Lord God hangs up

Chapter 236 236, the lone star of Tiansha, Qiao Feng, the protagonist's cemetery!

Chapter 236 236, the lone star of Tiansha, Qiao Feng, the protagonist's cemetery!

Qiao Feng pondered for a while, then said slowly:

"Here is a city, a city that is being besieged by the enemy. We are the defenders in the city."

After a pause, he emphasized again:

"This city, as well as the attackers and defenders, have nothing to do with us, but we have to fight."

"Next Zhang Wuji." Zhang Wuji stepped forward, bowed his hands, and introduced Yin Li:
"This is Yinli, my sister-in-law. I am a little confused about what Big Brother Qiao said. We are outsiders. The city and the attackers and defenders here have nothing to do with us, so why do we have to fight?"

Yin Li said:
"That's right, if the defenders in the city are strong and there are not many of us, can't we hide and not fight?

"If the enemy army outside the city is strong, we can surrender! Anyway, neither side has anything to do with us, so surrendering is not shameful, right?"

Qiao Feng smiled, with a low voice:

"The offensive and defensive sides are very different in strength. The defenders in the city are only three thousand, while the enemy troops outside the city are more than fifty thousand.

"It's just... the defenders in the city are certainly not of the same race as us, they are all high-nosed and deep-eyed barbarians, but the enemy troops outside the city are not even human. Whether dead or alive, if they fall into their hands, they will be the only ones." One end, that is to be chopped up for military rations.

"So surrender is impossible. It's okay to hide and not participate in the war...but that's not the right choice."

Ni Kun laughed and said:

"I'm Ni Kun, I'm going to greet Brother Qiao. I don't know what Brother Qiao means, the enemy army outside the city is not human."

Di Yun said:
"Yeah, if the enemy army is not human, can it still be a monster?"

Qiao Feng nodded seriously:

"The enemy army outside the city can really be called a monster. When the battle starts, you will know the clue when you see the enemy army."

Di Yun, Zhang Wuji, and Yin Li looked at each other dumbfounded.

Ni Kun is also thoughtful.

Qiao Feng continued:

"The attack and defense of the city will last for 45 days. If the enemy cannot be defeated during this period, the city will surely fall."

"45 days?" Zhang Wuji wondered, "How does brother Qiao know that this battle will last for 45 days? Could it be that brother Qiao can predict the future?"

Qiao Feng gave a low laugh, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes:
"It's not that I can predict the future, but that I have repeatedly experienced five times of city defense battles, and this is the sixth time."

Zhang Wuji, Di Yun, and Yin Li were confused and didn't understand why.

Ni Kun frowned and said:

"After the city falls, time will return to before the start of the offensive and defensive battle, repeated reincarnation?"

Qiao Feng glanced at Ni Kun and nodded appreciatively:
"What Brother Ni said is right.

"No. 40, five days, the enemy army broke the city, if you can survive until then, you need to be slaughtered by the enemy army Dasuo, and persist until dark.

"After dark, time and space flow, everything returns to the beginning of the city's attack and defense, and a new round of offensive and defensive battles begins.

"The defenders, the enemy or the previous ones, no matter whether they died in the battle or not, they can be reborn.

"But us outsiders, once we die in the war, we will never be able to live again."

Zhang Wuji and the three of them were dumbfounded and shocked.

"This, time is like passing water, gone forever, after the fall of the city, everything returns to the beginning, repeated reincarnation... How is this possible?"

Qiao Feng said:
"I couldn't believe it at first, thinking that I had fallen into some kind of demonic illusion. But after experiencing it twice, I realized that everything is real..."

Ni Kun asked:

"Brother Qiao just said that outsiders like Brother Qiao and me cannot be reborn after death... So before us, there are other outsiders coming?"

Qiao Feng's expression became even more gloomy:

"I didn't come here alone. When I first came here, I had two companions. One was named Linghu Chong, and the other was named Mao Shiba. They were both warm-hearted and good men.

