Lord God hangs up

Chapter 60 060, Ghost Temple in the Deep Mountain

Chapter 60 060, Ghost Temple in the Deep Mountain

Regardless of the Liaodong incident or the Western Region incident, because the distance is too far away, it is impossible to detect it in a short time.

Ni Kun casually arranged for Zhu Yuyan to send someone to investigate, so he didn't think about it any more, and went outside the manor to practice light kung fu.

To say that among all martial arts, his favorite is lightness kung fu.

May I ask which young man who was once obsessed with martial arts and immortals has never had the fantasy of flying over the eaves and walls, or even flying through the clouds?

Breaking free from all shackles, running like lightning, flying like the wind, is almost everyone's dream when they were young.

The sound of the strong wind passed by the ears, and the scenery on both sides was retreating rapidly.

Ni Kun galloped in the mountains.

After two months of deep training, he not only achieved a small success in the Bull Demon Powerful Technique and the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist, but also achieved a small success in the lightness kung fu of "Hayashui Wuhen Walking Plum Blossoms Vertically".

The continuous strengthening of his physique has continuously improved his strength, agility, reaction, and balance.

Now that the toes are on the ground, when the mud and rocks explode, the figure can be ejected three or four feet away like an arrow.

If you encounter big trees, mountains and rocks on the way, you will no longer be too late to react. Even if you can’t turn in the air, you can make a lightning-like shot or kick before hitting the obstacle, and lightly touch the obstacle with skill to change the direction instantly. .

Before he knew it, Ni Kun had already flown to a steep cliff.

In front of the cliff, he didn't slow down at all, and rushed straight to the cliff.

When he was still about ten feet away from the cliff, his toes hit the ground sharply, the arches of his feet charged and ejected like a spring.

When the rising momentum was about to end, he squeezed his claws with both hands, and grabbed the cliff face hard, and the stone chips shot out, and he used his strength to jump up more than a foot.

Afterwards, the toes stepped on the cliff wall in a row, and once again stretched more than three feet, and then came out with both claws to grab the cliff wall.

In this way, like a spirit ape, he climbed up the steep cliff nearly twenty feet high and reached the top of the cliff in just a few breaths of time.

The top of the cliff is the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Ni Kun looked down and had a panoramic view of the undulating mountains, the manor on the mountainside, and a small river like a jade belt in front of the foot of the mountain.

Ni Kun spread out his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the mountains, then raised his head suddenly, and let out a long and wanton roar.

The howling sound echoed in the valley, startling the birds.

Seeing the flock of birds flying around in the sky and making dissatisfied noises, Ni Kun laughed and sat down on the floor, with his legs hanging outside the cliff, dangling comfortably, enjoying the scenery at dusk and sunset, feeling at ease for a moment.

The sun went down quickly, and the sky darkened quickly. Ni Kun was about to go down the mountain, when he suddenly heard a muffled flute sound from the mountains behind.

He doesn't know much about music, just an ordinary listener who listens to music occasionally.The ability to appreciate music is limited to saying something that sounds good or bad based on personal preference.

As for the practice of musical instruments, I only had a toy piano for children when I was a child, and I was not very interested in it. I just liked to slap the keys with my hands indiscriminately to make noise.

However, even with his poor ability to appreciate music, when he heard the indistinct flute sound, he couldn't help but feel moved, and his face was filled with sadness, as if he was evoked by the flute sound deep in his heart. Emotions.

Before he knew it, he had stood up and looked for the direction from which the flute sound came from.

Following Xiaoyin all the way, passing through a dense forest, a trail suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ni Kun has lived in the front mountain manor for more than two months, and today is the first time he knows that there is such a secluded forest path hidden in the dense forest of the back mountain.

But it is not surprising.

Qianshan Manor was just a temporary place for Zhu Yuyan to find, and Zhu Yuyan and the three of them were not familiar with the geography of this place.

There are cliffs blocking the front of the mountain and the back of the mountain. Everyone will not go up the mountain without incident, let alone go deep into the dense forest of the back mountain for no reason. It is reasonable that they have never found this secluded forest path.

