Lord God hangs up

Chapter 280 280, Temple of War God!Guangchengzi preaches!

Chapter 280 280, Temple of War God!Guangchengzi preaches!

Ni Kun tore apart the space, traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, and came to the top of the moon. When he looked down, he saw that the battle was already over on the moon. With his chin resting on his knees, he looked wistfully at the bottom of the crater, the huge Kryptonian whose neck was twisted into a twist.

Ni Kun landed next to the super girl, put his hands on her shoulders, and the vitality of the five elements permeated the surroundings, thinking that the medium of transmission:

"what happened?"

Supergirl sighed:
"I finally met a fellow villager, I didn't expect that he has been completely brainwashed and lost his mind..."

Ni Kun comforted:
"In the universe, there must be more than one Kryptonian. If we meet this one today, we may meet more in the future."


The super girl responded, grabbed Ni Kun's palm, rubbed her cheek against the back of his hand, and looked up towards the earth:
"So where did those meteors come from? Why are there no signs of meteorites in the space around the earth when viewed from the moon?"

"Those meteors are essentially some kind of 'landing craft', which travel directly from different time and space, and are not meteorites that fell into the atmosphere from outer space."

Ni Kun said lightly, looking at the earth.

In the special vision of Yuanshen, it can be seen that most of the planet in the distance is covered with a shadow, becoming illusory and unreal. Only the part of the Central Plains and its surrounding Siyi is still in a normal state.

Ni Kun knew that the earth in Datang World was no longer a complete earth.

The shadowed, illusory part actually no longer exists, being swallowed by the abyss of void.

Only the Central Plains and the surrounding Siyi remained intact under the protection of the world barrier.

And once the intact area is swallowed by the void abyss, or destroyed by the extraterrestrial demons, not only the Datang world will cease to exist, but also the moon under the feet of him and the super girl, and even the entire solar system and the "universe" where the entire Datang world is located. , will quickly collapse and turn into a "pill".

What the holy child-level extraterrestrial demons pursue is the "pill" that is condensed after the collapse of the "universe".

At this time, Ni Kun suddenly saw that there was a small "satellite", which was constantly revolving in the intact area of ​​the earth with a complicated and mysterious trajectory, and flashes of light erupted from time to time around it, smoothing out the gap in the void. In, some kind of ominous fluctuation.

"That is……"

Ni Kun's expression changed, and he asked Super Girl:
"Gracia, have you seen one of Earth's satellites?"

The super girl stared at the earth for a long time. With her super vision, even if she was far away from the moon, she could easily see the trembling of an ant's tentacles on the ground.

However, she stared at it for a while, but she couldn't see the satellite Ni Kun mentioned.

"Didn't you see it?"

Ni Kun rested his chin in his hand and said softly:

"Only with the power to tear apart the void, can the vision of the primordial spirit be able to see more than seven thunder calamities?
"So, that 'satellite' is not located in the present world, but in the space-time gap attached to the earth?"

Ni Kun urged Yuanshen to adjust and enlarge the vision of Yuanshen, gradually seeing the details of the "satellite".

It was a demiplane floating in the cracks of time and space, with burrows, lakes, and islands.

On the island, there is a huge palace.

The building was so tall that it didn't look like it was designed for humans at all, as if it was inhabited by some kind of mountain-like giant.

Even with Ni Kun's primordial spirit cultivation base, he couldn't see the inside of the palace at a glance. It seemed that some invisible force blocked his vision and made him unable to see inside the palace.

At this moment, at the entrance of the palace, stood a figure with dark golden skin and wearing a simple robe.

The figure was only the size of an ordinary person, and compared to the huge palace, it seemed a little small, but its majestic and tyrannical momentum made it impossible to ignore its existence.

He stood at the entrance of the palace, raising his hand to slap from time to time.

It seems to be a palm of the hand, but it is like an ancient god and man, lifting the giant mountain of the sky, and blasting it down in the sky, giving people the feeling of the collapse of the sky and the collapse of time and space.

Follow him to strike again and again.

In the cracks of time and space near the half-plane, flashes of light continued to erupt.

The time and space that was originally distorted, wrinkled, and constantly oscillating suddenly returned to tranquility when the flash broke out.

Ni Kun saw it clearly.

In the cracks of time and space near the demiplane, those space folds that are constantly oscillating are clearly the fluctuations caused by huge "shooting stars" trying to pass through the cracks of time and space.

Judging from the direction in which those "shooting stars" are heading, once they successfully pass through the space-time gap, they can directly appear in the sky above the earth and land on the ground.

But at the entrance of the palace, under the slap of that figure, not only the folds of time and space were smoothed out, but the huge meteors also fell apart and exploded into powder.

The "satellite" keeps running along the complicated and mysterious established trajectory.

The figure at the entrance of the palace also continued to bombard with his palms, smoothing the vibrations in the gap between space and space, and blasting meteors one after another.

Although it seems that he can't leave the entrance of the palace, he can only blow up the surrounding meteors when the palace is running, and the meteors farther away can't take care of it, but with this figure, there are many huge figures that give people a strong sense of threat Meteors had no chance to pass through the cracks in time and space, and they exploded one after another.