"However, in the first siege battle, Linghu Chong only lasted for 20 days before he died tragically. Mao Shiba only outlived him by one day.

"I was alone and persisted until the fifth day of No.40. The city fell, the enemy army entered the city, and slaughtered wantonly. I wandered through the streets and alleys, fighting bloody battles to survive. Finally, it was dark. Suddenly, light and darkness alternated, time and space flowed, and I returned to At first, back to this barracks...

"It's just that my two companions didn't appear again. Those who appeared here are two newcomers."

He looked at the four of Ni Kun and said with emotion:

"Those two newcomers are a man and a woman, one named Duan Yu and one named Li Wenxiu. They are both good people. They have also experienced monsters in the room and a dangerous situation. But they still died in this battle. .

"Three more times after that, two newcomers came and one did not.

"The rookies in those two times included both kung fu masters and magic tricks. They were able to perform a few tricks, pointing at the barbarians who sent out freezing rays and burning palms. Without exception, they all died in the 45 days of brutal offensive and defensive battles. .

"Only I have survived time and time again, each time in a barracks, welcoming new arrivals, and watching them die in the midst of tragic battles..."

Speaking of this, Qiao Feng, a tough man, had slightly red eyes, his voice was choked up, and his broad chest heaved sharply. He had to raise his head and close his eyes. It took a long time before he calmed down.

"Qiao lost his composure and made everyone laugh." Qiao Feng said hoarsely.

Ni Kun felt emotional in his heart: Chief Qiao, you are simply the lone star of the devil!

The companions who have been refreshed several times are all dead, and the halos of the protagonists such as Linghu Chong, Duan Yu, and Li Wenxiu are useless, and you are the only one alive...

This is due to the fact that we are all kind people, otherwise, after hearing what you said, we should not stay far away from you, so as not to be killed by you?
"Brother Qiao grieves for his companions, it's a true temperament." Zhang Wuji cupped his hands and said, "It's just that after going through so many offensive and defensive battles, Brother Qiao, haven't you guys thought about how to end all this and leave here? "

"Of course we have thought about it." Qiao Feng took a deep breath and let it out heavily, and said gloomily:

"I've been trying to find the 'door' to get out since the second attack.

"I have tried to search in the city. The city is not big, but a military castle. It is not troublesome to search, but I have searched the whole city, and there is no clue of the 'door'. We have also tried to venture out of the city, go to the city Search outside, but also failed to find the 'door'.

"During the fourth city defense, a barbarian companion named Alice, who claimed to have been a 'security supervisor', was agile and could move small objects with his mind, suggested that if he had to defeat the enemy army outside the city, he could find Door? So we tried every means to create a winning opportunity.

"We tried to sneak into the enemy's camp at night and assassinate the enemy chieftain, and we were lucky enough to succeed, but it was useless. The enemy army did not become confused or withdraw, but immediately introduced a new leader.

"We also tried burning food and grass, but it still didn't work. Even the enemy's own people who died in battle can be used as rations.

"The fifth time, that is, the last time, I tried to break out of the siege to find reinforcements. I managed to persuade the main defender and organized dozens of elites to join me in a bloody battle to break out of the siege. But after leaving the fort for a hundred miles, there was fog in all directions. Surrounding, no matter how you go, you will eventually return to the place where you first entered the mist..."

Well, there is no Resident Evil Alice, how many protagonists are buried in this copy?Proper protagonist cemetery!

In addition, Ni Kun almost understood.

The copy in this "cube" is not a complete world at all.

But like a copy of a game, characters, plots, regions, and time are all very limited.

In the previous rainforest dungeon, there was only an unknown rainforest.

This battlefield dungeon only has this military fort and an area outside the military fort, but a radius of a hundred miles.

The duration of this dungeon is only 45 days.

