Lord God hangs up

Chapter 179 Chapter 179, Black Mountain Old Demon, Qin Huanglong Talisman

Chapter 179 Chapter 179, Black Mountain Old Demon, Qin Huanglong Talisman

At the end of this trip, Ni Kun only brought Tsunade with him.

Zhao Min originally wanted to go back and bring a large army.

But for the time being, the Daqin Town Magic Division has not yet recruited strange people who understand magic and supernatural powers, and it has not yet had time to cultivate supernatural beings by itself.

Only Emperor Qin sent a batch of talisman arrows, talisman swords, and talisman knives to the officials and masters of the Zhenmagic Division.

Ni Kun asked about the situation and told Zhao Min that he didn't need to bring more people.

Even Ning Daoqi can hardly perceive and can't deal with ghosts who can be invisible and hold their breath. Even if they wear talisman arrows, talisman arrows, and talisman knives, the warriors of the town magic division will not be of much use, they will only be a burden.

Zhao Min had seen Ni Kun's supernatural powers with his own eyes, and knew that he would not be indiscriminate, so he accepted his advice graciously, and set off for Zhongnan with only two guards, Ah Da and Ah Er.

Zhongnan Mountain.

In a secluded valley.

A tall old Taoist with a crown and a broad belt, waited in front of a thatched hut, smiled and bowed to Zhao Min and Ni Kun who came on horseback:
"Old Dao Ning Daoqi, I have met Governor Zhao and Young Master Ni."

"The Daoist is very polite." Zhao Min got off his horse and returned the gift.

"Ning Daochang knows me?" Ni Kun jumped off his horse and asked with a smile.

Ning Daoqi smiled and said:
"Two months ago, I received a letter from Fellow Daoist Kong, and I knew of Mr. Ni's great achievements. I was also fortunate to see Mr. Ni's portrait, so I recognized Mr. Ni."

Having said that, his expression became solemn:

"Young Master Ni wiped out the Japanese army first in Liaodong, buried the Japanese Emperor's ambition to conquer the Central Plains, and resolved a war of swords for the Central Plains. After that, he traveled thousands of miles and went to Mobei Yudujin Mountain in person to kill the ghosts and save the world. There was a catastrophe for all beings.

"With these two great achievements, everyone in the world should know you well, but the young master is high-spirited and honest, and does not seek false fame. This righteous act of saving the people and the world has never been spread.

"Young Master Gao Yi, the old Taoist admires you. Please accept another gift from the old Taoist."

After finishing speaking, with a solemn expression, he bowed deeply to him again.

Zhao Min's heart was shocked when he heard this, and when he looked at Ni Kun, his bright eyes were full of astonishment.

Although the distance between Liaodong and Guanzhong was far away, and there were many separatist forces in between, the story of the Japanese army's destruction of Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo, and the killing of Cailin, the great master of the Goguryeo town, still spread to Guanzhong.

Zhao Min is in a high position and well-informed, so he has heard about it for a long time.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Japanese army, which could be wiped out even by Goguryeo and other Haidong powers, was actually buried by Ni Kun!
That's one hundred thousand Japanese soldiers!
How did Ni Kun destroy them all?
Even though Zhao Min had personally witnessed his supernatural powers of throwing his hands and feet to startle the lightning, and swaying his sleeves, the scene of annihilating an army of [-] troops by himself still surpassed the limit of Zhao Min's imagination.

And the thing about the prairie.

Up to now, Daqin knew why the Turks invaded the border out of season, and tried to take root in Lingwu County.

It's just that I didn't expect that the "disaster of the living dead" that was said to have wiped out Tie Le and the East Turks, leaving few living people on the prairie, and forcing the remnants of the East Turks to divide into two groups, and went south to the Central Plains to seek survival, was actually caught again. Ni Kun calmed down with one hand.

Zhao Min has never witnessed the disaster of the living dead.

Only from the intelligence confessed by the Turkic captives sent to Chang'an by Li Jingjun, I have seen some descriptions about the disaster of the living dead.

Just looking at the written information, one can read between the lines the horror of the plague of the living dead and the endless fear that the Turkic people have for the living dead.

After initially receiving the information from Li Jing, Emperor Qin repeatedly sent envoys to the front line of Lingwu to confirm the authenticity of the information.

After confirming that the information was correct, Qin Huang even prepared to personally march to the front line of the Great Wall to resist the frenzy of the living dead that might come at any time.

