Lord God hangs up

Chapter 175 Chapter 175, God's Tribulation VS Sword 23!

Chapter 175 Chapter 175, God's Tribulation VS Sword 23!

On Huashan Mountain, thunder and lightning flashed, and sword energy swept across the sky.

The sound of gold and iron colliding was as thick as rain, and the sound of thunder and explosion was deafening.

Lightning illuminated the night sky, and the sound of detonation shook the sea of ​​clouds, blasting out white air waves visible to the naked eye, like waves on the sea, spreading in all directions and turbulently impacting.

The sword qi knife splashed down like raindrops, smashing and smashing the solid rock of the mountain.

Shocking huge cracks appeared on the ridge leading to the top of the East Peak.

The bridge-like stone beams on the ridge continued to shatter and collapse.

When the fulcrum of the ridge structure was completely destroyed by the sword energy, the ridge immediately collapsed, and in a blink of an eye, a crack more than ten feet wide and hundreds of feet deep was opened, completely cutting off the road to the top of the mountain.

From now on, unless a cableway is built, ordinary people will have no chance to climb this "Chaoyang Peak" to watch the sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking at the scene of the Thunder and Lightning Dao Gang and the Sword Qi Canglong fighting for the front, listening to the shocking roar, and being forced back again and again by the continuous impact of white air waves, Zhao Min and others were dazzled for a moment, as if watching god war.

Tsunade, Zhu Yuyan, and Dongfang Bai stood firm against the oncoming air waves that were like waves, rooted like bamboo, and remained motionless, watching Ni Kun's battle nervously and confidently.

Tsunade was even eager to try, wanting to rush up and have a quick fight.

It's a pity that the terrain is too narrow, and the stone beams leading to the top of the mountain have been destroyed, and there is no way to go.

Tsunade could only suppress the itching of his hands, and stared at Ni Kun with his sleeves fluttering, throwing thunder.


Xu Fu's white hair fluttered, his eyes were angry and he shouted angrily, and while his fingers were changing, he played a series of wonderful secret skills.

Thousands of Swords Return to the Sect!

Dry ice palms!
Snow Blood Claw!
Break the snow and open the sky!
Blood fire evil gang!
Heavenly Thunder!

Thousand Blades Cloud Piercer!

There are too many unique skills he knows, and he can play one at random, which is the dream of a warrior, and it is enough to rely on it to establish a sect.

It's a pity that even though he was able to change in many ways and have infinite magical skills, Ni Kun only had an indifferent face, controlling the thunder and lightning, and wielding his sword.

The dark green blue dragon transformed by countless pine needles, driven by ten thousand swords returning to the sect, released all the sword energy in the midst of being shaken by the Thunder Tribulation Saber, turned into charcoal powder, and disappeared in ashes.

The ice power, fire power, and even the mixed power of ice and fire produced by dry ice palm, snow blood claw, broken snow and open sky, blood fire evil emperor, ditian kuanglei, and Wanblade cloud piercing are all under the power of Thunder Tribulation Knife They all collapsed.

Xu Fu even used many air-distance martial arts that he hadn't used for a long time, but none of them could break through the Thunder Tribulation Knife Gang.

Ni Kun's judgment was correct, Xu Fu's skills had indeed regressed.

Thanks to his blood-fiend search skill that day, Xu Fu's kung fu was capped at the upper limit, and [-]% was permanently lost.

Ni Kun, on the other hand, borrowed Xu Fu's energy, blood and skill to break through the realm of martial sages in one fell swoop, and cultivated the body of an elementary martial sage. The fragments of Thor's Hammer were purified to produce the Thunder Tribulation Suppressing Prison Knife Gang.

Compared with when Yang Zhi and Xu Fu first played against each other, how much has their strength more than doubled?
With the ups and downs, he can already rely on his own hard power to be on par with Xu Fuzhan, and even have a slight upper hand!
At this moment, Ni Kun kept on walking, riding the thunder and lightning, pressing on step by step.

