Lord God hangs up

Chapter 153 Chapter 153, Goodbye Qingxuan, the Gate of Time and Space? [Please subscribe, please ask

Chapter 153 Chapter 153, Goodbye Qingxuan, the Gate of Time and Space? [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

Ni Kun set off in the middle of the night and rushed to Shuzhong without stopping.

He moved forward in a straight line, relying on the ability of the nightmare horse to wading through the water, ignoring the barriers of mountains and rivers, he did not get off his horse for more than ten hours in a row. By the evening of the next day, he had arrived at Phoenix Mountain in the northern suburbs of Chengdu.

He has never been to Shi Qingxuan's "You Lin Xiao Zhu".

All I know is that her home is located in the deep mountains and valleys at the eastern foot of Fenghuang Mountain, the location is quite hidden, and it is difficult for outsiders to find it.

Of course, Ni Kun couldn't find it either, but he didn't need to look for it either. He took out a message talisman that Shi Qingxuan gave him, wrote "I've arrived at the foot of the eastern foot of Phoenix Mountain", and lit the message talisman with a flash of fire at his fingertips.

Afterwards, I found a large, conspicuous stone, sat cross-legged on the stone, and meditated, waiting patiently.

After waiting for less than half an hour, a melodious flute came to his ears. Ni Kun followed the prestige and saw Shi Qingxuan standing under a big tree with his hands behind his back, looking at him with a smile.


Ni Kun laughed, jumped off the boulder and strode over.

Shi Qingxuan showed two playful and shallow pear holes on her cheeks, and said sweetly:

"Have you received the letter?"

Ni Kun nodded: "Got it. Didn't I set out to find you as soon as I received your letter?"

Shi Qingxuan said: "I only sent the letter three days ago. You found it so quickly. Could it be that you were planning to go back to Sichuan and received the letter on the plank road to Sichuan? So you really failed to break through the rivers and lakes, and you have been disheartened ever since." Feeling cold, are you planning to go back to Sichuan and live in seclusion?"

Ni Kun also didn't explain. If you say some things by yourself, you will inevitably be suspected of boasting. He just said:

"Qingxuan, you can clearly advance and retreat, and you are not reckless. I am very pleased."

Shi Qingxuan thought for a while and asked:

"You mean Ciyun Temple?"

Ni Kun nodded, with a slightly serious expression:
"Ciyun Temple is not simple. If you rush into it lightly, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Shi Qingxuan was puzzled and said:

"The Ciyun Temple, like the Tangmen and Lingyun Grottoes in the past, popped up overnight. When the Ciyun Temple appeared, you were not in Sichuan. How do you know that the Ciyun Temple is not simple?"

Ni Kun asked back:

"For many years, is there a simple role for this kind of sect force that suddenly popped up out of nowhere?"

Shi Qingxuan wrenched her fingers:
"The Songshan Sword Sect was wiped out by Zuo Youxian, one of the eight masters of the Demon Sect; the Sun Moon God Sect was wiped out by Zhang Xutuo's troops; There is the Emei sect, the head of the Juejue Shitai is too good at martial arts, but he is only a first-class master who is close to the level of a master..."

Ni Kun was speechless:

"These don't count! Why don't you take Moon Worship Sect as an example?"

"But the Moon Worship Sect has also been destroyed!" Shi Qingxuan stuck out the tip of her tongue and giggled:
"Okay, I know that Ciyun Temple is not simple, so I only observed it from a distance for a few days, and never went in to test it rashly. Speaking of which, you are so eager to come back, are you worried that I will trespass on Ciyun Temple?"

Ni Kun snorted softly: "Ask knowingly."

Shi Qingxuan frowned:
"Young Master Ni is so concerned, the little girl is flattered."

Ni Kun raised his eyebrows: "Then how do you thank me?"

Shi Qingxuan smiled and said, "Will you have dinner? Clean up the dust for you?"

Ni Kun looked at the sky with his hands behind his back: "There is no sincerity."

Shi Qingxuan slightly widened her eyes: "Please go to my Youlin Xiaozhu, can I cook by myself?"

Only then did Ni Kun nod: "It's a little bit sincere."

Shi Qingxuan chuckled and grabbed his sleeve: "Don't pretend, come with me!"

Now take Ni Kun to the middle of Phoenix Mountain.

In the forest without roads, after crossing the mountains and ridges for less than half an hour, they came to a clear stream surrounded by a valley. A few bamboo and wooden huts were built on the bank of the clear stream, which were Shi Qingxuan's secluded forest buildings.

Shi Qingxuan led Ni Kun into a bamboo pavilion by the water, beckoned him to sit down, and asked with a smile:
"Did you write down the path when you came here?"

Ni Kun nodded: "I remember."

"Then you don't need me to help you next time, you can come here to find me."

