Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 69 Battle of Vengeance 3 [Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

Chapter 69 Battle of Vengeance 3 [Ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets]


Watching Thorin Oak Shield being hit hard by Azog with a knife and hammer.




The dwarves who had been closely watching Thorin Oakenshield and the battlefield of Azog immediately shouted eagerly.

The dwarves' eyes were red with anxiety, and they immediately attacked the orcs and wargs in front of them like crazy, hoping to rush out to save Thorin Oakenshield.

But all the half-orcs and wargs also saw the power of the big leader defeating the dwarf leader.

At such a moment, the half-orcs would only become more excited and scream to stop the dwarves from saving Thorin Oakenshield.

The number of half-orcs is much more than that of the expedition team.

At this time, the Orcs and Wargs attacked more intensely, and the dwarves couldn't get out of the encirclement in a short time.

Another battlefield.

Morgan and Gandalf were also shocked when they saw the scene where Thorin Oakenshield was slammed into the air by Azog.

The importance of Thorin Oakenshield to the expedition is beyond doubt.

Even if Morgan knew the memory plot of this episode in his mind, he was still worried at this time.

In the memory plot, after Thorin Oakenshield failed to single out Azog, it was Bilbo who rescued him in time.

Not to mention whether the plot is reasonable enough or not.

Now, under the care of himself and Gandalf, Bilbo was trying his best to deal with the besieging orcs and wargs around him.

How can there be spare energy to save Thorin Oakenshield.

Morgan remembered clearly.

Not long ago, Thorin Oakenshield was almost beheaded by the Goblin King in the Underground Kingdom.

Looking at the similar scene in front of him, Morgan seemed to suddenly think of something.

Something flashed through my mind like lightning.

Knowing that the time was urgent, Morgan raised his sword and split the half-orc who was rushing, and said quickly: "Gandalf Bilbo, cover me!"

After the words fell, Morgan immediately approached Gandalf, and the long sword in his hand was inserted back into the scabbard. At the same time, he quickly took off the long bow on his back and drew out the arrow.

Gandalf, who had also been paying attention to Thorin Oakenshield, immediately understood Morgan's movements.

As soon as Morgan retreated, the Orcs and Wargs in his direction immediately rushed forward ferociously.

A burst of dazzling white light erupted immediately from the tip of the staff that Gandalf waved, knocking the ferocious orcs and wargs into the air.

At this time, Bilbo also understood the importance of what Morgan was doing, holding a short sword with a tense expression, and tightly blocked Morgan who was preparing a longbow and arrows behind him.

On the central battlefield that attracts everyone's attention.

Thorin Oakenshield fell to the ground with a heavy blow from Azog, and the corner of his mouth immediately bled.

His already extremely tired and injured body became heavier and weaker from this blow.

Azog rode on a tall and fierce white wolf and walked quickly towards the Thorin oak shield that fell on the ground, sneering constantly: "Is this your strength?"


Thorin Oakenshield looked angry, and tried his best to stand up, but was stepped on his chest by the white worg who approached quickly.

"Is it the life of wandering and fleeing like a wild dog that made you lose your fighting spirit?"

"Or have you been exhausted by escaping from those weak, filthy goblins?"

The tall white warg bared his teeth, revealing the sharp and cold white teeth full of saliva, and greedily looked at the embarrassing dwarf king in front of him.

As long as the master gives an order, the white wolf can immediately tear the dwarf prince into pieces and swallow it quickly.

Azog sat on the tall wolf, looking down at the oak shield of Thorin struggling under his feet, his face was cold and proud: "You really let me down, Thorin."

"In that case, let me send you to see your grandfather and your father."

"Let you have a good reunion!"

With a grinning grin, Azog raised the giant knife and hammer in his hand and threw it at Thorin Oak's shield.

This blow had to be smashed hard, no matter how tenacious Ren Suolin Oak Shield's vitality was, his head would be cracked and his brain would be cracked and he would die violently.




"Do not!!!"

On the battlefield a little far away, the dwarves roared in despair, and they frantically attacked the orcs and worgs in front of them.

But the orcs don't know the importance of stopping these dwarves at this time.

The battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

On another battlefield not far from the dwarves.

Morgan's bow and arrow immediately attracted the attention of all the orcs around.

The little orc leader was not stupid. After realizing the intention of the surrounded humans, he immediately commanded the orcs and the wolves to launch a more fierce attack on the three of them.

In order to protect Morgan save Thorin. Oak shield is not disturbed.

Gandalf opened up, and one after another magic continued to explode in the crowd of half-orcs, blowing up the surrounding half-orcs and wargs.

at the same time.

The tall white Wolf King stomped on the constantly struggling Thorin Oakenshield.

With a triumphant grin, Azog swung down the giant saber and hammer in his hand, and slammed it at the head of Thorin Oakenshield.

"It's now!"

Morgan aimed at Azog's finger on the bowstring and plucked it immediately.


The two arrows shot away with a howling sound of piercing through the air.

Azog, who smashed at Thorin Oak Shield with a grinning grin, immediately felt a sense of extreme danger.

Only then did he suddenly remember that there was a human archer among the group of dwarves on the opposite side.

His hammer will definitely smash Thorin Oakenshield's head to pieces.

But he will also be shot by the opponent.

He was not willing to accept such a life-for-life exchange.

"What a good time to choose, this damn human archer!"

Suddenly, Azog gritted his teeth and made a choice. With a hammer in his hand, his whole body immediately fell back.

next second.


An arrow suddenly shot into the white wolf's head;
An arrow almost shot past Azog's head.

At this moment, there was only one fear in Azog's mind: if he hesitated just now, the arrow must have hit his head.


The white wolf that was shot in the head by an arrow fell backwards, screaming and screaming.

Azog, who had just escaped, was immediately overturned to the ground.

Azog quickly got up in a rage, neither caring about the huge white wolf king who was twitching and screaming constantly beside him, nor caring about the human archer not far away.

Instead, he brandished the hammer and threw himself at Thorin Oakenshield at the side.

As long as Thorin Oakenshield was killed, all other losses would be worthwhile for Azog.

It's just that Thorin Oakenshield, who was still struggling just now, couldn't grasp such an opportunity.

The moment the white wolf who stepped on him was shot over.

Thorin Oakenshield rolled aside immediately.

Ordinary people can burst out with an incomparable desire to survive under extreme danger, not to mention the dwarf king Thorin Oakenshield.

He got up almost at the same time as Azog.

When Azog rushed forward in anger, Thorin Oakenshield rushed forward again without fear.

The two fought together again in an instant.

at this time.

A loud eagle howl suddenly came from the distant sky.

It spread across the entire cliff valley in an instant.

 Thank you "Brother Caomiao" for your reward, thank you very much~~ Monthly ticket recommendation tickets are a bit small, some troublesome rewards for old cats, I asked Morgan to bow to you, I am very grateful~~
(End of this chapter)

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