Lord God hangs up

Chapter 197 Chapter 197, this woman is obviously strong but overly cautious

Chapter 197 Chapter 197, this woman is obviously strong but overly cautious
Shan Meixian has sent military masters and ninjas to find out the general direction of the birthplace of the catastrophe.

Ni Kun made divination based on this, and although he didn't get much, he managed to pinpoint the specific location of the origin of the catastrophe.

It is not too far from Changzhou, where the base camp is located, and the straight-line distance is only more than 1000 miles.

Ni Kun and his party are all strong men, and they have already traveled through mountains and rivers like walking on flat ground.

There are also two mounts, Nightmare Demon Horse and Xiaoqing, who can ignore the rugged terrain of Wadao with many mountains and few lands, and take a straight line to the destination.

It was okay when we set off from the Changzhou base camp. In Changzhou, we can still see large areas of normal forests and fields, but the water levels of rivers and lakes are a little shallower.

But after leaving Changzhou for more than a hundred miles, the mountains and forests along the way gradually withered, and after another hundred miles, there was no trace of greenery.

The mountains, forests and grasslands are all withered, and the sound of birds, beasts and insects is not heard, and the silence is like a ghost land.

The rivers and lakes seen along the way have also dried up to the bottom.

The river beds and lake bottoms covered with chapped and dry soil are all scattered with a large number of bones, including fish bones, animal bones, and human bones.

After another [-] li or so, some small plains appear to have become Gobi-like, and the surface soil of a few small plains has even been completely deserted.

Of course, only the surface soil has been desertified, and there is still salvation.

But if it is delayed for a while, until the degree of desertification deepens, then the main island of Wa Kingdom will be completely abolished.

Starting early in the morning, the whole journey was non-stop. When it was almost dusk, Ni Kun and his party stopped on a hill that had completely withered. Looking around, they could already see a volcano with a standard shape, and on the crater, a towering giant that pierced into the sky. Tree.

It is Mount Fuji.

Looking at the barren mountain that has no green at all, the foot of the mountain has become a desert, the mountainside to the mountain pass, there are giant tree roots as big as a city wall, and the tree is no less than a thousand meters high, with only one bare tree. A giant tree with a huge trunk and a strange flower bud growing on the top. Rao Tsunade has lived in the wasteland for many years. He has even seen the dying elf tree city before, and he can't help but marvel:
"What kind of monster is that?"

Although she came from a famous family in the ninja world, her grandfather was the man who single-handedly established the structure of the ninja world, and she had heard some legends about the origin of ninjas, but she still couldn't recognize this "sacred tree".

After all, the true face of the sacred tree has long been submerged in the long history of ninja world turmoil and wars for many years.

Xiaoqing was also amazed:

"It's such a big tree! It's so strangely grown, it doesn't have a branch or a leaf... Such a straight trunk, I really want to climb up and have a plate..."

Zhu Yuyan and Hou Hou followed Ni Kun, and saw a lot of surreal existences.

But when he looked at the strange giant tree from a distance, he was still dumbfounded by the shock and could not speak for a long time.

There is no way, for a super-huge existence, the instinct of life will be shocked.

What's more, this kind of giant tree that is beyond imagination and as big as a pillar of the sky?

"You are so tall, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Hou Wan murmured.


Ni Kunxin said that the tree can absorb all natural energy, and to it, lightning strikes are probably just watering.

Yes, at the first sight of Mount Fuji and the giant tree, he recognized the origin of the giant tree, and also understood the root cause of the cataclysm of Wajima.

The Otsutsuki family of aliens came to the earth to plant trees again!
If he hadn't seen the two "world-destroying demons" of Xuehe and An Wuji, Ni Kun might have thought that the Jupiter who planted the "sacred tree" in Fushan was just another "traveler" who entered the world here. .

But now he doesn't think so.

Anyone who has the ability to destroy the world and has already put it into action is very likely to be a pawn cast by the "world destroying demons".

The big-tube Jovian who planted trees on Mount Fuji was probably the pawn that An Wuji had thrown over before he was severely injured by Ni Kun.

"The sacred tree only absorbed the 'life force' of most of the island of Japan. The buds are still there, and the fruit looks immature. That is to say, the Jupiter who planted the sacred tree probably never ate the sacred tree. The fruit, the 'Samsara Sharingan' has not yet been opened, and it has evolved to the strongest form of the Jupiter in Datong..."

