Lord God hangs up

Chapter 191 191, Nailhead 7 Arrows!My Big Ni Kun never holds grudges!

Chapter 191 Chapter 191, Seven Arrows on the Nailhead!My Big Ni Kun never holds grudges!

"Congratulations, Krypton's life has reached a thousand days, and a random ability has been awakened. The ability is being awakened... a new ability has been obtained: Seven Arrows with Nailheads."

[Nailhead Seven Arrows: Curse, you only need to get the target's name and birthday, and then you can cast a curse on the altar.Worship three times a day for 21 days, and cast the curse.Depending on the target's strength, different levels of damage will be given.The highest can directly call off the opponent's soul.

[Opening altar consumes life span: 100 years.Every day of worship, the minimum lifespan consumption is 10 years, the more lifespan is consumed, the stronger the power of the curse.

[Note: If there is only a name and no birthday, then opening the altar and worshiping sacrifices will consume double lifespan.

[Note: This spell can attack through cause and effect, with extremely weak injuries and extremely strong kills, making the opponent powerless to fight back, so the backlash is huge.If you target a powerful enemy whose strength is far superior to your own, in addition to losing your lifespan, you will also bear a huge backlash.

[Note: The extra backlash cost will be borne by the plug-in, so even if there are more Kryptonian lives, the Kryptonian skills will not be refreshed. 】


Taiyuan Liushoufu.

With the deaths of both Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, Li Xiuning was the most favored by Li Yuan and had a high reputation in the Li Clan. This trip also represented the will of the Qin Emperor's daughter, leading a team to stay in the residence and temporarily taking over the power of the Li Clan.

Ni Kun knew that there must be legion robots left in Taiyuan City.

But he was not in a hurry to find all the legion robots.

He knew very well that it didn't make much sense for a mechanical army with a "swarm" structure to kill worker bee-like mechanical warriors.

If the main brain is not destroyed and the production base is still there, then the mechanical warriors will produce energy and kill them endlessly.

So it is necessary to go straight to Huanglong and destroy the mastermind of the legion.

Once the leader of the legion is killed, no matter how many legion mechanical fighters there are, they will all shut down and become scrap iron.

Even if it doesn't shut down by luck, it will lose the mastermind's instructions, gain freedom, and become an uncontrolled free robot, using its own will to determine the future.

So after entering the residence of Liushou, he only let Xiaoqing, Tsunade, Zhu Yuyan, Dongfang Bai and others lead the team to search for the remaining legion robots in the residence of Liushou and the military barracks in the city.

For ordinary people, legion robots are almost indistinguishable.

But for masters with keen senses, it is relatively easy to distinguish—there is no human breath, and it is as cold as metal, which is the biggest flaw in the eyes of masters.

After a day's investigation, I found several legion robots in the left-behind mansion and the barracks.

Among them, the two left in the mansion became the concubines of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji respectively.

Those in the barracks replaced Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji's original trusted generals.

After pulling out and killing the few remaining robots, Ni Kun temporarily died down.

They only ordered Ding Chunqiu and Duan Shuiliu to take Li Xiuning's handwritten letter and Emperor Qin's decree to Loufan County to inform Li Shimin, asking him to bring troops to take over Taiyuan.

He also ordered Xi Ying and Jin Jiuling to return to Chang'an and report to Emperor Qin about Taiyuan.

Afterwards, he ordered someone to set up an altar in the academy grounds behind the Liushou Mansion, and prepared to open the altar and cast a curse.

Yes, he wanted to use the "Seven Arrows on Nailheads" to send a heartfelt greeting to An Wuji.

The buddy had to pretend to be a big one before, so that both the enemy and his own people believed it so much, so no matter what, he must hold his breath.

He also said before that he was weak and hard-handed, and he couldn't give An Wuji a hard time when his real body was not in this world. He didn't expect that there would be a pillow when he fell asleep, and he immediately refreshed the "Seven Arrows with Nailheads" curse.

