Lord God hangs up

Chapter 227 Chapter 227, from today on, you are mine!

Chapter 227 Chapter 227, from today on, you are mine!
Taking advantage of Diao Chan's mental breakdown, Ni Kun suppressed Diao Chan with the "Great Thousand Seals", causing her body and mind to fall into absolute silence, and immediately highlighted the "blood curse" planted on her by the Holy Son of Blood.

Having dealt with the two "extraterritorial demons" An Wuji and Xue Fiend Shengzi many times, Ni Kun knew that every chess piece they cast had a restriction to control its life and death and prevent it from betraying.

In the past, Ni Kun was not able to deal with this restriction.

But now, after obtaining the "Now Tathagata Sutra" and practicing the supernatural power of "Wuzhishan", Ni Kun has the ability to find out the restriction and even remove it.

Of course, the premise is to penetrate the defense of the opponent's heart, make the opponent's heart fall, and completely lose the will to resist on the spiritual level.

For Diao Chan, Ni Kun originally prepared a lot of means.

Unexpectedly, Diao Chan's mentality was so negative.

He still has a lot of tricks that he hasn't used yet, and she has already exploded in her mentality, giving up resistance, and just wants to die quickly.

Ni Kun was also happy and relaxed, and immediately used his means, and he succeeded in finding out the "blood curse".

If it is "beyond nine days" where the Blood Fiend Holy Son can fully display its strength, even if the blood curse is found, with Ni Kun's current strength, there is absolutely no way to safely remove it.

But in "days"...

It is very difficult for the demons from outside the territory to put their own power into it. Even if restrictions are placed on the chess pieces, the absolute power of the restrictions is not strong.

Of course, with the ranks of the demons outside the territory, the restrictions they set up are naturally very delicate.

The prohibition is not only integrated with the souls of the chess pieces, making them unable to resist, but also has a strong ability to resist external interference.

It seems that at this moment, Ni Kun suppressed Diao Chan with the Great Thousand Seals until she felt insensible, thoughtless, and unable to think, but the "Blood Curse" was not affected much, and she was still bright and ready to move.

But since Ni Kun made the move, he was confident.

At the moment when the "Blood Curse" was about to be launched, Ni Kun seized the fleeting moment and used the "Five Finger Mountain" move to lock on to the blood-colored curse seal and suppress it abruptly.

This is a supernatural power of great compassion.

Except for the designated target, it will not affect any other existence.

Even if the power of the palm is like the collapse of the sky, falling to the ground and turning into a huge mountain, suppressing gods, demons and saints, it will not affect every plant, tree, insect and ant.

Ni Kun tried this supernatural power at first, hitting the snow with Wuzhi Mountain, the palm strength seemed to be non-existent, not even a single snowflake was hurt.

At this moment, he locked the blood curse with the magical power of "Wuzhishan", and slapped Diaochan's head with his palm.

When the palm force of the five elements fell, Diao Chan didn't even move a single strand of her hair, and the blood curse that was entrenched in the acupoint between her eyebrows and integrated with her soul was easily brushed off by a five-color ray of light. The five elements palm seal is sealed in the palm.

Diao Chan's primordial spirit is unharmed, unscathed.

And the "Blood Curse" is indeed a restriction set by the World-Exterminating Heavenly Demon like the Son of Blood Fiend. Although its absolute power is limited, it is really weird.

Even though he has been suppressed under the "Five Fingers Mountain", he still has the power to resist, and suddenly turns into countless thin blood threads, piercing the five-color palm prints fiercely, trying to erode and infect this supernatural power, and really "Five Fingers Mountain" supernatural power The manifested five-color palm prints eroded a bit of blood, and continued to spread.

Fortunately, Ni Kun's Wuzhishan supernatural power is no longer simply a technique of suppressing the seal. With a thought, thunder against the Five Elements suddenly descends from the palm of Wuzhishan, bombarding the blood like a torrential rain.

Boom boom boom!
The palm print of Wuzhi Mountain kept vibrating, Anti-Five Elements God Thunder and Xue Mo Mang faced each other tit for tat, killing each other, and for a moment they were evenly matched.

He concentrated on suppressing the blood curse here, so he couldn't continue to suppress Diaochan with the Great Thousand Seal.

Diao Chan's body perception and thoughts began to function again. Hearing the movement outside, he opened his eyes and saw Ni Kun holding the blood-suppressing curse. His delicate body was shocked and he lost his voice:
"Blood Curse!"

Ni Kun didn't respond, and focused on suppressing the blood curse.

Tsunade moved closer to her and said with a smile:

"Miss Diaochan, our family Ni Kun has already helped you remove the blood curse planted by the Blood Fiend Holy Son, as long as the blood curse is wiped away, you are really completely safe!"

Diao Chan was shocked again, and said in astonishment:
"You... know who I am?"

