Lord God hangs up

Chapter 64 064

Chapter 64 064

Seeing Shi Qingxuan's shy and cute appearance, Ni Kun stroked his chin and said without changing expression:
"Everyone has the love of beauty..."

"Then your eyes are probably blind."

Shi Qingxuan pointed that huge and weird fake nose at Ni Kun: "With my appearance, can I be considered beautiful?"

Ni Kun raised his palm to cover Shi Qingxuan's fake nose, and said solemnly:

"Everything is beautiful except the nose."

Seeing Shi Qingxuan bared her teeth, Ni Kun smiled and said:

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. In fact, I know that your strange nose is fake. If you remove this fake nose, Miss Qingxuan, your true face will definitely be like a fairy descending from the earth, and you can't find anything."

"Hey, look at your appearance, you are about the same age as me, I didn't expect to be so good at talking, do you often use this trick to coax girls?" Shi Qingxuan's tone seemed to be disapproving, but she was a little happy in her heart.

"I've never coaxed other girls before." Ni Kun touched his cheek and said with emotion, "I'm mainly coaxed by girls."

"Hey! Are you wearing a human skin mask, or have you practiced the Iron Face Magic?" Shi Qingxuan blinked and giggled, "Otherwise, why are you so thick-skinned? I'm afraid even my sword box can't cut your face! "

"...Naughty." Ni Kun coughed twice, and got back to the topic: "Then what, Celestial Master Qingxuan, should we go find the tree demon's lair now?"

"Why are you calling me Tianshi again?"

"Being able to exorcise ghosts and catch demons means that you are really good at Taoism. Why not be called a celestial master?"

"It doesn't sound good, I don't like it."

"Then I'll call you Qingxuan."

"You're welcome. You used to call me Miss Qingxuan, but now you call me Qingxuan. Since when have I been so close to you?"

"We fight side by side, exorcising ghosts and catching demons, it's already a friendship, a life-and-death friendship, isn't it?"

"Fighting side by side is a ghost, so much love! I am the only one who is fighting hard, but you just stand there and pose..."

"It's to attract firepower."

"Screw you!"

While speaking, Shi Qingxuan took Ni Kun to the forest.

Ni Kun followed her, chatting casually, his tone and mood were quite relaxed, and he didn't see the superior demeanor in front of Zhu Yuyan, Hou Hou and other Yingui witches, or even in front of Shi Feixuan, Dongfang Bai and others, as if he didn't care about being forced. grid.

This may be because the environment and situation when he met Shi Qingxuan made him not need to carry the burden of being an idol.


After being evoked by Shi Qingxuan's Xiao Yin, certain emotions that have been hidden deep in his heart since time travel, before he met Shi Qingxuan, he felt as if he had known her for a long time. Facing old friends is like a feeling of relaxation and comfort from the heart.

So I can unload the burden and show my true self.

"Qingxuan, can you take off the fake nose?"


"Why not?"

"I'm afraid you will be attracted to sex."

"Do I look like that?"

"It's very similar."


Let's talk and do.

Soon, Shi Qingxuan brought Ni Kun to a dark forest.

Before Shi Qingxuan stopped in the dense forest, she looked at the wisps of mist floating between the trees, with a slightly dignified expression:
"The tree demon itself is in this dense forest. But there are illusion formations in the forest, which can confuse people's minds and reverse their orientation. If you are not careful, you will get lost. Follow me closely..."

Just as he was talking, he heard a coaxing sound from the side, and the fire was bright.

When Shi Qingxuan tilted her head, she saw a foot-long flame rising from Ni Kun's right palm.

Then he waved his hand, and the flames shot out, drew an arc, and landed on a big tree. With a bang, it burned the middle of the big tree that was as thick as a person's arms.

"Since the Dryad Illusory Formation is rooted in the forest, shouldn't it be enough if we level the forest?"

The big tree fell suddenly, Ni Kun looked at Shi Qingxuan and smiled slightly:
"Qingxuan, you didn't think of it before?"

These days, the climate in Chang'an is equivalent to that of Jiangdong in later generations, and the climate in Jiangdong is similar to that of Guangdong in later generations.Litchi can even be grown in central Shu.

