Lord God hangs up

Chapter 205 205, Youquan Old Devil, Fusion Starter

Chapter 205 205, Youquan Old Devil, Fusion Starter

Looking at the picture scroll in Ni Kun's hand, and looking at the peach blossom tree in full bloom in the painting, the girl in yellow clothes who is smiling tenderly while holding the flowers is so lifelike, as if she might walk out of the painting at any time, Huang Rong's eyes can't help but feel dazed for a while.

She couldn't help raising her hand, stroking the scroll with her slender fingers.

She can't be wrong.

It was indeed a meticulous painting drawn by his father Huang Yaoshi himself.

The girl in the painting is still a bit childish when she was fourteen or fifteen years old.

Every detail is flawless, Huang Rong even felt a certain emotion in the painting, as if when the painter painted this painting, what was dipped on the nib of the brush was not all kinds of ink, but sincere, full and rich thoughts like ink.

If she hadn't cared for her dear ones wholeheartedly, it would be impossible to paint such a portrait that resonates with her spirit.


Huang Rong's slender fingers followed the outline of the girl's face in the painting, and her bright eyes were filled with tears again.

The inscription on the picture scroll, and the handwriting on the line of her birthday are also Huang Yaoshi's handwriting.

Huang Rong even smelled a fresh scent of ink.

With her calligraphy and painting skills and spiritual perception, she can tell that this portrait has existed for a long time.

But the handwriting of her birthday was definitely written recently, with clear layers and fresh ink.

In this world, apart from her mother who died young, and her father who single-handedly raised her, there is no third person who knows her birth date.

Therefore, this is really a portrait drawn by my father, and it is really written by my father.

But how is this possible?

Her father was murdered by Murong Fu more than three years ago, how could she paint this portrait, and how could she write down her birthday in the near future?

Even though it all feels unbelievable.

But Huang Rong was like a drowning man, grabbing a life-saving straw, looked at Ni Kun with tears in her eyes, and asked in a trembling voice full of hope:
"My dad...where is he?"

Ni Kun met her gaze and said frankly:
"Senior Huang is naturally no longer in this world."

Huang Rong's heart sank, tears rolled down, and she was about to cry out loud.

Huang Yaoshi, as a Wujue, could cry whenever he wanted and laugh whenever he wanted in front of outsiders.

As Huang Yaoshi's daughter, Huang Rong is naturally straightforward. She laughs when she is happy and cries when she is sad. She never holds back.

But Ni Kun went on to say:

"After being murdered by Murong Fu and others, Senior Huang died but his soul is immortal. He has been reincarnated in another world and has become the new Huang Yaoshi."

Huang Rong's crying stopped abruptly, her small mouth was slightly opened, her eyes were covered with tears, and she looked at Ni Kun blankly.

This confused and cute appearance made Ni Kun couldn't help taking out Zhang Xin's brocade handkerchief, and while wiping her tears, said with a smile:

"Do you still remember why you fell out with your father and ran away in anger?"

Of course Huang Rong remembered.

That runaway directly led to the tragedy that separated her from her father, how could she not remember it in her heart?

"Father... got a few inexplicable 'books from heaven' and was so addicted to them that he even forgot my 15th birthday... I thought he didn't love me anymore, so he ran away from home in a fit of anger...killed me he..."

Speaking of this, Huang Rong couldn't help the tears rolling down again, but this time there was no lack of hope amidst the grief. While crying, she tried to open her eyes wide and looked at Ni Kun expectantly.

Ni Kun was calm and asked calmly:
"Then has he discussed the contents of those heavenly books with you?"

Huang Rong sniffled, pulled the brocade handkerchief in Ni Kun's hand, wiped her tears, and said with a sob:
"Occasionally, I heard my father mention a few words, such as quantum mechanics, parallel time and space... But I couldn't understand what he was talking about at all, and I never picked up his words, only annoyed that he was obsessed with research and ignored me..."

Ni Kun smiled and said:
"Your father's research has achieved some results. I can't explain the specific situation for a while. When you meet your father, let him explain it to you in detail.

"In short, you only need to know that your father's soul is immortal and reincarnated in another world, that's enough.

"And even if he was reincarnated into another world, he has never forgotten you, and has been trying to return to this world to take you home.

"I happened to be visiting your father on Peach Blossom Island, and I happened to have the ability to travel through time and space, so your father entrusted me to take you home.

"This portrait is the medium he gave me to find you, and the certificate to recognize you."

Although it is still like listening to the Arabian Nights, my heart is full of doubts.

But to Huang Rong, nothing is important.

