Lord God hangs up

Chapter 177 Chapter 177, Sacred Heart Art! 5 Thunderbolts! The 5 lines of blood see the light!

Chapter 177 Chapter 177, Sacred Heart Art!Five thunders turned into extreme hands!The blood of the five elements sees the light!

After going down the mountain, they took a short rest and returned to Chang'an on horseback.

Ni Kun sat on the horse's back with his arms folded and did not hold the rein, letting the horse run along with the team, while he concentrated on counting Xu Fu's exercises.

In his long life of more than 1000 years, Xu Fu has joined many martial arts schools with different identities many times and learned countless martial arts.

Most of these martial arts are not high-end.

After all, Xu Fu was just an alchemist who didn't know martial arts at the beginning.

With his vision at the initial stage, he couldn't tell the level of martial arts from low to high.

He also practiced iron sand palm and iron cloth shirt. In short, he would put every dish on the plate.

But as he acquired more and more martial arts and accumulated more and more martial arts, his ability to discern gradually improved.

Start to consciously pursue various better exercises.

At that stage, what he practiced was Taiji Jin, Iron Hands, and even the Sword Sect's Wanjian Guizong and other magical arts.

After the great achievement of martial arts, he integrated all the knowledge he had learned all his life and created the miraculous skill of "Sacred Heart Jue".

Among Xu Fu's vast array of martial arts, the most valuable ones are undoubtedly the "Sacred Heart Jue" created by him, and the "Five Lightning Transformation Extreme Hands" that Xu Fu has never forgotten, but failed to complete in his life.

The magical skill of Sacred Heart Jue covers everything.

There are lightness kung fu, internal kung fu, mental illusion, as well as boxing, palm, fingering, claw, kicking, as well as the "supernatural powers" of martial arts such as the four sacred hearts, the four sacred hearts, and the seven endless realms.

What's even more commendable is that the Sacred Heart Art can cultivate a long life.

Xiaocheng's Sacred Heart Art can greatly increase the lifespan.

If you practice to the peak level, you can live forever, stay young forever, and have an indestructible body like a diamond.

Moreover, the power of the Sacred Heart Art can also bring the dead back to life, and bring them back to life—of course it must be a dead person who has not died for a long time and has a good body.

This skill has completely broken away from the category of martial arts, and it can be called a good skill for cultivating immortals.

But for Changsheng, Ni Kun already has a channel.

It doesn't matter if he continues to practice martial arts for immortals, or directly takes the medicine of immortality, in short, there is no need to spend too much time and energy on the Sacred Heart Art - the main reason is that he has not been able to practice internal strength until now, no matter whether it is Dragon Elephant Prajna or Demon Sect. Neither the law nor the formula of longevity can make him cultivate his inner strength.

After all, the Sacred Heart Jue is a technique for cultivating inner family true qi from the very beginning.

Even if Ni Kun directly initiates the learning, the true energy derived from it will probably be divided by the blood of the five spirits, the golden finger and the reincarnation wristwatch.

Therefore, the fundamental technique of Sacred Heart Jue is of little significance to him.

On the other hand, his lightness kung fu, illusion, the four absolutes of the Sacred Heart, the four kalpas of the Sacred Heart, and the seven inexhaustible realms, etc., can be directly empowered to learn, and a few more unique skills are close by.

But the fundamental skill of Sacred Heart Jue is of little significance to Ni Kun, but it is of great significance to other people.

For example, Zhu Yuyan, Wan Wan, Shi Feixuan, etc., even though they have their own basic skills, their basic skills Tianmomi and Cihang Sword Code, in the original timeline, no matter in the past or in the future, there is no such thing as breaking the void. become a case.

Among the magic skills, the most reliable method of breaking the void is the "Tao Heart Planting Demon Dafa".

If it is said that "Tianmomi" still has the slightest possibility of glimpsing the way of heaven, "Cihang Sword Code" simply has no future at all.