When he came to the broken ridge, he didn't stop. He stepped on the void like he was resisting the wind, and calmly walked through the crack that was more than ten feet wide and hundreds of feet deep.

This is not Ni Kun's blood of the earth spirit, which is enough to support him in the air.

If you observe carefully, you will find that when he is pacing, there is a faint blue light flickering on the soles of his feet.

Yes, he used a flying sword.

Although he has always despised the way of stepping on a flying sword and using a flying sword as a skateboard to fly with a sword, and the serious swordsmen also integrate their body and sword into one, turning into a sword light to fly.

However, in order not to destroy the current rhythm of calm and pressing step by step, and continue to put urgent pressure on Xu Fu, he also had to make a bad plan. He secretly used two green bamboo swords to fly forward alternately with the rhythm of his steps, giving Xu Fu He makes pedals.

Of course, no one discovered this little secret.

Zhao Min, Zhu Yuyan and others who were watching the battle were immersed in the fierce battle between him and Xu Funa, which was like fighting with a god.

Just looking at Xu Fu's endless, seemingly inexhaustible magical skills and secret skills, and Ni Kun's stalwart figure dressed in thunder and light, pressing every step of the way, like a god descending from the earth, how can he have time to pay attention to what he is stepping on?
They all thought that he was really relying on emptiness to control the wind and walk through the air.

And Xu Fu was forced to do his best by the lightning knife gang that shuttled all over the sky, killing and getting closer.It's too late to focus on dismantling Ni Kun's sword, so where is the time to see his feet?
As for Li Xiuning, who was the only one on Xu Fu's side, she just stared at Ni Kun's calm, indifferent, majestic face under the light of the thunder and lightning.

Although he warned himself more than once not to be too sentimental, Ni Kun came here not for her, but for Xu Fu.

But seeing Ni Kun approaching step by step, no matter how sensible she was, she couldn't help feeling a little hopeful and moving in her heart.

Especially at a certain moment, when Ni Kun seemed to glance at her, and when a faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips, Li Xiuning's heart throbbed even more, and she was overwhelmed by some kind of indescribable sense of happiness, It made my mind dizzy.

Then she was really dizzy and dizzy.

But it was a green snake, who did not know when it appeared on the edge of the cliff behind Xuan Bing, flicked its tail, wrapped around Xuan Bing, and dragged Xuan Bing down the mountain.

It was Xiaoqing.

Just now she followed Ni Kun, and after stepping into the thick frost mist, she never showed up, but she had already followed Ni Kun's instructions and transformed into a little green snake. Walking up the sharp cliffs and detoured to the bottom of the mountain platform.

Afterwards, she has been lurking on the cliff below Xuanbing, until Xu Fu, under Ni Kun's pressing step by step, was completely attracted by him, and no longer paid attention to the Xuanbing that frozen Li Xiuning, Xiaoqing received Ni Kun's signal Afterwards, it turned into a huge green snake, lightning jumped up to the platform on the top of the mountain, swept away Xuanbing's tail, and dragged Xuanbing to swim down the steep cliff.

That's right, Ni Kun's mysterious smile that made Li Xiuning almost dizzy with happiness was actually for Xiaoqing...

It wasn't until Xiaoqing dragged Xuanbing down the cliff for more than a hundred feet, and then quickly swam towards Zhao Min and others, that Xu Fu realized that the hostages had been taken away.

But even though he was furious, there was nothing he could do.

Because Li Xiuning, who was too close to Xu Fu, was not restrained, Ni Kun, who had no scruples, could finally fire with full power.

In the thunderous explosion that seemed to tear the sky apart.

Thousands of thunder and knives, each in a group of hundreds, blasted towards Xu Fu in all directions like a torrential rain, and blasted the stone platform on the top of the mountain where Xu Fu settled down, smashing the rocks into powder, the ground crumbled, and the cliffs were peeled off.

Large chunks of rubble continuously peeled off from the surroundings of the platform and crashed down the cliff.

