Lord God hangs up

Chapter 116 116, Jin Ling's blood [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

Chapter 116 116, Jin Ling's blood [Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass~! 】

"Tsunade, are you alright?"

Ni Kun rushed to the edge of Hokage Rock, looked around, and saw that Tsunade was hanging on the ear of the first-generation head portrait, struggling to climb up.

"I'm fine!"

Hearing Ni Kun's voice, Tsunade looked up at him and said loudly:
"How are you?"

Seeing that she was still able to climb rocks, Ni Kun felt relieved and said with a smile:

"I am fine too."

"Where's that lunatic?"


"Haha, as expected of you, you can kill such a strong lunatic!"

"Small idea."

While speaking, Tsunade had climbed to the edge of the rock top, Ni Kun reached out, took her palm, and pulled her up.

Taking a look at the rock top that was completely destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, and then at the charred corpse of the lunatic, Tsunade said with lingering fear:
"It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I'm alone, I'm afraid I'll be caught and eaten by this lunatic."

However, this lunatic is coming for me. If only you were around, he might not come to the door.

Ni Kun murmured in his heart, and went to check the madman's body.

There was nothing on the lunatic's charred corpse, except for a red and black mottled watch on his left wrist, which seemed not to have been affected by the evil spirits.

Before the madman died, Ni Kun couldn't see the watch.

So he didn't know that when the madman was alive, the bloody spots on his watch would wriggle like living things.

Now that the lunatic is dead, the bloody spots covering the dial are no longer squirming, it looks like old blood stains on the watch.

Seeing this watch, Ni Kun was overjoyed, and wanted to take it off regardless of its shabby appearance.

However, as soon as the fingertip touched the watch, the cold and rigid electronic voice of his reincarnation watch sounded in his mind:

"Warning! Warning! This reincarnation watch has been polluted and cannot be activated... If you carry it with you, it may be located by the hostile camp! Warning, warning, this reincarnation watch has been polluted..."

Hearing the reminder from the reincarnation watch, Ni Kun was startled, retracted his fingers, and asked in puzzlement:
"A good reincarnation watch, why is it polluted? Who polluted it? What's the situation of the hostile camp?"

"The reason is unknown... The pollution source is unknown... Warning, this reincarnation watch has been polluted and cannot be activated. If you carry it with you, it may be located by the hostile camp!"

Well, the reincarnation wristwatch, which cannot be contacted with the main god and has lost a lot of data, seems to be artificially retarded. Although it can give some hints, there are many things that I don’t know.

But even so, Ni Kun will not ignore the repeated warnings of the reincarnation watch.

"The hostile camp..."

Obviously there is no main god to issue a mission, but there is a "hostile camp"...

The reincarnation group should have the most basic fairness, but the lunatic can directly locate himself, and his reincarnation watch actually directly marks the location of the lunatic. There is no possibility of using tactics at all, and it can only be forced Just……

The lunatic's "crazy words", two unheard of exercises, and the weird situation of getting the full kill reward...

Thinking of these, Ni Kun couldn't help but move in his heart:
The lunatic's crazy words seem absurd, but in fact the logic has always been self-consistent.

When there is no evidence, Ni Kun can still pretend that he is completely insane and immersed in his vain fantasies, but now that he has some evidence...

If the logic of the lunatic is not fiction, but actually somewhat true...

Then the chaos in this reincarnation world is worth pondering.

The lunatic's reincarnation watch has a very suspicious origin - if there is really only a drop of residual blood left, and it is attached to a dead body, could it be that he is possessed by a dead reincarnation?
But how can he see and even "pollute" the reincarnation watch?
Or, the lunatic was indeed a reincarnation with a strange origin. Although he was beaten to the point where there was only a drop of residual blood left, he was not completely extinct. The watch was still bound to him, but was later "polluted" by some unknown force So much so that the watch malfunctioned and was directly thrown into the "hostile camp", and could no longer walk in the world, trapped in the wasteland for 20 years?

The two possibilities seem to be barely plausible.

While he was thinking about it, Tsunade asked him abruptly:
"Ni Kun, what are you doing? Why are you holding on to this lunatic's wrist? He's turned into coke, he won't have a pulse."

She couldn't see the reincarnation watch, and thought Ni Kun was looking for the pulse of a madman.

"Well, it's dead."

Although the lunatic's statement of "possession of residual blood" is a bit shocking, but since the primordial spirit has been ashesed by the evil golden thunder, and the corpse has also turned into coke, and the reincarnation watch has certified the kill and won the reward, this time The lunatic should really be dead.

Besides, with the lunatic in his current state, Ni Kun really doesn't believe that he can be reborn with residual blood again.