That being the case, Ni Kun can pass on the Sacred Heart Jue to them.

The Sacred Heart Jue was originally created by Xu Furonghui's lifelong learning. It has the characteristics of "inclusive of all rivers" and can be compatible with almost all exercises-the Sacred Heart Jue has a "Nahai Sacred Heart Mantra", which can combine other exercises True Qi is completely assimilated into the power of the Sacred Heart Jue, and maintains the original characteristics of true Qi.

Practicing the Sacred Heart Jue will not make their respective fundamental skills lose their characteristics, but will only push their respective skills to a higher level.

Anyway, after practicing the Sacred Heart Art, even breaking the void still has to be purely by chance, and with the current situation in the reincarnation world, I am afraid that no matter how high the cultivation level is, it will be difficult to shatter the void, but at least longevity is no problem.

The strength can also become stronger, and in the face of the "catastrophe" that may come at any time, you can also have a little more power to protect yourself.

The Sacred Heart Art is peaceful and peaceful, and it is very universal. It requires aptitude...

Anyway, as long as you have Xu Fu's level of qualifications, it is more than enough.

As for Xu Fu's qualifications...

In Ni Kun's mind, if Zhu Yuyan, Wan Hou, and Shi Feixuan had the opportunity of Xu Fu, they could master countless exercises and practice for more than 1000 years, they should practice until they could live forever and even shatter the void.

The "Sacred Heart Jue" is compatible with almost all exercises, but there is one exercise that even the Sacred Heart Jue cannot be compatible with.

Forcibly practicing, it will even destroy one's own cultivation.

This technique is exactly "Five Thunders Turning into Extreme Hands".

The magical skill of turning five thunders into extreme hands was created by a master named "Nufenglei" during Xu Fu's practice.

Xu Fu always thought that Nu Fenglei was hiding his selfishness from him and did not pass on his real skills, so he sealed Nu Fenglei in ice for thousands of years.

But he didn't know that Nu Fenglei's secret of his cultivation technique was true.

It was just because he saw through Xu Fu's true face that he concealed a little secret.

That is, the practice of Wulei Hua Jishou requires a very harsh precondition.

The concept of Wuleihuajishou is that the "five elements" are the basis of material existence, and Wuleihuajishou relies on destroying the "five elements" to fundamentally destroy and dissolve the basis of material existence.

But if you want to "anti-five elements", you must first have the physique of the five elements and master the power of the five elements to a certain extent.

Xu Fu obviously couldn't be satisfied with this point.

It was also a coincidence that Fufenglei possessed the physique of the five elements, mastered the power of the five elements, and created the "anti-five elements and anti-matter" technique of "five thunders transforming extreme hands".

And Ni Kun...

Coincidentally, he already possesses the spiritual veins of the five elements. Even if he has not united the five elements and sublimated into a real "blood of the five elements", he still possesses the five elements. hands" precondition.

What's even more coincidental is that he has also practiced the Thunder Tribulation Suppressing Prison Knife, and he already has a good understanding and a solid foundation for the power of thunder.

So this "five thunders into extreme hands" is simply tailor-made for him.

A thought moves.

Ni Kun's account balance has shrunk slightly.

At the same time, a sense of enlightenment welled up in my heart, and the Five Elements Spirit Vessel was about to move.

He took out a foot-long handleless sword from the mustard ring.

The sword body was gray and inconspicuous, it was a low-level flying sword of miscellaneous soldiers level seized from Ciyun Temple.

Ni Kun placed the sword horizontally in his palm, and the red, white, blue, black, and yellow brilliance circulated at the fingertips of his five fingers, merging into a chaotic thunder light, which landed on the flying sword and swam along the body of the sword.

Where Lei Mang passed, the blade of the sword quickly collapsed.

In the blink of an eye, the entire flying sword was shattered into slag, and then evaporated into thin air, not even a piece of iron filings left.