The so-called repeated reincarnation is just like refreshing the game dungeon. No matter whether the task is completed or whether you can leave this place, the dungeon will be refreshed to welcome the next batch of testers.

"The copy in this cube can only be regarded as a half-plane and a small thousand world at best. Compared with the reincarnation world outside, it is really too cramped, and the room for development is very limited..."

Ni Kun thought to himself, and asked Qiao Feng again:

"Brother Qiao, have you come down so many times, haven't you found any clues about the 'door'?"

Qiao Feng shook his head and smiled wryly:

"Qiao is incompetent. He has gone through five reincarnations in vain, but he has not found a clue so far..."

"Then, aren't we going to be trapped here forever?" Yin Li's voice trembled a little: "Wouldn't this be an endless hell?"

"No." Zhang Wuji said calmly: "There must be a way to leave, but I haven't found a way yet."

"Brother Zhang is right." Although Qiao Feng had gone through five reincarnations and watched his comrades die tragically one after another, his fighting spirit was still high and he said excitedly: "The previous five times, I couldn't find any clues, it's just that Qiao was incompetent. This time there may not be no chance of finding clues."

After a pause, he solemnly said:

"There is still half an hour before the battle will start. During this period, I need to explain it carefully to you.

"The enemy troops outside the city are ferocious humanoid monsters. Most of them are slightly shorter than ordinary people, but they are very strong and powerful. There are also extremely tall ones, not inferior to Qiao, or even taller than Qiao. .

"That extremely tall monster is not only powerful, but also agile, wearing heavy armor and holding heavy soldiers, it is very difficult to deal with.

"The vitality of ordinary monsters is not stronger than that of ordinary people. Cutting their throats, piercing their chests and abdomen, and cutting off their heads will kill them, and they will scream and wail when they are injured. A little bit stronger, sometimes you can scream and fight fiercely until your blood is exhausted.

"In short, you can regard ordinary monsters as the most elite and strongest soldiers. You can regard tall monsters as fierce generals..."

Zhang Wuji, Di Yun, and Yin Li were all listening carefully, obviously attaching great importance to Qiao Feng's point.

Gold masters basically have one characteristic, that is, they are powerless against the army.

Not to mention a strong army with all the soldiers and boundless numbers, even if it is an ordinary army, if the number is too large, the gold masters will basically give up and have no ability to fight it.

Those who are good at charging into battle like Guo Jing, who can kill a few back and forth in the army, are very few.

Zhang Wuji, Di Yun, and Yin Li were not berserkers of the general type, and they were in a mediocre state now. If no one reminded them and took care of them, it would be a question of whether they could survive three days on the battlefield.

As for Qiao Feng, he was one of the martial arts masters, a rare macho who was good at fighting. Even though his skill was suppressed and weakened to only [-]% of his peak, he didn't rely on his skill to make a living.

In terms of skill, Qiao Feng, who has never used internal energy and relied entirely on his own practice, is not considered top in the world of Tianlong.

But he is endowed with extraordinary talents, his muscles and bones are far beyond ordinary people, and he is even stronger when he meets the strong, and he is super brave in actual combat.Even if his skill is severely weakened, he can still be extremely brave.

That's why Qiao Feng was able to go through five reincarnations, survive until now, and has accumulated a wealth of battle experience, so here's a newcomer.

"Of course, participating in the battle is also beneficial."

After Qiao Feng introduced the situation of the enemy army, he talked about the benefits of participating in the war:

"Killing the enemy will result in 'meritorious merit'. I don't know who recorded this merit. Anyway, after each battle, if you have gained something, you can go to the government affairs office of the military castle and find a clerk.

"The clerk has the military records of us outsiders, which are very detailed. Kills, serious injuries, and assists are all meritorious deeds.

"If you kill an ordinary enemy, you can get three points of merit. If you seriously injure an enemy, causing it to be disabled or lose its combat power, you can get two points of merit. If you assist and kill an enemy, you can get a little bit to no point Waiting for the feat.