Ni Kun murmured to himself, took out four sunglasses from the mustard ring, and threw them to Xiaoqing, Tsunade, Zhu Yuyan, and Houhou.

Wan Hou took the sunglasses and blinked her eyelashes puzzledly: "My lord, what is this?"

Ni Kun pointed at Tsunade: "Learn from Tsunade."

Houhou, Zhu Yuyan, and Xiaoqing looked at Tsunade, and saw that she had put her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and was smiling with her arms crossed.

Although the three of them didn't understand the use of this thing, they still imitated Tsunade's appearance and put on sunglasses.

The beauties in ancient costumes wear sunglasses, which is quite nondescript.

But now is not the time to focus on beauty.

After they all put on their sunglasses, Ni Kun spread his fingers apart, facing the sacred tree with his palms, and murmured:
"Face the east wind... Fusion, big burial!"

It turned out to be a fusion funeral!

And it burned a super-fusion burial with a lifespan of ten years and an equivalent of 500 million tons in one go!

Even the Datong Jupiter who has never eaten the fruit of the sacred tree is very capable, and Ni Kun will not underestimate him in the slightest.

In addition, the sacred tree itself is an extremely powerful living weapon, and the immature fruit can also be picked and eaten, allowing the eater to gain great strength instantly. Therefore, Ni Kun did not hesitate to use his big move at the beginning.

As for whether it would be a pity to destroy the fruit...

As long as the battle is successful, the reincarnation watch and exchange list will naturally give Ni Kun a satisfactory feedback.

A huge scorching sun descended on Mount Fuji.

When light radiation erupts.

Even though the distance was far away, even though they were wearing sunglasses and each had magical powers to protect their eyes, Tsunade, Xiaoqing, Zhu Yuyan, and Wan Wan couldn't help but raise their hands to cover their eyes, or moved their eyes away, or closed their eyes.

Xiaoqing and Tsunade, who saw Ni Kun performing this move for the first time, even screamed in unison, and jumped to hide behind Ni Kun.

And even though Zhu Yuyan and Wanhou had witnessed this move for the second time, when they saw the "scorching sun" that was many times bigger and more dazzling than the "scorching sun" that descended on the Japanese Navy's naval camp back then, they were very moved. The body still trembled uncontrollably, and was once again stunned by Ni Kun's god-like power.

After that brief flash that brightened the sky, made the sky and the earth bright, and eclipsed the setting sun.

Ring-shaped impact clouds distributed in a step-like shape, surrounded by a huge mushroom cloud with terrifying flame balls tumbling underneath, rolled up into the sky, straight into the sky.

The ground bounced wildly, as if it had turned into a rough sea.

The violent scorching shock wave, engulfed by overwhelming billowing dust waves and deafening thunder roars, crazily impacts and spreads in all directions, tearing apart all obstacles along the way.

In the end, they even rushed to the top of the mountain where Ni Kun and the others were, and directly submerged the nearly [-]-meter-high hill.

After the shock wave.

Under the protection of Ni Kun's "Crystal Wall", Xiaoqing and others, who were safe and sound, looked up at the huge mushroom cloud that stood in the sky forever, rising continuously, as if it was about to go straight to the nine heavens, all of them were dumbfounded and speechless.

Ni Kun frowned, looking at Fuji Mountain Pass.

The kilometer giant tree has disappeared, but it was not destroyed by Ni Kun's blow. ,
Instead, it was covered by a huge black ball from the root to the bottom.

The black ball is pitch black and lightless, and seems to be able to absorb all tangible and intangible existence, giving people a sense of chaos and nothingness, devouring everything.

Expansion seeking jade!
A terrifying skill that can devour Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, all tangible and intangible things, and turn them into chaos and nothingness!
Ni Kun recognized the black ball.

"The big-tube Jupiter who hasn't eaten the fruit can actually use the inflated Taoist Jade to withstand a 500-million-ton nuclear explosion? Is this fucking dead?"

Ni Kun was slightly moved.

Well, the son of a certain Jupiter is so powerful that he can artificially create a moon. Even if the real Jupiter has never eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, it seems understandable that he is so powerful?
Besides, isn't there a sacred tree next to it?
The giant Jupiter can directly absorb the energy of the sacred tree.The Otsutsu Jupiter who planted a tree on Mount Fuji was able to display such a huge swollen Seeking Jade, probably because he was forced to absorb the energy of the sacred tree.

