Chapter 88

"What did you forget?"

Morgan closed his eyes and pressed his temples, leaning against the withered tree and thinking hard.

Suddenly, a slight, inaudible sound behind him suddenly came to his ears from above his head.

Morgan was startled, but did not act rashly.

One hand continued to press on the temple and rubbed it constantly, while the other hand silently touched the elf sword at hand.

The slight sound started to get louder.

"The other party is constantly approaching me"

The dangerous excitement immediately woke up Morgan's muddy and drowsy head.

Trying his best to listen to the movement behind him, Morgan's whole body was tense, ready to fight.

The sound above the head kept getting louder.

At the same time, a stench began to come from above.

Morgan secretly felt the slight sound above his head, the moment the sound stopped.

Morgan stood up abruptly, drew out the elf long sword and slashed behind him without looking at it.


There was a slightly crisp sound.

A huge, long needle-shaped sharp thorn had just reached midair, before it was cut off by Morgan's sword and fell to the ground.

Only then did Morgan see clearly what was attacking him.

This is a giant spider monster whose main body is connected to its bloated abdomen, with a height of nearly three meters, plus eight spiky black vellus hairs, sharp and long legs that are as thick as adult arms.

When he saw the monster in front of him clearly.

Morgan immediately remembered the forgotten matter that he had been struggling with just now.

That was because I was knocked down by the dwarf Oli not long ago, and I was crushed on the spider web, which shocked the giant dark demonized spider monster in the memory plot.

But it's useless to think about it now.

Because these monsters have come to the door.

Morgan held a long sword and confronted the giant dark demonized spider monster in front of him.

The eyes also kept looking around.

Sure enough, in his line of sight, there were at least a dozen giant spider monsters.

And he could see the figures of the three expedition members around him.

Except that Groin was still fighting a dark demonized spider monster.

The other two have been wrapped in a huge white cocoon by the giant spider monster and taken to the big tree.

"What the hell"

The look shocked Morgan immediately.

But soon he realized that the cursed forest caused everyone in the expedition team to be in a sluggish state. If it wasn't for the fact that his spirit had been greatly strengthened, his five senses had been greatly improved.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to escape the sneak attack of these giant spider monsters this time.


As if aware of the distraction of the food in front of him, the giant demonized spider monster immediately stepped forward with a strange scream, raised two sharp and slender legs and rushed towards Morgan.

Morgan, who had been paying attention to the spider monster in front of him, was unprepared, seeing the spider monster rushing towards him.

Instead of retreating, Morgan immediately went up to him with a long sword.

There were two more bangs.

The two sharp limbs of the giant demonized spider monster were cut off instantly by Morgan.

The defense of this spider monster's long legs is not bad.

When Morgan cut it, it sounded like he was chopping wood.

But such defensive power may still have a certain effect on ordinary ordinary weapons.

But for the high elf sword, it is not enough to worry about.

The two swords cut off the two sharp forelimbs of the giant demonized spider monster.

The spider monster immediately sensed the power of the food in front of it, and was about to back away.

But Morgan is not willing to let it go.

If he hadn't paid attention this time, he might have been attacked by the spider monster and an anesthetic would be stuck on his body and he would be knocked down.

After pretending to be forced, I still want to run.

Morgan felt upset and immediately caught up with him, raising his sword and slashing.

The giant demonized spider monster was caught up and couldn't escape, so it had to wave its sharp legs again to resist.

Morgan cut off the two legs that the spider monster resisted with a sword.

Feeling the approach of death, the spider monster immediately opened its big mouth full of sharp black teeth and hissed strangely, at the same time, its bloated abdomen immediately bowed and sprayed out a large amount of white liquid sticky spider silk.

The white liquid spider silk attacks indiscriminately.

In the face-to-face confrontation, Morgan was caught off guard and immediately sprayed all over his body and face.

The prey was stuck to the spider silk. If it was normal, the giant demonized spider would pounce on it immediately without even thinking about it.

But at this moment, the giant demonized spider monster obviously hesitated.

"The human food in front of me is too powerful to fight. Is it dangerous for me to go up like this? I'd better run away first."

The giant demonized spider hesitated for a moment in its simple thinking.

Morgan has quickly cleaned the slimy spider silk from his face.

At this moment, seeing that the human food was out of trouble, the giant demonized spider could no longer hesitate, and immediately turned around and climbed up the big tree.

It's just that Morgan is not willing to let go of the monster in front of him that has sprayed white liquid all over his face.

Looking at the giant demonized spider monster that quickly climbed up the tree, Morgan looked angrily and raised the elf sword in his hand and threw it at the bloated abdomen of the spider monster.


The elven long sword instantly pierced through the bloated belly of the giant demonized spider, and stuck deeply in the tree trunk.

"Hiss hiss hiss."

The severe pain immediately made the spider monster struggle fiercely and hiss.

But a few seconds.

The hissing of the giant demonized spider monster quickly weakened and stopped.

The physical struggle stopped immediately.

Seeing the death of the demonized spider monster, Morgan climbed up the tree and pulled out the elf sword.

At this time, there was an angry curse not far away.

Morgan turned his head to look, and it was the dwarf Groin who made it.

Unfortunately, he was being besieged by three giant demonized spider monsters.

At this moment, it has been pressed to the ground by a spider monster, and a thick and sharp transparent needle-like straw is constantly piercing towards Groin below.

Two other giant demonized spider monsters also surrounded them.

Seeing that Groin was in danger, Morgan took the elf sword and rushed towards the three giant demonized spider monsters.

The distance was not too far, and Morgan's movement immediately attracted the attention of the three spider monsters.

Except for the spider monster pressing on top of Groin, which was attacking Groin crazily.

The other two spider monsters immediately dropped the food occupied by their companions and ran towards the new food.

The distance quickly narrowed, and Morgan looked at the giant demonized spider monster rushing forward waving its sharp legs.

The skill was activated decisively.


The moment the skill was activated, Morgan's figure immediately rushed towards the two giant demonized spider monsters like an out-of-control locomotive.

The speed was so fast that an afterimage almost appeared in the air behind him.

Instantly rushing madly in front of the leading spider monster, Morgan jumped up holding the elven long sword.

The leading giant demonized spider monster was obviously flustered by Morgan's sudden appearance.

It's just that the time was too fast and too short, and the spider monster had no time to react. It just subconsciously let out a frightened hiss, and was chopped down by Morgan's sword.

The head armor of the giant dark demonized spider monster is obviously much harder than the defense of the legs.

But under Morgan's sword, it was useless at all.

The entire body of the spider monster, including the front half of the head, was instantly split into two.

A large amount of foul-smelling liquid of various colors, yellow, black, and white, immediately gushed out and flowed all over the floor.

At this time, the second giant demonized spider monster that followed the dead spider monster reacted, hissing and screaming, raising two sharp legs and rushing towards Morgan.

Morgan kept walking, raised his head and quickly slid the shovel to the front of the ferocious attacking spider monster, raised his sword and stabbed upwards suddenly.


The giant demonized spider monster was almost pierced by Morgan with a long sword, and immediately screamed and struggled violently.

But within two breaths, the spider monster above Morgan's head was motionless and dead.

 Thank you "Where is the Book Fairy, Aegon Targaryen, Book Friends 20200814222559087" for their rewards, thank you very much~~Please vote~~~

(End of this chapter)

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