" by the reincarnation watch and pulled into the exchange list. How can Ni Kun be satisfied with this?

No matter what, I have to make a big mess, and pull all the good things from the pirates into the list, so that this trip is not in vain.

Even if you are poor and have no money to exchange, isn't [collection] itself a very interesting thing?

But I never expected that there is money in the account out of nowhere!
Looking at the 200 reincarnation points quietly added to his reincarnation account, a gray origin crystal, Ni Kun looked confused.

The reincarnation watch didn't give him any hint.

No information was refreshed on the LCD screen, nor was a cold electronic sound beeping in his mind.

Quietly and for no reason, there was actually money in his account balance...

"So what's going on here? Where did the money come from?"

Looking at the pier in front of him, Ni Kun had some realization in his heart.

"Is it the basic reward for reaching the new map?"

It is impossible for a well-meaning person to send money to him.

The main god has lost contact, and as a "reserve reincarnation", he has no tasks to do, so there is no reward for "completing the task".

In the past ten days, he has been focusing on cultivation, so there will be no rewards for killing monsters.

That being the case, he can only guess that the quietly extra reincarnation points and origin crystals are the basic rewards for opening the map.

"If it's really a reward for opening a map, then I was at a loss before..."

Before getting the reincarnation watch, he had been to the famous city of Xiangyang, the famous map of Lingyun Grottoes, the famous cities of Chengdu and Jiangdu.

It's a pity that there were no awards at all.

"Forget it, there was no reincarnation watch before, and there is nothing to regret.

"Run a few more important maps in the future, try to see if you can get rewards..."

Just as he was thinking this way, Hu Yi's voice sounded beside him:

"I wish the Sovereign, Young Master Ni, and Miss Hou, the gangway has been set up and you can disembark."

Ni Kun withdrew his thoughts, only to see two warriors on the pier trestle, leading Japanese soldiers in line to greet them.

The two samurai were both wearing samurai kimonos, with long swords on their waists and poor ribs.

The one on the left looks more than 50 years old, with a square face and a serious expression.

The one on the right looks nearly thirty years old, with a black blindfold on his left eye, and looks like a one-eyed dragon.

Although the two warriors did not deliberately exude momentum, they did not deliberately restrain themselves.

The aura that it naturally exudes is sharp, cold and cruel, giving people the illusion that as long as they get close to them, they may be chopped to pieces by invisible sharp blades.

This aura made Zhu Yuyan look at them both, and asked Hu Yi next to him:
"Who are these two?"

Hu Yi smiled and said:

"Those two are the sword masters under the emperor's command, Yagyu Tanmamoru and Yagyu Juhei father and son. They are in charge of commanding the emperor's guards, and they are also the swordsmanship instructors of the emperor's guards."

Zhu Yuyan nodded slightly, and said lightly: "The momentum is good."

For Zhu Yuyan today, although Liu Sheng and his son's aura is fierce, they can only afford her a "good" evaluation.

Yagyu Danma Shou and Yagyu Shibingwei are too frequently seen. Although Ni Kun is familiar with these two names, it is not clear which world the father and son came from.

But it's nothing to be embarrassed about, just ask and you'll know?

So he smiled at Hu Yi and asked:

"Hu Yi, what unique skills do Liu Sheng and his son have?"

Warriors are not ninjas, warriors' unique skills are not afraid of being known.

For example, Ning Daoqi's Sanshou Bapu, Fu Cailin's swordsmanship, Bi Xuan's Yanyang Dafa, Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal, etc., are all widely circulated and well-known unique skills in the world.

Therefore, Hu Yi did not hide it, and said with a smile:

"Among the Liusheng style of swordsmanship handed down by the Liusheng family, the most powerful unique moves are the snow floating in the world and killing gods with one sword. These two unique techniques are appreciated even by His Majesty the Emperor."


Kill God with one blow?
Well, this Liu Sheng and his son came from "No. [-] in the World" again.

Having said that, it seems that Ni Kun and the father and son still have enmity?
Because Liu Sheng Piaoxu's head was screwed off by him...

Since Liu Shengdan Ma Shou and his son also crossed over to the Wa country, then Liu Sheng Piaoxu went to the Central Plains and joined Shi Zhixuan's subordinates, this intention is a bit subtle.

After all, in "No. [-] in the World", Liu Shengdan Ma Shou once sent his daughter to the Central Plains to do things undercover.

However, Liu Sheng Piaoxu mixed with the epic-level strengthened great demon king Shi Zhixuan, it felt like a meat bun beat a dog.

Of course all this is meaningless now.

Now that Ni Kun is here, no matter what kind of conspiracy and calculations the Liusheng family has, what Ni Kun has to do is to send their family together for a reunion.

Liu Sheng and his son have a high rate of appearances in various works. Even in the history of the Wa Kingdom in the previous life, they can be regarded as famous figures. Killing the father and son, maybe they can earn some reincarnation points?
Full of malice, Ni Kun and Hou Hou followed Zhu Yuyan, got off the big boat, and met Liu Sheng and his son who came to welcome them.

"Welcome the Saint Empress of the Yingui sect of the Holy Gate!"

Yagyu Tamaru took a step forward, bowed slightly, and said in fluent Central Plains Mandarin:
"My son, Yagyu, but the horse obeys the rules. This is the son of the dog, Yagyu Shibingwei! My father and son are ordered by His Majesty the Emperor to welcome the Holy Empress!"

The one-eyed dragon Liusheng Shibingwei and the two rows of Japanese soldiers who looked rather strong and sturdy bowed at ninety degrees and said loudly:

"Welcome to the Holy Queen!"

In the face of these Japanese people, Zhu Yuyan returned to her aloof posture as the Queen of the Demon Gate, exuding an unattainable, awe-inspiring and inviolable queen's aura.

Her eyes were indifferent, her voice was cold, and she said lightly:
"You two are polite. It's late, shall we go to Pyongyang immediately to meet the king of your country?"

The wharf here is where Nampo, the outer port town of Pyongyang, is located, and it is still more than 100 miles away from the royal city of Pyongyang by land.

It is already afternoon, if you take a carriage, you will have to rest for one night, and you will have to walk for a long time tomorrow to get there.

However, Yagyu Tanma Shou smiled slightly and said:

"His Majesty the Emperor of our country is inspecting the newly built navy here, and is currently in the naval station.

"I also invite the Holy Empress to follow my father and son to the naval camp."

[Another [-]-word chapter, asking for a monthly ticket! 】

(End of this chapter)

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