In this case, it can be regarded as causing damage to the sacred tree, and the result does not seem to be unacceptable?
When he was thinking about it, he saw that huge black ball, and a crack suddenly burst out on the surface.

Immediately, I saw the cracks spreading in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, densely packed, covering the entire sphere.

Following the seemingly indestructible "Swelling Seeking Dao Jade", it collapsed with a bang, revealing the main body of the sacred tree.

The sacred tree at this time is quite different from before.

The "Expanding Jade of Seeking Dao" seemed to be a little bit late in unfolding. Although it barely resisted the fusion and burial, the body of the sacred tree still suffered heavy damage.

Most of the dense twisted tree roots that spread from the mountain pass to the mountainside, as big as a city wall, disappeared, and the remaining half became like coke, black and withered, dying of vitality.

And the gigantic straight body of the sacred tree, which is a thousand meters high, is also covered with huge defects and pitch-black scorched marks.

The buds were unharmed.

Because someone protected it.

Ni Kun squinted his eyes, concentrated his gaze, and stared at the top of the flower bud.

I saw a woman with a slender figure, a strangely white complexion, double horns on her forehead, white hair and white pupils, hanging above the flower buds.

Presumably it was the woman's personal protection that saved the flower buds and fruits from being severely injured.

However, her condition doesn't look very good, her breath is a little sluggish, and her skin and pupils are also a little bleak.

"Female? Otsutsuki Kaguya?"

Ni Kun exclaimed:

"I'm going, I didn't expect to meet Otsuki Kaguya who didn't eat the fruit! Speaking of which, Tsunade is also a descendant of Otsuki Kaguya?"

In the world of reincarnation, everything is possible.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, who has never eaten fruit or given birth to a child, appeared in the same world as her descendant after countless generations, which is not really a strange thing.

At this time, Datongmu Huiye, who was hanging in the sky above the buds of the sacred tree, glanced at Ni Kun and the others, and a black light curtain unfolded in front of him, and he dodged into the light curtain.

Immediately, a black light curtain spread in the sky in front of Ni Kun and the others, and Otsutsuki Kaguya's slender body flashed out from the light curtain.

Huangquan Hirasaka, Otsutsuki Kaguya has the ability to teleport through space.

Ni Kun reckoned that she was able to appear above the buds in time to protect the fruit of the sacred tree because of this ability.

Datongmu Huiye floated a hundred feet in front of Ni Kun and the others, staring at Ni Kun with pure white eyes, and asked in a deep voice:
"You are the Sun God of the Central Plains?"

At the beginning, the "sun" came, and almost destroyed the ungrown sacred tree, forcing her to absorb a large amount of the stored energy of the sacred tree that should be used to supply the growth of the fruit, and cast spells to protect the sacred tree.

But even so, the roots and body of the sacred tree were also severely damaged, and I don't know how much energy will be spent to recover from the injury...

To squander such majestic and terrifying power without caring about energy consumption, could it be that this man is the lord, the sun god of the Central Plains, that bald man who can escape from the earth?

"The sun god of the Central Plains?"

Ni Kun was startled for a moment, then smiled and said:
"If you mean the trick just now... I think I should be the Central Plains sun god you think."

Seeing that he was so calm and unhurried, and his breath didn't weaken in the slightest, as if the blow just now didn't consume any energy at all, Kaguya Ji couldn't help but feel a little drummed in her heart——

Kaguya Ji always has some inexplicable deviations in her cognition of strength.

Of course, she is not arrogant, but underestimates herself too much, always thinking that she is weak and weak, and her enemies are strong and strong.

This mentality can be described in two words: cautious.

To use one word for abbreviation, that is: counsel.

But even though her heart was beating a bit, she still maintained an indifferent look on her face, and said lightly:

"I don't seem to have provoked you?"

Ni Kun said: "You have offended me by planting trees in my territory."

Kaguya Ji said: "Your territory? You are the Sun God of the Central Plains..."

"This world, wherever the sun shines, is my territory."

Ni Kun interrupted her unceremoniously:
"What's more, I have promised this island to my concubine's daughter, allowing her to establish a country here and become the king. If you tamper with this island country, you are making an enemy of me.

