Lord God hangs up

Chapter 92 092, unfortunately

Chapter 92 092, unfortunately

Under the watchful eyes of Ni Kun and others.

The boat sailed slowly towards the tiger clam hundreds of meters away, Yashamaru stood at the bow, staring at the giant clam, secretly preparing.

When the boat was still twenty feet away from the giant clam.

Suddenly, a line of crystal water shot out from the giant clam's constantly opening and closing shell, shooting towards the boat like a sharp arrow.

Yashamaru hastily waved his hands, and several "black ropes" that were almost invisible to the naked eye shot out in the dark night, twisting towards the water arrow.

His secret technique black rope is indestructible, even a whole block of rock and refined steel can be cut, and it was supposed to cut the water arrow into pieces.

Unexpectedly, although the black rope accurately entangled the water arrow, as if "drawing a knife to cut off the water", several black ropes penetrated the water arrow without hindrance, but the water arrow was not affected in any way.

It was neither crushed nor delayed at all, and it still shot towards the boat like a vigorous arrow.

"not good!"

Yashamaru was startled, stepped on the bow of the boat with both feet, the boat sank slightly, and he had already soared into the sky.

A water arrow as thick as a chopstick pierced the hull from the bow, making a bang.

Where the slender water arrow passed, the boat seemed to be hit head-on by some invisible force. Starting from the bow, it wrinkled, twisted, and collapsed. Every board was blown into the finest wood strands, sawdust.

While the sawdust was flying, the Japanese sailor who was paddling at the stern was about to jump off the boat. He was in mid-air, and before he touched the sea, the water arrow had penetrated to the stern of the boat, and the invisible force that shattered the boat also swept away from the sailor. And pass.

As a result, the sailor's body folded, twisted, and collapsed just like the boat, and exploded into foam all over the sky with a bang.

When the froth of the sailor's shattered body fell into the sea, an undercurrent immediately rolled up the froth and drifted towards the tiger clam.

Yashamaru jumped up to dodge in time and escaped by luck.

When he was secretly rejoicing, when the tiger clam shell opened and closed, three more crystal water lines shot out, shooting towards Yashawan.

These three water lines lined up and down vertically, as if completely sealing off the falling trajectory of Yashawan.

"Yasha pill!"

Yinghuo on the big boat exclaimed, her face turned pale, her eyes widened, and her palms were covered in cold sweat.

Yashamaru was in the air, with nowhere to borrow his strength, but he remained calm in the face of danger.

At the end of the rushing momentum, when he was about to fall, he waved his hand suddenly, and the black rope sank into the sea water, and then he pulled hard, as if the black rope was fixed on a solid body, pulling his body, tilting Sweeping out, barely avoided the three waterlines.

Poo tom!

Yashawan fell into the sea, his feet stepped on the water suddenly, and immediately jumped out of the water from the waist up, intending to step on the water and return to the big boat.

But at this moment, an undercurrent suddenly coiled up like tentacles, wrapped around his legs, and pulled Yashamaru into the sea in one fell swoop.

goo goo goo...

A series of water bubbles came to the surface of the sea, at first it was white foam, and soon there was a large stream of blood foam.

Then the sea quickly calmed down, and there was no more movement.

"Yasha pill!"

Yinghuo's eyes were wide open, her face was pale, her hands were tightly clenched into fists, and her nails had already pierced her palms.

Xia Xingbu and Hu Yi did not gloat, and looked a little heavy.

"Unexpectedly, with Yashamaru's ability, he can't even get close to Bei Yao..."

Xia Xingbu murmured.

At this time, Yinghuo suddenly pressed the ship's side, jumped off the big boat, fell into the sea with a splash, and swam towards the tiger clam.

"What are you doing?" Hu Yi exclaimed.

"I want to avenge Yashamaru!"

Yinghuo said sharply, her eyes were fixed on the tiger clam, and her eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

"Come back quickly, you are meaninglessly sending yourself to death. As a ninja, even if you die, you must die worthwhile..."

Before Hu Yi finished speaking, the firefly had already swam far away, and two little snakes, one black and one white, jumped out of the ninja suit, coiled around her shoulders, staring at the tiger clam and spitting out letters.

"It's impossible for such two little snakes to poison such a big monster..." Hu Yi murmured.