Only a wisp of pure gold energy remained, which was absorbed into Ni Kun's body and merged into the golden spirit vein.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ni Kun's mouth.

It is worthy of being the ultimate hand of five thunders.

Even if this flying sword is among the sword celestial beings, no matter how low-level miscellaneous soldiers are, it still has a two-star quality, which is enough to cut off any one-star mortal soldier.

Such as Yitian Sword, Dragon Slaying Saber, Heavenly Demon Double Slash, etc., will not be the opponent of this flying sword, and it will be broken after a few head-on collisions.

And such a tough and sharp weapon, under Ni Kun's empowerment of Xiaocheng's "Five Lightning Transformation Extreme Hands", turned into ashes in a blink of an eye.

"As expected of Xu Fu's 1000-year miraculous skill, Five Lightning Transformation, it really deserves its reputation!"

Ni Kun admired in his heart, and at the same time was even more pleasantly surprised.

Because the Five Thunder Transformation Extreme Hand is the fusion of the power of the five elements to generate the five elements of thunder and destroy the material foundation.

After receiving the empowerment and learning how to turn the five thunders into extreme hands, Ni Kun gained a lot of insight into how to control the power of the five elements after he directly possessed a small accomplishment.

Taking Wuleihuajishou as a reference, he also had a glimpse of a clear direction on how to fuse the five elements' spiritual veins into one and sublimate them into "five elements' bloodlines".

Undoubtedly, this was an even more surprising achievement than learning the Five Lightning Transformation Technique, or even obtaining the Sacred Heart Art and the Elixir of Immortality.

Tsunade rode beside him on horseback, seeing him smiling, looking very happy, he couldn't help leaning over and asking:
"What do you want to be so happy about? Share it and make me happy too!"

Ni Kun smiled: "I'm thinking about what to eat tonight."

"That's it?" Tsunade looked suspicious: "I have had a hard life for several years, so until today, I am still happy because I eat delicious food. But if you say it, it shouldn't be like this?"

Ni Kun chuckled and looked at Tsunade meaningfully:

"However, what I want is to eat you tonight..."

While speaking, he glanced at her chest and gave her a "you understand" look.

Tsunade blushed immediately, snorted softly, and ran away.


Back to Chang'an City.

Zhao Min thanked Ni Kun again, Li Xiuning also suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and tried her best to solemnly thank Ni Kun again.

After that, the two parties parted ways.

Zhao Min first sent Li Xiuning back to the Guest House to recuperate, then hurried into the palace, pleaded guilty to Emperor Qin, and reported the whole story of Xu Fu's incident.

Ni Kun, Zhu Yuyan and others returned to their residences and continued to digest the harvest.

Wuleihuajishou has directly learned the empowerment, but it still needs to continue to study and study, and cross-reference with the Five Elements Diagram of the Jue of Longevity, so as to truly find the way to integrate the five elements and spiritual veins.

Ni Kun also exchanged the secret loan of the Sacred Heart Jue and handed it over to Zhu Yuyan and others to study.

Although Xiaoqing has her own immortal cultivation method, she doesn't need to practice the Sacred Heart Art.Of course, you can also study the various techniques and supernatural powers of the Sacred Heart Jue to enrich the means and improve your strength.

Even Tsunade can practice the techniques and supernatural powers of the Sacred Heart Jue.

Although the "Chakra" of the ninja system originates from the sacred tree, its energy essence is actually very similar to the internal energy.

They are all physical and spiritual energy extracted by themselves, and they can also be integrated with natural energy, that is, the aura of heaven and earth.

Moreover, ninja practice also pays attention to the meridians and acupoints. Even though they are not exactly the same as the meridians and acupoints of Zhongtu Martial Arts, they are roughly similar.

Therefore, even if Tsunade can't practice the basic skills of the Sacred Heart Jue, it is still possible to practice the skills and supernatural powers and enrich the means.

