Lord God hangs up

Chapter 285 Chapter 285, Slay the Holy Son!

Chapter 285 Chapter 285, Slay the Holy Son!

The Tongtian Pagoda was transformed by the leader of Tongtian Cult. Once he wakes up, he will control the Four Swords of Zhuxian, and will kill regardless of the enemy or himself.

At the beginning, the guardians didn't know this, and the only time they took the initiative to attack Dongsheng Shenzhou, they accidentally awakened the leader of Tongtian, causing four guardians to die on the spot.

Fortunately, that generation of extraterritorial celestial demons were hacked to death by the leader of the Tongtian sect, three holy sons, and tens of thousands of celestial demons. The extraterrestrial celestial demon was defeated.

It's hard to say whether this kind of "no distinction between the enemy and us" is the last struggle of the leader of Tongtian - even if the spiritual wisdom has been wiped out, even if the physical body has been refined into the Tongtian Tower, it has become the place where the extraterrestrial demons are tested in Dongshengshenzhou The base camp of Tongtian, the pride of the leader of Tongtian, may still not allow himself to become a pure puppet.

It is possible to awaken him to kill the enemy, but the extraterrestrial demons must also be prepared to perish under the Sword of Executioner.


The conditions for actively awakening the Tongtian Tower are in the hands of the child-level figures of the Heavenly Demon Saint from outside the territory.

It is necessary to perform a certain ritual and sacrifice certain things in order to actively wake up the Tongtian Tower.

But unless death is certain and the enemy is dragged into the water, no Holy Son dares to wake up the Tongtian Tower.

Because that would be pure suicide.

As for the passive awakening of Tongtian Pagoda, the personal magic weapon of Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Hierarch needs to appear in Dongsheng Shenzhou and burst out with a strong enough fighting atmosphere.


An Wuji sacrificed a cyan source that condensed the original essence of a certain reincarnation world, and communicated to Tongtian Tower through distant time and space, and asked Tongtian Tower to guide him back to the tower.

This kind of sacrificial return will not wake up the Tongtian Tower, but just stimulate a certain instinct of the Tongtian Tower.

But there are still dangers.

Once upon a time, there was an extraterritorial celestial demon who did not belong to the four major demon sects, but like Xuan Wuyue, had the strength of a holy son. When facing a desperate situation, he sacrificed the blue origin and activated the ability of return.

In the end, he came back, but what returned to Tongtian Tower was just a torn corpse.

On every piece of wreckage, there remained a sword energy that made the Holy Child level demon tremble with fear.

In the eyes full of horror and despair, there are two blazing white sword marks. When other demons inspected his body, the two sword marks suddenly erupted, strangling hundreds of true demons in an instant, and even made a saint at that time The child was seriously injured.

Since then, unless it is absolutely necessary, the demons from outside the territory would rather go on their own way than activate the sacrificial return ability.

But this time, An Wuji had no choice but to take a huge risk and sacrifice to return.

Fortunately, luck seems to be on his side this time.

He returned to the Tongtian Tower intact, and returned to his own little world.

As the son of the Changye Sect, An Wuji naturally has a long-term rented Xiaoqian world in Tongtian Pagoda.

This small thousand world has been shrouded in darkness for many years, and it is barren, with almost no resources.

All the resources were brought by An Wuji's side, and they were buried in the book of seven arrows.

Now that he returned to Xiaoqian World, he couldn't find the resources to cultivate his body and mind, so he could only sit in the empty Eternal Night Demon Palace, holding his head, his face pale and trembling.

"Why did this happen? Why did I provoke Ni Kun, the martial sage, as soon as I got hot?
"His existence...

"Even if what is in this trial universe is just a projection of His true self, it is definitely not something that my little Son of Eternal Night can provoke!
"What the hell am I going crazy for? Why do I dare to provoke him?"

An Wuji was in a daze, no matter what, he couldn't figure out why he acted impulsively, and he said something brazenly: I'm here to kill you, Wu Sheng.

This time it was good, not only was he beaten to the point of running away, Faxiang's real body was shrunk by [-]%, and his strength was only less than [-]% of what it was when he was at its peak.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that he was so poor that he couldn't find any resources that could be used to recover from his injuries.

If you recover slowly...

It will take at least 5000 years before it can be restored to its full glory.

But will others give him time?

Will the other candidate saint sons of the Changye sect who are eyeing up, even the blood god son, Yuan Miaohua, Yutian saint son, Xuan Wuyue and others, give him time?
If he found out his current weak state, he might pounce on him like a hungry wolf, divide him up and eat him, and there would be no scum left, right?

"No, from now on, I can no longer leave Tongtian Tower easily! As long as I keep hiding here, no one can come in without my permission... Even if the sect wants to deprive me of my status as the Son, I will never go out! Hiding here for 5000 years, concentrating on cultivating until the injuries are completely healed..."

The corner of his mouth was twitching nervously, and when he was talking to himself at a fast speed, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a fleeting blue light out of the corner of his eye.

This small thousand world is shrouded in long night all year round, and it is desolate again. Apart from him, there are no living beings, and there is no light source. Where can there be light flickering?

An Wuji was startled, and with a startled spirit, he looked sideways suddenly, and saw that the direction from which the blue light came from just now was empty, and there was nothing unusual about it.

The still tyrannical divine sense swept away, sweeping across the entire hall in an instant, and then spread beyond the hall, sweeping every inch of this barren, small thousand world shrouded in long night, but still did not find any abnormalities.

"No? How could there be no? I clearly saw it!"

