Lord God hangs up

Chapter 246 Chapter 246, Dragon Girl's Understanding, Orochi 3 Heavenly Kings

Chapter 246 Chapter 246, the understanding of the dragon girl, the big snake king
Artoria's words set off a huge wave in Ni Kun's heart.

When the krypton life skill "Holy Sword" was activated, Artoria, the master, would actually sense it?
Once the move is over, can Artoria's strength increase a little bit?

Ni Kun used to think that the lifespan consumed by his krypton life skill was the "energy and fuel" necessary to activate the skill.

Burning life yuan is to inject energy and fuel into skills.

But now it seems that if Artoria feels right, then the lifespan burned by krypton life skills should be a kind of "reward" in addition to fuel and energy.

By paying life yuan, you can get a seed of power—the reason why it is only called "seed of power" is because the more lifespan burned by the krypton life skill, the greater the power of the skill.

If Ni Kun burns his lifespan to a certain limit, the power of krypton life skills will far exceed the upper limit of certain skill masters.

For example, "Ye Kai", Ni Kun was willing to die, and it was no problem to explode the stars with one kick, but the problem was that the master of "Ye Kai" didn't even kick a Uchiha Madara to death.

The real master doesn't have such a strong strength, how can he borrow so much strength?

So unless it is a "guardian" such as Artoria, or an existence like "Lu Ya Daoist" who is the master of the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book, most of the krypton life skills should only come from the master. , borrowed a trace of power seeds.

Then use the burning life essence as fuel and energy to generate power seeds and increase the power of skills.

The person who received the "remuneration" did not directly receive the lifespan paid by Ni Kun, but converted it into an increase in strength.

So, this is the essence of krypton life skills?
Doesn't that mean that the more I use my krypton life skills, the stronger the masters of each krypton life skills will become?
But in the space of the Lord God, reincarnation is infinite.Although there are countless reincarnation worlds that have been blown up, there must still be many reincarnation worlds, and there are still multiple parallel time and space.

Then if the masters of Krypton Life Technique are still there in each parallel time and space, how should I distribute the "remuneration" I paid?

Originally, only a trace of "power seed" was borrowed, and the "remuneration" given was not much. If it was distributed evenly, wouldn't it be a negligible drop if it fell on each parallel space-time peer?

Well, it's not my business to worry about assignments.

But what if there is only one true owner of some krypton life skills left, and what if he becomes the lackey of the extraterrestrial celestial demon?
Then if I use krypton life skills, isn't it supporting the enemy?

Of course, the possibility of "relying on the enemy" should be relatively small.

Ni Kun felt that his entire "krypton life hanging" should have a deep connection with the main god space and the world of reincarnation.

The reason is simple:
Almost all of the krypton life skills that belong to "Krypton life hanging" are skills from various reincarnation worlds.

In addition, Krypton's death rebirth and time regression are also extremely heaven-defying abilities.Because it's not just his own time, nor the time of a certain reincarnation world.

Xuanzang's celestial eyes, celestial ears, and his heart are so sharp that he claims to see all the worlds. But when he fought with Sima Yi Shalu in the wasteland world without the "world barrier", he died and reborn so many times. Zang didn't see through it at all.

This shows that when he died and was reborn for his Kryptonian life, even the Guardian Temple, which was in a higher dimension "above the nine heavens", was also retraced in time.

The ability of krypton life hanging is so powerful that Ni Kun would never believe that it has no deep connection with the space of the main god and the world of reincarnation.

And since there is a deep connection between the krypton life link and this "reincarnation universe", the possibility of using the krypton life skill to assist the enemy is relatively small.

"But no matter what, you still have to take it easy when using krypton life skills in the future, and you have to give priority to the skills of the guardians."

Ni Kun thought to himself.

While he was meditating here.

The little dragon girl has already checked the two "enhanced suits", and was about to report the good news to Artoria, when Artoria raised her hand and made a gesture of silence.

Taking a look at Ni Kun, who was holding his chest with one hand and resting his chin with the other, in a pensive state, Xiao Longnv nodded knowingly, without making a sound.

After a while, Ni Kun came back to his senses and said to Artoria:

"How much has your upper limit of strength increased?"

