Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 98 Dreams Come True! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 98 Dreams Come True! 【Subscribe】


Morgan's loud roar suddenly came from behind.

Thorin Oakenshield and Kiridvarin, who were in a good mood and relaxed at first, and the dwarves who were still talking and laughing, immediately changed their expressions when they heard this voice.

Morgan wasn't one to joke around like that.

Several people just became vigilant.

"Whoosh whoosh."

I saw a large number of arrows shooting from the dense river banks on both sides immediately.

"Be careful!"

Thorin Oakenshield's eyes widened and he roared loudly, and then his whole body immediately retracted into the tall wooden barrel.

Keli and Dewalin did the same thing.

The moment Morgan yelled, he became vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, seeing the rain of arrows coming from both sides of the strait, each of them shrank into the tall wooden barrel in an instant.

But these arrow rains are not only aimed at the few dwarves in front.

At this moment, the dwarves in the river channel behind, such as Morgan Norioli Groin, were also attacked by the arrow rain from both sides of the river.

Morgan noticed something strange when he reminded Thorin Oakenshield and other dwarves in front of him.

This time the reaction is faster.

Morgan first pushed Bilbo by the side of the bucket into the water.

Then the whole body quickly retracted into the tall wine barrel, curling up into a ball as much as possible.

The other dwarves in the river behind were not slow to react.

Morgan's voice can be heard by the dwarves in front, and naturally the same is true behind.

Almost all the same operations, all the dwarves in the river can only try their best to shrink inwards from the wine barrels below them, so as to reduce their own possibility of being hit by arrows.

Bomber, who is the most bloated among the dwarves, is more difficult. He is too bloated and too fat to squeeze into the wine barrel.

At this time, it is impossible to shrink in.

But he was also smart, knowing that he couldn't shrink in, his whole body immediately made the barrel roll over into the water with all his might.

"bang bang bang bang"

The pitch-black arrows fell down like raindrops, and all the wine barrels were shot with a bang and bang.

Fortunately, the water flow in the river is fast, and the wine barrel is wrapped in it, and the flow speed is very fast, and the water waves fluctuate rapidly.

After the first wave of arrows passed, the flags and drums on both sides of the river immediately died down.

Morgan got up immediately, picked up Bilbo, who was drinking water from the depths of the bucket, and looked around.

Good guy, every tall wooden barrel has at least three black arrows pierced on it.

The barrel where Morgan was in was also pierced with five pitch-black arrows.

As for the most, there are the dwarves Thorin Oakenshield and Kiridvarin in front of them. Their barrels are almost covered with arrows at this time, and they have already become hedgehogs.

At this time, no matter how stupid the dwarf was, he realized that all of them had been ambushed.

As for the ambushing enemies, after the arrows fell, they quickly rushed out of the wild grass and dense forests on both sides. They were the half-orc troops wearing armor and fully armed with hideous faces.

Among the densely packed black orc troops on both sides of the strait, on the boulder beside the checkpoint in front.

Morgan saw the leader of this half-orc army, who was tall and strong, wearing a steel thorn armor, and even half of his head was tightly wrapped by black armor: Borg!

"Come on, kill them for me, kill them all!"

Borg waved his black longbow and waved the huge hammer in his hand, watching the dwarves in the river below and roaring cruelly.

The moment Morgan saw the half-orc Borg clearly, the anger and vigilance in his heart had been raised to the highest level.

It's just that no matter how angry he is at this time, it's useless, because he and a group of dwarves are floating in the river.

Not only the weapons and equipment on his body were deprived of everything in the woodland kingdom.

No, speaking of weapons, Morgan still has one thing, that is, his elven long sword, which is now hidden in the silver space ring in his hand.

But he couldn't take it out at this time, because he couldn't explain it to the dwarves at all.

Even if it is taken out, it will not help, because it is packed in a wooden barrel and flows downward with the water at this time, so it is simply a living target at this time.

A target for Orcs!

The water in the river was rushing and turbulent, and the half-orcs didn't dare to go into the water, and they didn't need to go into the water. They just took their bows and shot on both sides of the river.

The arrows on both sides continued to shoot.

Morgan, Bilbo beside him, and the dwarves behind him were so desperate that they couldn't hold their heads up.

And in the eyes of Thorin Oakenshield and Kiridvarin in front of them

The real desperation was watching those half-orcs rushing to the checkpoint ahead, pressing the switch of the gate of the water channel below.

