Lord God hangs up

Chapter 130 130, News from the Other Ghosts [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

Chapter 130 130, News from the Other Ghosts [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

After watching the play, Ni Kun was about to order to pay the bill and leave when he heard a rough male voice in the hall:

"I'm not joking! The Turks are really going to die!"

These words were quite surprising, and Ni Kun's attention was immediately drawn to the table where the voice came from.

I saw that the speaker was a man from the Northland wearing a fur fur, and the people at the table with him were all businessmen dressed in silk.

Look at the appearance of the people at this table, just now they didn't even watch the bustle of the water flow, they kept talking in the hall.

And the topics they talked about were really amazing.

Drinking on such a topic is indeed more exciting than watching a few martial arts masters fighting.

"Brother Luo, what you said sounds like a joke! Who doesn't know how strong the Turks are? Two years ago, the emperor was besieged by the Turkic army at Yanmen, and he managed to escape. In the past two years, the princes of the Northland have also There are those who disrespect the imperial court, but who dares to disrespect the Turks? Everyone must pay tribute to the Turks."

"That is, the Eastern Turks have Bixuan, the Martial Venerable, and there are millions of people who control the strings. They conquered Tiele in the north, pressed the Central Plains in the south, invaded the Western Turks in the west, and invaded Shiwei, Khitan, and Goguryeo in the east. They are majestic and powerful. Why? Will it be over if it's over?"

"Brother Luo, although your family's chief executive from Youzhou has great martial arts skills and has led troops to fight against the Turks, but you just said that the Turks want to play...how can you believe it?"

The chief executive of Youzhou?

Surname Luo...

Luo Yi?
It seems that the man in the fur fur from the Northland should be Luo Yi's relatives, and he should come to the Central Plains to help Luo Yi purchase supplies when he socializes with merchants.

Luo Yi's residence is in Zhuo County, Youzhou, near the border, not far from Mayi, Yanmen and other counties that are often invaded by Turks. It is not surprising that he can quickly grasp the first-hand information about Turks.

It's just that the news that Turkic is going to finish, to Ni Kun's ears, it's a bit inconceivable.

Just as those businessmen said, the power of the Turks today is known to the whole world.

In the Turkic hinterland of the Mobei Grassland, who can easily defeat the Turkic and bring the Turkic to the "end" situation?

I am afraid that even the First Emperor, who owns the Army of Terracotta Warriors, can only defend against the enemy outside the country at this stage.

At the moment Ni Kun was not in a hurry to leave, and asked Wen Caiting to find Xiao Er to add two drinks and dishes, and continued to listen to the discussion of the businessmen at the table.

The man in the fur fur was questioned by everyone, but he was not in a hurry. He gulped down a bowl of wine, wiped his beard, and continued:

"What Luo said was not false.

"Brothers, do you know that the Turks have crossed the Great Wall from the east and the west?
"All the way to the east, under the command of Shibi Khan's younger brother, Ashina Tullifu [later Chuluo Khan], led an army of [-], invaded Mayi, beheaded Liu Wuzhou, who had long been a vassal of the Turks, and occupied the whole of Mayi. territory, as well as dozens of cities in Yanmen County.

"The road to the west is led by Shibi Khan's other younger brother, Ashina Duobi [Jieli Khan], who also led an army of [-], and invaded from Wuyuan and Lingwu. He should have captured the entire Lingwu County by now. territory."

Hearing this, a merchant said:
"Isn't it unusual for the Turks to invade every year? It's just that the two invasions this year seem to be on a slightly larger scale."

Another businessman said:

"The time is also wrong. In the past, the Turkic invaders mostly came after the autumn harvest.

"It's about to enter summer now, and the weather is getting hotter every day. The Turkic people are not heat-resistant. How could they choose this season to join the invaders? Not only people can't stand it, but the horses can't stand it either. During the lean season, they can't loot much food and grass.

"Besides, the south of Mayi and Yanmen is the territory of the Li clan. The Lingwu side is also the territory of Daqin... No matter how powerful the Turks are, do they dare to fight with these two major forces at the same time?"

The man from the North gave his head a heavy sigh:

"That's right to the point! The unseasonable invasion of the Turks is because they have encountered an unprecedented crisis.

"Do you know that the Turkic soldiers are divided into two groups this time, and they invaded Mayi and Lingwu, and it's not just the army that came?
"Even the Turkic tribal herdsmen brought the old and the young, led the cows and sheep, and brought carts and tents over the Great Wall!"

"Ah!" A businessman was shocked: "Could it be that...the Turks are going to settle south of the Great Wall, and even try to take control of the Central Plains?"

The northern man sneered:
"The Turks wanted to rule the Central Plains.