Xu Fu resorted to tricks one after another and struggled to support him.

But he could barely block the knife gang that bombarded him, but he couldn't stop the sword gang that bombarded around the stone platform.

Soon, the stone platform where Xu Fu stopped was only a few feet away, like a solitary stalagmite, standing on the top of the East Peak.

Xu Fu has completely lost room to maneuver.

You can only stand on the "stalagmite" with a radius of only a few feet at the top, and face the thunder and knives in all directions.

Ni Kun wasn't in a hurry to destroy the stalagmite, he just urged Lei Jie Dao Gang to kill Xu Fu.

Xu Fu intends to use Seven Never Ends to escape from this cage-like predicament.

But every time he wanted to use it, he couldn't help but recall that in Yangzhi, when he was escaping from a desperate situation, Ni Kun used a bloody giant claw to grab his deity who had transformed into Qi. The pain of tearing off one arm and half of his shoulder.

Xu Fu knew that in front of Ni Kun, his own Seven Never Ends was not a perfect escape skill.

Not only can he lock his own position, he can even damage his gaseous form, which is theoretically immune to any attack.

That injury left a deep psychological shadow on Xu Fu.

So much so that after falling into such an unfavorable situation, he unexpectedly looked forward and backward, and did not dare to decisively use Seven Endless Realms to get out of this unfavorable situation first.

Fight for a while.

Ni Kun is only ten feet away from Xu Fu.

For these two strong players whose attack distance is tens or even hundreds of feet away.

The distance of ten feet is almost the same as face-to-face hand-to-hand combat.

Xu Fu doesn't like close combat.

But when he found that Ni Kun stopped when he was ten feet away from him, and stopped pressing every step, and only controlled the lightning knife like the catastrophe of the day, when he bombarded himself from the air, Xu Fu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, Figured out one thing.

"Ni Kun, so you don't know how to fight melee!"

Having figured this out, Xu Fu was suddenly ecstatic.

The cold mist filled his body, forming a thick armor of mysterious ice. Xu Fu sealed himself in the mysterious ice, urged Zongyi to climb the fairy step, and flew towards Ni Kun with lightning, and at the same time shot Wan Ren Chuan Yun and Wan Jian like money without money. Returning to the sect, the ice blades and sword qi shot wildly all over the sky, parrying the thunder and knives that came from the shooting.

Amidst the shrill sound of clashing gold and iron, and the ear-splitting sound of lightning and thunder, Xu Fuxuan's ice armor was shattered inch by inch by the knife gang, but before the ice armor was completely shattered, he crossed the ten-foot distance and came In front of Ni Kun, the five fingers of his left hand formed claws, and he waved out the shadows of the claws, covering many vital points on Ni Kun's upper body.

"Ni Kun, I miscalculated, I knew you wouldn't..."

Before the words fell, a bright silver iron fist with metallic luster smashed through Xu Fu's layers of claws, and punched Xu Fu's face:

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't like close combat, it's not that I don't know how to fight close combat!"

The Shanhai boxing classics, the boxing is overwhelming the world!
Amidst the tooth-piercing explosion, Xu Fu flew backwards at a faster speed than when he came, half of his face was beaten to pieces, his nose was shattered like a rotten tomato, his lips drooped, and most of his teeth fell out. Couldn't even make a scream.

The reason why he didn't use the Fire Fist is because Xu Fu has the blood of the Phoenix, so he is not afraid of fire, and he also knows how to "smelt iron hands", which is a fire-strength skill that can melt iron with bare hands.

Furthermore, Ni Kun also paid for Xu Fu's hand knife, and just now punched Xu Fu——

Although Xu Fu's claws were smashed by Ni Kun's punch, before he was blown away, his knife had already cut between Ni Kun's chest and abdomen, and when Ni Kun turned into an iron man with his bare hands, it was as tough as a bulletproof steel plate On the flesh of the chest and abdomen, there was a crack about an inch deep and a foot long.