Looking at the huge iron fence that was constantly closing and closing in the distance ahead, the few dwarves who saw all this with their own eyes were really desperate.


Thorin Oakenshield roared in despair.

Watching the iron fence of the waterway close in front of you completely closed.

The dwarves Thorin Oakenshield and Kiridvarin could only watch with despair on their faces as the huge wine barrel they were riding was wrapped in water and quickly slipped into the bottom of the checkpoint, directly hitting the huge iron fence.

Being blocked in the gate below the checkpoint, he will be caught in the urn now.

"no no!"

"Damn it!"

Thorin Oakenshield grabbed the huge iron fence as thick as an arm in front of him and yelled.

The irritable Godwalin who was squeezed into the barrel beside him also shook the iron fence in front of him desperately.

At this time, Morgan Bilbo, Norioli Bomber and other dwarves in the hall behind were still unable to lift their heads when they were shot by the orcs on both sides with bows and arrows like birds.

On the checkpoint side, knowing that several dwarves have been blocked in the checkpoint fence below, the half-orcs screamed and prepared to go into the water.

"Come on, kill them, kill those dwarves!"

At this time, the orc commander Borg shouted orders behind him.

The half-orc who was still hesitant standing by the water immediately jumped down the checkpoint.


It was just that the three orcs who fell and jumped into the water immediately sank to the bottom. This river is not shallow, especially the waterway in front of the checkpoint.

Coupled with the rapid rush of the river behind, the three orcs who entered the water disappeared immediately.

This caused the other half-orcs who were preparing to go to the side to stop immediately, and looked at the leader behind him with hesitation and screamed: "The water below is too deep, what should I do, leader?"

The leader Borg, who was instructing the other half-orcs, immediately turned his head and yelled at the half-orcs on the checkpoint with a ferocious face: "Idiot, jump down for me, even if you fill it, you will kill the dwarves!"

The little orc leader was startled by Borg's stare, turned around and kicked the hesitant half-orc beside him, kicking him into the panting river.

Then he waved the giant mace in his hand and yelled at the surrounding orcs threateningly: "Hurry up, jump down and kill the dwarves below!"

Threatened by the little boss directly under their superiors, these half-orcs had no choice but to jump down the checkpoint like frying fish.

This time, I made some preparations, and sure enough, several half-orcs jumped into the water and floated up, and then they screamed strangely and were engulfed by the current to kill the dwarves at the bottom of the checkpoint.

At this moment, under the attack of countless arrows on both sides of the river bank, the wooden barrel, a member of the expedition team behind the river, finally approached the checkpoint.

Bilbo hung by Morgan's barrel, and inevitably fell behind.

Also because of the impact of the current, after hitting a dark rock in the river, the two quickly moved towards the shore.

Just when he was approaching the shore, a half-orc holding a spear suddenly rushed out from the shore and jumped straight to Morgan's tall wine barrel.

At this moment, there was no way for Morgan to dodge. He immediately got up from the wine barrel, holding the arrow drawn from the barrel, and immediately stabbed at the half-orc who was rushing.

And at this moment, on the boulder beside the checkpoint, the ugly and ferocious half-orc leader Borg reached out and took off the black longbow on his back.

Looking at the humans who were entangled with the half-orcs in the river in the distance, he raised his hand and shot an arrow.

 Thank you "Trooper1770, Reincarnation One Scholar, Don't Move Evil Thoughts, Isiduo's Counterattack" for their thousands of rewards, and also thank you "ye Xu Nash Cuo, Muxue Chuanyehao, DeAr_ Fengbao, Zhai Shaojiang, Wang Thank you very much for the rewards from book friends such as Yan Dashao, book 16014771, and book friend 21096952~~ I wanted to update (cover my face) yesterday. Mom rushed to sleep, and the book friends who waited for the update didn't even say anything. I'm really sorry, I'm too handicapped. I will try my best to update it today; let's add the update as a routine, I forgot to mention it earlier, [-] rewards, or Accumulate [-] rewards and add one update. On the basis of guaranteeing a minimum of two and four thousand updates every day in the future, it's too handicapped, don't laugh.Of course, it’s fine to donate as much as you can. After all, being able to support genuine subscriptions is the greatest support and encouragement for the author, which is enough!Finally, I still ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, and a recommended ticket. Thank you~~Bow~~
(End of this chapter)

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