The painting is indeed my father's painting, and the words are indeed written by my father recently.

And with Ni Kun's ability, even Murong Fu can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers, if he really wants to harm himself, he can just use force directly.

How can it be necessary to spend so much time and effort, make so many preparations, and make up a story that sounds like a fantasy to deceive yourself?
Smart people are suspicious, and so is Huang Rong.

But at this moment, she is willing to trust Ni Kun.

One is out of guilt and longing for his father, and the other is out of recognition of Ni Kun's strength.

This kind of strong man, what he wants, he can get it straight away, there is no need to play tricks and twists and turns.

"I'll go home with you!"

Huang Rong looked up at Ni Kun, and said decisively with red eyes.

Then add another sentence:
"But you have to kill that big devil first."

Although returning home is like an arrow, I can't wait to see my father immediately.

But in Huang Rong's heart, there was still deep uneasiness and endless guilt.

Even if his father had already "reincarnated" in another world, he had died once because of his petty temper.

Even though her father wouldn't blame herself, she couldn't forgive herself easily.

Murong Fu's death is not enough, it is not enough to kill several enemies who were with Murong Fu and besieged his father before.

The culprit who caused all of this had to be killed to make up for some of the mistakes she had made.

"Okay, I will accompany you to kill that big devil. By the way, who is that big devil?"

"He was originally called Master Lingzhi..."


Before Huang Rong could finish speaking, Ni Kun interrupted her in surprise.

Master Ling Zhi?

In the original world line, the Tibetan master Wanyan Honglie hired felt good about himself, he provoked Ouyang Feng, was abused by Ouyang Feng, provoked Huang Yaoshi, and was abused by Ouyang Feng, but even so, he could hypnotize himself They all just know magic tricks, and their martial arts are not very good. They still stubbornly believe that they are the real masters.

Just such a wonderful flower, is it the "big devil" who taught Murong Fu, Wan Yankang, Huang Rong and other disciples?
Even if Master Lingzhi had obtained the Blood Fiend Demon Art very early, with his intelligence, he could accept people like Murong Fu, Wanyankang, and Huang Rong as his disciples, and he would have been cheated to death by his disciples early on, and he would have taken away a body of cultivation. for?
Ni Kun was a little unbelievable, he only suspected that the Master of Spiritual Wisdom was taken away by someone, right?
Just when I was thinking this way, I heard Huang Rong continue to say:

"Originally, he was called Master Lingzhi, and he was a master of Tibet, but then somehow he had an adventure, he cultivated the blood fiend magic art, and changed his title, calling himself 'Youquan Patriarch', our blood fiend magic art is him taught."

Patriarch Youquan?

Looks like it was taken away!

The ancestor of Youquan is the big boss in the movie version of "Shushan".

Its body was originally countless skeletons, and later in the underground blood orifices, it refined its body into a river of blood that covered the sky and covered the earth.

Of course, the river of blood of Patriarch Youquan, compared to the river of blood of Holy Son of Blood Fiend, is like a brook to the ocean.It's normal to be subdued by the Son of Blood Fiend.

However, there are also some tricks that cannot be explained.

With the cultivation level of the patriarch Youquan, the world of Condor Shooting might have been turned into a sea of ​​blood by him. He successfully sacrificed, broke the barrier of the world, and summoned the Son of Blood Fiend to destroy the world.

Why does this world still exist so far?

Thinking of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji's Great Heavenly Demon and Great Heavenly Demon Primordial Spirit, they are all just pieces of primordial spirit "eaten leftover" by An Wuji, and their strength is far from the peak, Ni Kun can't help suspecting that the ancestor of Youquan, don't Wasn't he also swallowed by the Blood Fiend Holy Son?
There is only a drop of blood, a fragment of the primordial spirit left, and they are thrown into this world as pawns. Now they are in the stage of recovering their cultivation and accumulating strength?

Accepting disciples to teach exercises is just to raise funds for yourself to restore your cultivation?

Because it takes time to restore the cultivation base, so until now, the large-scale massacre and sacrifice have not started?

After all, if sacrifices are made, the essence, blood and primordial spirit of the sacrifices must be sacrificed, and they cannot be swallowed by themselves.Otherwise, it would just improve one's own cultivation, unable to achieve the purpose of sacrifice.

So Youquan has to wait until his cultivation has recovered to a certain level before starting to sacrifice?

Ni Kun didn't know if his guess was true.

But whatever the truth is, it doesn't matter now.

Since Ni Kun has agreed to help Huang Rong kill this demon, the life of the Youquan old demon has entered the countdown stage.