"Finally...do you dare to say that your tree can only extract the vitality of this island country?"

Kaguya Ji was silent for a while, and said lightly:

"Sorry, I really don't intend to be your enemy, but I have a mission, so I don't allow me to back down easily.

"It's better for you and me to take a step back. I guarantee that the sacred tree will never affect the Central Plains. How about you withdraw from Wa Island?"

Well, this is just a delaying tactic for her. It would be great if Ni Kun reached an agreement with her on this.

When the fruit of the sacred tree grows for a while, she directly uses the sacrifices she prepared earlier to sacrifice to the sacred tree and eat the fruit. Even if the fruit is far from ripe, the power she gains is enough to sweep the world .

Ni Kun narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Didn't you hear what I said earlier? This island country is the territory I promised to my concubine's daughter, and no one will be allowed to get involved! That tree, I will uproot it today!"

Kaguya Ji really didn't want to rashly start a war with an unknown enemy like Ni Kun.

A few days ago, when she faced Xia Xingbu, she declared that she was not afraid of the "Central Plains Sun God".

But now when she was actually facing Ni Kun, she was still a little timid after seeing that he shot "the sun is coming" at the beginning of his hand, and his breath showed no signs of weakening.

In addition, her "white eyes" can see through all camouflage and evasion techniques, and can also see through the meridians and acupoints in the target person's body, accurately distinguishing the direction of energy in the meridians and acupoints, and has a great influence on the enemy's strength and attacking moves. Strong predictive ability.

But when he tried to observe Ni Kun, he only saw waves of oscillating and shining thunder, covering his shallow body surface, covering his inner body so tightly that it was impossible to pry into it.

Facing this kind of powerful enemy who can't see the depth at all, with Kaguya Ji's cautious attitude, she is absolutely unwilling to start a war with him before she is ready.

However, the "delay strategy" will not work.

Ni Kun's attitude is firm, and he must uproot the sacred tree. If Kaguya Ji doesn't want to start a war hastily, she can only...

I was thinking about tactics in my mind, and I expected to use "Huangquan Biliangsaka" to suddenly teleport behind Ni Kun, and then use the "Fixation Technique" to fix him, and then try to subdue him with the big gun, I heard Ni Kun said leisurely:

"Speaking of which, who ordered you to plant trees here?

"Eternal Night Sect An Wuji, or the Holy Son of Blood Fiend?"

Hearing what he said, Otsutsuki Kaguya was shocked, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he lost his voice:
"How do you know the Lord's name?"

Lord's name?
Ni Kun only reported one name, so it seems that Huiye Ji's master is Chang Yezong An Wuji.

"That bastard, he still didn't make a sound, and cast Datong Jupiter to plant trees on Wajima! Fortunately, I sent Shan Meixian to attack Wajima, otherwise it would be really difficult to wait for Datsuki Kaguya to eat the fruit gone."

Ni Kun was muttering in his heart, but his face was calm and he smiled slightly:
"Is An Wuji's name shameful? Why can't I know?"

An Wuji "that kid"?
Kaguya Ji's white pupils shrank suddenly, her heart trembled violently, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Who are you...?"

Ni Kun said leisurely:
"My name is Ni Kun. As for my real name, you are too inferior to be worthy of hearing it. If you can still get in touch with An Wuji, you can ask him in person.

"I'm afraid that when he hears my name, he will be shocked and terrified, thinking that you are mocking him, taking anger at you, and swallowing you alive on the spot."

Kaguya Ji is like listening to the Arabian Nights, the horror of An Wuji, she has personally experienced——

At the beginning, she and her partner Otsutsuki set off from Datong Jupiter to plant a sacred tree on a newly discovered planet of life.

Unexpectedly, just not far from home, I saw a giant black hand descending from the sky, holding the stars of my hometown in its palm, and with five fingers together, it crushed the huge planet directly.

All the Datongmu people on the star were swallowed up by that big black hand and turned into bones.

Afterwards, all the bones also became puppets manipulated by the big black hand, and killed her and Datongmu in one go.

The two rose up to resist, but soon Datongmu was beaten to pieces of flesh and blood, and she was also captured by several bones.

Just when she thought her life was in danger, the big black hand suddenly took her into his palm.