Ni Kun looked down at the long crack on the chest and abdomen, smiled, and with a thought, he turned into a wooden figure. Under the nourishment of powerful vitality, the shocking crack in the chest and abdomen quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Xu Fu also fell back onto the stalagmite platform, and only after landing did he let out a shrill scream.

But Ni Kun wouldn't listen to his ghostly roars, and the Thunder Tribulation Saber continued to bombard him like a torrential rain without any hesitation.

Xu Fu held back the pain, while urging the essence of the phoenix blood to recover from the injury, while resisting the thunder and knife with all his strength.

His facial injuries were extremely severe, half of his face was smashed to pieces, and his cheekbones were shattered and fractured.

The strength of the fist also blasted one of his eyes, and even nearly blasted into his brain.

Thanks to his deep skill, strong body protection, Tai Chi strength, good at unloading force, even defense and unloading, that's why he didn't let boxing force into his mind.

Even so, his mind was still dizzy, and all kinds of stunts that he usually came up with at his fingertips were not working smoothly at this time.

At the juncture of life and death, Xu Fu did not hesitate to consume a lot of phoenix blood essence to recover from his injuries at full speed.

When the injury fully recovered and his face returned to normal, he looked a year or two older, and his hair became even more silvery white.

"Ni Kun!"

Seeing Ni Kun standing ten feet away leisurely with his hands behind his back, waving his sleeves and throwing Lei Jie down, as if he was determined to eat him, Xu Fu was filled with resentment, and his heart became cold again.

My skill was [-]% off, and my body was more than ten years old.Ni Kun is stronger than half a month ago, and his strength has more than doubled.

He thought he had caught his weakness and wanted to regain the upper hand with close combat, but he didn't expect that Ni Kun was also a good close combat fighter, and his moves were based on the Shanhai Boxing Classic.

The body can even turn into an indestructible iron man. After being injured, he can turn into a wooden man to heal quickly, and it seems that there is no consumption. It is even more unreasonable than his own immortal body...

Xu Fu no longer knew how to kill Ni Kun.

No, not to mention killing Ni Kun, whether he can escape under his hands and save his life is unknown.

Although Xu Fu knew very well that if he used Seven Never Ending Realm, he might still be able to escape.

But in that case, he would at least have to be caught by Ni Kun like last time, lose some of his skills, and be ten years older.

He was no match for Ni Kun in the first place, if he lost his skills again, and he was ten years old, how could he have a chance to kill him again in the future?
But if you can't kill Ni Kun, you can't complete the mission of the Lord...

That fate is worse than death!

Xu Fu, who was forced into a desperate situation, finally made up his mind to fight to the death.

Even if the last resort was extremely costly and violated Xu Fu's nature of cherishing life and fearing death, in order not to end up in an end worse than death, Xu Fu could only put all his eggs in one basket.

"Ni Kun, I admit that your strength today is already above mine, and all my methods are almost useless to you. However, I still have a trick that I have never used before. Today, I will make an exception on you. !"

Xu Fu shrieked violently, and when he finished speaking, his face was rapidly aging. In a blink of an eye, he was about 80 years old, and his tall and straight body also shrank and became like a shriveled old man who was [-] or [-] years old.

Then, a tall and slender figure with the same facial features as Xu Fu, but with black hair, crystal clear skin, and a sense of vitality, stepped out of his body one step at a time.

After taking this step, Ni Kun suddenly noticed that his movements seemed to slow down.

The lightning swords flying all over the sky seemed to have slowed down.

Inch by inch, like a snail, move forward slowly, so slow that it makes people anxious.

The young Xu Fu showed no abnormality, with his hands behind his back, stepping on the void, he ran towards Ni Kun with big strides:

"Ni Kun, this is the last calamity of the 'Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart'—the divine calamity!

"This move uses the primordial spirit as a weapon to specifically attack the enemy's primordial spirit. After receiving this move, your body will be intact and your primordial spirit will be annihilated. From then on, you will be a walking dead with no thoughts and no knowledge. This seat will refine your body into a beast Puppet, to dispel the hatred in my heart!
"Do you feel like you're slowing down?
"No, it's not that you are slowing down, it's just that the speed of my primordial spirit is as fast as lightning!"

