Lord God hangs up

Chapter 55 055, Spiritual Practice

Chapter 55 055, Spiritual Practice

When Zhu Yuyan brought the lunch box to Ni Kun's breakfast, Ni Kun was taking advantage of the young boy's early morning firepower, practicing his ability to control the fire, turning the vigorous energy of the morning into flames.

He was shirtless, sitting cross-legged on a low couch, with his hands resting on his knees, palms facing the sky, a ball of raging flames hovered in the palms of both hands, sometimes blasting up two feet high, sometimes turning into a line of fire, like a spirit snake around him Palm swimming.

He has discovered that the flame is uncontrollable when it is out of the hand, but it can be controlled by the mind when the flame is in the palm of the hand.

He can make the flame change into any shape, hovering around his palms and arms.

The control distance is no more than two feet.

Although it is only two feet away, if he can control the flame freely and is powerful enough, it can be used as a defense to make it difficult for the enemy to attack within two feet of him. .

Zhu Yuyan walked into the room and happened to see this scene.

Although I have seen his majestic Tianlong and his divine sword that freezes space and emerges from the body, those two magical powers are too far away from reality. Although they are amazing and awe-inspiring, they also have a sense of superior distance. It makes people feel like they are in the clouds and inaccessible.

On the contrary, the current "immortal art" for controlling flames is more down-to-earth.

After all, flames are too common.

Zhu Yuyan stopped by the door, held her breath, and watched Ni Kun Yuhuo intently, seeing the flames transforming into various shapes in his palm: fireball, flame, fire wire, fire snake, even fire sparrow, fire crow... couldn't help being dazzled for a moment Fantastic.

It wasn't until Ni Kun clasped both hands and put out the flames in her palms that she let out a long breath secretly, adjusted her mentality, walked up to him with a lunch box, and said with a smile:
"No matter how many times you have seen the supernatural power of the young master, every time you see it again, it still fascinates me physically and mentally."

While talking, he put the lunch box on the small table next to the low couch, opened the lid, and took out a cup of stewed chicken soup with old ginseng, two boiled eggs, and a stack of pancakes.

Ni Kun chuckled, "It's a little trick, it's not worth mentioning."

Compared with his ten-shot krypton life big move, this fire control ability is of course just a trick.

But after all, this is a blood ability that is completely under his own control, and he can use it as he wants without krypton life, so in his heart, he is actually a little proud.

"Young master is as modest as a valley." Zhu Yuyan said softly while peeling the egg for him: "To young master, it's just a small trick, but in the eyes of my concubine, it's a real fairy trick."

"Burning the sky and boiling the sea, catching the stars and taking the moon, those are the real tricks of the gods. What are my little tricks?"

Ni Kun smiled and shook his head, picked up a piece of pancake, chewed it, took another sip of stewed chicken soup with old ginseng, and praised: "The soup is good."

"As long as the son likes it." Zhu Yuyan smiled sweetly, and handed the peeled egg to Ni Kun's mouth.

Ni Kun was not hypocritical, bit off half of the egg in one bite, chewed it, swallowed it, and ate the remaining half of the egg.

When eating the remaining half of the egg, Zhu Yuyan's plain hand holding the egg was once close to his lips.

Smelling the fragrance from her hand, Ni Kun almost couldn't hold back, and sucked her fingers into his mouth together.

In fact, as long as they are healthy young people with normal orientation, all of them are full of vigor and vitality, even if they just fantasize casually in their minds, they can instantly become the husband of Junior Sister Kun.

Not to mention Zhu Yuyan's demeanor, how seductive she must be under such a service.

Fortunately, Ni Kun's mentality is very stable, and now he is sitting cross-legged again. The fire control exercise just now consumed a lot of firepower, otherwise he would have to pretend to bend over to tie his shoelaces to cover up his gaffe.

Of course, this is also because he is very confident about his own strength - with his current strength, wouldn't he be afraid of being squeezed into medicine dregs if he dared to fight with the Yingui demon girl?
Even if the Yingui demon girl is intimidated by his "supernatural powers" and doesn't dare to squeeze him, but with the Yingui demon girl's cultivation base and professional skills, his current strength, I am afraid that he will give up his weapons and surrender before he can hold on for long, and he will be forced to surrender. Disgraceful, make a big fool of yourself, and hurt your self-esteem.

So Ni Kun finally suppressed his eagerness to move with amazing willpower, and finished his breakfast without showing the slightest abnormality.

After breakfast, Zhu Yuyan asked softly:

"Young master, are you going to practice boxing next?"

Ni Kun nodded: "Not bad."

"It just so happens that this concubine just got some good medicine that is good for body training."