Unexpectedly, however, not long after, the information sent by Li Jinghou indicated that the plague of the living dead was over.

Li Jing organized a team of masters in the army, led by his wife Hong Funu, and ventured to the grassland to inquire.

However, they have been going deep into the grassland for thousands of miles, but they can only see corpses lying all over the place, neither a living person nor a living dead can be found.

From this, it can be basically concluded that the plague of the living dead that drowned Tiele, destroyed the East Turks, and made the remnants of the East Turks besieged in Lingwu County, unable to receive reinforcements by one soldier, has inexplicably ended.

No one knows how this disaster ended.

Zhao Min even speculated privately that maybe it was the existence of those living corpses who reversed life and death and violated the law of heaven, so they were directly condemned by God and taken in by God.

Unexpectedly, this disaster was solved by Ni Kun once again!
Zhao Min did not doubt that Ning Daoqi's statement was true or false.

In today's world, although the great master is not as valuable as before, it is still the benchmark of the world's martial arts.With Ning Daoqi's contacts, it's not surprising that he is better informed than the imperial court.With his status and status, it is impossible to talk nonsense.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly Ni Kun's actions to suppress the Japanese riots in Liaodong and destroy the living dead in the grassland.

What made Zhao Min even more surprised and admired was that Ni Kun, who had made such an astonishing achievement, did not spread it everywhere, and so far, not many people knew about his achievements.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is so high-spirited and upright. He regards fame and wealth as floating clouds, and he is not proud of his great achievements. He has made great contributions to saving the people and the world, but he never talks about his achievements and does not expect anything in return..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Min suddenly felt that Ni Kun's lustful little problem is not so eye-catching anymore.

Such a chivalrous and courageous, unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, eager to do justice, and not greedy for fame and gain, a high-spirited man with supernatural powers, can he be called lustful if he likes beautiful women?

No way, that has to be called Merry!

"Yes, don't mention false names to me. I am not interested in false names. I have never cared about false names."

Seeing the shocking admiration in Zhao Min's eyes out of the corner of his eyes, Ni Kun thought calmly, and was extremely satisfied with Ning Daoqi's wit and wit, and said with a smile on his face:

"Daoist Ning is too polite. Whether it's fighting Japanese pirates or killing aliens, it's all just a matter of little effort. It's a trivial matter, and it's nothing to worry about."

After a pause, he continued:
"My trip was entrusted by the First Emperor to exterminate demons and ghosts. Daoist Ning has seen demons with his own eyes, and has been chasing them to the place where they disappeared, so next, we have to have Taoist Lao Ning to guide us. gone."

Ning Daoqi nodded slightly: "I dare not take it, this is what should be done."

At that moment, the crowd, led by Ning Daoqi, walked on a winding mountain road to the valley where the ghost disappeared.

On the way, Ning Daoqi explained the characteristics of those ghosts in detail.

In addition to being good at stealth and hiding, it is difficult to perceive and capture his position before attacking, the ghost general is not weak.

The ghost general on horseback is as powerful as a master warrior, and the three ghost generals teamed up, relying on their ability to hide and hide, are enough to draw with Ning Daoqi.

Among the ghost soldiers, there are also some generals who are equivalent to first-rate and second-rate warriors, and they also have the ability to hide and hide.

Ordinary ghost soldiers cannot be invisible, and their strength is only as strong as ordinary elite soldiers.

But there are too many of them, and they are very difficult to kill. They are not afraid of the fists of ordinary swords and soldiers, and they have to try their best to stimulate the masculinity of the warriors in order to cause damage to them.

In fact, in Ni Kun's view, ghosts of this level are completely overwhelmed by him.

His flame and lightning skills are enough to easily kill such ghosts.

However, he still patiently listened to Ning Daoqi's introduction, and finally asked a question:
"Have Daoist Ning met the leader of the ghosts?"

"Leader..." Ning Daoqi pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "If those generals are not the leader of the demon ghost, then the old Taoist really hasn't seen the leader of the demon ghost."

"Is that so..." Ni Kun pondered for a while, thoughtful.

Zhao Min asked: "Young Master Ni, is there any difficulty?"

"Nothing." Ni Kun shook his head and said with a smile, "I just remembered a past event."

Judging from the details introduced by Ning Daoqi, those ghosts are very much like the ghost soldiers under the old demon of Montenegro in A Chinese Ghost Story.

And when Ni Kun and Shi Qingxuan killed the tree demon grandmother, she also clamored before she died that the Montenegro old demon would avenge her.