In addition, there is no conflict between Renxian Martial Arts and the Chakra system, and at least before "refinement", it does not involve meridians and acupoints, and purely cultivates the power of physique, so Tsunade is already practicing concurrently.

With such a rich harvest, Ni Kun didn't have the heart to enjoy himself, so he plunged into the quiet room to practice in seclusion.

Zhu Yuyan, Wan Hou and others also comprehended the Sacred Heart Jue together, and after each gained something, they began to retreat.

Only Xiaoqing and Tsunade were left on duty outside the mansion.

The next day, Li Xiuning, accompanied by Dongfang Bai, visited the house, but was told that Ni Kun was in retreat, and could only leave a generous gift before leaving regretfully.

Before the two left, Xiaoqing called Dongfang Bai, pulled her to a corner, murmured mysteriously for a while, and handed her a stack of thick secret books, several small jade bottles, and a small green sword.

Of course, Ni Kun did not forget Dongfang Bai, and also prepared a copy of Sacred Heart Jue, a copy of Sword Control Technique, and a few bottles of Tianzhu honey liquid for her, and seized the three-star flying sword from Zhitong in one bite.

Although Dongfang Bai has stepped into the threshold of the highest realm of the Sunflower Book, the longevity effect of the Sacred Heart Jue is very obvious, and it is only good for her to understand it once or twice.

Not long after sending off Li Xiuning and Dongfang Bai.

Zhao Min also came to visit with his generals and gift boxes.

She was a little depressed, and it seemed that even if the Xu Fu incident was resolved perfectly, Emperor Qin still suffered a lot.

However, with the nature of Xiaoqing and Tsunade, he didn't bother to ask how he was punished.

Just say that our young master is in retreat and no outsiders are seen, so he sent Zhao Min and others back.

During Zhao Min's trip, he was originally responsible for the task entrusted by Emperor Qin——Emperor Qin was willing to recruit Ni Kun into an official position as a national teacher.

Of course, Emperor Qin did not insist on this.

As a supernatural being, the First Emperor knew very well that a supernatural being like him who wanted to rebuild an empire because of his obsession was an odd number.

After Yang Guang's "awakening", he left the emperor's throne and walked away, which is the normal state of practitioners.

Ni Kun has supernatural powers, but he didn't make a name for himself before, which shows that he doesn't care about fame and fortune.

Even if it is the position of "National Teacher" that does not have much restraint on him, he may not be happy to accept it.

Qin Huang was mentally prepared for this. Zhao Min didn't see Ni Kun, so of course he wasn't too worried about Qin Huang's punishment. After leaving the gift, he said goodbye and left, only saying that he would visit again in the future.

After sending away two waves of visitors, Xiaoqing and Tsunade had nothing to do, so Tsunade urged them to play dice.

For a master who is good at rolling dice, this kind of gambling can control the result to a certain extent, and the influence of luck is relatively small.

Tsunade believes that with his superb dice rolling skills, he will not lose to Xiao Qing, a novice who has never gambled before.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

On the premise of not needing to cheat with extraordinary abilities, no matter how high the pure technical level is, it cannot match the luck of the European Emperor, or in other words, it cannot match Tsunade's own invincible non-chieftain power.

After gambling for two hours, Tsunade lost cleanly again, even losing his underwear.

in the attic.

Xiao Qing looked at the pile of gold bars, precious stones, and Tsunade's full body of clothes in front of him, and then looked at Tsunade who was sitting on the opposite side with his knees hugged, completely naked, and said helplessly:

"Tsunade, don't you gamble? You lost all your clothes..."

By the way, what's the use of me winning your clothes?Our sizes are different, and we won't be able to wear it even if we win...

Tsunade's face was red, his teeth were gritted, and his face was full of unwillingness:

"No, I still have money! I still have a lot of gold in Ni Kun's place! No less than a hundred kilograms!"

Xiaoqing kindly advised:

"But according to your luck, no matter how much gold you have, you will lose it all soon. What will you do if you lose it all?"

