Lord God hangs up

Chapter 128 128, Longevity!The soldier's master mounts an iron-eating beast to show his holines

Chapter 128 128, Longevity!The soldier's master mounts an iron-eating beast to show his holiness! [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

When the Li family noticed the Turkic movement, Chang'an Daqin also received news of the Turkic invasion.

The Turks in this era were very powerful.

Although the Turks were split into east and west after a series of splitting operations in the Sui Dynasty, the Eastern Turkic Khanate in the north of the Central Plains was still extremely strong.

Its sphere of influence extends from the Altai Mountains in the west to the Greater Khingan Mountains in the east, covering the entire Mongolian Plateau and Lake Baikal.

In the Turks of this era, there are millions of people who control the strings, but it is a mountain that presses on the top of the Central Plains, making the princes of all parties almost breathless.

During the struggle for hegemony at the end of the Sui Dynasty, almost all the northern princes were forced to pay tribute to the Turks, including the Li Clan.

Later generations of the Huanghuang Tang Dynasty were also beaten to the banks of the Wei River outside Chang'an by the Turks at the beginning of the founding of the country.

Now the Central Plains is still fighting, the Turks want to invade, and the long northern border, the Turks can come and go whenever they want, like entering a land of no one...

Speaking of it, in the original world line of Tang Shuanglong, Shi Feixuan used the strong pressure of Turks to ask Xu Ziling to persuade Kou Zhong to give up fighting for hegemony, which is really not completely unreasonable.

With Kou Zhong's army, Lingnan Song Clan, and Du Fuwei Jianghuai Army's full support, under the struggle with the powerful Li Clan, the war is bound to be protracted, and the Turks may really benefit from it.

As for why Kou Zhong was asked to vote for the Li Clan instead of the Li Clan for Kou Zhong, it can only be said that the economic and population advantages of the north in this era are too great.In this era, it is a matter of course for almost everyone to rule the north from the south.

Today, in the east of Beidi, Mayi County, which is not far from the sphere of influence of the Li Clan, was attacked by the Turks. Liu Wuzhou, who was originally a vassal of the Turks, was slaughtered by the Turks and robbed the city and territory.


There were also [-] Turkic cavalry who entered the bandits from Wuyuan and Lingwu. After knocking down the pass and capturing Lingwu County, they led cattle and sheep, took the old and the young, and crossed the Great Wall, pretending to take root in the south of the Great Wall.

How could the first emperor bear such a violent temper?
Wuyuan is the land he earned when he sent Meng Tian to lead an army of 30 to attack the Xiongnu in the north, and forced the Huns to retreat [-] miles north. How could he allow the Turks to invade?

Lingwu County is also famous as the top of the south of the Yangtze River, a rare land of grain and rice. If the Turks take root here, their cavalry front can threaten Chang'an almost at any time.

The first emperor is not talking nonsense, the Turkic cavalry is indeed tyrannical, and no one dares to underestimate it in this era.But the first emperor also had an army of terracotta warriors, who dared to confront the cavalry head-on.

Immediately, a general was dispatched, holding a tiger talisman, leading an army of [-] Qin warriors and [-] Guanzhong elite soldiers to attack the Turks in the north.

The general's surname is Li, his first name is Jing, and his style name is pharmacist...

Well, when the Qin army broke through Chang'an, Li Jing happened to be in Chang'an and was unfortunately captured.

Seeing that the first emperor was talented and generous, he had no doubts about employing people, and that the Qin army was strictly disciplined, with clear rewards and punishments, and the policy of governing the people was not as harsh as recorded in history books.

Later, when the Qin army attacked Guanzhong and regained the former Qin land, he repeatedly made military exploits and stood out.

In this northern attack on the Turks, the first emperor tried his best to reject all differences—well, the old officials who followed the first emperor, such as Ouyang Feng, Shi Guanyin, Zhao Min, etc., all knew Li Jing's ability and dared not have any objections.On the contrary, the ministers from the Sui court had great dissent, thinking that Li Jing's promotion was too fast, his qualifications were insufficient, and his prestige was not enough to command the army.