As for the origin of the madman, there are too few clues. If you let your imagination run wild, you can think too much and go too far.But guessing out of thin air without empirical evidence is not very meaningful, and thinking too much will only confuse one's mind.

At that moment Ni Kun shook his head, let go of thinking about the madman's origin, and threw away the madman's wrist.

Although it is a pity, this reincarnation watch can only be given up.

And it can't just be thrown on Hokage Rock.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for the "hostile camp" who could locate this polluted reincarnation watch to find Hokage Rock and then bump into Tsunade?
At that moment Ni Kun stood up, summoned the Nightmare Demon Horse, threw the lunatic's body on the horse's back, and said to the Demon Horse:
"Take it north, at least a thousand kilometers, and then find a monster pile and throw it in."

The Nightmare Demon Horse nodded, snorted, spread its hooves, and rushed down the Huoying Rock with the lunatic's body.

Seeing Ni Kun's arrangement, Tsunade was puzzled and said:

"Is it necessary to dispose of the corpse so carefully? Wouldn't it be good to just throw it into the city? The living dead will clean it up."

Ni Kun shook his head: "I'm afraid the origin of this lunatic is not simple. To be on the safe side, it's better to throw it away."

Although the lunatic has been struggling in the wasteland for 20 years, and no one from the "hostile camp" has found him through his watch and picked him up, he still has to be a little cautious.

At the same time, he felt a little regretful.

If the lunatic's reincarnation watch hadn't been polluted, he would be able to take Tsunade out of this apocalyptic wasteland tomorrow.

It's a pity that he can only wait for him to take out the reincarnation watch in his "secret treasure house".

Watching the Nightmare Demon Horse head north, seeing that it was already dark, Ni Kun and Tsunade returned to the underground den.

After eating dinner and washing up, Ni Kun went back to the bedroom, opened the exchange list, and studied the two newly obtained exercises.

Blood Fiend Slaughter Sword: Absorb the evil spirit of gold, refine it into a sword, store it in the lung meridian, warm it up and sacrificially refine it, brewing a sword.When it is used, the knife gang is urged to be invincible and invincible.When killing an enemy, it can devour the enemy's energy, blood, and primordial spirit, and nourish the blade...

Blood Fiend Searching God Claw: A claw method that combines capturing and killing the enemy. It consumes energy and blood to stimulate movement. It can capture objects from the air, capture the enemy, and kill the enemy. It can swallow the energy and blood of the enemy and benefit the body...

These two exercises are very evil, and they both have the same ability as Beiming Divine Art and Star Absorption Dafa, but what they devour is the enemy's energy, blood, and even primordial spirit.

But what makes Ni Kun feel strange is that these two exercises seem to be killing and fighting skills, and there is no supporting fundamental exercise.

The Blood Fiend Killing God Knife is so expensive that it needs [-] reincarnation points and a yellow crystal just for the secret borrowing.

The blood fiend's search for God's Claw also requires [-] points and two red crystals.

If you want to learn directly from the empowerment, you have to pay extra reincarnation points and crystals that are twice the exchange price...

If it is just a simple killing skill that is so expensive, then how amazing are these two skills?
For these two exercises, Ni Kun is still a little jealous.

The reason is very simple, he has never seen such an expensive exercise, and according to the basic principle that the higher the value, the more powerful, these two exercises must be very powerful.

The reason why it didn't look so fierce in the hands of that lunatic...

Well, it's actually quite harsh.

At least Tsunade can be easily defeated.

Ni Kun was also bullying the lunatic who was insane, and his mental state was not strong enough to completely resist the "Evil Breaking and Returning Eyes", so he planned to kill him. For this reason, he also used up three evil warding gold mines, and it took a while to warm up his reserves.

If the lunatic is sane, maybe he can really force out his krypton life move.

"So if what the lunatic said is true, he really has only a drop of residual blood left, possessing a dead body, his cultivation level is gone, and even the fundamental skills have been forgotten due to the obliteration of the soul, leaving only two. combat skills...

"Then how terrifying would he be in his prime?
"Is it possible that you can really be tough with the Gold Saint Seiya, and even kill one of them?"

If that lunatic had really been tough with the Gold Saint Seiya, then his martial arts and combat skills are really ridiculously strong, and they can be called divine skills.

Although Ni Kun has a flying sword, whether it is the Chenghuang Feijian or the Green Bamboo Sword, they are only three-star swords, and their growth limit is very limited.

Even if Ni Kun achieves the body of a martial saint, the power of the flying sword will not be much greater, because the essence is that, at most it can only increase the range.

Naturally, there is no disadvantage in abusing food, but it is not enough to deal with a master like a lunatic.

As for the growth potential of Blood God Killing Sword and Blood Fiend God Claw, depending on the exchange price of the exercises, it can be seen that they far exceed the three-star level.