Artoria said:

"Not much, you have used the holy sword three times, and the upper limit of my guardian's strength has increased by about one ten-thousandth."

Only one ten-thousandth?

not much...

But then again, as a guardian, Artorie is an existence at the same level as An Wuji, Holy Son of Blood Fiend and others.

One ten-thousandth of her upper limit of strength is also a considerable net worth.

Furthermore, Ni Kun used the holy sword three times, but Krypton's life was only forty days.

That 40 times [-] is [-].

Ni Kun only needs to live for a little more than 95 years. Wouldn't Artoria double her strength?
But it shouldn't be that cheap.

Otherwise, when Ni Kun's lifespan is too long to run out, wouldn't he just need to keep kryptonizing, first brush out the skills of all the guardians, and then continue kryptoning, so that all the guardians can keep their strength Doubling, doubling and doubling?
How can there be such a cheap thing, there must be a limit.

But this good news, Ni Kun has an idea:
"Artoria, have you raised the upper limit of your strength by one ten-thousandth, have you been polluted by the seal of the True Immortal Dao?"

In Artoria's seemingly cold golden pupils, a rare smile appeared:
"This is exactly what I want to tell you - the part of your power that has been enhanced by using the holy sword has not been polluted."

Ni Kun's eyes lit up:
"That is to say, the power of curse seal pollution has not increased at the same time, and now your power is beginning to gain the upper hand?"

Artoria nodded slightly:

"Yes. Thanks to you, although it's just a slight advantage...

"But my power, and the power of the curse seal pollution, are originally suppressed by this cubic space, maintaining a very delicate and dangerous balance.

"Now that my strength is a little bit stronger, the balance will be broken. I may be able to suppress the power of the curse mark pollution with my own strength."

Ni Kun said: "Then I will fire the holy sword a few more times to improve your strength, will you be able to completely eradicate the pollution?"

Arturia shook her head:

"I'm afraid it can only be suppressed, not eradicated.

"That power has been entangled with my soul. Its level is also higher than mine.

"Although I can suppress it to the limit by virtue of 'quantity', I still cannot eradicate it due to the gap in 'quality'.

"However, even if it can only be suppressed, it is already very good.

"At least, when I go to other more advanced dungeons, I don't have to worry about the gradual loosening of the suppression of the cube space, the recovery of the power of the curse seal, and the complete pollution and distortion of my character."

Ni Kun laughed and said:

"In this case, I will accompany you to clear one or two dungeons, use the holy sword a few more times, and then go to find the final level."

Artoria was silent for a while, then suddenly said:

"You use the holy sword, and my strength increases. But there are no free benefits in this world. So... what price did you pay?"

Ni Kun didn't take it seriously:

"It's nothing, it's just a little lifespan, not much..."

Xiao Longnu was shocked very quickly this time.

There was only a delay of less than a second, and she opened her small mouth slightly, let out a soft "ah", and said in shock:
"What? Ni Kun, you... actually used your lifespan to help Xiaoya improve her strength?"

Ni Kun said:
"Miss Long, your statement sounds a bit ambiguous.

"It's not that I use my lifespan to help Xiaoya increase her strength, but that I use my lifespan to cast the holy sword. But because the holy sword is the power I borrowed from Xiaoya through some kind of... well, unique talent, so I have to pay for it. She pays..."

Little Dragon Girl wondered:
"Is there any difference between what I said and what I said? Don't you use your lifespan to help her improve her strength?"


Ni Kun was speechless, although what he said meant the same thing, but what you said sounds very ambiguous.

"The price of longevity is too high."

In Artoria's cold golden eyes, there was a touch of softness, and she said slowly:

"I'm sorry, although I guessed that you will pay a certain price for using the holy sword, but I didn't know that the price is actually life...

"Please don't continue to use the holy sword anymore. The power I have increased now is enough to break the balance and make me suppress the curse."

"It's not just the holy sword, firing the black dragon wave will also shorten your lifespan."

Ni Kun waved his hand indifferently:
"Any power that can be used freely without being suppressed by this 'cube' space needs to consume lifespan. I don't need the holy sword, I still need to use other abilities. So instead of wasting life in vain, it is better to use the holy sword to kill enemies and break Guan, while helping you improve your strength."