With this figure, the threats and pressures faced by the Central Plains in this world are undoubtedly reduced a lot.

"The Temple of War God? Guangchengzi's relic? So this is what Master Xuanzang said, the 'passive' of the Tang world? It really is very powerful!"

Ni Kun stared at the "War God Temple" for a while.

Suddenly, he discovered that the moving track of the God of War Temple not only corresponds to the astrology, but also corresponds to the direction of the meridians of the human body.

And Guang Chengzi's Yishui seemed to be striking out palms non-stop, but his palm movements were actually regular.

Its palm strength is like the ebb and flow of the tide, strong and weak.

Whenever the War God Temple reaches certain special "nodes", Guang Chengzi's palm power will become extremely powerful.

If you regard the entire Central Plains and the Siyi region as a huge portrait...

The trajectory of the Temple of War is the route of true energy in the meridians?

The node with the strongest palm power of Guang Chengzi coincides with the position of the acupoints?
Ni Kun's eyes lit up, and according to the trajectory of the War God Temple and the fluctuation of Guang Chengzi's palm strength, he stimulated the vitality of the five elements to run in the meridians and acupoints.

When the vitality of the five elements circulated in the acupoints of the meridians according to the trajectory of the Temple of War and the law of fluctuations and fluctuations, Ni Kun's whole body was shaken, and five waves of air rushed out from the top of his head, merging into a bright and clear light , In the clear light, three lotus buds sprouted and spread their leaves, slowly rising, and the petals trembled faintly, as if they wanted to bloom.

Ni Kun's consciousness has risen infinitely, as if it has left his body and is climbing towards an infinite height.

He felt his consciousness rise to a certain limit, and then with a bang, it passed through an invisible barrier like a bubble.

He felt that he had come to a wider "universe". Most of this universe had been plunged into darkness, and only a small half was still shining with faint starlight.

One of the golden stars hangs high above the "dome" of the universe where half of the starlight is still shining, spreading light, as if it has coated all the other faint starlight with a faint golden layer.

Ni Kun was enlightened.

That golden star is the Guardian Temple.Those faint stars are the existing reincarnation worlds.

And the vast majority of the dark universe is the half of the samsara universe that has fallen into the hands of the demon and has been destroyed.

Ni Kun wanted to look back at the direction in which he "came out" and see what the current situation of the Datang Universe he was in was like.

But before he adjusted his vision, his consciousness continued to rise rapidly, his vision was distorted and blurred, as if he was "soaring up" at the speed of light in a space-time tunnel, and in a blink of an eye, he seemed to have broken through another "barrier" and came to a certain place. The unspeakable place.

Ni Kun didn't know what he saw.

In the field of consciousness, the infinitely profound, mysterious, and chaotic lights and shadows are hard to understand even with his primordial spirit, and he can only barely distinguish some superficial "phenomena".

It seems to be the "chaos" composed of infinite, tai chi, yin and yang, five elements, life and death... all kinds of mysteries, and it also seems to be the "gate" built by everything.

There are layers upon layers of grand sound waves, echoing in this indescribable strange light and shadow.When Ni Kun wanted to listen carefully to what the voice said, he could only hear the grand, vast, dizzy, and incomprehensible overlapping roars.

When he no longer deliberately listened, clarified the sea of ​​consciousness, and kept his mind in the dark, but vaguely heard some kind of jade-like voiceless sound.

The jade-like voiceless voice seems to be expounding the avenue of opening up chaos, evolution of the universe, and creation of all things.

It seems to be telling the mystery of Wuji Taiji, Yin Yang and Five Elements.

Ni Kun wanted to remember it deliberately, but he couldn't remember anything, and couldn't understand a single word.

When he doesn't remember, or even ask for understanding, and only keeps the spirit in his mind, and lets the jade-like clear voice reverberate in his ears, instead, all kinds of enlightenment surges into his heart, and countless spiritual lights shine through his heart...

Just when Ni Kun was "traveling in the sky".

On the moon, Ni Kun physically sat cross-legged, but his breath was rising steadily.

The three flower buds on the top of the head, amidst the radiant light, slowly opened their petals.

The super girl stared dumbfounded at the miraculous scene of Ni Kun's "blossom on the top of his head". After a while, she tentatively stretched out her finger, trying to poke the lotus flower that was slowly blooming on top of his head.

However, the finger was just three feet close to Ni Kun's body.

A flexible invisible force field blocked her fingers.

The super girl increased her strength a little, but the invisible force field immediately gave back ten thousand times more force, and she was bounced away at once, causing her to spin [-] degrees in the air, and then fell face down on the ground with a bang .

With her control over herself, even if she was bounced, she would not have fallen to the ground.

But the strength of the "feedback" of the invisible force field not only bounced her away, but also paralyzed her whole body, causing her to lose control of herself for a while.

The super girl raised her head in disgrace, spit out a mouthful of mud, put her hands on the ground again, jumped up, quickly slapped off the plaster on her body, and immediately embraced her chest with one hand and rested her chin with the other, putting on a deep look, eyes Looking at Ni Kun with a piercing gaze, he thought to himself:
"What happened to him?"

【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

(End of this chapter)

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