"But the reason why the Turks are so strong is nothing more than relying on the cavalry to plunder like the wind, fight when they want, and leave when they want.

"But my Central Plains is temporarily unable to go north to the grasslands, to plow the courtyard and sweep the holes...

"But it's fine for the Turkic people to plunder in the northern border counties. If they really want to take control of the Central Plains, they won't leave...

"Hey, unless today's Central Plains is like the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Jin Dynasty, with years of civil strife, empty national power, and a sharp drop in population, the population of the Turks, with the densely packed cities and population in the Central Plains, can still be destroyed. Polish them! It should be noted that the disaster of the Wuhu is not far away, and the people of the Central Plains are unwilling to be two-legged sheep again.

"If the Turkic people come, the princes and the people will resist to the death!"

Several businessmen laughed:
"Brother Luo is well said! If the Turks really dare to come to the Central Plains to run wild, we will definitely spend all our family resources, gather strong men, and fight the Turks to the death. We can't teach our wives and children to be slaves and fat sheep of the Turks, right?"

Several businessmen had a drink with the Northland man, and continued to ask:
"Brother Luo, tell me quickly, since the Turks have no strength to invade the Central Plains, why did the two armies from the east and the west lead the people to station in Mayi and Lingwu, as if to take root?"

The northern man looked solemn and said:

"The reason for this is that an army of 'living dead' appeared in Mobei."

"The living dead?" Several merchants were confused: "What the living dead?"

"The living dead, as the name suggests, are corpses that get up and move again after death."

The northern man's voice was low, and he said slowly:

"Those living dead are manipulated by a kind of alien who is covered in ice armor, has pale skin, icy blue eyes, and cannot communicate in words. They seem to have a deep-seated hatred for the living. When they see living people and living things, they will kill them all. No one will be left alive...

"It is said that they first appeared in Tiele, north of Turks, and by the time they spread from north to south to Turks, there might not be many living people left in Tiele.

"Now the army of the living dead has spread all over Mobei, and is heading south all the way, heading towards Yudujin Mountain where the Turkic Khan Court is located. Shibi Khan personally stayed at the Turkic Khan Court and organized a line of defense on the front line of Yudujin Mountain.

"It sent two younger brothers to lead troops south, precisely to transfer the Turkic population and preserve a glimmer of life for the Turks."

Hearing this, several businessmen were full of disbelief as if they were listening to a book from heaven.

Ni Kun's eyes were serious, and he was shocked:
"Clothed in ice armor, with pale skin, icy blue eyes, and unable to communicate?

"The walking dead, the living dead...

"Winter is approaching, Power Tour White Ghost?

"Damn it, the strange ghost actually came out from Mobei?"

He did not doubt the truth.

Because of the characteristics of the other ghosts, if no one has seen it with their own eyes, it is absolutely impossible to fabricate it out of thin air.

Since the man from the north described the characteristics of the strange ghost so accurately, someone must have seen the strange ghost with his own eyes!

Those businessmen don't know the basics, so of course they won't believe in such fantasy.

After a businessman was shocked, he laughed uncontrollably:
"Brother Luo, the more you say it, the more outrageous it is... How could there be such a thing as the living dead..."

The man from the Northland interrupted this person unceremoniously, and said in a low voice:
"Emperor Qin Shihuang can be reborn and return, summoning the immortal army of Qin warriors. His Majesty the Sui Dynasty can dismantle flying immortals, and take the queen to travel in the Milky Way...Why can't the living dead appear in Mobei?"

All the merchants were at a loss for words for a moment, unable to argue.

After a while of silence, a businessman hesitated and said:

"Brother Luo, even if there were such living dead, who could be as strong as Turks, how could they be forced to move their entire clan to the south and flee in panic?"

"That's right. Tie Le has been attacked by the Turks repeatedly, and the country's power has weakened. It can barely be explained if he can't stop the living dead. But how could the Turks be forced into such a situation? The Turks still have Wu Zun Bixuan, isn't it the kind you said? A pale-skinned alien, even Wu Zun Bi Xuan is no match for him?"

"Tie Le also has Flying Eagle Qu Ao..."

The northern man sneered:
"Someone saw Tie Le Feiying Qu Ao and his disciples among the army of the living dead. They have all turned into living dead!"

"What? Qu Ao is dead?" All the merchants looked dull.

Ni Kun was also slightly surprised, and Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but raised her eyebrows slightly, slightly moved.

Flying Eagle Qu Ao is a master of the Mobei Grassland, second only to Bi Xuan, his lightness kung fu is particularly amazing, he can circle and fly like a goshawk in the sky.

Such a master, if he can't beat him, can't he escape?

The northern man ignored everyone's shock and said to himself:
"As for why the living dead can force the Turks to flee south in panic...