"When you have accumulated a certain amount of merit, you can exchange it for rewards from the clerk. The rewards are quite rich, including various weapons and armor, as well as some magical potions and food.

"Some potions and foods, after taking them, can temporarily increase strength and agility, or make the skin, muscles, muscles and bones toughen rocks, greatly improving the survivability on the battlefield. Some potions and foods can quickly restore physical strength, skills, and injuries.

"There are also some more precious potions, which can permanently increase strength and agility, permanently make the skin, muscles, muscles and bones stronger, and recover faster after injury. Of course, such potions are very expensive, and you need to accumulate a lot of merit to exchange for a bottle.

"In addition, some skills can also be exchanged. Most of the skills have a number of uses, and they are gone when they are used up. They need to be exchanged again. Some are once available. But the price is very expensive..."

Zhang Wuji and the others were not surprised when they heard Qiao Feng's introduction on how meritorious deeds were exchanged for rewards.

They can also be regarded as "reincarnators" with senior qualifications, and they have become accustomed to the "common sense" of Daguai Debao.

Here, although killing enemies will not drop treasures, there are meritorious deeds, and meritorious deeds can be exchanged for rewards, which is essentially a kind of "killing monsters and dropping treasures".

After listening to Qiao Feng's introduction of the meritorious rewards, Yin Li said curiously:
"Brother Qiao, you have gone through five reincarnations, and even entered the enemy camp at night to assassinate a general. Didn't you accumulate a lot of meritorious deeds and become very strong?"

Even if the skills cannot be recovered quickly, just by continuously increasing strength, agility, physical strength, resilience, and learning "skills", the strength can also skyrocket!

If the skill recovers a little bit more, it will be even more powerful, and it will not be a dream to be invincible.

Qiao Feng shook his head and smiled wryly:

"How can there be such a cheap thing to earn? Temporary effects, or various skills, potions, and food that have a number of uses are okay, and can be used repeatedly. But those that are permanently effective are not only expensive, but also have their limits. After reaching the limit, will be ineffective.

"For example, I have taken a potion for increasing strength three times. The first time I gained [-] catties of strength, the second time I only gained [-] catties, and the third time I only gained [-] catties. Strength. Calculated, a total of [-] catties of strength has been increased three times.

"But after taking it for the fourth time, I only gained more than a dozen catties of strength...Compared with its expensive price, taking it again is obviously not worth the loss. It is better to exchange merits for other more practical rewards."

Ni Kunxin said that this is to prevent the reincarnated people from finding the door, and then relying on it to make meritorious deeds repeatedly and sprint to the sword god of Shilipo.

If it is possible to add attributes endlessly, it is only a matter of time before Lai becomes a superman here.

Yin Li said enviously, "Brother Qiao was able to survive on the battlefield. If he persevered until the end, after this strengthening, he might become the enemy of thousands of people now."

Qiao Feng shook his head: "Qiao is neither invulnerable nor invulnerable, on such a battlefield, how can he be the enemy of ten thousand people?"

He warned the people:
"The enemy army is not a chicken or a dog. On the contrary, it is extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty. All of them are skilled in combat and cooperate with each other tacitly. You must not rely on your strength and underestimate the enemy's carelessness."

The three of Zhang Wuji nodded repeatedly: "Thank you Brother Qiao for your suggestion, we can save it."

"Looking at your age, I'm afraid it's the first time you've experienced this kind of battlefield. When you're on the battlefield for the first time, don't think about killing the enemy to earn merit, first try to save your life, and get familiar with the cruelty and bloodiness of the battlefield."

With that said, Qiao Feng took out four test tubes filled with more than half of the gray-white liquid, and threw them to four people:
"This is a potion that can make the skin as hard as a stone after taking it, but does not affect the flexibility. The duration is not too long, less than half a quarter of an hour, but it can save your life at critical moments. "

Zhang Wuji and others quickly took the test tube, and said embarrassedly:

"This, this potion is so precious, Brother Qiao, you..."