Obviously, he foresaw that the Black Mountain old demon might also come to this world.

and so……

Could it be that the demons in Zhongnan Mountain are the old demons from Heishan?
Of course, even the Montenegrin old demon is nothing to be afraid of.

Today's Ni Kun is no longer the same as the Ni Kun who joined forces with Shi Qingxuan to fight against the tree demon's grandmother.

After a moment.

Ning Daoqi brought Ni Kun and his party to a gloomy valley.

It was still in the afternoon, the autumn air was crisp and the sun was just right, but the valley was windy and cold like winter, and a thin layer of frost even condensed on some dead grass leaves.

Ning Daoqi said:

"That group of ghosts disappeared in this valley that day. The old Taoist can perceive that the valley is full of darkness, like a ghost land, but he has never been able to find the whereabouts of the ghosts. I don't know where they are hiding."

Ni Kun nodded slightly, and led Tsunade around the valley, relying on his growing spirit, he sensed something discordant.

The yin energy here is not stronger than other places, but Ni Kun just feels that something is wrong here.

Seeing Ni Kun standing in front of a cliff, looking down at the corner of the cliff, Zhao Min brought Ah Da Ah Er, and Ning Daoqi came together.

"Young Master Ni, is there anything unusual here?" Zhao Min asked, and nodded to Ah Da at the same time.

Ah Da picked up a long fine steel sword, and stabbed fiercely at the cliff a few times, each sword pierced into the cliff for about a foot, showing superb and profound swordsmanship and internal strength.

But after a few sword strikes, the cliff wall has not changed, and the inside is not hollow, as if there is no sign of any mechanism or secret passage.

Ning Daoqi also shook his head and said: "The old Taoist has already inspected it, and the cliffs here are integrated, and there is nothing abnormal."

Ni Kun said with a smile: "There is no abnormality in the cliff, but the abnormality is not in the cliff."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed, stepped on the fire with all four hooves on his head, his eyes were burning with flames, and a tall black horse with a tail of fire also landed in the valley from the sky.

It is the nightmare horse.

As soon as he saw the Nightmare Demon Horse, Zhao Min felt a surge of fear for no reason. He couldn't help but tense his muscles, his hair stood on end, and his legs felt faintly weak.

Ah Da and Ah Er even took a step forward, blocking Zhao Min behind them, staring at the magic horse nervously, and involuntarily put on guard.

The Nightmare Demon Horse has its own aura of fear. Even if Zhao Min, Ah Da, and Ah Er are all determined people, they can't help but lose their composure.

Only Ning Daoqi didn't change his face, but nodded in praise:
"What a horse!"

Ni Kun smiled slightly, and with a thought, he gave instructions to Nightmare.

When I first got the Nightmare Demon Horse, in the introduction of the Demon Horse by the Samsara Watch, there was such a sentence: It can travel the boundary between life and death, and can take you to the Nether Hell.

Ni Kun has never tried this ability.

He is such a living person, how can he have the leisure to travel to the Nether Hell?

That is not a good place with beautiful scenery.

But today's situation is different. In order to get the Five Elements spell promised by the First Emperor, Ni Kun had to work hard.

Nightmare received Ni Kun's instructions, leaned in front of the cliff, lowered her head and sniffed for a while, suddenly stood up, and stomped heavily on the cliff with a pair of flaming front hooves.

Amidst the loud noise, the cliff shook, and when the flames exploded, a strange tunnel appeared above the cliff.

This is a pitch-black tunnel shaped like a whirlpool. It is bottomless at a glance. Any living person who sees it will feel terrified involuntarily.Even Ning Daoqi couldn't help showing a hint of fear in his eyes.

It wasn't that he was weak-minded, it was just the living's instinctive fear of death.

As soon as the tunnel opened, there was a gust of wind whizzing out, and as it swept through, it seemed as if there were bursts of screams in everyone's ears, and they couldn't help feeling cold, as if they had come to a world of ice and snow naked.

Ni Kun flicked his fingers, and when the sound of thunder exploded, a warm current spread in all directions, dispelling the ghostly wind and the coldness in the blink of an eye.

"That group of ghosts disappeared from here. Their whereabouts are not in the mortal world, so we can't find where they are."

Zhao Min heard this, and said in amazement: "Not in the Yang world, does this tunnel lead to the underworld of the Yin Division?"

Ni Kunyao shook his head:
"This world may not have a complete Netherland of the Underworld.