Ni Kun walked along this path, and saw that the road was overgrown with weeds, and occasionally there were broken stone slabs covered with moss. It can be seen that this road was not stepped on by pedestrians, but was built by people.

Just looking at the road surface, it seems that no one has walked for a long time, and it has been abandoned for many years.

After walking for a mile or two, there were even one or two broken stone railings on both sides of the road.

"Could it be that deep in the mountains, are there any ancient relics?"

Ni Kun was amazed and quickened his pace.

The sound of the flute also became clearer, which made Ni Kun's heart flutter, and he had an urge to talk to someone.

After walking for a while, a section of damaged wall suddenly jumped into Ni Kun's eyes.

And just when he saw the dilapidated fence covered with weeds and vines through the gap between the trees, the sound of the flute also stopped abruptly, making Ni Kun feel lost.

At this time, the sky was dark, the moon had not yet risen, and there was darkness among the mountains and forests.

The bitter cold wind passed through the forest, and the whimpering sound was like a ghost crying.

Ni Kun has the ability of night vision, so he is not afraid of the dark, and it is even more impossible for him to be afraid of the wind that sounds like a ghost crying.

Soon, he saw a collapsed mountain gate and an abandoned Zen forest.

Just when he was about to step into the mountain gate, a hoarse female voice suddenly came from the Zen forest, the main building that was barely intact as a whole:

"The visitors stop, there are already people here."

Ni Kun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Is your Excellency the owner of this place?"

"..." After a while of silence, the hoarse female voice said: "No."

Ni Kun smiled and said: "Since you are not the owner of this place, how can you prevent others from entering?"

After finishing speaking, he stepped across the mountain gate and came to a dry lotus pond.

There was a bit of helplessness in the husky female voice:

"It's really inconvenient for me to stay here alone."

Ni Kun frowned and said:
"In the mountains and wild mountains, in the deserted forests and abandoned temples, the mother-in-law is alone, with no one to protect her, is it really dangerous?"

Having said that, he still stopped at the edge of the lotus pond and never stepped into the Great Hall of Great Heroes.

The hoarse female voice was silent for a long time before she said helplessly:
"There are ghosts here, you'd better leave quickly."

"Is there a ghost?" Ni Kun asked in surprise, "Is it the ghost of a ghost?"

The hoarse female voice said solemnly: "Exactly."

Ni Kun's eyes lit up, and he smiled excitedly and said:
"I've grown up so much, I've never seen a ghost, today just opened my eyes."

The husky female voice warned:

"Ghosts are not interesting things. They can kill people. You'd better not take your own life as a joke."

Ni Kunqi said: "I don't understand this. Since you know that there are ghosts here, mother-in-law, why do you still live here alone? Mother-in-law, you are an old man and you are not afraid, but I am young and masculine. Is it not as good as you, mother-in-law?"

The husky female voice said:

"I dare to stay here, so I have something to rely on. But if you don't leave, when the ghosts come, I may not be able to protect you."

Ni Kun said without hesitation:
"Don't bother my mother-in-law to take care of you. I once heard two friends say that demons and ghosts are not to be feared, and the masculinity of warriors is enough to restrain them. I boast that I have some skills. I really want to see the power of ghosts."

The husky female voice sighed:
"Why bother to risk your life for a moment of curiosity? Forget it, if you don't go, I'll go!"

When the words fell, a sound of clothes ripping through the air came from the side of the hall.

Ni Kun followed the prestige, and saw a vague figure, passing through the window from the side, and within a few ups and downs, he fell into the woods that had spread to the Zen forest courtyard, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Really gone?" Ni Kun was a little surprised.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and exited the Zen forest, walked through the forest for a while, then turned back from the opposite side, sneaked into the Daxiong Palace quietly, and found a corner to sit.

Not long after sitting down, another figure stepped into the main entrance of the Daxiong Palace, looked around, and saw Ni Kun in the corner.


The man blinked, speechless: "Why are you back?"

Ni Kun smiled and raised his hand, jokingly said, "'Mother-in-law', didn't you also come back?"

Well, that person is not a mother-in-law.

Instead, it was a slim girl in Tsing Yi, with bright eyes and white teeth, skin like snow, holding a jade flute.

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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