Don't you think I'm a "powerful projection"?

Just let you see how elegant and easygoing Da Neng's self-cultivation is, and how broad-minded he is like the sea.

The terrifying curse ability of "Nailhead Seven Arrows" does not need to consume additional resources whether it is setting up an altar or doing it.

You only need to build an altar with ordinary building materials according to the specifications, and prepare a straw man, a pair of bows and arrows, and two oil lamps.

If you are afraid that the oil lamp will be extinguished by wind and rain halfway, you can also use a desk lamp, incandescent lamp or even a flashlight instead.

In short, the key to this spell is to save a lot of lives and a copy of the "Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads".

Of course Ni Kun himself could not write the "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book", but isn't he able to kill himself?

An Wuji stared at this side of the world, and cast an unknown number of Anzi, although Ni Kun ate several of them, but God knows how many Anzi still lurk in the dark.

And even if Ni Kun can find all the dark seeds and eat them one by one, preventing them from launching the "blood sacrifice", he can't guarantee that the "world barrier" will not collapse.

If the "world barrier" collapses for some unknown reason even if the blood sacrifice fails, wouldn't it be great fun?

What's more, since An Wuji wants to "slay Tianzun and prove the Dao", it is impossible to say that he will intensify, increase the bargaining chip, and cast more chess pieces, which will make Ni Kun exhausted.

So in order not to fall into a predicament where he is exhausted and has no leisure time for cultivation, even if he can't curse An Wuji to death, Ni Kun has to let him continue to be suspicious, and even have trouble sleeping and eating, and dare not be too presumptuous.

Ni Kun doesn't know An Wuji's birthday, but only knows his origin and surname, but it doesn't matter, isn't it just twice the life span?

This seat can afford it!
In order to deal with An Wuji, Ni Kun's estimated lifespan for the opening of the altar this time is as high as more than 4000 years.

For one day of worship, the lower limit is ten years of krypton life, and Ni Kun directly doubles it ten times.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the birthday, the cost of opening the altar and worshiping sacrifices will be doubled, and it doesn't matter. One day of worshiping means only 200 years of krypton life.

Worshiping for 21 days is only 200 years, plus the 200-year life span of opening the altar is doubled, and it is only 400 years.

I still have 5000 years of zero life left, so losing 400 years is nothing!
Not to mention that there are more than 600 years of life left, even if there are only ten years left, I am not afraid.

Isn't lifespan something just for krypton?
Although the "Phoenix Blood Immortality Medicine" can only be used once per person, it can only prolong life by 5000 years, and it will be useless if it is used again, but his current lifespan is slowly increasing every day.

In the future, if people practice martial arts to the point of refinement and refinement, their lifespan can be counted as tens of thousands, tens of thousands, or 10 years, and they are not afraid of dying at all.

A group of masters worked together, and within a day, a white marble altar strictly in accordance with the specifications of "Seven Arrows on the Nailhead" stood on the courtyard behind the Liushou Mansion.

After the altar was built, Wan Hou wiped the sweat from his forehead, ran to Ni Kun, who was sitting on the recliner and supervised the work, picked up a piece of melon from the small table next to him, and took a bite. While eating the melon, he asked curiously :
"My lord, what is this altar for?"

Ni Kun said lightly:
"It's not rude to come and go. That An Wuji cast so many chess pieces to make wind and rain, disturb my peace, and cause Li Xiuning to lose his father and brother. Naturally, I can't let him go so easily. This altar is for that An Wuji." Infinity is set."

Wan Wan blinked her eyelids and whispered:

"But son, didn't you say that you want to wait for him to challenge you?"

Ni Kun glanced at her and said calmly:
"There is a saying, called greatness cannot be humiliated.

"That junior in the Anwuji area is so rampant in front of me, even if I am broad-minded, magnanimous, and never hold grudges, I can't break this rule.

"Even if you don't want to kill him right away, you should teach him a little lesson and let him firmly remember that the great power cannot insult this iron law of the universe!"