"Under the tunnel, there may be a small piece of Netherland brought by a powerful ghost king.

"But even so, the environment on the other side of the tunnel is by no means friendly to living people.

"Governor Zhao, your skill is not strong enough, why don't you stay outside and wait for my good news?"

Zhao Min was silent for a while, gritted his teeth and said:
"No, I am the first supervisor of the Demon Suppression Division handpicked by His Majesty, how can I retreat from the enemy?
"Besides, I have the dragon amulet for protecting me from His Majesty, so the idle ghosts may not be able to get me."

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant carved with a dragon and lit it up in front of Ni Kun.

I saw that piece of jade pendant was light yellow in color, with a "Yinglong" engraved on it——Yinglong, that is, a dragon with antlers, dark yellow scales and colorful wings. It is the highest real dragon and ancestor dragon.

In some myths, they even have the personality of the creation dragon god, and the phoenix, unicorn, and even the dragon species in the world are all descendants of Yinglong.

After a little perception, Ni Kun realized that there was a strong coercion and deterrent force dormant in this jade pendant. Nod with a smile:

"Since His Majesty the First Emperor admires the Dragon Talisman, Governor Zhao will follow."

He looked at Ning Daoqi again: "Does Ning Daochang intend to go down to that Netherland to explore?"

Ning Daoqi smiled freely:
"Old Taoists cherish life and fear death most in cultivating the Tao to seek longevity. But if you want to transcend death, you must first understand death.

"Now there is such a great opportunity to go to Netherland to experience it for yourself, how can the old man miss it?"

Ni Kun laughed, took out a green bamboo sword and lent it to him:
"This sword has the ability to slay demons and ghosts, so let's borrow Daoist Ning to use it for now."

Ning Daoqi took the bamboo sword, waved it twice, sensing the majestic thunderous power in the sword, and said happily:

"If I had this sword earlier, I wouldn't have been forced to flee by the ghosts last time. Mr. Ni is kind, but the old man is disrespectful."

Ni Kun took out two more green bamboo swords and handed them to Tsunade and Ada, who was good at swordsmanship, respectively.

Afterwards, the nightmare horse was put away, and Ni Kun and Ning Daoqi walked side by side into the dark tunnel.

Zhao Min, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Tsunade followed suit.

Tsunade stepped into the tunnel after the tail end of the team was cut off. The tunnel mouth suddenly closed behind him, and the inside of the tunnel was suddenly dark, and he could not see his fingers.

Suddenly plunged into darkness, unable to see anything, Zhao Min suddenly panicked, even though he was wearing the Dragon Talisman of the First Emperor, he couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed the corner of Ni Kun's clothes.

Zhao Min finally saw Ni Kun's supernatural powers with his own eyes, and when he was nervous, he instinctively regarded him as the only reliable security guarantee.

"Don't panic."

Ni Kun said calmly, and then heard a bang, a fire suddenly ignited, a fireball the size of a human head hung above Ni Kun's head, spreading light and dispelling the darkness.

With the lighting of the fire, Zhao Min quickly loosened the corner of Ni Kun's clothes, glanced to the left and right as if nothing had happened, and saw that Ah Da and Ah Er were vigilant on both sides, and seemed to have not seen her instinctive action of asking for help just now, so he breathed a sigh of relief .

Under the light of the fire, everyone could see the tunnel environment clearly.

I saw that the walls of the tunnel were all smooth and damp gray-white stones, with some silky, wet black moss growing on them, wriggling slightly, looking a little disgusting and scary.

But after all, no ghosts have been seen yet, and everyone is not too nervous. Under the leadership of Ni Kun, they walked forward quickly.

Walking around for a while, the stone walls on both sides of the tunnel became more and more strange, bloodshots gradually oozing out, and the smooth and damp gray-white stone looked more and more like the skin of a dead person.

Zhao Minqiang restrained himself not to look at the two sides, but stared at Ni Kun's boldly moving back in front, and followed closely behind him.

Suddenly, there was a ghostly cry, and the stone walls on both sides sounded like sharp tools scraping against porcelain.

Then, pale heads with wet hair, bleeding from the seven orifices, and pitch-black teeth poked out their heads from the stone wall, grinning strangely at the crowd, and then stretched out strangely deformed long arms, protruding from the stone wall, toward the crowd. Everyone caught it.

Ning Daoqi, Tsunade, and Ada hurriedly swung the green bamboo swords, chopped off the captured arms, and quickly chopped off dozens of arms.

