Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 83 Mirkwood 2

Chapter 83 Mirkwood 2
The sky is thick with lead clouds, and the sky is getting more and more gloomy.

This is a sign of rain.

The cold wind howled, and everyone watched Gandalf ride away on horseback.

Thorin Oak Shield immediately turned around and greeted everyone, saying, "Let's go, we must reach the Lonely Mountain before the sunset of Turin's Day."

"There is only one chance to find the secret door into the mountain, we must be quick."

"Let's go."

"It's very close to the Lonely Mountain"

"I've heard people say it countless times, but I've never seen Lonely Mountain."

"Dolly, you will see you soon."

"Neither have I seen it"

"I spent all my money for this expedition, and I must earn it all back this time."

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to send a fortune this time."

"Haha, that's good."

As the distance to the lonely mountain got closer, everyone in the expedition team felt better.

The dwarves walked into the forest shortly after chatting chatteringly.

"Huh, huh, huh."

The pouring rain outside finally fell.

It's just that the trees in the Mirkwood are densely packed, and the dead yellow leaves are tangled and intertwined, covering the sky and the sun.

It is difficult for sunlight to come in at ordinary times, and raindrops are naturally even more so.

It was getting darker and more gloomy.

The expedition team left the edge of the forest and gradually went deeper.

Gandalf left, leading the team became Thorin Oakenshield and Balin the Whitebearded Dwarf.

Although Morgan's strength is not low in the team.

But he rarely speaks when it comes to the expedition's path and direction.

One is because they really don’t understand, and then they realize that the journey of the expedition team is guided by fate, and no one can change it, and they don’t want to have conflicts with Sorin Oakenshield because of this.

The expedition moved forward at a constant speed.

With Gandalf's explanation, Thorin Oakenshield tried his best to identify the road covered with dead yellow leaves.

The soil under his feet was black, and withered and corrupted, the weeds and thorns on the ground had long since died.

As we walked deeper, we realized that the forest was seriously ill.

Many of the trees were misshapen, and their roots were tangled on the ground.

There are also many fist-sized, ugly things like black tumors growing on the branches of many trees.

Some of these black tumors growing on the branches of the big tree have not yet ruptured, while others have ruptured and ooze black pus.

The black viscous pus exudes a faint rancid smell.

Mixed with the rotten smell of this forest.

It made everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

Walking in such a forest, the originally cheerful atmosphere of the expedition team became silent unconsciously.

Stand in front of a fork in the road.

Thorin Oakenshield moved the thick rotting leaves on the ground with his feet, trying hard to see where the main road led.

All the weeds and thorns that were on the ground died because of withering and decay.

Leaving the ground covered in thick foliage, the road was fine, but finding the main roads became a hassle as there seemed to be roads everywhere.

After lifting off the heavy rotten leaves covered by the forked intersection, I finally saw the regular-shaped stones below.

These stones were left by the elves when they built this road, because there are all the roads outside.

"go this way"

Thorin Oakenshield led the way to the intersection on the left.

The crowd moved on.

As everyone went deeper into the forest, the sky became darker and darker.

There are more towering giant trees around, and all kinds of criss-crossing branches on the ground are intertwined.

The road began to become difficult, and it was even more difficult to find the main road left by the elves.

The smell of decay and corruption is getting stronger.

"I feel like it's getting harder to breathe."

"Air, I need more air"

"I'm very dizzy."

"We won't go the wrong way"

"No, we have always followed the Lord's path, and there is no way we can make mistakes."


Sensing the discomfort in the air and body, the dwarves started talking again.

Morgan didn't make a sound, even if he had been vigilant enough from the moment he entered the dark forest.

At this time, too, because the oxygen in the air becomes thinner, I begin to feel unwell.

But his mind is still clear.

In such a dense forest, because a large number of rotten leaves and trees will produce things like biogas and methane.

In this case, hypoxia is quite normal.

Although it can barely use science to explain the anomaly of hypoxia.

However, the side effects caused by insufficient oxygen are very serious, such as dizziness, headache, unresponsiveness and other reactions.

Morgan tried his best to keep calm, but due to the lack of oxygen, his head began to become a little dizzy.

"go this way"

Thorin Oakenshield tried his best to identify the road in front of him.

Continue to move forward with the expedition team that is moving at a significantly slower speed.

Morgan kept shaking his head, trying to keep his head clear, and quickly followed Thorin Oakenshield.

Before entering the forest, Gandalf told Morgan that he was optimistic about Thorin Oak Shield, not only because of protecting him.

And when Thorin Oakenshield made a mistake, Gandalf hoped that Morgan would remind Thorin in time.

This kind of oppressive, tangled, dark and corrupt forest, coupled with lack of oxygen.

It is not so easy to identify the correct path on the ground.

Fortunately, the expedition team seems to be lucky.

Although the dwarves were dizzy and moving slowly, they were on the right path after all.

I don't know exactly how long it took.

In front of everyone, a stone arch bridge finally appeared.

It's just that the stone arch bridge is broken in the middle.

Below the stone bridge is a black river filled with light green miasma.

"Bridge, we have found the stone bridge that Gandalf spoke of."

"Why is it broken?"

"Did Gandalf remember wrongly?"


The appearance of the stone bridge finally lifted the spirits of the bewildered people in the expedition team.

Just standing in front of the broken stone bridge, everyone's dizzy heads were a little dazed.

"The river is not very wide, we should be able to swim across"

Bilbo looked at the black river in front of him with a dull gaze and said.

After the words fell, Thorin Oakenshield, who was still awake, immediately said, "No, didn't you hear what Gandalf said?"

"Dark magic resides in this forest, and this river is cursed."

"We have to find another way to cross the river."

Thorin Oakenshield walked aside after speaking and began to look around.

"I don't see any curse on the river."

"No bodies, nothing else, I think so too"

"Thorin, this river is so narrow, we can swim across it in no time."

Dolly and Bofur and the dwarves looked at the river in front of them and said dully.

"Need I say it a second time, we have to cross the river in other ways!"

Thorin Oakenshield immediately shouted in a cold voice.

"Let's go this way, these vines should be able to support us in the past."

Morgan shook his head vigorously, pointing to the black vines entangled above the river in front of him and said.

At this moment, a white deer with snow-white hair suddenly appeared across the black river.

 Thank you to the two book friends "Beautiful man with great talents, Qian Lengfeng" for your reward, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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