Hou Hou nodded again and again, with a look of admiration on his face, but in his heart, he didn't know what he was muttering.

That night.

Li Xiuning was the only favorite, and after a while, she leaned softly on Ni Kun's body, and said with tears:
"Thank you, son, for spending so much effort to create a method to avenge Xiuning's father, elder brother, and fourth son. Xiuning has nothing to repay, so she can only be a slave in this life, a cow and a horse in the next life, and let the son drive..."

Ni Kun caressed her trembling beautiful legs and plump buttocks, and said with a smile:

"It's not all about revenge for you. What I have done is more to teach An Wuji a lesson."

Early the next morning, at a specific time.

Ni Kun stepped onto the altar, and with a thought, a post appeared out of thin air.

The base of this post is black, and on it are written in bloody handwriting in ten large characters "An Wuji, the contemporary holy son of the Changye Sect".

Around the title taboo, there are equally bloody, creepy, twisted and messy runes, surrounded by the name taboo of An Wuji.

This is the "Nailhead Book of Seven Arrows".

The appearance of this post means that the altar has been successfully opened, and Ni Kun's lifespan has been shortened by 200 years in an instant.

Under normal circumstances, every [-] days of krypton life can refresh a krypton life skill.

But the "Nailhead Seven Arrows Book" is different from other Krypton life skills. This technique is a causal spell, which can injure extremely strong with extremely weak, and even kill extremely strong with extremely weak, and the enemy never fights back from the beginning to the end. Power.

This curse is too against the sky, so there is a huge backlash.

However, Ni Kun does not have to bear the backlash himself, but the price is that no matter how much life is consumed, he will not refresh a krypton life skill.

Of course, even if he refreshes a large number of krypton life skills, Ni Kun may not use them at will in the future.

Because after this wave of Krypton life, his lifespan was greatly damaged, and he had to slowly save enough lifespan to deal with the future crisis of annihilation.

Of course, krypton life skills can not be used, so try not to use them.

After the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book appeared.

Ni Kun took out the straw figurine he made himself, put the straw figurine on the altar, and pasted the stickers on the grass figurine.

Then he put another pair of small bows and arrows beside the straw man.

After that, he took out two desk lamps powered by Terminator batteries, placed them on both shoulders of the straw man, and turned on the switch.

Set everything up.

Ni Kun was solemn and solemn, following the rituals of the "Seven Arrows on the Nailhead" incantation, he worshiped meticulously and strictly.

Tsunade, Xiaoqing, Zhu Yuyan and others stood under the altar, holding their breath and concentrating, not daring to take a breath to watch him operate.

After worshiping this time, Ni Kun went back to the altar, arranged the batches of guarding the altar on rotation, and let the people who were not on duty go to rest.

After that, every once in a while, at specific times, worship once.

After praying three times today, the life span will be reduced by another 200 years.

Four hundred years of life lost in one day, Rao Ni Kun is no longer afraid of krypton life, but also a little distressed, so he held a group song and dance activity to soothe his wounded heart.

the next day.

Ni Kun pays homage three times a day, and there will be a group song and dance every few days to heal his heartache.

Before I knew it, more than ten days had passed.

On this day, Li Shimin brought all his relatives and masters back from Loufan County with eight hundred black-armored cavalry. As soon as he entered Taiyuan Liushou Mansion, he immediately came to pay homage and thank Ni Kun for avenging his father. , Rescue Taiyuan.

Ni Kun was also not polite, and sat upright to receive his big gift.

After Li Shimin returned, Li Xiuning no longer needed to be in charge of Taiyuan. After handing over authority to Li Shimin, he grandly moved into the courtyard where Ni Kun lived.

In this regard, Li Shimin said that I didn't see anything, and I didn't know anything.

Another day later, Xi Ying and Jin Jiuling also returned from Chang'an, bringing back the official decree of Emperor Qin.