After those arms landed, they immediately turned into gray-black corpse water and seeped into the tunnel floor.

Seeing that the walls were full of human heads, and the number of arms was so large that even Ning Daoqi, Tsunade, and Ah Dazhan couldn't cut them, Ni Kun snorted coldly, flicked his fingers, and lightning-like thunder knives shot out.

The sound of thunder exploded, and the lightning flashed. In an instant, hundreds of arms and dozens of heads were wiped out, without even a chance of turning into corpses.

The sound of the ghost crying suddenly became panic, and the remaining head and arms quickly retracted into the stone wall and disappeared without a trace.

The tunnel returned to normal, and Ni Kun said: "Quickly pass!"

Stride forward and lead the team.

After a while, the tunnel finally came to the end. Everyone stepped out of the tunnel, and they came to a strange space with dark sky, barren land, and gray and black mist everywhere.

Ni Kun concentrated his eyes and looked around, and saw a black mountain standing to the north of this strange space, which looked like a long black snake lying on the ground.

"Go there!" Ni Kun led the team straight to the black mountain without hesitation.

The crowd followed closely behind him, performing lightness kung fu and sprinting away. When they were walking, they all felt a strange, damp and sticky aura, ignoring the true energy of their respective bodies, and seeping into the pores.

Even Ning Daoqi felt that the body's true qi was a little weak, and only the pure yang qi and blood cultivated by a boy of nearly a hundred years could barely resist the infiltration of that strange aura.

Tsunade also felt very uncomfortable, feeling uncomfortable all over.

As for Zhao Min, Ah Da, and Ah Er, their complexions quickly turned pale, and even turned pale.

Ni Kun acted as if nothing had happened, but he also noticed the change in everyone's breath, frowned and said:
"This is the Netherland, a forbidden place for the living. If the living stay here for too long, they will be infiltrated by the breath of the Netherland and transformed into zombie ghosts. Governor Zhao, your dragon talisman should come in handy."

Zhao Min was not feeling well, feeling his body was getting colder and colder. Hearing Ni Kun's reminder, he suddenly realized that he quickly took out the dragon talisman, held it in his palm, bowed, and said:

"Zhao Min, Governor of the Town of Demons, please Your Majesty's Dragon Talisman Body Protector!"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the statue of Yinglong on the dragon talisman lit up slightly, and its wings trembled slightly, followed by a majestic, majestic and solemn aura, which spread from the dragon talisman.

In the twinkling of an eye, the Yin Qi of the Netherland on everyone's body was swept away.

As the breath of the dragon talisman diffused, it even created a safe space with a radius of ten feet.

There is no yin qi in the inside, just like the sun is shining, making people full of qi and blood, invigorating, the true qi is running smoothly, and the state is instantly elevated to the peak state, or even surpassed the peak.

Even Ni Kun feels that when he is in this space, he is in a very good state, and he may be able to play a stronger three-pointer than usual.

And under the power of the Dragon Talisman of the First Emperor, it seems to have angered the Lord of the Underworld.

A deep, majestic and ghostly voice suddenly came from the direction of the black mountain:
"The king of the yang world, dare to show off his power in the underworld?"

As soon as the voice fell, shouts broke out, and a black wave came frantically from the direction of Montenegro.

Ni Kun and others stared at it, but they saw that the surging black wave seemed to be a heavily armored army with both foot and horse. After a rough sweep, the number was no less than ten thousand.

"Ghost army!" Ning Daoqi looked stern: "The old Taoist only encountered hundreds of ghost troops last time, but I didn't expect there to be tens of thousands here!"

With such a large number, even with the ghost-slaying sword lent by Ni Kun in his hand, Ning Daoqi couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Zhao Min also had a pretty face slightly lowered, with a solemn expression, looking at Ni Kun:

"Young Master Ni, there are too many ghost troops, should we go back first, and ask Your Majesty to mobilize the army of Qin warriors and come back with all the equipment?"

Ni Kun smiled slightly: "No need to do that."

While speaking, I flicked my sleeves, and when the lightning flashed and thundered, the thunder and knives shot out all over the sky. Thousands of knives gathered into a bunch, like a huge lightning bolt, and like a thunder and lightning dragon, flashing brightly to illuminate the underworld The dazzling lightning flashed, and the violent thunder sounded with the turmoil of the wind and clouds, and they slammed into the large formation of the ghost army that was rushing madly.

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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