Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 55 Misstep【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】

Chapter 55 Misstep【Ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket】

Time passed slowly.

When the grunting of the dwarves gradually became louder.

When the light in the cave is getting darker.

Suddenly, small grooves appeared on the ground full of fine sand and dust.

The sand, gravel and dust began to fall continuously.

The slight rustling sound could have fooled the sleeping dwarves, as well as Bofur who was dozing in front of the cave entrance.

But he couldn't hide it from Morgan, who was preparing to close his eyes and pretend to sleep.


Sensing the movement, Morgan immediately opened his eyes.

I saw the sand, stones and dust on the ground under everyone kept falling down.

Morgan pulled out the elven sword, and then shouted loudly: "Wake up!"

After the voice fell, even though they were in a deep sleep, the reaction speed of all the dwarves was very fast.

Almost all of them woke up after being yelled out by Morgan.

"What's wrong."

"what happened."

"Is the half-orc chasing you?"

Before Morgan could answer, the rustling sound suddenly increased.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people heard vibrations from the thick gravel under their feet.

Thorin Oakenshield reacted the fastest, and immediately realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

The voice just fell.


Something is opened.

next second.

The ground of the entire cave seemed to be sinking, and it suddenly collapsed.

At this moment, the gravel, dust and a group of dwarves immediately fell downward.

Even Morgan, who was prepared, and Thorin Oakenshield, who had already reacted, were the same.

Qiqi fell down amidst the rumbling sound of the organ opening.

Morgan, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, was not at all flustered by the dwarves.

When it fell, he had already raised the elf sword in his hand.

At the moment when he and a group of members of the expedition fell to the slope passage below.

Morgan suddenly stabbed the long sword in his hand deeply into the sand and rocks of the slope passage.

"Ah ah ah ah."

The dwarves screamed and immediately rolled down the ramp.

Only Morgan stabbed the elf sword fiercely between the sand and stones of the passage, and was nailed to the slope passage.

Did not roll down with the expedition team.


Morgan let out a long breath, gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, and looked at the environment of the surrounding passages and couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

"Fortunately, I didn't use a short sword just now, but a long sword."

"With such sand and rocks, the depth of the short sword's penetration is simply not enough to hang the weight of your own body."

"If you really want to use a dagger, I'm afraid that you will be surrounded by countless goblins rushing up like the dwarves."

"so far so good."

Taking a few deep breaths, Morgan slowly got up from the passage and stood up straight.

Although this passage is a steep slope that has been dug out.

But as long as you don't fall and walk carefully, there is no problem at all.

The reason why the rest of the expedition team kept rolling all the way was because they just fell with huge inertia.

They can't stop at all.

Surrounded by sand and stone, this is a channel that has been dug out.

There is only this channel that can always pass below.

Morgan walked carefully in the dark passage with the elven sword in his hand, and walked down slowly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

The exclamations of all the members of the expedition team are still echoing.

Through the echo of the voice, Morgan reckoned that this passage would not be short.

Morgan continued forward, and soon walked into a tunnel that had been hollowed out in the middle.

In the dim tunnel, Morgan just walked in, and a large group of huge bats were startled flying around.

Thanks to the previous adventures, there are also reasons for strengthening the four major attributes of the body.

Morgan's night vision ability is now much stronger than before, and he can barely see the dim tunnel in front of him.

Morgan moved on.

There were constant exclamations from below.

But there was a burst of noise, cursing, strange screams, and the sound of fighting.

Morgan knew that the other members of the expedition team should have fallen completely and had a fight with the goblin monsters below.

Morgan proceeded cautiously.

At this moment, a stone stepped on by his feet suddenly loosened and rolled away.

Morgan's figure was tilted, and his other foot stepped on the already steep dark passage, and he immediately lost his footing.


Morgan breathed out the fragrance, and then fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body rolled straight to the passage below.

Morgan held the long sword in his hand tightly, trying to be the same as before, but the long sword was too long, and his body was rolling too fast, so he couldn't do it at all.

In the huge turbulence, Morgan knew that he might roll to the bottom like the rest of the expedition team.

So he gave up struggling, tried his best to hold his head, and let himself roll down the dark passage.

Time went back to a few minutes ago, at the exit below the passage.

With loud screams and a dozen figures descended from the sky into the huge bowl-shaped cage.

Waiting around, a dense group of Goblin monsters armed with various weapons, short, ugly, dirty, with distorted facial features, and half-orcs all rushed up crazily.

"There's new food again."

"Catch them!"

"These guys are ugly, uglier than us"

"Wow, it's a dwarf!"

"I heard that the meat of the dwarves is thick and juicy, and they taste very strong"

"It's just that there is too much hair on the body, unlike us."

"Catch them!"

The ugly goblins swarmed up, roaring and screaming with great interest.

"Go away, you filthy things"

"let me go."

"Damn, what kind of monsters are these?"

"Let me go, go away"

"Go away, you monsters"

"You will pay the price."

Before all the dwarves could react, they had already been thrown to pieces, and their bodies were in pain.

Now it is attacked by swarms of goblin monsters.

The huge cage was small and crowded, and a group of dwarves were squeezed like sardine cans, and there was no room or strength to resist.

Not long after, a group of dwarves were disarmed one by one, and were taken away by the goblins with their hands tied.

The dwarves were cursing, frustrated and depressed but there was nothing they could do.

Goblin monsters come and go in swarms.

The dwarves were kidnapped, and the place soon became empty.

At this time.

A voice quickly came from the passage above the cage.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure fell from the passage into the empty cage.


Morgan fell heavily into the cage.

But at this moment, there were no goblin monsters around.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Morgan was completely relieved.

"After preparing for so long, I finally stumbled and fell."


Morgan let out a few long breaths, feeling depressed.

"Fortunately, the result is the same."

After lying down for a while, I checked and realized that I had no other injuries except for some skin trauma.

Morgan stood up now.

Just as he walked out of the huge cage, he saw the only road in front of him. There were two monsters that were as ugly as a half-orc, and as short as a dwarf, walking towards this side.

Seeing the human Morgan who had slipped through the net, he immediately waved the rusty dagger in his hand and rushed towards Morgan screaming.

Morgan put away the long sword unhurriedly, and reached out to take off the long bow and arrow on his back.

When the two goblin monsters rushed forward, Morgan had already drawn his bow and set up his arrows.

It seems to realize that the human beings in front of them are not easy to mess with.

The two goblin monsters stopped abruptly, turned around in panic and ran back.

Letting these two goblins go will only lead to more goblins.

Morgan would not make such a simple mistake, loose fingers.

Two arrows shot out suddenly, hitting the backs of the two goblins.

The arrow was so powerful that it directly shot through the two goblins, and the arrows protruded from their chests.

Morgan stepped forward quickly, reached out and pulled out the arrows from the two goblin corpses.

He wiped the arrows on the two corpses again, and then reinserted them into the quiver behind him.

There was no place to replenish arrows in the field, Morgan had always done that.

After recovering the arrows, he kicked the two corpses down one by one to the depths of the dark pit beside him.

Only then did Morgan walk forward carefully along the suspension bridge.

 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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