Tsunade is very iron-handed:

"Don't be afraid, even if I have no money, I still have Ni Kun to support me!"

"OK then……"

It's hard to persuade a goddamn ghost.

Under Tsunade's best efforts, Xiaoqing had no choice but to continue to bet with her reluctantly, and finally won all the money that Tsunade saved from Ni Kun...

"Why is that?"

Tsunade's eyes were in a trance, and he didn't even care to cover his body. He stood naked in front of Xiaoqing, staggering, looking like he was being played badly:
"Why can Xiaoqing keep shaking out 666 if she just shakes it casually, while my skill is so good, but I'm always one or two points behind her?"

Xiaoqing glanced at Tsunade's chest with some envy, sighed, and said seriously:
"Tsunade, your luck may have been used elsewhere. Gambling is really not suitable for you. Listen to me and quit."

After finishing speaking, she pushed her clothes back to her:

"Come on, I'll give you back your clothes, put on your pants first..."

"Why is this..."

Tsunade turned a deaf ear and just muttered to himself with a blank expression.

Xiaoqing shook her head, stood up, first put on a coat for her, then hugged her into her arms, patted her on the back, and said in a distressed tone:

"Let's never gamble again, okay?"

Tsunade looked at her hopefully:
"Then can I write off the debt I owe you?"

Xiaoqing's eyes were pitiful, and her tone was firm:


Tsunade suddenly squatted on the ground and drew circles with a frustrated face.

Three months later, it was autumn.

Ni Kun finally ended this long retreat and walked out of the secret room.

Then he saw Xiaoqing lying lazily on the deck chair basking in the sun, while Tsunade was sitting on a small stool next to the deck chair, skillfully peeling grapes.

After peeling off the grape skins, they carefully removed the grape seeds before feeding the pulp into Xiaoqing's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Ni Kun couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and went over and asked:
"Xiaoqing, we haven't seen each other for three months, so you are now a young mistress?"


Xiaoqing got up quickly, saluted Ni Kun Yingying, and said with a smile:
"It's not that I want this, it's Tsunade who offered to serve me."

Tsunade looked at Ni Kun with a miserable face, pulled the corner of his clothes, and tears flowed:

"Ni Kun, I'm really miserable..."

Well, after she lost everything, she didn't stop there, she continued to drag Xiaoqing to gamble several tricks, and in the end not only lost all the property stored in Ni Kun's place, but also carried a debt that might not be cleared for the rest of her life. debt.

In order to let Xiaoqing show mercy and forgive some of her debts, she just served Xiaoqing carelessly like a little maid.

After Tsunade wiped her tears and finished telling her tragic gambling career, Ni Kun sighed and raised her hand to ruffle her silky blonde hair:

"You should chop off your hands."

Tsunade looked at him tearfully:
"Ni Kun, I swear I will never gamble again...can you help me and let Xiaoqing reduce her debt a little bit?"

Never gamble again?I believe you are a ghost!
Ni Kun twitched the corner of his mouth and said to Xiaoqing:

"What Tsunade owes you, transfer it to my account, and I will pay her back."

Xiaoqing smiled sweetly, "Good master."

But in my heart, I said to myself, I can't get back a penny, my whole snake is yours, how dare I ask you for debt?
Ni Kun ignored her slander and asked, "Have Yuyan and the others left the customs yet?"

"not yet."

"Has anything important happened recently?"

"It's nothing serious. The negotiations between the Li Clan and Daqin are still going on, and some preliminary intentions have been reached... Li Xiuning and Zhao Min came to visit the master many times, but Tsunade and I blocked them back. By the way, Zhao Min came two days ago At that time, I said something, that there seemed to be demons and ghosts haunting Zhongnan Mountain, and Qin Huang was preparing to send troops out of Hangu to attack Luoyang, and he had no time to send troops to wipe them out. Destroy the demons."

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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