During the voice transmission of Yuanshen, the young version of Xu Fu strode up to Ni Kun, pointed like a sword, and pointed at the center of Ni Kun's eyebrows.

Just when his slender and fair fingers were about to touch the center of Ni Kun's eyebrows.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the center of Ni Kun's eyebrows and touched Xu Fu's fingertips.


Xu Fu was shocked, because the golden light touching his fingertips turned out to be two fingers that shone with golden light and turned into swords!
"The primordial spirit is out of the body? What a coincidence, I will too!"

The misty voice came from Ni Kun's body.

Afterwards, the invisible force field spread, and everything within a radius of ten feet solidified.

Krypton Life Technique, Sword 23!
Under the expansion of the invisible force field, even Xu Fu's primordial spirit seemed to be bound by some invisible force. When he moved, the speed was so fast that Ni Kunlei could rob the sword, but Xu Fuyuan was relatively slow to the point of a snail. God, the speed also slowed down quickly.

Although it has not been reduced to the point where it is completely frozen and unable to move.

But now, the one who was as slow as a snail was Xu Fu's primordial spirit!
"Xu Fu, your move to kill the gods is really good, but it seems to burn the source, so that the body decays and the lifespan passes away?"

Ni Kun said with a smile, the golden light of the sword, in Xu Fuyuan's frightened eyes, pointed at the center of his brow.

Xu Fu turned his head desperately, trying to avoid this fingering sword.

But now he is as slow as a snail, even if Ni Kun only strikes with the sword at a normal finger drop speed, how can there be any chance of dodging?
Ni Kun pointed at Xu Fu's eyebrows.

Xu Fu Yuan froze, and a golden crack appeared between his eyebrows.

The crack expanded with lightning, and in a blink of an eye, it spread all over his body, causing golden cracks all over his body, like a porcelain doll that was broken and glued together with gold paint.

"In order to survive, I was forced to bow my knees to the Lord and serve him. In order to survive, I was driven by the Lord to come to this world to act as the Lord's accomplice in destroying the world... and in order to survive, I came to chase and kill Ni Kun, but in the end... I made a mistake Your own life!"

The primordial spirit is about to disappear, and the end is approaching. Xu Fu, who has been greedy for life and afraid of death for more than 1000 years, at this moment, after countless anger, hatred, unwillingness, and despair flashed in his heart, he calmed down again.

He stared at Ni Kun in front of him, his lips curled up slightly, revealing a sneering smile.

If people are about to die, their words are also good?

No, I, Xu Fu, actually don't want to die, but since I have to die now, then don't think about it if I die.

I can't do anything to you, but I also want to make you sleepless and sleepless!
"Ni Kun, do you think it's over if you kill me?
"Whether I, Xu Fu, or the Night King, I am nothing more than a minion driven by others. My master, is a power beyond your imagination, and will eventually destroy this world.

"Ni Kun, although you are strong, you are infinitely stronger than me. And my lord, you can defeat me with one finger! How many fingers can you...can stop my lord?
"Ni Kun, the end of the calamity is approaching. When the end of the calamity comes, not only all living beings, but even the world itself will be reduced to ashes.

"And this day, it won't be too far away."

Xu Fu sneered and said lightly:
"Ni Kun, I will take a good look at it from the ground... When the end of the catastrophe comes, your ugliness of struggling in vain, despair and resignation..."

"No, you can't see it." Ni Kun smiled leisurely:
"You don't even have the soul, and you don't even have the chance to fall into the eighteenth floor of hell. What do you... use to see?"

When the words fell, Ni Kun flicked his fingertips lightly, and Xu Fu's Yuanshen burst into pieces, completely ashes.

【These days, [-] words explode every day, and today there are even [-] words. Please support me by rewarding some monthly tickets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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