Zhu Yuyan took out a small porcelain bottle from her sleeve: "This is diamond ghee produced in Buddhism in Tibet. It is boiled with the secret method of Tantric Buddhism. It is very effective to apply on the whole body when practicing external skills and body."

"An elixir for external use?" Ni Kun took the porcelain bottle with great interest.

The mysterious key is very picky, it only loses the spiritual power of rare spiritual things such as Pu Siqu snake gall and blood bodhi, and dismisses ordinary nourishing medicinal materials such as old ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, tiger bone, etc.

Since this vajra butter is for external use, no matter how effective it is, it probably won't be taken away by the mysterious key. If it is really as Zhu Yuyan said, it is quite effective in assisting body training, it is really worth a try.

"This Vajra Ghee was bought by Anlong from Tianlianzong from Tibet." Zhu Yuyan introduced:
"An Long's identity is revealed, he is a wealthy businessman in the middle of Sichuan - in fact, many people know that he is the Sect Master of Tianlian, but he is rich and well-mannered, no one can offend him, everyone just pretends not to know.

"He has a tea-horse caravan that travels along the border of Sichuan and Tibet. The last time he went to Tibet, he spent a lot of money to buy this ghee. When I got the news, I went to ask him for it."

"Anlong?" Ni Kun nodded: "Yuyan, you have a heart."

Immediately stood up, ready to try it out first.

Zhu Yuyan blinked her eyelashes slightly, lowered her head slightly, and said softly:
"My lord, this ghee needs to be applied all over the body. You can do it yourself. Some parts may not be taken care of. Why don't you let me help you?"

Ni Kun was slightly taken aback, glanced at Zhu Yuyan's beautiful figure, graceful body, and slender hands, imagining that her hands were smearing on his body, and suddenly his blood was a little dry.

In my mind, the little angel spoke for the first time, and said with a straight face:

"Don't hesitate, this can be regarded as a kind of spiritual practice, an opportunity to sharpen your spiritual will! In the past, Zen Master Fa [Fourth Tone] Hai asked the green snake to help him practice, in order to borrow the beauty of the demon girl and sharpen Encourage him to concentrate on Zen. My generation of monks, when we see the sages, we should think of the same, and follow the steps of the seniors."

The little devil waved the steel fork and said sharply:
"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Shout out: Demon girl, if I want you to help me cultivate, won't that be the end of it?"


Ni Kun took a deep breath, with a dignified expression, and slowly nodded to Zhu Yuyan: "Yes."

So Zhu Yuyan smiled sweetly, took the porcelain bottle, opened the cork, and picked out a ball of crystal clear, slightly medicinal ghee with a faint medicinal fragrance, starting from Ni Kun's neck, and evenly rubbed it on Ni Kun's neck.

When Zhu Yuyan's soft and cool jade hands spread the ghee onto Ni Kun's lower abdomen, Ni Kun's whole body trembled, and she almost couldn't help but push Zhu Yuyan away.

In order to counteract the rushing heat and avoid losing his composure, Ni Kun silently recited the "Bing Xin Jue" from the "Six Tactics of Aohan" in his heart: if the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked, the spirit will be calm, and everything will never change...

While using his mind to control the violent heat, instead of going downwards, it reversed upwards.

Then there was a bang, a burst of flames suddenly rose above Ni Kun's head, his long hair was curled up by the flames, and he was flying upside down in the flames, looking like a super Saiyan—he Not only will the body not be burned, but even the hair will not be damaged by the flames.

Zhu Yuyan was taken aback by this change. She glanced at the two-foot-high flame above his head, a hint of awe flashed in her eyes, and said with a trembling voice, "Master, this is..."

"It's okay, you continue." Ni Kun said nonchalantly.

The fire on the head was burning, all the heat poured into the head, and the rest of the body was naturally normal.

Zhu Yuyan pursed her lips and continued to apply medicated oil.

Then suddenly there was a rustling sound, and Ni Kun, who was reciting the scriptures, felt a chill on his legs, and his lower garment had already been taken off.

Seeing that Zhu Yuyan was about to kneel down in front of him, Ni Kun quickly said, "I'll do it myself next."

Zhu Yuyan pursed her lips and smiled: "But the backside..."

Ni Kun shook his head decisively: "I can do it myself. You go out first."

Zhu Yuyan didn't insist, she bowed to Ni Kun Yingying, got up and walked out.

When she turned her back to Ni Kun, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips:
"After all, you're still a little tender. After all, I've tested it out? Although Young Master Ni's determination is beyond imagination, he still likes women after all..."

[Ask for a ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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