But the first emperor was a real independent husband. Although he was good at accepting advice, once he made a decision, he would never allow anyone to disobey it.

So the first emperor ignored the objections, went to the stage to pay homage to the general, awarded Li Jing the general festival and military charms, and handed over [-] of the basic Qin warrior army of the Great Qin to Li Jing, and selected the most elite [-] Guanzhong soldiers to give to Li Jing as the commander.

In this way, Li Jing stepped onto the stage of history ahead of schedule, commanded the army, and went to fight the Turks.

When the northern land changed due to Turkic changes.

Central Plains, Xingyang.

Pu Shangong Li Mi is also not in a good mood recently.

Originally, his career progressed very smoothly. He defeated Zhang Xutuo and became famous all over the world.

Then he took Hulao Pass with all his might, and brought the Sui court generals Pei Renji, Pei Xingyan and his son under his command.

In just one or two years, he has transformed from a fugitive who was wanted by the Sui court and fled around to a prince who is most likely to seize the world.

Although he is only the second-in-command in Wagangzhai, Li Mi is confident that both the military and the people's hearts are in Li Mi.

Zhai Rang, who was so indifferent to making progress, could no longer pose any obstacles to him.

As long as he is willing, he can marry Zhai Rang at any time and become the leader of Wagang by himself.

Li Mi is even making a plan, planning to find an opportunity to annex Zhai Rang, and then integrate Wagang forces to attack Luoyang.

First, the prestige of a great victory can be relied on to minimize the negative impact of Huo and Zhai Rang. Second, Luoyang is the eastern capital of the Sui Dynasty and the foundation of the emperor. Only by winning Luoyang can we truly have the capital to fight for world hegemony.

However, the plan of Huo and Zhai Rang was still under secret preparation, and when the win over of Wagang neutral generals such as Xu Shiji and others was also going on, there was suddenly very bad news.

With the help of Yu Wenhua and the assassins dispatched by the faint emperor Yang Guang, he dissected the flying immortal's corpse, controlled ten thousand swords, took Empress Xiao with him, chanted poems and flew to the sky, and traveled across the galaxy.

The mutiny instigated by Yu Wenhua was anticlimactic, and it was over overnight.

Sima Dekan was defeated and killed, Yu Wenhua and fled in a panic, missing.

Xiaoguo Forbidden Army returned to Sui Ting's control. After some cleansing, the army's morale was stabilized and their morale was boosted. They were preparing to return to Luoyang under the leadership of the Jiangdu court.

Wang Shichong, who stayed behind in Luoyang, had a dissenting heart, and was rejecting his dissidents, suppressing the small imperial court left behind in Luoyang, and wantonly planted his confidantes in the army and court, hoping to stand on his own in place of the Sui Dynasty.

But after hearing the news, Wang Shichong immediately withdrew his claws, honestly mobilized his troops, rectified the city defenses, and sent troops to attack the Wagang Army several times, showing his sincerity to the Sui Dynasty.

In short, the matter of Yang Guang's dismantling Feixian's corpse triggered a series of extremely subtle chain reactions in the world.

Many local officials and sects who should have had two hearts and even secretly prepared to rebel against each other became law-abiding and paid tribute to the court one after another to express their loyalty.

Da Sui, who was supposed to have fallen trees and scattered hones and swallowed his last breath, suddenly had the meaning of returning to the light, and even the meaning of spring on a dead tree.

This series of changes left Li Mi stunned and at a loss.

The appearance of a "First Emperor" who swept through the pass in the west is already a headache.

How could Yang Guang, that foolish emperor, inexplicably dissect Feixian, and breathe a sigh of relief to the dying Sui?

As soon as this matter happened, Li Mihuo and Zhai Rang's plan could not go on immediately.

Instead of continuing to prepare for Huo's merger with Zhai Rang, Zhai Rang must be allowed to live well and attract Sui Ting's firepower as the leader of Wagang.

As for Luoyang...

Under Wang Shichong's strict defense, Li Mi felt that he might have no chance to win Luoyang.

Fortunately, he still has a way out.