Seeing Artoria opening her mouth to speak, Ni Kun interrupted her with a smile:
"I really want to touch you, but...

"You are the guardian who fights to protect the worlds, so I won't hide it from you, my lifespan is actually increasing."

Artoria: "Positive growth?"

Little Dragon Girl: "What is growing?"

Ni Kun said: "It means that every day I pass, my life span will increase by two years. Others live less and less, but I live more and more."

Xiao Longnu said: "Then you will never die?"

Ni Kun smiled and said, "It's just that I won't die of old age. If someone beats me to death, I'm going to die. Well, the time for chatting is over, let's go find the next copy!"

Xiaolongnv: "Wait a minute, I'll put on this enhanced suit first. This is an intermediate enhanced suit, and all functions have been doubled. There are just two enhanced suits as rewards for clearing the level this time. Do you want to wear one too, Xiaoya?" item?"

Artoria: "I have skirt armor. Give Ni Kun the enhanced suit."

"Ni Kun, do you want to wear it?"

"I'll let it go." Ni Kun shook his head and declined.

Girls are very eye-catching when they wear this kind of enhanced clothing.

If Ni Kun wears it, it will certainly look good given his figure and shape, but he will feel very ashamed.

So I still rejected the kindness of Xiaolongnu and Dumaowang.

Xiao Longnu expressed her embarrassment:
"You don't want it, and Xiaoya doesn't want it either. What if there is one more thing?"

Ni Kun laughed and said:

"Put it away as a spare. If the one you're wearing is broken, you can still have a replacement."

"Well, that's all it takes."

Xiao Longnv nodded, picked up an enhanced suit, looked left and right, found a corner, and went to change clothes.

After she changed into new equipment, the three of them opened the portal, left the copy of the Terminator, and entered the white room.

Ni Kun asked: "Do you want to take a rest here?"

Arturia asked the little dragon girl: "Long Er, do you need to rest?"

Xiao Longnv shook her head: "Thanks to Ni Kun, the previous level was very easy, and I didn't sweat much, so I passed the level."

Ni Kun asked with a smile: "Then move on?"

Xiaolongnu and Artoria nodded at the same time: "Continue."

So the three continued on.

After glimpsing the rules of the cubic space, Ni Kun can not only come directly to the dungeon room, but also choose a shorter path, and even "jump off" to a certain extent.

Each cube room has six doors, open different doors, choose different paths, the path to the next copy will be long or short, and the background of the next copy is also very different.

However, under normal circumstances, even if the dungeons have different backgrounds, the difficulty is roughly the same.

But there is also a very special path, which can directly reach the higher-level copy that should have appeared after two or three copies.

Of course, this kind of path, the room combination is very harsh, each time you choose one of six, you have to "choose wrong" several times in a row, in order to reach the high-level dungeon that shouldn't be entered at this stage.

Unless it is an unlucky ghost from hell, it is impossible for a normal reincarnation to be so miserable.

"I can find that way, but without the strengthening of two or three copies, the challenge will be very difficult. For normal reincarnation, it is simply asking for a dead end. Well, reincarnation, I am the one who wants to enter this world, In this infinite maze, the name of the people who keep wandering."

Ni Kun asked Artoria and Xiaolongnv for their opinions:
"What do you think? Do you want to skip the level?"

"I don't care." Artoria said: "I'm not a normal 'reincarnation'. In higher-level dungeons, my strength can recover more. The difficulty is not a problem for me. It's just the dragon. If my son..."

"I'm not normal either." Xiao Longnv said calmly:

"My own martial arts are not bad, and I have strengthened my strength-sensitive body several times, learned a few skills, and got this intermediate-level enhanced suit. Besides, there are you, skip two or three levels, and face stronger Challenges are okay."

Ni Kun clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Since everyone agrees, let's take Longer to challenge the difficulty."

Xiao Longnv nodded, and said softly: "So cunning."

"What?" Ni Kun was at a loss.

"You actually changed your address to me as 'Long'er' naturally." Xiao Longnu said, "I was called Miss Long before."


Why are you so sensitive now?

Ni Kun was speechless.