Li Shimin inherited the title that was originally conferred on Li Yuan by imperial edict, and Li Shimin temporarily took charge of the Li clan's territory until Daqin came to take over.

Ni Kun continued to worship three times a day, and every day of worship would shorten his life by 200 years.

Gradually, it was the day of No.20, the time for the last worship.

Stay behind the school yard behind the mansion, under the altar.

Brothers and sisters Li Shimin, Li Xiuning, Yuchi Jingde, Ding Xiu, Chen Xuanfeng, Mei Chaofeng and other close family generals, Xi Ying, Ding Chunqiu and other members of the investigation team, plus Tsunade, Xiaoqing, Zhu Yuyan and other witches gathered under the altar , looking at Ni Kun with a solemn expression.

After some worship, Ni Kun picked up a small bow, put an arrow on it, and pointed it at the altar. The straw figure with the stickers on it slowly pulled the bowstring...

Infinite void.

On top of a star that is shrouded in "night", there is a huge black tower that is thousands of feet high and looks like a sky pillar.

An Wuji was wearing a black robe, sitting on the throne, watching the concubines singing and dancing in the hall expressionlessly.

These concubines are of various races, including humans, vampires, werewolves, elves, demons, devils, angels, monsters...

In short, almost all races that can be thought of can be found here.

Its source is naturally the hundreds of worlds that were destroyed by An Wuji.

Watching a song and dance, An Wuji suddenly became bored for no reason.

With a wave of his hand, black air filled the room, and all the concubines in the hall, their flesh and blood disappeared, their bones melted, and they all fell to death without making a sound.

And the black energy that had melted away all the concubines gave off a layer of faint blood, which was recalled by An Wuji with his hand raised, and inhaled into the nostrils.

After sucking out the black energy, An Wuji held his breath, closed his eyes, and a morbid blush appeared on his pale and handsome face.

After a long while, he exhaled slowly, opened his abyss-like eyes, and muttered to himself:

"Back then, Ni Kun, the martial sage, had some beauties that could be used... Hey, if I were in the outside world, I wouldn't even dare to have such an idea, but since you are in this trial universe, you are just a statue. A projection with limited strength... Then I can't say, I will take everything from you and use it as my growth source!"

As the son of the Changye Sect, a super genius born out of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, who destroyed hundreds of worlds with his own hands and devoured countless lives, An Wuji possessed a sense of arrogance.

What about Almighty?
The gap between me An Wuji and Da Neng is just time and age.

Give me enough time and resources, and I can...

Just thinking of this, An Wuji suddenly frowned, and a flash of vigilance flashed in his mind:
No, why did I suddenly swell up?
No matter how confident you are in your heart, you should at least maintain the most basic respect for the "Heavenly Supreme Power" that births and destroys the world in a single thought.

Even if it is just a projection, it should be faced with the mentality of a challenger.

Why did he become so arrogant and arrogant before he had fully figured out the details?

Also, although most of the concubines were tired of playing with them just now, there are still one or two that I like quite a lot, and I want to play with them for a while longer.

Realizing that his state of mind was seriously wrong, completely inconsistent with his usual cautious temperament, An Wuji's mind suddenly rang alarm bells, and he thought to himself:
"Could it be that I'm going to cross the catastrophe? The demons are starting to stir? No, my next catastrophe will be at least a thousand years later..."

Just as he was thinking this way, he was in a trance again, and a picture appeared inexplicably:
"Martial Sage" Ni Kun's eyes were indifferent, as if hanging high in the sky, he picked up a small bow, suddenly opened the bow and set up an arrow, and shot an arrow between his eyebrows.

An Wuji shuddered, instinctively making dodge movements.

But it didn't have any effect. There was a sharp pain between his eyebrows. The unimaginable and indescribable pain caused him to yell, and he fell off the throne. He pressed his hand between his eyebrows and rolled all over the floor.

He only felt that an invisible hole seemed to be broken between the brows, and the energy and even the primordial spirit in his whole body poured out from the hole like a fountain.