Now that Zhai Rang is still alive, he, Li Mi, is only the second leader of Wagang, and he has always only claimed the title of "Pu Shan Gong", and has never claimed the title of king or emperor. The altar worships heaven and calls himself "Duke Wei".He was quite tempted at the time, but fortunately he didn't implement it, otherwise he would be numb.

In the event of a defeat in the future, "Pu Shangong" Li Mi can also surrender to a major force other than the Sui court.

Even with his talent, record, and no bad deeds of "killing the master", he may still be reused.

Unlike Lin Shihong, a fool who can't wait to become king and emperor, if he can't sweep the world, he will die for sure.

But even though he secretly laughed at Lin Shihong as a fool, Li Mi was always a little bit reconciled.

He also wanted to bring peace to the world and become an emperor, and as the "Gaozu, Taizu" of the new dynasty, he left his name in history.

But he had clearly seen the opportunity to seize the world, but this opportunity was snuffed out by a series of inexplicable and unimaginable accidents when it was almost within reach.

It made Li Mi really want to look up to the sky and sigh: Youyou heaven, why are you so weaker than me!
The only thing that makes Li Mi feel a little better is that Du Fuwei, the overlord of the Jianghuai River, is even more unlucky than him.

Because of Du Fuwei's blockade of Jiangdu, his forces are blocking the way for the Xiaoguo army to return to Luoyang.

Whether by water or by land, if the Xiaoguo army wants to return to Luoyang, they have to do a battle with Du Fuwei.

I heard that Du Fuwei lost a large batch of ordnance inexplicably a few days ago.

As a result, Du Fuwei had to gather the remaining ordnance and hand it over to the Jianghuai elite "recruited" army for use.

Many other miscellaneous troops have been reduced to the ridiculous situation of cutting wood and bamboo for weapons before the urgently produced ordnance is distributed to the army.

Hearing the good news about Du Fuwei's misfortune, Li Mi's gloomy mood finally felt comfortable for a few days.

But Li Mi's good mood ends here.

The military adviser of Pushan Public Camp, the great talent Zu Junyan just brought him a shocking bad news:
Nearly [-] pieces of military weapons in the Pushan public camp, such as knives, guns, swords and spears and other melee weapons, were lost overnight.

When many soldiers woke up, they found that the weapon racks were empty, so they could only go out to practice with bare hands.

Even in the warehouse, the stock of old weapons has disappeared.

On the contrary, some brand-new weapons that have not yet been dispatched to the army are still in the warehouse.

Now in the huge Pushan Public Camp, except for a few soldiers who are on duty at night and who never leave their bodies, the vast majority of soldiers have to learn from Du Fuwei's troops, cutting wood and cutting bamboo as weapons!
This news left Li Mi stunned and at a loss.

After being dazed for quite a while, he raged and smashed the objects in the study just now, while roaring loudly:
"Who did it? Who is so wicked?"

Li Mi originally had a deep scheming mind, and his emotions and anger were invisible, but the bad news that came one after another made his mentality almost collapse.

Zu Junyan, the great talent who created the idiom "too many bamboos to book" for later generations, persuaded Li Mi to calm down while analyzing rationally:
"The soldiers rumored that before the weapon disappeared, they vaguely saw the 'Chi You Banner' appearing in the sky, so they suspected that Chi You's mount, the 'Iron Eater', manifested its holiness and devoured the weapon..."


Li Mi was furious:
"It's not like I haven't seen Chi You riding an iron-eating beast before! Those fat and fat fools with black and white fur can only roll around and act obediently. How can they look like beasts in ancient times? Today's iron-eating beasts only eat bamboo! "

Zu Junyan said: "The soldiers said that it was Chi You's mount, so it must be different from ordinary iron-eating beasts..."

Li Mi glared and shouted violently: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Zu Junyan said solemnly:

"But it's always a possibility.

"My subordinates have specifically inquired about the merchants from the south. Apart from the loss of a large number of weapons in Du Fuwei's army, the Xiaoguo army in Jiangdu and Li Zitong in Hailing also lost a large number of weapons.

"Now it's our army's turn. It can be seen that the loss of weapons is not aimed at a certain force, but treats everyone equally.

