Lord God hangs up

Chapter 223 223, see through!Liang Kun will not save Mei tonight

Chapter 223 223, see through!Liang Kun will not save Mei tonight

Facing Ni Kun's proposal, the "magic brush Ma Liang" said modestly:

"Mr. Ni has great supernatural powers. How dare you make a fool of yourself in front of you with such a meager skill?"

Ni Kun smiled heartily:
"Mr. Ma Liang's words are wrong.

"Three people must have my teacher. No matter how powerful a monk is, he dare not say that he is proficient in everything and self-sufficient. Even if I want to go further on the path of practice, I must always be in harmony with the Tao. It is to learn from each other and exchange ideas with friends.”

What he said was grand and upright, and it was really hard for the "magic pen Ma Liang" to refuse——

Mr. Ni, who has a lot of supernatural powers, is willing to put down his figure to ask you for help. If you still hold your posture, aren't you too ignorant of flattery?
Seeing all his colleagues looking at him, the "magic brush Ma Liang" had no choice but to get up and leave the table, took out the magic brush, and bowed to each other:
"Since that's the case, I have no choice but to make a fool of myself.

"It's a small trick, it's not worth mentioning, everyone, don't laugh."

After speaking, he used the void as the drawing board, waved the magic brush, and with just a few strokes, he outlined a colorful tiger with both shape and spirit.

With his finishing touch, the colorful tiger immediately came alive, jumped down from the void, shook its fur, touched the ground with its front paws, and stretched its long waist.

Although all the colleagues in Zhenma Division know that the magical brush Ma Liang has the ability to "make fake paintings come true", but few have seen him paint on the spot and make the objects in the paintings come alive.

At this time, seeing that he actually brought a tiger to life with one stroke, everyone in Zhenmensi suddenly gasped in amazement.

"What a big tiger!" Zhui Ming applauded:
"I have seen a big tiger in Liaodong, but even the big tiger in Liaodong, compared with this giant tiger, is like a child to an adult."

"This tiger is bigger than a buffalo!" Ye Kai also exclaimed:

"The slap looks bigger than the washbasin. If you slap it with one slap, it may break even the iron armor."

Tianjun Xiying said with a smile:

"Break the iron armor? Brother Ye underestimated this tiger too much.

"I have seen with my own eyes the tiger drawn by Mr. Ma Liang show its power. When it hit the tiger's palm, the two-foot-thick stone tablet shattered. The first-rate martial arts masters in the world can't even stand against this tiger for a round."

Ye Kai exclaimed:

"A first-class expert can't go through a round? Isn't this tiger a genius?"

Jin Jiuling smiled and said:
"The giant tiger drawn by Mr. Ma Liang can cull demons. It is said that Cheng Jing has wronged it, so it should be called a god tiger."

Ma Liang smiled humbly:
"This tiger can't fight against too powerful monsters, it really doesn't deserve such praise from everyone..."

Ni Kun suddenly said, "This tiger is so mighty, I am a little happy to see it..."

He raised his right palm and said with a smile:

"I don't know if this tiger can take my master's palm. Mr. Ma Liang, if I strike, will it hurt it?"

Ma Liang didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

However, this tiger was only painted by him with the "magic brush", and he used the power of the magic brush to "paint the fake as real", without using his real cultivation, so he was not afraid of Ni Kun's temptation, so he just said with a smile:

"Although this tiger looks like a real tiger, its essence is just the illusion of heaven and earth vitality. Even if it is killed, it will only return to vitality, and it will not really kill life."

Ni Kun nodded:
"So, I'm relieved."

After a pause, he said to Ma Liang half-jokingly:
"This can be regarded as a discussion between us, and we must win or lose."

Ma Liang didn't know what his intentions were, he only thought that he was really down with a few cups of hot wine, and he was joking, and didn't think there was any problem with it, so he cupped his hands at Ni Kun with a smile:

"Please teach me, my lord."

Ni Kun laughed heartily, not talking nonsense, raised his right hand, and patted down lightly.

As soon as the palm was moved, the banquet hall suddenly shook, and immediately the five qi were agitated and boiled endlessly, faintly condensing into a five-color handprint like an upside-down palm, and slammed down on the tiger.

The tiger man, who was a circle bigger than the buffalo, stood up, roared, waved his tiger claws, and slapped the five-color handprints.

Everyone thought that there would be a massive and fierce collision, and they were ready for the impact of the aftermath of the collision.

Unexpectedly, when the tiger's palm touched the five-color handprints, it didn't make the slightest sound, and didn't even set off a wave of air.

Although there was no movement, the giant tiger seemed to be electrified all over its body. The hair on its whole body stood on end. The tiger's body froze suddenly, and it crawled down with a whimper, and was firmly suppressed to the ground by the five-color palm prints.

This is a kind of compassionate palm. When the handprint is suppressed, there will be no aftermath that will leak out and hurt the surrounding plants and trees.

Therefore, it seems that there is a lot of thunder and little rain.

But only when you are really under the five-color handprints and face the suppression of this palm, you will know how terrible this palm is.

