Lord God hangs up

Chapter 71 071, the third rebirth

Chapter 71 071, the third rebirth
Ni Kun took a lot of blood bodhi before, experienced a rebirth, after gaining night vision ability and flame blood, in the next two months of practice, he did not eat less blood bodhi, but he did not shed his skin again.

Going forward, taking Pusiqu snake gallbladder, it only sheds its skin once.

Based on this reasoning, does it mean that the same kind of spiritual treasure will only make him experience a "rebirth"?
If you eat the same kind of rare treasures later, even if you can still gain spiritual power, you won't do it again?

"The black watch is very important, you have to try it no matter what. It's okay to fail, it's just purely strengthening your body..."

Ni Kun hesitated for a moment, and finally threw the piece of tree demon origin into his mouth.

The cool breath burst out, pouring into the stomach, spreading the internal organs, washing and tempering back and forth.

Ni Kun sat cross-legged on the ground, agitated for breathing, and competed with the mysterious key for spiritual power.

a long time.

He opened his eyes and sighed regretfully:

"I didn't fall asleep... Sure enough, the same kind of rare spirit can only be dreamed once when I am reborn... If I want to enter the treasure house again, I have to find another kind of spirit that can make me 'reborn' once again."

Although the attempt failed and he did not "enter the dream" as he wished, the second copy of the tree demon's origin was not completely wasted.

Not only did it strengthen his internal organs again, but it also made him realize what kind of ability he had after the third rebirth.

Unlike the previous two times, after being reborn, he still needs to familiarize himself with the strengthened body and discover the newly acquired abilities.

This time, he directly and clearly understood the changes in himself, and even had an insight into the brand new ability in his blood.

"The internal organs are fully strengthened, and only about [-] heartbeats per minute are needed to meet daily needs. The lung function is so strong that one can take a breath and hold it for half an hour without breathing.

"Digestive organs such as the stomach and intestines are also greatly strengthened, and the specific degree has yet to be verified.

"The key is the waist. The kidney function feels so strong that it explodes, and the dragon is strong and the tiger is fierce! Now go and learn Zhu Yuyan's Yin Gui secret skill, and she will definitely be killed by the horse!"

"And also got a new bloodline ability!"

When Ni Kun thought about it, a strange wooden texture appeared on the skin all over his body.

In a blink of an eye, his whole body became a "wooden sculpture".

Not only the shape is exactly the same as the wood carving, but even the breath is without the slightest breath of flesh and blood.

But he can still blink, turn his head, and even move normally.

While waving his hands and kicking his legs, he muttered to himself, analyzing the bloodline ability he had learned before:
"Humanization is only the most basic ability. The key is in this 'woodenization' state. Not only does my body become tougher, but there are no vital organs. Even if a big hole is opened in my chest, as long as my head is not broken, I can survive. .

"And in the wooden dummy state, the regenerative ability is super strong. As long as the head is still there, and there is enough water and sunlight, no matter how badly injured the body is, it can grow back quickly. This is simply the wooden dummy version of Deadpool! "

This "wooden version" of Deadpool's ability is actually a bit tasteless, after all, he is not afraid of death.

But no matter how you say it, this can be regarded as another way to save life.

In case of severe injuries, such as severed hands and feet, and do not want to die for ten days and commit suicide to refresh the state, then you can enter the wooden human state, pour some water and bask in the sun, and wait for the hands and feet to grow again come out.

In addition, in the wooden human state, there are other abilities.

Ni Kun thought again, branches and green leaves immediately grew on his body, and his whole body turned into a strange tree, or a tree person in a blink of an eye.

There are genuine branches and leaves without the slightest breath of flesh and blood. This ability is very powerful for camouflage and stealth, or hiding to avoid enemies.

My only regret is...

"This is so green!"

Looking at the green leaves all over his body, Ni Kun was a little speechless.

After experimenting with the newly acquired bloodline ability for a while, Ni Kun had a thought, and the branches and leaves all over his body, like rewinding, quickly became smaller and retracted under the skin.

Then the wooden humanization was removed, and the original form was restored.

In the wooden human form, Ni Kun has no other vitals except the head, and can quickly regenerate and pretend to be a tree human.

"The disadvantage is that you can't use fire in the wooden man state, but you may be injured by a strong enough flame...

"However, if I encounter a fire attack, I can directly switch back to the normal state where I am not afraid of fire.

"Furthermore, in the normal form of flesh and blood, the newly obtained 'Wood Spirit Bloodline' can instead assist in improving the ability of the flame bloodline, making the flame ability stronger."

Ni Kunping stretched out his right hand with the palm facing upwards, and as soon as he thought about it, a flame rose from his palm, which was as high as three feet.

Then with another thought, the flame left his hand and turned into a fiery snake, within three feet of him, circling around his body nimbly.

"Previously, only two feet of flames could be produced, and the limit distance for the flames to be controlled by thoughts was only two feet. Now with the help of the wood spirit's bloodline, using wood to make fire can produce three-foot flames, and within three feet of the body, you can freely Control the flames."

Ni Kun nodded with satisfaction:

"In addition to this, it can also control the growth of other plants to a certain extent."

Of course, there are no other plants in the secret room right now, so I can't test it for the time being.

"Overall, the newly acquired bloodline ability is quite practical. Maybe it will come in handy when it comes in handy.

"But the key is the comprehensive strengthening of the internal organs, which can greatly increase the upper limit of my cultivation of the Bull Demon Powerful Technique and the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist, as well as instantly improve my ability to subdue demons and demons [female]..."

After taking a comprehensive inventory of the harvest, Ni Kun called out the personal panel again, and casually glanced at the life value.

He didn't have much expectations at first.

After all, the tree demon's original source was snatched by the mysterious key, and it also comprehensively strengthened his internal organs, and made him reborn for the third time, obtaining the blood of the wood spirit. He increases lifespan?
However, after a casual glance, Ni Kun was startled suddenly, and found a change that surprised him.

He had just obtained the source of the dryad the night before, and after tasting a small grain of the source, he saw the lifespan value on his personal panel. At that time, his remaining lifespan was still 17187 days.

But now, the lifespan value has come to 18185 days, counting the natural passage of more than one day of lifespan, these two tree demon origins have added almost a thousand days to his lifespan!
The current lifespan seems to be more than that after being killed by Liusheng Piaoxu a thousand times and losing [-] days of life, the remaining lifespan is even more.

"Ha, I'm actually living longer and longer!"

Ni Kun was overwhelmed with surprises and excitedly circled the bicycle.

"Don't get too excited, it's just a thousand days more lifespan, not immortality. Grandma the Dryad won't regenerate infinitely, and I don't know when such a good thing will happen again in the future! Hold on, hold on! "

Stopping, inhaling deeply, exhaling, and silently reciting the Bingxin Jue, Ni Kun finally suppressed his excitement and calmed down.

"Now my viscera have been strengthened so powerfully. Two months of practicing the Bull Demon Powerful Technique and the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist have also made my muscles and bones strong, and my vitality and blood are strong... It's time to use the method of blood sacrifice to sacrifice the flying sword!"

Taking advantage of the current state, Ni Kun took out the Chenghuang Flying Sword and the secret book of sword control, opened to the "Cultivation of the Sword", read through the secrets that he had already mastered by heart, and after confirming that there is no difference with his own memory, this Only then did he put away the booklet and prepare to sacrifice Feijian.

[Please be more harmonious when posting comments in the future, control the speed of the car and don't drive fast. Many times the chapters are caught because the speed of the paragraph is too fast... Please give me a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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