Not only can't be poisoned to death?
Yinghuo couldn't even get close to the tiger clam, and when it was more than [-] feet away from the tiger clam, it was caught by the underwater current just like Yashamaru, and it was forced to sink into the sea, gurgling a string of blood foam After popping out, there was no more movement.

Seeing Yashamaru and Hotaru die one after another, it can even be said that they died silently and without doing anything. Rao Kasumi Xingbu and Hu Yi, the two Koga ninjas, have a feud with Iga, and usually wish that all the Iga ninjas would die At this time, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

Ni Kun couldn't help shaking his head regretfully.

Although from his standpoint, it is not worth regretting how many Japanese people die, but ninjas are essentially low-status tool people.

The rank and status are not even comparable to the ordinary warrior class.

When the daimyo gives an order, the ninja will go through fire and water, and must not question the order, or even have his own ideas, and must do whatever it takes to complete the task assigned by the daimyo.

The reason why Koga and Iga have blood feuds for many lifetimes is because when they served different daimyos, they killed each other too much and owed countless blood debts to each other.

And once the ruler needs them to work together, they have to put aside their blood feud and work under the same ruler.

If the ruler finds them displeased again and orders them to fight each other, then even if Koga and Iga intend to resolve the blood feud between the two clans, they still have to obey the order and fight with each other until the death.

A ninja with such a sad fate and such a low status would never have the concept of a country or a nation in his heart.

So as long as they kill their current lords, subdue them with force, give them enough benefits, and even improve their status, it is very possible to take them for their own use and drive them to do things.

Even if they are asked to kill the Japanese, there is no problem.

It's a pity that two of them were killed by tiger clams now.

Fortunately, Yashamaru and Yinghuo are not worthless.

At least some of the abilities of the tiger clam have been tested.

"I wish the suzerain, Mr. Ni, Miss Hou, Miss Shan."

At this time, Xia Xingbu looked at Ni Kun and the others with a serious face:

"Wait, please take a small boat to the shore. Hu Yi will be with you, guide you, and take you to Goguryeo. I will lead the sailors and drive the boat to ram the shell monsters, distract the shell monsters, and buy you time. .”

The shell monster can control the wind direction and the current. If the shell monster cannot be distracted, even if it is in a small boat, it cannot escape the control of the shell monster. The boat will be pulled back by the sea wind and current.

In order to complete the task, Xia Xingbu decided to sacrifice himself to restrain Bei Yao's attention for Ni Kun and others.

"Walking to Liaodong?" Ni Kun shook his head again and again:

"That's not very comfortable. That's all, now that Bei Yao has tested some of his abilities, it's time to solve this trouble.

"Break the anchor, let's meet the Shellfish."

Xia Xingbu was surprised:
"No! The shell monster is very strong, and the sea is its home field. We are not its opponent. You are all distinguished guests, how can you risk yourself?"

Hu Yi also advised:
"Master Ni, this big monster is too powerful, please don't show off your temper."

Ni Kun shook his head and smiled:
"I'm not trying to be brave. I cherish my life very much. If I'm not sure, how can I take my life as a joke?
"Don't talk nonsense, let's pull the anchor!"

Seeing that he was determined to go his own way, Xia Xingbu and Hu Yi had no choice but to order the anchor to be pulled out with anxiety.

After the iron anchor was raised, the big boat, driven by the current, slowly sailed towards Bei Yao.

As the distance got closer, Hu Yi came to Ni Kun, half in front of him, staring at Bei Yao in front of him, and whispered:

"Mr. Ni, I will go first later, and try to create a mobile phone opportunity for you..."

Ni Kun smiled, held her shoulders, and pulled her aside:
"It's not necessary."

When speaking, the big boat was only thirty feet away from Bei Yao.

The limit range of Ni Kunfei's sword has now reached over thirty feet.

Although at the extreme range, the flying sword will be insensitive to control, if it does not burn a lot of blood, it may be difficult to hit the martial arts master who is nimble and dodges quickly, but the tiger clam is bigger than a boat, and it can shoot even with its eyes closed. Among them, he doesn't care whether he can control the sword flexibly.

At that moment, Ni Kun flicked his sleeves without saying a word, and in a streak of orange, a blood-colored sword light shot out, shooting towards Bei Yao.

Previously, Yashamaru tested the tiger clam's water arrows, and the range was only over [-] feet. Ni Kun could completely rely on the advantage of the range to attack the tiger clam with his flying sword.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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