The corners of An Wuji's eyes twitched again and again:

"Why is it a hallucination? My injury is so serious that I can't even control my own thoughts, and I can't even tell whether I have seen hallucinations or not?"

He gritted his teeth tightly, clasped his trembling hands tightly, his knuckles were white, and his veins were exposed:

"No, it can't be an illusion. I definitely saw a faint blue flash just now... But why didn't I see anything, and didn't find anything? Who is messing with me?"

When he was suspicious, a chuckle suddenly sounded from behind An Wuji.

An Wuji's scalp exploded, his back went numb, and with a violent roar, the pitch-black demonic energy surged out, turning into countless pitch-black tentacles, strangling overwhelmingly towards the direction where the laughter came from behind.

Even if he is severely injured, even if he has less than [-]% of his cultivation left, he is still an unrivaled celestial demon with the power to destroy the world, and he can still shatter an idle planet with a single palm, and all monks below the Holy Son can still kill with a flick of his fingers .

At this time, regardless of the expended all-out burst, even the holy son-level heavenly demons such as Xueshenzi and Yuan Miaohua must take his blow seriously.


The densely packed tentacles strangled, but they didn't touch anything, and there was nothing behind them.

"How? After hallucinations, auditory hallucinations appeared again?"

An Wuji trembled all over, and looked back suddenly, but saw that in the darkness behind him, except for his violently dancing pitch-black devil energy, there seemed to be no one, and there was no suspicious existence at all.

"Is it really an auditory hallucination? I, am I going crazy?"

An Wuji turned around tremblingly, his expression froze suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Ahead, at an unknown time, a familiar figure appeared.

And just in the field of vision, when the familiar figure came into view, that figure had already stepped forward, raised his right hand high, with five fingers spread apart, red, yellow, blue, white, black and five lights flowing around the fingertips, and took a palm on the top of his skull.

This palm is like the collapse of the sky, and it seems that hundreds of millions of miles of space and immeasurable matter have collapsed and condensed in this palm, sealing the five elements, locking time and space, and filling An Wuji with an unstoppable pressure. vision.

This palm even frightened An Wuji's primordial spirit, making him unable to think of a single thought in his primordial spirit, ignorant, unconscious, and unconscious, he just watched that palm fall on his head in a daze.

The state of An Wuji had already reached the bottom.

The chuckle behind him earlier caused him to explode with all his strength, and his injury worsened, leaving a void in his body.

With one soul and two souls missing, he was already insane, even close to ignorance and madness.

And Ni Kun's palm combines the supernatural powers of Tianyin created by Guang Chengzi, the innate power of the five elements, and the meaning of "Daqianyin" to suppress Daqian. All the power is condensed in one palm, which not only locks time and space, but also Seal the body and restore the soul.

With An Wuji's state at this time, when the palm fell, his thinking was blank, and he couldn't even think of resisting.

The palm that seemed to have solidified hundreds of millions of miles of void and contained immeasurable matter, which seemed to be collapsing like the sky, suddenly fell down.

An Wuji's thinking was blank, only infinite magic energy gushed out from his body, condensed into countless spells, intertwined into layers, like a shield of pitch-black nets.

But this is just the instinct to protect the body when faced with a crisis.

But even in the heyday of An Wuji, the power of this kind of instinctive body protection without active consciousness can only barely block the casual blow of the Holy Son level devil.

What's more, his current strength is less than [-]% of his heyday?

When the power of the palm fell, the black net that seemed extremely flexible and seemed to be able to reduce attacks layer by layer, instantly cracked like paper paste, and collapsed layer by layer.

The palm of Ni Kun's palm is like a broken bamboo, instantly smashing the thousand-layered net, and imprinting it on the An Wuji Heavenly Spirit.

There was a dull roar, and the violent palm force poured in from the top of An Wuji's skull, sweeping across his whole body in an instant, spreading to every extremity of his limbs and bones, and under Ni Kun's precise control, There was no trace of leakage, it rolled back from the end of his skin, repeatedly oscillated between his lungs, brain and brain, frantically bombarding every meridian, every acupuncture point, and every cell in him.

Boom boom boom...

Deafening explosions and roars emanated from An Wuji's body, and the cascading sound waves shook the entire hall, and even the entire Xiaoqian world, trembling slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Fierce flashes of light erupted from under An Wuji's skin one after another. The strong light one after another illuminated his skin, penetrated his skin, and spread to the outside world, reflecting the small thousand world shrouded in the long night. It's like daytime.

And from his mouth and nose, blazing flames erupted. If the energy of the flames exploded completely, each ray of flames would be enough to set off a nuclear explosion that would destroy a mountain and destroy a city.

The roaring sound lasted for more than ten seconds, and the bright lights that rose and fell continued to flicker for more than ten seconds.

When the roar stopped and the glare faded away, An Wuji's pupils became as cloudy as ablated glass balls, and were covered with fine cracks.Pale skin also turned gray like volcanic ash.

"How...how did you get in?"

A faint voice came from An Wuji's body, and a wisp of remaining air, like a flame in the wind, could be extinguished at any time.

"I want to come in, so I come in."

Ni Kun said lightly, and slowly withdrew his palm.

"I... after meeting you for the first time... have already... fallen for your way?"

"finally understood?"

"I... hate..."

"Who cares?"

Ni Kun said indifferently, turned his head to look at An Wuji, sucked his lips and blew, and the last faint remaining breath was lightly extinguished.An Wuji's figure turned into ashes every inch of his body, and scattered in all directions.

The Holy Son of Eternal Night is dark and boundless, his body and spirit are all destroyed!

[Ask for tickets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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