Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 75 Strength Soars【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】

Chapter 75 Strength Soars【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】


Morgan took a deep breath and calmed down.

The special skill "Body of Rock" is extremely useful, so it goes without saying.

Next, there are three other attributes.

If you can really strengthen LV5 like the physical attributes, you can comprehend special skills.

That would be amazing.

After strengthening this time, his strength is definitely far beyond that before strengthening.

The improvement is by no means a little bit.

He shook his head to make himself more awake.

Morgan immediately heard the wind whizzing past his ears.

Only then did he realize that he was still on the back of the giant eagle.

He was too engrossed in the strengthening just now, and the appearance of the special skill "Body of Rock" really made him so happy.

Standing up and looking up at the surroundings, it is still high in the sky, and white clouds can be seen in the distance.

Below is the vast mountain forest that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Looking forward, there are members of the expedition team on the back of the giant eagle in front.

After the fresh momentum of going up to the sky at the beginning, there was no movement at this time.

At this time, most of them obviously fell asleep.

Because Morgan heard the snoring of dwarves brought by the wind ahead.

He was all too familiar with the voice.

Watching this group of giant eagles should not stop for a while.

Morgan lay down again.

Summon the time traveler system data panel again.

Morgan immediately looked at the soul bar.

The two reinforcements only used up 3 points of soul power, leaving 11 points.

His eyes returned to the property bar again.

"The physique attribute has been strengthened to LV5, and I have also comprehended special skills, so I can stop for now."

"Strengthen other attributes first."

Thinking of this, Morgan suddenly tapped behind Physique LV5 again.

A strengthening prompt jumped out immediately.

[This strengthening consumes 3 soul power, whether to strengthen it? 】

"Sure enough, just like strengthening bow and arrow and white crow swordsmanship, the higher the level, the more soul power you need."

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Morgan thought to himself.

Shaking his head, Morgan continued to look at the other three attributes. The agility and spirit attributes are both LV3, and the strength attribute is only LV2.

There are still 11 points of soul power, which is enough to strengthen all the other three attributes to LV5, which is more than enough.

Morgan didn't think too much about it anymore, he raised his hand and clicked on the lowest strength attribute, making three shots in a row.

"Power LV3"

"Power LV4"

Pale white light kept flickering.

A series of virtual prompts kept jumping and appearing in front of them.

"Power LV5"

"Strength LV5 comprehends the special skill "Dragon Power"."

""Dragon Power". Mastered."


"It did appear"

"Dragon Power!"

Looking at the virtual information that keeps jumping out in front of him.

Morgan was overjoyed.

The special skill "Dragon Power" is related to strength at first glance.

Sure enough, no matter which attribute is strengthened, the special skills comprehended are closely related to the strengthened attribute.

Morgan immediately settled down to feel the changes in his mind.

Sure enough, a group of strange and familiar memory pictures immediately appeared in my mind.

It is the same as the special skill "body of rock" comprehended before.

Morgan's spirit had just been touched, and the memory picture quickly disappeared.

But the information contained in it was extremely deeply imprinted in Morgan's mind and body.

Morgan silently felt the specific ability of this special skill.

Soon, he figured out the specific ability and usage of "Dragon Power".

Dragon Power: At the moment of activation, the user can burst out a terrifying power comparable to that of a giant dragon in a very short period of time.

Of course, the power comparable to the legendary creature dragon is just an exaggerated rhetorical technique.

The specific power that Dragon Power can erupt in an instant, Morgan estimates should be two to three times his own power.

The duration of the burst should be around three to five seconds.

The duration of "Body of Rock" is less than half, and the duration of "Body of Rock" is about 10 seconds.

Morgan just experimented.

However, considering that "Body of Rock" is an auxiliary defense special skill.

And "Dragon Power" is an explosive attack special skill.

The burst time of three to five seconds is actually enough.

Of course, the specific length of time will only be known after Morgan's experiment.

But based on the information he feels now, Morgan is already very satisfied with "Dragon Power".

Think about it, in battle, the enemy who was originally equal in strength, strength, and evenly matched with you suddenly burst out with strength several times that of yours at a critical moment without warning.

If you are caught off guard, you can turn the tide of the battle in an instant and kill you in one hit!

This is completely regarded as a special skill equivalent to a killer's mace.

Morgan was happy about it, satisfied.

Of course, he was happier.

Both physique and strength attributes can be enhanced to LV5 to comprehend special skills.

This means that the remaining two attributes of agility and spirit can give him two more special skills.

Just thinking about it made him excited.

Morgan didn't delay, lest someone say he was out of water again.

Looking back at the virtual data panel in front of him again, he looked at the remaining two attributes.

Morgan raised his hand and made a couple of shots.

"Agile LV4"

"Agile LV5"

"Agile LV5 comprehends the special skill "Charge"."

""Charge". Mastered."


A series of dummy data keeps jumping and flickering.

Morgan's focused eyes quickly saw the most important content among the several prompts.

"Special Skill: Charge"

As soon as the name sounds, it is related to speed and agility.

Morgan looked delighted, not waiting for the prompt to complete the data.

Immediately sink your mind and enter your mind.

Soon, he felt that there was an extra memory picture in his mind exuding white light.

Just a little mental touch, the pale white light ball immediately shattered into light spots and disappeared quickly.

A large amount of information contained in the light cluster was deeply imprinted in Morgan's mind and body.

Silently understand the specific ability of this special skill.

Soon, Morgan knew the specific ability and usage of "Charge".

Charge: The moment it is launched, it can quickly shorten the distance between the enemy and us.

As for the distance that the charge can reach, it should be between 20 meters and 30 meters.

The specifics will be known only after Morgan personally tests it.

The introduction of charge is relatively simple compared to the two special skills "Body of Rock" and "Dragon Power".

The name "Charge" is also very unpretentious.

But Morgan grinned when he realized this special skill for the first time.

He had played many games in his previous life, and the skill of charging was not uncommon, and it could even be listed as one of the "magic skills" of the warrior profession.

Whether it is used to attack or retreat, it is very sudden.

This can be said to be extremely suitable for the current Morgan.

So far, the special skills comprehended by the three major attributes strengthened to LV5 are more practical than the other.

This made Morgan look forward to the last spiritual attribute, which is also the most special attribute, and what skills he can comprehend.

After digesting the special skill "Charge".

Morgan looked at the last spiritual attribute, and without hesitation, he raised his hand to make a two-up.

"Spirit LV4"

"Spirit LV5"

"Spiritual LV5 comprehends the special skill "Spiritual Shock"."

""Spirit Shock". Mastered."

 Thank you "Qinglian Daoge" for another thousand rewards, thank you very much~~
(End of this chapter)

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