"Where is Old Demon Youquan now?"

"He's in Dongting Lake, above Junshan."

"Very well, it's not too far from here, so let's go straight to Junshan, eradicate that old devil, and then go home."

"Okay!" Huang Rong stared at Ni Kun and smiled brightly, her bright eyes were full of expectations.


Eight hundred miles away, Dongting Lake is vast and beautiful.

Junshan is a small island in the lake, surrounded by water, with 72 peaks and beautiful peaks.

Originally, this place was a resort for escaping the summer and viewing the scenery. There are often dignitaries, literati and scholars visiting here, and there are also manors built by wealthy families on the island.

But eight years ago, a "plague" occurred on the island.

All the people on the island, regardless of gender, high or low, all turned into horrific mummies overnight.

After this incident happened, the government also dispatched Xiangjun sailors to go to the island to investigate.

Hundreds of troops who could land on the island, as well as several famous doctors who were good at treating epidemics who accompanied the army, also turned into mummified corpses overnight.

Not only were all the people who landed on the island dead, but even the sailors and boatmen who stayed on the ship were almost extinct. Only a few survived and went back to report the news alive, but within a few days, those few survivors were turned into mummies one after another die.

Since then, Junshan has become a forbidden area of ​​Dongting Lake.

Not only no one dares to visit the island anymore, even the fishermen of Dongting Lake and even water pirates never dare to approach the island again.

At this moment, a flat boat was sailing towards the forbidden area of ​​Junshan, where everyone's expression changed.

Zhuo stood on the bow of the boat with Ni Kun's hands behind his back, and Huang Rong, dressed in a plain white dress, stood beside Ni Kun. While submerging his strength and pushing the boat forward like an arrow, he said to him:
"The so-called 'plague' of Junshan eight years ago was caused by Old Devil Youquan. Since then, he has occupied Junshan alone, occasionally going out, bringing back a group of disciples, and teaching them magic skills.

"Over the past eight years, he has taken in at least a thousand disciples, but very few of them have survived until now. Most of the disciples have been devoured by him on the grounds that their progress is slow and they are unbearable.

"The remaining ones such as Murong Fu and others who are still able to enter the realm have not been devoured by him, but they often kill each other, devour each other and plunder each other. Up to now, there are only about ten or so disciples on the island."

Ni Kun asked:

"How are so many disciples sorted?"

Huang Rong explained:
"When each batch of disciples first arrived at Junshan, for the first year, they were all outer disciples.

"After one year, after the assessment, those who have been approved by Youquan Old Demon will be promoted to inner disciples. If they fail the assessment and cannot be promoted to inner disciples, they will be swallowed by Youquan Old Demon.

"After one year of practice, the inner disciples will be assessed again. If they meet the requirements, they can become 'True Inheritance Preparations'. Only then can they be qualified for ranking. Those who fail the assessment will naturally be swallowed by Youquan Laomo.

"My pseudonym is Feng Rong. I have been under the old monster Youquan's sect for three years. I have successfully passed the two assessments, and I was promoted to the preparation of the true biography. That's why Murong Fu called me Junior Sister."

Ni Kun said:
"Preparation for true inheritance? Under Youquan's sect, there will only be one true disciple. If you fail to compete for the only true inheritance, won't you all be swallowed by Youquan old monster?"

Huang Rong said:
"Old Demon Youquan said that preparations for True Inheritance are rare cultivation seeds after all, even if they fail to win the position of the only True Inheritance, they will not be devoured, and they can be transformed into elders and deacons of the sect in the future.

"However, no one can know the truth of Old Demon Youquan's words. Therefore, every disciple is trying to compete for the only position. They are fighting each other, plundering and devouring each other...

"Of course, there are also avengers like me who are dedicated to revenge, who use the competition for the only true biography as an excuse to wait for the opportunity to kill their enemies, and there are also Wanyan Kang who seems to be interested in cultivation, only greedy for glory and wealth, and every time he just gets stuck. A treacherous villain who passed the examination first."

Ni Kun felt in his heart:

"This is the real demon sect! Compared with this blood demon sect, the Yingui Sect is as pure as a child..."

He said lightly on his mouth:
"From my point of view, whether it's the preparation of the true biography or the only true biography, I'm afraid the future will only be the accumulation of that Youquan old devil."

Huang Rong nodded and looked at him with admiration:
"The blood fiend magic art has a great supernatural power that transforms the body into a blood shadow and transforms into a thousand with one.