Seeing Juhu's defeat so happily, Ma Liang didn't take it seriously, and just smiled and bowed to Ni Kun:
"Young master is in charge of the giant tiger, and he lifts the weight as if it is light, and he is willing to bow down."

Ni Kun chuckled and raised his glass to Ma Liang:
"My son became stubborn for a while, but I was a little rude. Thanks to Mr. Ma Liang, he played this trick with me.

"Come on, let me offer a toast to Mr. Ma Liang."

"Don't dare to do it." Ma Liang looked flattered, and quickly raised his glass to drink with Ni Kun.

Ni Kun drank the fine wine in the glass, put down the glass, and praised Ma Liang's painting skills, as well as the mighty and beautiful tiger, then changed the subject and talked about other things.

While enjoying the singing and dancing, drinking and chatting, Ni Kun called out the exchange list, and saw that in the exercise list, many messy things were refreshed.

When Ni Kun defeated Xu Fu for the first time, he also severely injured him, but because his real strength was much weaker than Xu Fu at that time, he only refreshed a few skills that Xu Fu had displayed on the spot.

But this time, his real strength was obviously higher than that of "Ma Liang".

Therefore, even though he just defeated the tiger he drew with his magical pen in a game, and did not hurt Ma Liang, he refreshed a lot of abilities in one breath.

"Swordsmanship? Master-level feather fan skills? Master-level iron claw skills? Master-level whisker skills? What a mess, the magic pen Ma Liang knows so many weapons?

"Uh, Wushuang Luanwu? Wushuang Super Body? This..."

Isn't this a skill in Three Kingdoms Warriors?

It's fine that the magic pen Ma Liang knows several kinds of strange weapons, why does he also have the unique skills of the Three Kingdoms Warriors?
Ni Kun kept his expression on his face, but in his mind he quickly retrieved the memories of the past.

Keywords: swordsmanship, feather fan, iron claw, whisk, Wushuang flurry.

Soon, the golden Buddha of the "Amitabha Sutra of the Past" sitting in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, burst into Buddha's light, and quickly searched out some memories that had been swept into the corner and rarely remembered in his previous life memory bank.

The first generation uses swords, the second to fourth and sixth generations use feather fans, the fifth generation uses iron claws, and the seventh generation uses whisks...

So it was you... Sima Yi!

A faint light flashed in Ni Kun's pupils, confirming the true identity of "Ma Liang the magic brush".

"I said that the magic brush Ma Liang couldn't be like this. No wonder you have always had a strong sense of disobedience. It turns out that you are not Ma Liang at all, but the old Sima who has obtained Ma Liang's magic brush!"

After confirming Sima Yi's true identity, Ni Kun looked carefully at the exchange list again, but did not find any demon skills refreshed.

After all, this Sima Yi came from the world of "Three Kingdoms Warriors". He is a fierce man who can ride a thousand horses and mow grass like no other. Moreover, he seems to have been strengthened, and his strength may far exceed his original level.

And Ni Kun didn't really injure or kill Sima Yi. If there is something deeply hidden in Sima's body, it may be difficult to refresh it in a mere sparring without using his real skills.

This made it difficult for Ni Kun to judge Sima Yi's identity:
Because of his bad reputation, Sima Yi pretended to be Ma Liang, the magic brush, and sneaked into Zhenmagic Division, hoping to use Zhenmagic Division as a starting point to seek glory and wealth?
Or is there some deeper plot he is hiding?

Seeing too many intruding traversers, Ni Kun is not surprised to see anyone, and he doesn't mind dealing with bad guys.

There are many bad guys in this town magic division.

Like Tianjun Xiying, senior brother Duanshuiliu, etc., he is not the same as getting along with each other happily?

It's really not a big deal to be an anonymous old Sima.

Even if he repeats his old tricks, using Zhenmagic Division as a springboard, slowly revealing his talents, rising step by step, mastering military and political power, and finally plotting to usurp Qin, Ni Kun doesn't bother to care about him——Sima's old cunning, how can he fight? An enhanced version of Qin Shihuang with super magic reform?

If there is such an attempt, it is simply asking for death.

"So what exactly is Sima Yi? Pretending to be the magic brush Ma Liang and sneaking into Zhenmasi, what's the plan?"

It was difficult for Ni Kun to judge for a while, but since the other party is a badass...

Uncover his true identity?

It's probably useless.

After all, besides being ruthless and tolerant, and having a bad reputation, Sima Yi is also outstanding in various talents.

With Qin Shihuang's heart and self-confidence, even if he knew the real identity of the other party, he probably wouldn't mind at all, and maybe he would reuse it instead and let him give full play to his talents.

Qin Shihuang, he certainly wouldn't worry that he couldn't control Sima Yi.

The first emperor now has an immortal body and extraordinary supernatural powers, and he is not afraid of violent death leaving power and truly disrupting the country. Little Sima Yi, why not use it?

"But I always feel that Sima Yi has malicious intentions... I am not delusional about being persecuted! There are so many people today, he is the one who treats me the most respectfully. When he saw me, he said, 'I have been admired for a long time, and I am lucky to live forever'" I have said all kinds of things, and if I compliment him casually, I just look flattered... I am not Zhuge Liang, why do you admire me?"