The most important thing is that the skill of Blood Fiend Killing God Knife needs to absorb the "golden evil spirit" for cultivation, and there is a method for how to absorb the golden element evil spirit.

Ni Kunzhi has three spiritual bloodlines of fire, wood, and water in the "blood of the five elements", but he couldn't find the treasures of gold and earth elements that could be imported.

He wondered if he could absorb the evil spirit of Jin Xing and let the mysterious key swallow it up. After the accumulation reached a certain level, he would be fed back and reborn once, so that he would have the blood of Jin Ling?
He felt that the idea should be feasible.

After all, after using the mouth to eat rare spiritual objects with attributes, if they fall into the intestines and stomach, they will also be turned into spiritual power and swallowed by the mysterious key.

Isn't it essentially the same thing to use the meridians to absorb evil spirits with attributes and feed them to the mysterious key?
They are all attribute auras, and they are all introduced into the body. There is no reason to use the meridians to absorb them.

Although the two exercises are somewhat evil, and it can even be said that they are deeply demonic, Ni Kun is confident that his righteousness is enough to suppress the demonic nature of these two exercises.

Looking through the exchange list, there is nothing good to exchange.After the Lord God lost contact, all the "goods" in the exchange list were "in" by Ni Kun himself...

Look at the balance of the account again, and take stock of your own cultivation resources. Even if you have exchanged both exercises, the remaining money is more than enough to exchange for a Yuanmu Dzi Bead. Now Ni Kun no longer hesitates, and directly chooses to exchange " Blood Fiend Killing God Knife".

He didn't have so much time to practice too many exercises, so he only exchanged for this one that can absorb the evil spirit of Jin Xing.

Following Ni Kun's thoughts.

The account balance plummeted, leaving 22000 reincarnation points, red*5, white*2, and gray*9 original crystals.

And in the mind, a piece of information also emerged, which is the cultivation method of the blood evil sword.

After studying it for a while, Ni Kun found that the Blood Fiend Killing Sword is really just a killing technique, it only refines the Blood Fiend Sword, and does not involve fundamental cultivation.

Since it's just a combat skill, it's easier to practice.

With Ni Kun's current practice quality, after a little thought, he figured out how to absorb Jin Xing's evil spirit.

Put on a strange posture at the moment, make a seal with your hands, put your thumbs together, point your back to the sky, and meditate on your mind.

After a while, I sensed a cold and stern murderous aura, which seemed to pervade the world and everywhere, and also seemed to be ethereal, mysterious and elusive.

Ni Kun submerged his mind and kept sensing the chilling aura. After a long time, he finally caught a ray of inspiration. Immediately, with a movement of his mind, he carefully touched a trace of evil aura.

He was cautious enough, but when he felt the trace of evil spirit just touched it, the evil spirit immediately poured in uncontrollably from the "Shaoshang point" of his thumb, poured into the lung meridian of hand Taiyin, and went straight to the lungs.

Ni Kun spat out a mouthful of reversed blood, his meridians seemed to be hacked into pieces, his whole body twitched in pain, he quickly turned into a wooden figure, cut off the pain, and at the same time urged the blood of water spirit and wood spirit to nourish the wounds of the meridians, thinking to himself with lingering fear:
"As expected of the evil spirit of Jin Xing who specializes in killing!

"I'm already cautious enough to only touch a tiny bit, but I'm still injured!
"If I didn't specialize in body refining, my physique is strong enough, and I have a mysterious key to intercept and swallow [-]% of the evil energy, I'm afraid my meridians will be broken!
"It seems that there is no supporting fundamental technique, and it is not easy to simply practice combat skills!"

As a pure killing technique, it is also an evil magic technique that is easy to speed up with a slanted sword, and the method of the Blood Fiend Slaying God Knife is easy to understand, but not so simple to practice.

Jin Xing's evil spirit is too violent and difficult to control, if he is not careful, he will eat himself back.

Fortunately, Ni Kun has enough means to deal with it, and he is not afraid of getting a little injury.

And the fact that the mysterious key swallowed up [-]% of Jinxing's evil spirit also verified Ni Kun's assumption to a certain extent.

"As long as the key is willing to eat, then I will give it to eat!
"Isn't it just an injury? Anyway, I am physically strong, and the evil spirit only hurts the meridians, not involving the soul. With the body of a wood spirit, I can quickly recover from the injury, and I will get used to it!
"I can always be familiar with the characteristics of Jin Xing's evil spirit, and gradually master it!"

With a wave of his hand, Ni Kun collected the blood splashed on the ground into the mustard ring. After the meridians were healed, he regained his flesh and blood, and once again made a seal with his hands, using his mind to attract the evil spirit of Jin Xing into his body.

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(End of this chapter)

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