Tsunade smiled and nodded:

"Not only you, but our Ni Kun knows the identities and origins of Sima Yi and Lupao Patriarch!"

Hearing this, Diao Chan stared blankly at Ni Kun, with complex emotions in her wonderful eyes.

Before, she thought that Ni Kun was a moody and distorted freak.

But I didn't expect that he would be so supernatural, not only knowing the identity and origin of himself and others, but also able to remove the blood curse on his body and return her to freedom...

It's a pity that Sima Yi is still thinking about plotting against Ni Kun, but he doesn't know that Ni Kun has already seen everything and is in control.

Seeing Ni Kun's confident and calm demeanor when he suppressed the blood curse, Diao Chan's heart throbbed for a moment.

As a gorefiend puppet, she can't help herself, even life and death. She already has no expectations for the future.

That's why she was so negative. After a slight shock, she became disheartened and wanted to die.

But now, in her cold and gloomy heart, a little warmth and light was born after a long time, and she had some hope for the future.

"Do you think he looks like a ray of holy light, or a savior from heaven?" Tsunade said suddenly.

"Ah?" Diao Chan was taken aback, only to feel that Tsunade's words had come to his heart.

"Don't be surprised, I feel the same way about him." Tsunade put his arms around his chest and sighed:

"He is a man, although he has a lot of problems, such as lust, lust, lust... But he is really reliable. Without him, I would have gone crazy or even died. You were disheartened just now and felt alive It's more painful than death, and I only want to die quickly, but now, don't you feel better?"

Diao Chan didn't speak, just bit her lips, nodded slightly, and looked at Ni Kun intently, watching him wear off the blood curse, a little light of hope shone in her crystal clear eyes.

Although the blood curse is difficult to entangle, its absolute power is limited after all, and it is also a tree without roots and water without a source.

Under the constant bombardment of Ni Kun's anti-five elements god thunder, the blood curse that turned into thousands of blood was eventually wiped out bit by bit, and finally all collapsed and dissipated.

After wiping away the blood curse, Ni Kun just withdrew his supernatural powers, put his hands behind his back, and nodded at Diao Chan who was staring at him with a smile:
"Miss Diaochan, the blood curse has been removed. From now on, you will never be controlled by that blood-fiend son again."

The blood curse has been removed, I... am no longer a blood demon puppet?

Hearing this sentence, feeling the carefree and relaxed heart after the shackles of the primordial spirit were gone, Diao Chan couldn't help having a sore nose, hot eyes, and tears welling up in her eyes.

Staring blankly at Ni Kun, weeping silently for a while, she suddenly seemed to think of something, pursed her lips, with a sweet nasal voice after crying, and said pretty blushingly:
"Young Master Ni, can you...let me go first?"

Well, although the blood curse has been removed, she is still tied and suspended, facing Ni Kun in a very shameful posture.

Before, she was gloomy and had no expectations for the future, and anyway, she wanted to follow Sima Yi's arrangement to go to Ni Kun's side to beautify her.

But now, the shackles are gone, freedom is regained, there is hope in my heart, and the sense of shame immediately returns, I can't bear this posture for a moment.

Ni Kun chuckled and apologized:
"Miss Diaochan, don't blame me. In order to find out the blood curse, I had to use some means. It wasn't to deliberately humiliate Miss Diaochan."

Saying that, he nodded to Tsunade.

Tsunade understood, quickly removed the vines and put Diao Chan down.

Diao Chan tapped her snow-white toes on the ground, stood firm, straightened her messy skirt, covered up the leaking spring, and saluted Ni Kun:
"Thank you for your rescue, my lord. Diao Chan was trapped in the hands of the blood demon, and she couldn't help herself. Today, the shackles are gone, and she is free again. Even if she is smashed to pieces, Diao Chan will repay the lord's kindness."

Ni Kun chuckled and said leisurely:
"I don't want you to be broken into pieces. Miss Diaochan is beautiful and beautiful, and a goddess descends to earth. From the first time I saw her, I made up my mind to take her as my own..."

He has said this before.

But at that time, he was just playing the villain in order to break through Diao Chan's defense.

But now, it comes from the heart.

When Diao Chan heard this, her delicate body trembled slightly, she raised her head, and looked at him in astonishment:
"Young master... are you joking again?"

Ni Kun smiled and said sincerely:

"Every sentence comes from the heart."

Tsunade folded his hands on his chest and muttered sourly:
"When you were still sealed in the crystal coffin, Ni Kun announced loudly: This woman is mine! Miss Diaochan, do you think you can escape from his grasp?"

Diao Chan had never seen such an open-minded "champion" like Ni Kun who faced his inner desires without any pretense, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

It's not a hero to say that he acts like this, but he really has his eyes on himself.

Then is it necessary for him to pretend to be a hero, to pretend to be generous when he clearly wants himself in his heart?
Isn't that hypocritical?

It can be said that this is the "true qualities of a hero"...

