Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 85 Mirkwood 4 【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】

Chapter 85 Mirkwood 4 【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】


Water splashes flew up.

Morgan jumped into the river with the elven sword in hand.

The river was so deep that Morgan couldn't even step on the bottom when he jumped into the water.

However, he was excellent in water in his previous life, and he still is in this life.

I didn't panic when I went into the water, and I knew that underwater was not my home field.

Without acting blindly, Morgan protected himself with a long sword in one hand, and grabbed Pangburo with the other to swim quickly to the shore.

Bomber was pulled, and the things under the water didn't expect the food in their hands to fly away, and immediately wrestled with Morgan.

at this time.

Morgan's complexion changed, he realized that his feet were caught by something, and his whole body sank immediately.

He immediately let go of Bombur, and immediately dived into the water.

It's just that the underwater is cloudy and dim, and it's impossible to see anything clearly.

Fortunately, both feet were caught, and Morgan reckoned that the thing that caught him was still okay.

The elf long sword suddenly stabbed at the foot.

It didn't seem like it hit anything, but Morgan felt the foot go loose immediately.

At this time, Morgan was seen in trouble.

On the vines not far away, two figures jumped into the water decisively.

With two loud bangs, Thorin Oakenshield and Dwalin quickly swam towards Morgan with a short sword and a warhammer.

Here, Morgan thrusts a second sword underwater.

It was also like nothing was stabbed, but the other foot that was caught was released immediately.

Morgan emerged from the water immediately.

Just saw Bombur being dragged away again while he was wrestling with something underwater.

Fortunately, Thorin Oakenshield and Dwalin finally arrived.

The two grabbed Pang Bo and quickly swam to the shore.

At this time Morgan escaped and caught up, and the three of them worked hard together, and Pangburo was quickly dragged to the shore.

The things in the water seemed to be startled by the three of them, realizing that there was nothing to be done, and there was no movement.

When the three panted, they carried the bloated Bomber ashore.

This guy was still snoring, sleeping extremely deeply.

"Wake up, Bombur"

Morgan patted Bomber and shouted, but it didn't work at all.

Dwalin, who was the most irritable, couldn't stand it and immediately became upset. He raised his hand and slapped Pangburo and the others.

However, it still has no effect.

Pangburo was still snoring loudly.

"Clap clap."

Dwalin was even more upset, and stretched out his hand to slap again.

Pang Bo's face was flushed red from the beating, but his snoring remained the same.

"damn it!"

Dwalin still wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Morgan's hand.

"It's not like falling asleep normally."

"No matter how hard you try, he won't wake up."

Morgan shook his head and said, Thorin Oakenshield frowned as he stared at Bomber in front of him.

At this time, a group of dwarves not far away finally reached the other side of the river through the vines.

"How's it going"

"Is Bomber all right?"

"Pangburo can still fall asleep at this time?"

"Pumber Bomber"

The dwarves spoke one after another.

With the stimulation of the scene just now, the dwarves seemed to wake up a lot.

"Don't cry, he won't wake up."

"Have you forgotten what Gandalf said earlier?"

"It's a cursed river."

"By the way, how are you three doing?"

White Beard Balin shook his head and said, looking at Morgan and Sorindwarin.

Dwalin said: "Except that my head is more dizzy than before, there seems to be no other abnormalities."

Thorin Oakenshield shook his head and said, "Nothing special."

Morgan thought about it seriously, frowned and said, "My head seems to be more drowsy than before, and everything else is gone."

"Put Bomber up, we should go."

Thorin Oakenshield ordered, and suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Morgan and asked, "By the way, what happened to you just now, Morgan?"

Morgan wondered: "What?"

Thorin Oakenshield continued: "You let go of Bombur just now, what are you doing underwater?"

Morgan froze for a moment, frowned and said, "Something under the water grabbed my foot just now."

After the voice fell, the eyes of other people around immediately looked over.

Thorin Oakenshield looked at Morgan and frowned, "There is something under the water, what is it?"

Morgan's complexion changed slightly: "Pang Bo was caught by that thing, didn't you find it?"

This time it was Thorin. Oakenshield was stunned: "Pangbur was caught, wasn't Bomber taken away by the flowing water, when was he caught?"

Hearing Thorin Oakenshield's words, Morgan's complexion immediately turned ugly.

He looked at the others and found that everyone was looking at him with slightly doubtful eyes.

Morgan immediately looked at Balin the Whitebeard, the wisest of the dwarves.

As if knowing what Morgan wanted to ask, Balin said, "In our opinion, Bomber was indeed taken away by the current just now, not by other things."

"Morgan, are you reading it wrong?"

Hearing Balin's words, Morgan's complexion completely sank.

"Did they all get it wrong, or did they just get it wrong?"

"If I was really wrong, what was the thing that caught me underwater just now?"

"Wait, my sword didn't seem to have stabbed the entity just now underwater"

"Is it all just my own illusion?"

Morgan stood on the ground with an uncertain expression.

On the side, Thorin Oakenshield ordered others to carry Bomber, who had already fallen asleep, onto the simple stretcher made of wooden poles.

"Morgan, we should go."

Bilbo's voice came.

Morgan regained his composure and followed.

"Morgan, are you okay?"

asked Bilbo, looking at Morgan.

He had just heard the conversation between Morgan and Thorin Oakenshield.

"never mind."

Morgan shook his head. He already suspected that what he saw and felt just now was an illusion, but the illusion was too clear.

It made him a little incomprehensible.

The expedition team moved on.

Across the cursed black river.

The road is obviously more difficult to walk.

The sky is getting darker, the trees are denser, the vines are entwined, the air is thinner, and white mist begins to fill the air.

All kinds of mushrooms of different sizes appeared on both sides of the road.

It's just all one color: black.

On the ground, on tree trunks, on vines, a large number of white spider silks can be seen everywhere.

Everything around seemed wet and sticky.

The members of the expedition team tirelessly moved forward in the dead forest, but the speed was getting slower and slower.

"I'm so tired, I think we should take a break."

"Me too, Thorin, can we rest for a while, I really can't walk."

"take a break."

Hearing the voice from behind, Thorin Oakenshield said immediately.

As soon as the voice fell, the dwarves behind them immediately slumped and rested.

"No wind, no birds, nothing here"

"Who knows what time it is?"

"do not know"

"I can't even remember what day it is."

"We've spent too much time here. Is there no end to this cursed forest?"

"I can't see the end, just trees and more trees."

The dwarves were talking to themselves with dazed heads and dull eyes.

At the end of the line, Morgan shook his drowsy head vigorously, pulled out the dagger from his waist, raised his hand and stabbed at the leg.

(End of this chapter)

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