It's okay to not know Sima Yi's real identity. Knowing his real identity, Ni Kun recalled that after entering the banquet hall, Sima Yi's words, deeds, and actions became more and more wrong.

Of course, there must be some "preconceived" elements in this.

But since the seeds of doubt have been planted, Ni Kun will definitely not have any carelessness towards Sima Yi.

Ni Kun was suspicious of Sima, but kept his face calm, and continued to enjoy singing and dancing, drinking and chatting with the crowd, looking very happy.

The banquet lasted from dusk until near midnight, and did not end until the guests and hosts had enjoyed themselves.

Zhao Min personally sent Ni Kun out of Shanglin Garden. He planned to send him back all the way, but he declined with a smile. He just asked casually:
"I had a great time drinking today, and had a good chat with everyone in Zhenmensi. I don't know who initiated this banquet in the first place?"

Zhao Min laughed and said:

"No one deliberately initiated it.

"It's just that new colleagues such as Tie Shou, Zhui Ming, Ye Kai, etc., heard about the deeds of Young Master Ni from the old man of the Town Magic Division, so they all wanted to meet him and ask him face to face.

"The few of them talked a lot, and I heard it, so I moved my mind to arrange today's banquet."

So it wasn't the old Sima's proposal?

Obviously he admires me the most!

But then again, with Sima's scheming, even if he wanted to stir up this banquet, he would never show up in person, at most he would only push the flames secretly, use all kinds of words to hint, and let others tease Zhao Min without a trace.

However, you obviously admired me the most, but you didn't personally participate in the discussion. You persuaded Zhao Min to arrange this banquet. This is a flaw!
Ni Kun has a prejudice against Sima Lao Yin, and any small detail will be magnified infinitely with a magnifying glass. This seemingly random question and answer deepened his suspicion of Sima, and he thought to himself:

"Find an opportunity to let Tsunade use the transformation technique to make up, beat him hard, and try it out. Tsunade also has a reincarnation watch. If you damage it, maybe you can refresh more things..."

Declining Zhao Min to see him off, Ni Kun rode his horse alone and trotted back to his residence.

In the middle of the journey, I suddenly heard a horse's hoof startled, and a carriage rushed out from the opposite street.

The horses pulling the cart were running wildly. The driver pulled the reins in panic, but he couldn't stop the horses at all.

Seeing Ni Kun coming on horseback from a distance, the coachman exclaimed: "My lord, get out of the way, the horse is frightened!"

Ni Kun was as good as he was good, and quickly moved the horse to the side of the road, sitting and watching the frightened horse rush past with the carriage.

The moment he passed by.

Ni Kun saw a look of astonishment in the eyes of the coachman looking at him, and seemed to be saying: What's the situation?I'm just being polite, why do you really step aside?Can't you help stop the startled horse?Where did the chivalrous spirit go?

"It's not that I don't want to be brave, it's just that this kind of drama is too routine."

Ni Kun shrugged and said to the carriage:

"What if I stop the startled horse, and a beautiful woman jumps out of the carriage, saying that there is no way to repay such a great kindness, and she wants to promise me with her body... Then wouldn't it be that I have done a good deed and suffered a great loss?"

A beautiful woman in the carriage suddenly suffocated: Is there a mistake?Aren't you the most horny?There is a beautiful woman who wants to make a promise to you, but you actually think it is a big loss?Are you sick?
Ni Kun watched the carriage go away with a smile, then continued to urge the horse forward, and said loudly:
"Erbajia's body is like a crisp, and she cuts a fool with a sword in her waist. Although no head is seen, the bone marrow of the secret teacher is dry..."

Hearing this poem, the beauty in the car was suffocated for a while: You even dare to bring the Yin Gui demon girl with you, and you even bring four at a time, why are you not afraid of being squeezed out of your bones by them?Now it's time to pretend to be a gentleman!
Of course Ni Kun didn't know what the beauty in the car was thinking.

But he had already discovered that there was someone in the carriage, and she was a very fragrant woman.

Then there is a curfew in the city at this time, and you can still wander on the street in a carriage, and you can't stop the horse from galloping. It seems that you don't know martial arts. Is there such a possibility? For example, the woman in the carriage is someone High-ranking officials, ordering food from brothels?
If it's a takeaway ordered by a nobleman, as a kind gentleman, it's better not to cut it off.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is a little suspicious tonight, and any dissonance will be infinitely magnified.

Midnight, startling horses, beauties, how good are the themes of heroes saving the beauty?
God knows if it's a pit, just wait for me to jump down.

Even if it's really not a pitfall, the beauty in the car is actually not at risk of being injured.

When Ni Kun came over just now, he saw a group of terracotta warriors and horses patrolling the night, and checked his pass badge for them.

And the direction that the carriage was heading was exactly where the team of terracotta warriors and horses were, and they could meet them within a hundred feet.

Powerful, flexible, and not afraid of being injured, it is very easy to stop the startled horse.

Anyway, Ni Kun just didn't want to mind any other business tonight, and went home leisurely all the way.

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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