Next, under the guidance of Ni Kun, the path that only unlucky reincarnations can choose was deliberately chosen by him.

After walking through five ordinary white rooms in a row, he brushed up some weapons, recovery potions, and food.

The three of Ni Kun came to a new copy.

As soon as I entered, I found that the three of us were standing in a narrow passage.

On the front of the passage is an iron fence. Through the gap between the fences, you can see the huge arena outside.

There were bursts of cheers like a tsunami, and a majestic male voice, from the arena, poured into the narrow passage:

"Welcome to all the brave viewers, risking their lives to watch this year's Dark Martial Arts Tournament in person!

"According to tradition, in the opening match of this year's Dark Martial Arts Tournament, a brand new team will face an old strong team from last year. So, let us wait and see whether it is the blood of the rookies or the blood of the veterans!
"Now, the first to appear is the last four teams, the Orochi Three Kings!
"Let us, with a round of applause, and wild cheers, welcome...

"Seven Flails Society of the Dry Earth, Sharmy of the Desolate Lightning Light, Chris of the Flame of Destiny, come on stage first!"

Hear this introduction.

Ni Kun couldn't help but let out a small sigh, and frowned slightly.

Even Orochi's Three Heavenly Kings are only the top four teams, so the difficulty of this deliberately skipping level is a bit high.

But Ni Kun frowned, not because of the sudden increase in the difficulty of the dungeon.

No matter how difficult the dungeon is, no matter how strong the opponent is in the group arena, for Ni Kun, a series of three is no problem.

The reason why he frowns in surprise is because he originally thought that famous characters such as the Qijia Society of the Dry Earth, the Mad Lightning Charmi, and Chris the Fate Flame would only appear in the wider "big world" of the outside world. reincarnation" world.

Even if they appear in this "cube small reincarnation", they should be like Zhang Wuji, Di Yun, Xiaolongnv and others, who accidentally entered this place and broke through here as a "reincarnation".

Unexpectedly, this copy of the so-called "Dark Martial Dao Conference" would actually have the "Three Great Serpent Kings" such as Qijiaosha.

So, what kind of existence are the Qijiao Society, Shermi, and Chris in this dungeon?
Is it the "reincarnation" trapped in the dungeon, or the dungeon character?

If it's just a dungeon character...

Then they are like the people in the great samsara world outside, with flesh and blood, completely independent and independent existence.

Or is it an "NPC" that has flesh and blood, a soul, and personal likes and dislikes, but must be affected by the small reincarnation of the cube and cannot be completely autonomous?
regardless of their form of existence.

What kind of relationship will they have with the Qijiao Society, Shermi, and Chris that may exist in the outside world of reincarnation?
Is it a parallel space-time body that can "converge into one"?
Or just irrelevant "replicants, projections"?
While guessing in my heart, the arena lights suddenly went out.

The huge arena suddenly became pitch black.

Then, a bright beam of light hit the ring vertically, illuminating three figures of different heights.

There is a person in the middle, no less than 1.9 meters tall, with a majestic and perfect body shape, short white hair, handsome features, domineering eyes, arms around his chest, the momentum is like an active volcano brewing lava, ready to erupt at any time, giving people a cruel and violent feeling horror pressure.

That familiar shape seems to be the Qijiao Society of the dry earth.

The two people behind Qijiaoshe are also familiar to Ni Kun.

The tall and plump woman with purple hair hanging down her waist and bangs covering her eyes is obviously the maddening Dianguang Xiermi.

The short, innocent boy with a childlike smile and cruel eyes is none other than Chris, Flame of Destiny.

The three stood on the stage, receiving applause and cheers from all directions.

After a long time, the majestic male voice sounded again:
"Ladies and gentlemen, brave spectators!

"Next, let us welcome the rookie team who will give us a wonderful performance with their lives and blood in the opening game of this year--Suicide Squad!

"Please be aware that this game is, almost [-]% likely, the last few minutes of the lives of all members of the Suicide Squad!

"So ladies and gentlemen, monsters who are neither male nor female or androgynous, and monsters who have no gender, please don't begrudge your applause, let us welcome the three brave or stupid newcomers with the warmest cheers——

"Ni Kun, Artoria, Little Dragon Girl!"

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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