With the realm of An Wuji, the body of the deity is almost indestructible.

An attack that is enough to completely smash a secular world can hit him, and even a hair on him cannot be hurt.

Even if there is an attack that he can't bear and destroys his body, as long as there is still a drop of blood, a trace of soul, and a hair, he can survive and slowly recover to his original state.

But now, with such a powerful indestructible body, Mo Ming has been pierced between the eyebrows, and the energy and vitality can't stop flowing...

Under the pain and panic, the An Wuji demonic energy ran wild, filling the entire hall on the top floor in an instant, and overflowing from the doors and windows on the top floor, like a waterfall, pouring down from the top floor of this thousand-foot giant tower, falling straight down thousands of feet in an instant, wrapping the entire tower in Inside.

Survival instinct made An Wuji go berserk, and after wrapping the thousand-foot giant tower, the instinct swept into every level of the giant tower.

Every room in the tower, including some demiplanes and small worlds in the tower that house blood food, servants, and concubines, was filled with demon energy in an instant.

Afterwards, all the living beings in the entire space of the thousand-foot giant tower, including many magic weapons, props, rare treasures, and elixir in the treasure house, were all swallowed up by the devilish energy in an instant.

All the living beings are turned into bones, the soul is also merged into the magic energy, and the magic weapon loses its aura and turns into waste residue.

After devouring all the creatures and objects that can be devoured in the giant tower, the black devilish energy rewinds and pours into An Wuji's body, filling up the rapidly passing essence and primordial spirit.

I do not know how long it has been.

An Wuji, who was rolling all over the floor, finally calmed down, lying on his back like a dead body on the carpet of beauties' bones.

It's been a while.

With a pale face and weak breath, An Wuji groaned in pain, slowly opened his eyes, and stood up tremblingly.

He closed his eyes to feel the situation inside the giant tower for a while, and a heartache of anger flashed in An Wuji's eyes.

But soon, it was replaced by a look of "fear".

"What I lowered back then was obviously just an illusory projection without any real aura... and that person was obviously just a powerful projection with insufficient power...

"Just seeing one side of my projection, you can use the power of the projection to curse me across infinite time and space... Is this the method of Tianzun's power?

"I... I'm still too arrogant!"

An Wuji's face was gloomy. The torment just now caused him to lose all the servants, blood food, concubines, and magic weapons in the tower, hundreds of demiplanes, and the small world.

This is where he tested the universe, destroyed hundreds of worlds, and accumulated thousands of years of wealth.

As a result, it was almost completely emptied in just one click!
Not only that, but even the cultivation base plummeted by [-]%, and the primordial spirit was severely injured.

It will take at least a hundred years to barely recover from injuries and cultivation.

"The person who promised to wait for me to challenge, but cast such a poisonous curse on me... That martial saint is too narrow-minded, and he will take revenge!"

An Wuji felt angry, even a little bit wronged.

But after suffering such a catastrophe, no matter what, he no longer dared to have the slightest arrogance, and even felt that he was not cautious enough.

"Stop putting in the chess pieces, let's heal the injury first... Well, not long ago, the Holy Son of Blood Fiend was invited by me, and he also dropped a piece in that side of the world, maybe he can be teased... No, that Martial Saint has too much heart If he is too narrow, if he finds out that I pushed him, he can't say it, and he will curse me again..."

The corners of An Wuji's eyes twitched slightly for a while, and he decided not to make any further complications, but to hide and recover from his injuries first.

At the same time, I feel a little bit rejoiced:

"Fortunately, after I found out his identity, although I made arrogant remarks, I was still respectful overall. Fortunately, it was just a powerful projection. Otherwise, after this poisonous curse came down, I'm afraid I would have completely fallen..."

With this little bit of luck, An Wuji performed the Dafa, plunged the empty tower into the center of the stars, activated all the formation restrictions, and focused on self-cultivation.

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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