Shi Qingxuan smiled sweetly, "You drink tea first, and I'll cook."

Brewed a pot of fragrant tea for him, Shi Qingxuan cooked by herself.Half an hour later, in the bamboo pavilion, a table of carefully cooked side dishes was served.

She personally scooped up a bowl of rice wine for Ni Kun, and Shi Qingxuan beckoned him to start.

"Try my homemade rice wine."

"Sweet and refreshing, delicious."

"Hey, this wine is not drunk, drink more if it suits your taste. Here, this is the fungus I picked in the mountains, stewed in chicken broth, try it. And this, fried venison with bracken..."

"Qingxuan, don't just greet me, eat it yourself."

"I promised to take care of you, but of course I have to treat you as a distinguished guest first! Besides, I have a small appetite, a little is enough..."

"A little bit is enough? Could it be that you have already practiced Bigu?"

"That can't be done. Drinking the northwest wind will starve to death. I still have to eat a little bit. Speaking of which, what have you done in the past six months? Why haven't you heard of your reputation? With you It’s not like borrowing unknown skills.”

"That's because I didn't do anything big in the Central Plains..."

The two chatted while eating, and it took more than an hour until the moon rose and set, and the sky was full of stars, and the feast was considered to be over.

Holding a cup of freshly brewed fragrant tea, Ni Kun took a sip and asked casually:

"Qingxuan, how long has Ciyun Temple been around?"

Shi Qingxuan said: "Counting today, it has been more than half a month."

Ni Kun said: "Have you heard of any abnormalities?"

Shi Qingxuan shook her head: "I haven't heard of it yet."

Newcomer, not knowing the situation, so be careful and dormant, have not started doing evil yet?
That being the case, the green-robed patriarch must not be in Ciyun Temple anymore.

Otherwise, with the arrogant and vicious temperament of the green-robed patriarch, he would have captured many people and devoured people's hearts to his heart's content.

However, the nature of the obscene monks in the cave of Ciyun Temple is difficult to change. When they find out that there is no Emei Sword Sect who can use flying swords in Mount Emei, they will definitely start to make trouble.

If we let them know that there are very few immortal cultivators in this world, and there is almost no existence that can restrain them in the vast Sichuan, they will definitely be even more unscrupulous.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to visit Ciyun Temple." Ni Kun said slowly: "Look at their roots."

Shi Qingxuan's eyes lit up: "Alright, I've wanted to check it out a long time ago."

Ni Kun shook his head: "No, I will go in alone, and you will watch out for me outside the temple."

"Watch the wind?" Shi Qingxuan chuckled: "We're not going to be thieves, what are the winds!"

Xuan You put on a pretty face, and snorted softly: "Or, do you underestimate my ability and think that I will hold you back?"

Ni Kun explained:
"Of course I didn't underestimate you. You were still the main force when you wiped out the dryad grandma. I know your ability.

"However, we don't know how strong Ciyun Temple is. If I accidentally get stuck inside, you can break the siege from the outside and help me out.

"Look, I've even entrusted you with the back road that is about my life. Could this be underestimating you?"

Shi Qingxuan was dubious: "It sounds like that, but I always feel that you are fooling me..."

Ni Kun said seriously: "No way, I really trust your strength, so I arranged this way."

"Okay, then I will listen to your arrangement."

Shi Qingxuan reluctantly nodded, her eyes lit up again, and said with a smile:

"By the way, remember the burrow I mentioned in my letter? It happens to be fine at night, why don't we go and explore first?"

She found a cave in Phoenix Mountain.

There is a strange "light gate" in the cave, which can be seen but cannot be touched.

But the strange thing is that from the illusory door of light, which is clearly untouchable, a delicate "puppet" flew out, was damaged in the hole, and was picked up by her.

However, she was worried that there was some secret door hidden on the "puppet", or there was something bad, so she didn't bring it back, and stayed in the cave.

She also told Ni Kun about this matter in her letter, and seeing her mention it now, Ni Kun thought about the cave in Phoenix Mountain, and he didn't know what the secret was. Hidden dangers.

Immediately got up and said: "Okay, let's go explore the cave first."

Shi Qingxuan smiled heartily, and led Ni Kun out of the deep valley, heading west.

The two performed lightness kung fu, passed through a dense forest, and climbed over two cliffs. After walking for more than a quarter of an hour, they came to a valley.

There is a very conspicuous dark cave at the bottom of the valley. The earth and rock cracks on the edge of the cave are still very fresh, and it seems that they appeared not long ago.

"A few days ago, a small earthquake suddenly occurred in Phoenix Mountain. After the earthquake, this cave just appeared."

Shi Qingxuan introduced, brought Ni Kun to the cave, and jumped into the cave entrance.

Ni Kun also jumped in, and after falling several feet, he came to a burrow the size of a basketball court.