"So, maybe it's because the world is in chaos, swords and soldiers are everywhere, and the iron-eating beast mounted by the master of the army is alarmed, making it appear holy and devour the soldiers of the world...

"According to my subordinates, the princes of the world, such as Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong, Li Yuan, and even the Qin Emperor's army, are probably no exception, and they will all throw a wave of weapons..."

Well, people are very superstitious these days, and a great talent like Zu Junyan is no exception.

But I can't blame people for being superstitious——

Flying swords, sword immortals, demons, and ghouls appeared repeatedly. Even the first emperor was reborn and returned, and summoned an army of immortal Qin warriors at the foot of Lishan Mountain. ...

What else in the world is impossible?

If one day when the army sacrificed the flag, Chi You suddenly rode an iron-eating beast down to give blessings, then everyone would not be so surprised.

"Mr. Mi, the loss of the weapon has already happened, and there is nothing you can do to get angry, so let's think about how to solve the problem...

"By the way, speaking of no weapons... In Xingyang City recently opened a martial arts gym called Duanshuiliu Guoshu Academy, which specializes in teaching various unarmed martial arts.

"This Duanshuiliu National Art Museum is a pure outsider kung fu, and the requirements for the practitioner's appearance are not too high. It is not as picky as advanced internal kung fu. As long as the body is strong and the bones are strong, anyone can learn kung fu... …

"When the master of that martial arts school was teaching the art, I went over to take a look. The young man is indeed quite capable. He obviously has no internal strength, but his shots are as fast as lightning. He can smash rocks with his bare hands, and even break through iron armor...

"So why don't you invite the master from the Duanshui Liu Guoshu Museum to teach unarmed skills in the army?
"Let the soldiers stand up for a while even if they don't have weapons?"

Li Mi looked at Zu Junyan speechlessly, suspecting that this witty and intelligent talent was probably disturbed by a series of sudden and even weird changes recently, to the point that his mind was in trouble.

Otherwise, with the knowledge of Zu Junyan, how could he have such a whimsical idea?
Can boxing skills be used on the battlefield?
On the battlefield, an inch of length is an inch of strength.

If you can kill the enemy from a distance with a bow and crossbow, try not to engage in close combat as much as possible.

In close combat, never use a knife if you can use a gun, never use a dagger if you can use a knife, and never use your bare hands if you can use a dagger.

Li Mi's boxing skills are so powerful, and his martial arts are so high that he is not under Du Fuwei, the overlord of the Jianghuai River. When he goes to the battlefield, doesn't he want to carry a spear and a sword?

Even Du Fuwei, don't you want to hide two iron armguards in the big sleeves?

When Wu Zun Bixuan charged into battle on horseback, he also used a spear.

On the battlefield, masters can last for a while with bare hands, and they can also seize weapons at any time.

Ordinary soldiers are really reduced to the situation where they need to fight the enemy with bare hands, and they are not far from death.


Thanks to you, Zu Junyan, who figured it out!
Li Mi took a deep breath, suppressed the evil fire in his chest, and waved his hands wearily:

"Go and gather all the military advisers and generals to discuss matters in the mansion..."

Just when Zu Junyan was ordered by Li Mi to convene the military divisions and generals of the Pushan government to solve the ordnance crisis.

In the city of Xingyang.

On a restaurant, Ni Kun was sitting by the window on the third floor, looking at a martial arts gym diagonally opposite, with a strange expression on his face.

On the plaque of that martial arts school, there are six big characters "Duan Shui Liu Guoshu Museum" impressively.

There is also a couplet on the left and right:
Show your true colors as a hero with your bare hands,

Dancing with knives and guns is cowardly trash.

Horizontal batch: Iron fist is invincible.

"My lord, this martial arts gym is crazy!"

Sitting opposite Ni Kun, Wan Wan looked at the martial arts gym with her head, and said with a smile:
"All of you here are good at using weapons, so don't they become the first-class 'cowardly trash' that the martial arts school said?
"My lord, let's go pick out that martial arts gym!"

[Ask for a monthly ticket~! 】

(End of this chapter)

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