Therefore, the temperature and rainfall are very suitable for plant growth, and the forest coverage rate is extremely high.

Many prosperous cities of later generations are still vast jungles, great lakes and swamps today.

In addition to today's large and small cities, in addition to farmland, there are forests.

On both sides of the official road a little farther from the city, there is often a vast forest that can't be seen at a glance.

So destroying a small piece of woods inhabited by dryads is not considered to be damaging the environment at all.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Shi Qingxuan snorted softly:
"The dryad has a strong control over the woods where its body is located, and can even promote the growth of vegetation. I have tried it when I came here last time. When I just cut down a tree here, when I went to cut down a big tree , It was cut down here not long ago, but it grew back again, and the cutting was endless.

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see. The tree you just burned will grow back soon."

So the two stopped in place, staring at the big tree that had been burned down.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed, and the tree showed no signs of recovery.

"So Qingxuan, you spoke very quickly, how long exactly?" Ni Kunqi said.

"Ahem..." Shi Qingxuan's eyes drifted, and he said unnaturally: "Wait a little longer, this tree will definitely recover."

Another quarter of an hour passed.

"It seems that it won't recover." Ni Kun nodded affirmatively: "My fire can overcome the evil spirit of demons and ghosts. I am afraid that the tree I set on fire will not be able to grow back in a short time. Or else , shall we go in now?"

Seeing the smile in his eyes, Shi Qingxuan couldn't help baring her teeth angrily, and muttered:
"You guy, you didn't say it earlier! Did you mean to see my joke?"

After stomping his feet, he walked into the woods first.

Ni Kun smiled silently, and caught up with Shi Qingxuan in a few steps. Flames rose from both palms at the same time, throwing fireballs continuously, burning down the big trees and small trees in front of him one by one. , were all burned to ashes.

When the flames ignited, not only were the plants and trees burned, but even the drifting mist made a sizzling sound like frying oil, tumbling and retreating to the side.

Seeing that Ni Kun and Shi Qingxuan were not hindered by the phantom array and drove straight in, the tree demon finally couldn't hold back and launched an attack.

There are clumps of vines, rushing like snakes.

Another tree branch, like strange claws, was grabbing towards Ni Kun and Shi Qingxuan.

This offensive seems to be powerful, but in essence it is no different from the demonized tree root attack in the Zen Forest before. Its power is far inferior to the extremely domineering name "Extreme Demon Realm, Blood Sea Burial Sky, Spiritual Evil Shows Power".

Ni Kun then chuckled lightly: "The Dryad has lost its skills!"

He waved his hands continuously, throwing fireballs continuously.

There are dense clumps of vines and large branches, and the target is too big. Even if Ni Kun's fireball is no longer under his control after flying two feet out of his hand, it can still follow the throwing trajectory and crash into the vines and branches.

Anyway, there are all directions, no need to aim, just keep rubbing fireballs.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of fireballs bursting was endless, sparkling sparks splashed in all directions, incoming vines and branches creaked and screamed, and large areas were reduced to ashes.

Seeing that Ni Kun was finally willing to exert his strength, Shi Qingxuan was also happy and relaxed, holding the sword case, and followed behind him briskly, not making a move for the time being, only keeping on guard secretly.

Suddenly, the ground under his feet trembled slightly, and Shi Qingxuan shouted: "Be careful!"

With a vertical posture, he rose into the air.

Ni Kun didn't react slowly, and also bent his knees and jumped up.

The moment the two jumped up, the ground under their feet split open, revealing a large hole with a radius of about Zhang.

A huge "tongue" covered with greasy substances whizzed up from the burrow, and swept towards Ni Kun and Shi Qingxuan.

"Ni Kun!" Shi Qingxuan whispered, and slapped Ni Kun with a palm.

Ni Kun comprehended, and also slapped her slender palm, and with a bang, they each used their strength to swipe away to avoid the giant tongue.

At the same time, Shi Qingxuan opened the sword box again, released hundreds of sword qi, gathered into a long river of sword qi, and strangled Jutong.

Ni Kun waved his palms repeatedly, throwing a series of meteor-like fireballs towards the giant tongue.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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