After that, the big black hand broke through the void again, and brought her to a blue planet of life. Like destroying Jupiter, it smashed the blue planet that was originally the destination of her and Datongmu's tree planting. color stars.

With that blue star shattered.

The entire "universe" rapidly collapsed towards the original position of the blue star, as if that humble life star was the center of the entire "universe".

When the universe collapsed, the distance between the stars in the space was shortened like lightning, they collided with each other and annihilated, bursting out with indescribable brilliance of destruction.

In the end, the entire "universe", where the blue stars were, collapsed into a "pill" that seemed to condense the essence of the "entire universe", and was taken into the palm of the giant black hand.

After that, the big black hand punched a piece of information into her mind, squeezed the flesh and blood fragments like a big tube into a pill and handed it to her, and finally used an oval light door like a silver mirror to throw her into the Another "universe" sent her to this world.

The owner of the big black hand didn't speak a word to her the whole time.

But the message that entered her mind made her understand everything:
The opponent is An Wuji, the holy son of Chang Yezong, a man who has the power to destroy the world and even the "universe", and is also the "lord" she must obey unconditionally.

The task assigned to her by the Lord was to perform a blood sacrifice with the flesh and soul of at least 3000 million "core" creatures as sacrifices in accordance with the rituals given in the Lord's message, and summon the Lord to come.

The so-called "core" creatures, in this world, are the land of the Central Plains, and the most closely related to the Central Plains, Goguryeo and Eastern Turks, which are said to have "key" figures.

Except for these three kingdoms, in the rest of the Siyi countries, only ten people can equal one Central Plains person.

It was as if the "universe" she was originally in, the azure star, was the center of that universe.

As long as it is destroyed, the entire universe will naturally collapse.If the blue star cannot be destroyed, no matter how many planets are destroyed, even Jupiter, the "universe" cannot be easily destroyed.

The Lord allowed her to continue planting the sacred tree to obtain the power needed for the blood sacrifice.

She even prepared a sacrifice for her to feed the sacred tree, which was the pill made of flesh and blood in the style of Datongmu.

For the task assigned by the master.

Kaguya Otsuki, who witnessed with his own eyes that the Lord smashed Otsuki Jupiter, wiped out the Otsutsuki clan, and then destroyed the entire universe, dared not have the slightest intention of disobedience.For more than half a year, he has been conscientiously guarding the sacred tree on this small island.

But now, what did she hear?
That incomparably terrifying man was not only known by the Central Plains sun god, but also contemptuously called "that kid" by him?
He even said that An Wuji would be shocked and frightened when he heard his name, and even blamed her?
This, how is this possible?

Kaguya Ji was very upset, and asked in a hoarse voice that implied a trace of fear and trembling that she didn't even realize:

"Have you... met my lord?"

Ni Kun said lightly:
"Of course I have. He was a little disrespectful to me, but as a senior, I don't want to be too fussy with a junior like him, so I just punished him a little."

Kaguya Hime swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and unconsciously clenched her hands into fists, trembling slightly, and even subconsciously used the honorific:

"How...how did you punish my Patriarch?"

Ni Kun said leisurely: "It's nothing, just slashed [-]% of his cultivation, took his soul and two souls, forced him to destroy his whole family, and destroyed all his belongings accumulated over thousands of years..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya lost his voice and said, "How is this possible? My Patriarch destroyed the world with one blow and broke the stars with his hand. How could it be..."

Ni Kun said lightly, as if you love it or not:

"Although you have committed a great evil on Wa Island, it hasn't yet spread to the Central Plains. I can give you a chance."

He raised his finger to the fruit of the divine tree:
"I know you have a way to ripen that fruit—although it's not fully ripe, it's barely usable. Now, go pick that fruit and offer it to me, and I'll spare your life."

"This, this..." Kaguya Ji was in a state of confusion, not knowing how to make a choice.

"I allow you to contact An Wuji and ask him for my name." Ni Kun said lightly: "If you are afraid of being retaliated by him, I can allow you to follow me and accept my protection. Don't worry, he will stay with you." There is a high probability that the prohibition on you will not take effect."

Kaguya Ji pursed her lips, bowed her head and said softly: "Please...Your Excellency, wait a moment."

Open the portal, go back under the sacred tree, and try to contact An Wuji.

[Ask for a monthly pass~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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