"Those living dead do not need water, are tireless, are not afraid of pain, and are not afraid of death. They can travel long distances day and night in the wind and snow in Mobei, and they can go straight in the Gobi Desert regardless of the path.

"The so-called cavalry who come and go like the wind are nothing compared to them. The living dead can even exhaust the cavalry, including men and horses, to death during a long-distance pursuit!
"The most frightening thing is that the living dead cannot be killed at all.

"If you want to stop the living dead, you can only cut them into pieces, but even so, it only makes them lose their ability to move. Their heads, arms, legs and feet can still move. If they don't pay attention, they will die." Bitten by a dead man's head!
"So after dismantling it into eight pieces, it needs to be set on fire to burn it to ashes, so that it can die completely.

"As for those aliens with pale skin and ice-blue eyes, they are even more terrifying.

"Its strength is boundless, and its movements are like the wind. The layer of ice armor covering its body is even more invulnerable. Even a knife and spear forged from refined steel cannot penetrate that layer of ice armor.

"The sword in his hand, which seems to be made of thin ice crystals, is also incredibly powerful. Any weapon that collides with it will be frozen and broken in an instant.

"The ice spears they throw are extremely accurate and powerful. They can crush stones more than a foot thick from tens of feet away. Their vitality is also extremely strong, and they are not afraid of ordinary fire.

"It is said that the Martial Venerable Bi Xuan personally fought for a long time before using the 'Yangyang Dafa' to completely dissolve a strange creature...

"Tie Le Feiying Qu Ao must have died at the hands of this kind of alien!

"Fortunately, there are not many pale aliens who can revive the dead and manipulate the living dead. They are similar to generals in the army. Otherwise, how could the Turks have a chance to move south? They have been driven out and turned into walking corpses in the army of the living dead!"

After listening to the long speech of the man from the Northland, the table of the merchants fell into a long silence.

After a long time, a businessman said in a low voice:

"Brother Luo, why do you know so clearly?"

The man from the north smiled reservedly, "The Turkic invasion this time seems to be menacing, but it is actually here to escape. Although Liu Wuzhou was destroyed, Liu Wuzhou was originally a falcon supported by the Turks, and the Turks needed Liu Wuzhou's territory to resettle their tribesmen, so they were destroyed. It doesn't matter.

"But the Turks did not dare to fight on multiple fronts at the same time. Therefore, before my trip to the Central Plains, there were Turkic envoys, carrying beauties with gold and pearls, good horses and fat sheep, to pay homage to our general, state their interests, and beg my general not to send troops to attack...

"The things about the living dead and the pale and alien are the information that the messenger voluntarily said when he stated his interests.

"It said that those pale and alien, living dead are the enemy of all living people. They will never stop at the north of the Great Wall, and will continue to go south to invade the Central Plains. The Turks stationed in Mayi and Yanmen can be the shield of the Central Plains , With the advantage of the Great Wall, resist the enemy from the north.

"If the general of my family sends troops to attack, then for every person killed in battle on both sides, we will have less power to wait for the living, and one more soldier for the living dead!

"In order to be more convincing, the Turkic envoy and his party brought two living dead people who were captured alive, and demonstrated their immortality in front of our general..."

Hearing this, a businessman slapped the table:
"Ha, the Central Plains has always paid tribute to the Turks. I didn't expect the mighty Turks to pay tribute to my Central Plains hero! This matter deserves to be clarified!"

All the businessmen raised their glasses together and toasted the man from the north, and the man from the north also had a look of color and pride.

Everyone drank a cup together, and a businessman sighed:
"If the living dead can really wipe out Tiele and Turkic... and then really want to cross the Great Wall and march towards our Central Plains, it will probably be a catastrophe-the population of Tiele and Turkic, although whoever I can't even say an exact number, but the desert and the northern grassland, the combined population of the two countries must have several million people, right?"

A businessman chuckled:
"Don't be afraid, Qin Shihuang's Army of Terracotta Warriors is also immortal! Besides, aren't there Turkic people standing in front of them as shields?"

"Having said that, the army of Terracotta Warriors in the Great Qin Dynasty is far inferior to the number of the undead, right? After all, for every additional corpse, the army of the undead can have one more soldier."

"Emperor Sui..."

"Don't mention him, don't mention him, this is Xingyang..."

The voices of all the merchants went down, discussing in a low voice.

Ni Kun stood up, ordered Wen Caiting to pay the bill, and then led them out of the restaurant.

"My lord, what that Luo said is true?" Hou Hou followed him closely and asked in a low voice.

Without changing his face, Ni Kun said slowly:
"Whether it's true or not, don't you know if you go and have a look?

"Let's rest in Xingyang tonight and head north to Yanmen tomorrow morning."

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(End of this chapter)

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