Qiao Feng smiled freely and sighed:
"Qiao Feng is incompetent. Not only did he fail to find the door to go out, but he also failed to keep any of his companions from the previous few times... This time, I hope you can survive. No matter whether you find the door or not, at least, you must persist until the end."

In fact, he also provided as much help as possible to his partners in the previous few times, and even repeatedly offered protection and assistance on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, none of them survived.

"Thank you for the generous gift, Brother Qiao." The three of Zhang Wuji bowed their hands in salute.

Ni Kun also didn't reject Qiao Feng's kindness because he had arm shields, leather armor, and various life-saving skills. He also took a test tube and saluted Qiao Feng:
"Thank you brother Joe."

"You don't need to be polite, it's a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning."

Qiao Feng jumped off the kang again, dragged a big box from under the kang, opened it, and took out four sets of mail armor, breastplate and helmet.

"This is the equipment I saved before. It is much tougher than what the defenders provided for free. Not to mention invulnerable, at least it can withstand strong arrows, barely parrying swords and spears that are not powerful enough. But pay attention , They can't stop heavy weapons such as axes and hammers. For the melee attacks of monsters and fierce generals, they can only offset part of the force."

The three of Zhang Wuji were not too polite, they went forward and took a collar of mail, breastplate and helmet and put them on.

As for weapons, the three of them had their own customary weapons, so Qiao Feng didn't need to provide them.

Ni Kun didn't go over to put on the armor, but tapped the black arm shield on his left arm, and said with a smile:
"Thank you Brother Qiao, but I have my own armor."

Qiao Feng said: "This shield is too small, Brother Ni, you..."

Ni Kun opened his skirt again, revealing the leather breastplate: "This armor is invulnerable."

Only then did Qiao Feng nod his head, "It seems that Brother Ni had gained a lot before coming here."

Ni Kun asked: "Before Brother Qiao came here, besides the white room, what other small worlds have you experienced?"

Qiao Feng sighed and said:
"I have only experienced one, and it is also a battlefield for defending the city, but it is far less brutal and bloody. The overall enemy army is far less powerful than the monsters here. Only a very small number of elites can compare with the monsters here.

"At that time, Linghu Chong and Mao Shiba were still alive, and they experienced that battlefield with me. Speaking of which, the two sides who fought in that battle were somewhat related to me. Linghu Chong and Mao Shiba had also heard of it. That battle."

What we experience is the "rainforest".

So different "reincarnators" have different paths to open the door, and the dungeons they experience may not all be the same?
Is it just that the difficulty is roughly the same?
Ni Kun thought to himself, and asked, "I don't know what the battle was?"

Qiao Feng said: "The Mongol attack on Xiangyang. For me, it is the future world. For Linghu Chong and Mao Shiba, it is the history that has already happened."

Ni Kun raised his eyebrows: "Who is defending the city? Are there any martial arts masters involved in defending the city?"

"Not really." Qiao Feng shook his head: "The city guard of Xiangyang is called Lu Wenhuan, and the defenders of the city are only soldiers and civilians of Xiangyang, and there are no martial arts masters..."

So is it a fragment taken from real history?

For a fierce man like Qiao Feng, even if his skills were suppressed to about half in the first dungeon, with his combat power, he should be able to make a difference in the real history of the Battle of Xiangyang.

He was able to survive five consecutive reincarnations on the battlefield here, and he probably gained a lot in the Xiangyang battlefield.

At this time, a shrill horn sounded suddenly outside, Qiao Feng's expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice:
"The enemy army is about to attack the city! Come with me, and I will take you to familiarize yourself with the battlefield first!"

After speaking, he picked up a shield, took a bite of the ghost knife, and strode out of the barracks.

Ni Kun and Zhang Wuji did not hesitate and quickly followed him.

[Ask for a monthly pass~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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