"After I accidentally learned of this supernatural power, I realized that the Blood Fiend Demon Sect doesn't need any disciples, elders, or deacons. It doesn't even need a true inheritance, only a sect master is enough.

"Other people who practice the blood fiend magic art will all be food for the source of this magic art in the future.

"The patriarch Youquan accepted so many disciples to teach magic skills, and let them go out to devour people to practice, the purpose is just to let them help him accumulate cultivation resources."

Ni Kun looked at her with a smile and praised:

"With a magic power, I can see the evil intentions of Youquan old devil. Rong'er is really smart."

Huang Rong's pretty face flushed slightly, and she whispered:
"Actually, the old devil Youquan acted too much. Over the past eight years, he has swallowed so many outer and inner disciples. If you are a little careful, you will inevitably doubt his true intentions.

"Those treacherous and cunning guys like Murong Fu and Wanyan Kang may have already understood the old devil Youquan's intentions, but they are temporarily powerless to resist. Murong Fu will do everything possible to strengthen himself, maybe he just wants to wait for an opportunity to attack Youquan in the future. Old Devil Quan."

Ni Kun laughed and said:

"No matter what Murong Fu's intentions are, he has no chance. And Old Demon Youquan also has no chance."

Huang Rong reminded:
"Young Master Ni, although you are strong, Old Demon Youquan's cultivation is unfathomable, and no one knows how strong he is. So after landing on the island, we still have to be careful."

"I can save it." Ni Kun nodded, and asked Huang Rong: "By the way, have the remaining dozen or so disciples on the island ever tried to devour people?"

Huang Rong sighed:

"The shortcut of the blood fiend demonic art devouring people to practice is too tempting. The competition among the sects is too fierce. In order to pass the examination and not be swallowed by the old devil Youquan or other fellow sects, almost every fellow sect has devoured it. People practice the method and quickly strengthen themselves.

"There used to be quite a few outer sect disciples who didn't want to devour others to practice, but their innate talents were not good enough, and they couldn't pass the test in normal cultivation, so they sneaked out of the island and wanted to go away and find a place to live in seclusion.

"But every time before the assessment, those disciples who escaped, no matter how long they escaped or where they went, were all captured by Youquan old devil and devoured all their essence, blood and primordial spirit in front of all the disciples...

"After a few rounds, none of the disciples tried to escape, and all of them embarked on the path of devouring people. But even so, there are still many disciples who died from the same sect's cannibalism, or failed to pass the two assessments, and were killed by Youquan. devour.

"To this day, Wanyan Kang and the dozen or so disciples left on the island have at least hundreds of innocent lives in their hands..."

Ni Kun said: "That is to say, there is no good person on the island?"

Huang Rong shook her head: "There are no good people in the Blood Demon Sect."

Ni Kun smiled and said, "Rong'er, it's very good that you can resist the temptation of shortcuts."

"But I can't be considered a good person."

Huang Rong lowered her eyelids and said quietly: "In the past three years, for revenge, several martial arts righteous men have set up bait for me. Like Uncle Nan Xiren this time, if it wasn't for Mr. Ni's timely help, he would also be the bait And die."

Ni Kun asked: "They all have vendettas against Murong Fu or other members of the Blood Demon Sect, so they volunteered their lives to help you, right?"

Huang Rong nodded slightly.

Ni Kun comforted: "Since it is voluntary and not forced, then you don't need to blame yourself. There are many people in the world who sacrifice their lives for righteousness. Since they participate in your plan, they have already predicted their end, even if they are bait to die , as long as you can help them take revenge successfully, they will also be able to smile at Jiuquan."

Huang Rong forced a smile, pulled herself together, and looked forward.

In the mist and mist in front of him, there is already a beautiful small island looming.

"That's Junshan Island."

Huang Rong raised her finger to the beautiful island, "Old Devil Youquan practiced at the peak in the middle of Junshan Island. Mr. Ni, after landing on the island, I will take you to my residence to hide, and then I will go to the old devil's place to test things out first." , if he..."

"There's no need to be so troublesome, right?" Ni Kun interrupted her, raised her palm, facing Junshan in the mist and mist: "Is the old devil Youquan in the middle of the island?"

"Uh, yes..." Huang Rong blinked and looked at Ni Kun inexplicably.

"Then let's say hello first. Rong'er, please close your eyes..."

As soon as the words fell, a blazing scorching sun had descended on the center of Junshan Mountain, emitting violent light and heat, and dispelled the cloud, mist and mist that enveloped Junshan Mountain.

Fusion Burial started, and Ni Kun is already very familiar with it.

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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