It was already night, and the two of them didn't light the torches, and there was only a hole the size of the mouth of a water tank on the top of the burrow, so even in the daytime, it should be very dark, and at night, you should not be able to reach your fingers.

However, the inside of the cave was very bright, as if it was equipped with fluorescent lamps.

As for the light source, it is a silvery-white strange object more than ten feet high in front of the south wall of the cave.

The strange thing is like a "silver mirror", oval in shape, with mercury-colored surface, slightly rippling water-like ripples, and a small vortex in the center, which slowly rotates while blooming quite bright white light. Light up the entire crypt.

"Look, that's the strange light gate I was talking about."

Shi Qingxuan leaned over and picked up a small stone, and threw it towards the oval silver mirror. The stone went straight through the mirror and hit the back stone wall, making a light snap.

Ni Kun noticed that when the stone passed through the mirror, there was no collision reaction on the mirror, and no ripple was stirred up, just like a pure illusory image.

And if you don't look at it with your eyes, you can't feel the existence of the "elliptical silver mirror" at all if you only use your mental perception, as if it has no interaction with the world except for its light.

"Look, Ni Kun, this is the organ puppet flying out of the light gate."

Shi Qingxuan ran behind a big rock, bent down and took out the mechanism puppet she had hidden.

Ni Kun glanced at the "organ puppet", and his pupils shrank slightly.

Because this organ puppet is clearly a small drone!

He took the drone and asked in his mouth:
"Was... the mechanism puppet flew out of the light gate by itself?"

Shi Qingxuan nodded:

"That's right, it flew out from the light gate with a buzzing sound, but just as it came out, it fell with sparks and green smoke."

Ni Kun nodded slowly, looking at the line of familiar English letters on the belly of the drone, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

This elliptical light gate is probably a gate of time and space connecting two planes.

On the other side of the portal, I am afraid there is a technological world.

It may even be a technological world dominated by European and American civilizations.

If the technological world on the opposite side also discovers this light gate and releases drones to scout...

The consequences would be quite bad.

The Anza gang is not in vain!

"Qingxuan, apart from this organ puppet, are there any other puppets coming here?"

Shi Qingxuan shook her head: "That's what I found."

Seeing Ni Kun's serious expression, she couldn't help asking:

"Is there a problem with this light gate?"

Ni Kun shook his head: "I don't know. But even if there are no problems now, there may not be problems in the future."

The light gate here is temporarily untouchable. Although a drone flew out of the light gate, the drone is probably just a coincidence. The light gate over there should also be untouchable and impossible to pass through.

Otherwise, a large number of detection instruments should have come over.

If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you can touch and pass through the opposite side of the light gate, the equipment will be broken when you get here, and you will not be able to communicate with the opposite side.This kind of one-way portal with no back and forth is not too threatening for the time being.

But there is no threat now, but it does not mean the same in the future.

In case there is a change in this light gate, it becomes possible to pass through on both sides...

That trouble may be a bit big.

Ni Kun returned the drone to Shi Qingxuan, before coming to the light gate, projected an ordinary long sword, and tried to touch the light gate with the tip of the sword.

There was still no collision reaction, the tip of the sword passed through the light gate as if passing through the air, and Ni Kun's palm holding the sword did not feel any special feeling.

After thinking for a while, he ejected another bloody sword and hit it on the light gate. The sword passed through the door without any abnormality, and slashed on the stone wall behind, creating a deep crack in the stone wall.

Ni Kun frowned slightly, and cast his burning hand again, clawing at the light gate, but Lie Yan's palm still passed through the door, and the light gate still did not respond.

Shi Qingxuan said: "I tried it, no matter what it is, I can't touch it."

When he was talking, he was also secretly surprised by Ni Kun's methods, and said that he hadn't seen him for half a year. Ni Kun seemed to be no longer the same as before, and could only set fireballs, with many extraordinary methods.

Ni Kun pondered for a while, raised his palm, and directly tried to touch the light door with his hand.

"I've tried that too, but I can't touch it with my hands..."

As soon as Shi Qingxuan finished speaking, she saw a burst of blue light emanating from Ni Kun's body. The contact between his palm and the light gate had a collision reaction for the first time, and a fierce ripple appeared on the light gate. The vortex expanded instantly, spinning rapidly to engulf Ni Kun.

"Ni Kun, be careful!"

Shi Qingxuan was startled, and without thinking about it, she used the phantom magic body technique, and dragged a string of afterimages to fly behind Ni Kun as if teleporting. Before the vortex completely "swallowed" Ni Kun, she reached out and grabbed Ni Kun by the corner of his clothes.

Immediately, the blue light spread to Shi Qingxuan's body, enveloping her as well, causing her and Ni Kun to be engulfed by the whirlpool of light.

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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