Frank to the point of being domineering, bluntly declaring that he wants to occupy himself...

Diao Chan really didn't know how to characterize Ni Kun.

But she also knows her own charm. Ni Kun has a lecherous disease, and it is not incomprehensible that she takes a fancy to herself.


"My son has saved the world many times, but he is a great hero who has been kind to all living beings in the world. Diao Chan is an ominous person. I don't deserve this, and I am afraid that my name will be damaged."

Ni Kun smiled:
"Diao Chan, you are too self-effacing. How can you not be worthy of me? I know your deeds. A strange woman like you should be admired by the world. But how can I have a clear name? I am known for being lustful.

"Besides, I never think that I am a great hero. I just do something within my ability. I never bother to cover up my own desires. When I saw you, I was greedy for your appearance and figure, and I wanted you in my heart. Sincerely.

"As for how people in the world will evaluate me in the future, whether they say that I am lustful or lustful, or that I want to repay favors or bully men and women, let them go. In short, I want to fix you."

Hearing his candid, sincere, and domineering declaration, Diao Chan couldn't help but throbbed again, stared at him silently for a while, and said nothing more, bowed to him, and said softly:
"Since the young master will not give up, Diao Chan is willing to serve the young master and entrust this body to the young master."

Ni Kun stepped forward and took Diao Chan's soft and slender hands, and smiled freely:
"From now on, you are mine."

"But son..."

Diao Chan stared into Ni Kun's eyes:

"This concubine is a captive of the blood demon. Although the blood curse is gone, he is no longer under his control, but... the young master will definitely be perceived by him when he erases the blood curse. The blood demon may take revenge on the young master if he knows this. Death is not a pity, I am afraid that I will hurt the young master..."

Ni Kun laughed and said:

"Why do you think the blood demon sent Sima Yi, and even sent you to design my son? He dare not act rashly.

"Besides, so what if he is furious? How can he pass through the world barrier and cast power? In short, don't worry, I have my own way to deal with that blood demon. As for now, let's deal with Sima Yi first."

Although I am very grateful to Sima Yi for sending Diao Chan, but...

Ni Kun also wanted that magic pen that could open any door.

So it is time to engage him or continue to engage him.

First start with divination and divination, and after calculating the result, Ni Kun couldn't help laughing:
"The old thief Sima hasn't left Chang'an yet, and he's still staying in Zhenma Division!"

Ni Kun was actually not surprised by this result.

No matter how clever and decisive the old thief Sima is, but due to the one-sided information disadvantage, how can he guess it? Ni Kun has already seen everything, and even Diao Chan can subdue it?

"Let's go back to Chang'an, go to the Zhenmagic Division, and block the old thief Sima!"

Ni Kun took Diao Chan up and flew her into the sky, Tsunade yelled after her:
"Ni Kun, thanks to the good things I said about you just now, are you going to have new people and forget the old ones?"

Ni Kun chuckled, and stretched out his palm to Tsunade. Only then was Tsunade satisfied, and with a soft snort, he flew up and held Ni Kun's big hand, and the three of them flew shoulder to shoulder into Chang'an City.

Chang'an, the official office of the Zhenma Division.

Sima Yi, who was pretending to be Lu Wuxia, was sitting in a wing room, waiting for an interview, when he suddenly heard thunder from outside, followed by greetings from the yard in front.

"Young Master Ni is here, and I am far away to welcome you..."

"Young Master Ni, please come in quickly, come and serve tea to Young Master Ni!"

"Did Mr. Ni come to see Governor Zhao?"

"Hello, Mr. Ni, I am the new official of the town magic department, Guan Pichen, the old gentleman of the Holy Gate, whose common name is Rong Fengxiang, and I have heard the name of the son for a long time... I have a daughter, Rong Jiaojiao, who is also called Luoyang with Wang Shichong's niece Dong Shuni." Shuangyan..."

"Bichen Yaodao, you are not authentic! I heard that you have a beautiful daughter, but you held it like a baby and didn't introduce it to us. When Mr. Ni came today, he didn't even ask you, so you couldn't wait to ask Introduce my daughter to Mr. Ni..."

"Hehe, my little girl loves young heroes, you are all too old..."

The bursts of lively voices kept coming, and Sima Yi's heart moved slightly. Seeing that the interviewers ran out to watch the excitement, he also got up and went out of the wing room, and walked to the side of the voices, muttering to himself:
"It has always been Zhenmagic who has something to do, and he took the initiative to ask Ni Kun for help. Why did Ni Kun take the initiative to come to Zhenmagic today? Could it be that he came to find Zhao Min? Uh...Zhao Min is also a rare beauty, and has been there several times. Fighting side by side with Ni Kun, although there are no gossips between the two, there may be some connections in private. To design Ni Kun, or to start with Zhao Min..."

While he was planning all kinds of conspiracies, he suddenly heard a loud shout in his ears:

"Sima Yi! So you're hiding here!"

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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