Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 50 Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

Chapter 50 Leaving Without Saying Goodbye

The hazy moonlight shrouded Rivendell.

In the attic on the top of the mountain.

Gandalf sat on the round table in the center, facing the interrogation of Galadriel, the queen of elves, Saruman, the wizard in white robes, and Eldron, the elf lord of Rivendell.

A fierce argument and rebuttal with a calm tone but no calmness between the words is going on.

"Tell me, Gandalf, do you think your plans and schemes will be unknown?"

"Of course not, I'm just doing what I think is right"

"Gandalf, for 400 years we have lived in peace, and have carefully maintained this hard-won peace"

"When the dwarves go to the lonely mountain, they will definitely wake up the evil dragon"

"Always peaceful, is it really peaceful?"

"Do you know that Green Forest is already called Mirkwood by the surrounding residents?"

"Redagast says he's found sightings of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur."

"Don't mention the brown-robed wizard Redagast, he's an idiot. He ate too many poisonous mushrooms, lost his mind, and stained his teeth yellow. I told him already."

"You haven't convinced me yet, Gandalf"

"I don't think I can stand this crusade of the dwarves"

"If the dwarves come to me, I will give them no hope."

Among the three trials, the white-robed wizard Saruman was the most dissatisfied with the expedition team.

Seeing that he couldn't satisfy all three in front of him in terms of words.

Finally, Gandalf carefully took out something wrapped in layers of white cloth from his body and placed it on the round table in the center of the hall.

This was a few days ago, early in the morning when the expedition team encountered the three giant rock trolls.

Gandalf and Thorin Oakenshield were on their way to relax after arguing, and met the brown-robed wizard Radagast who gave it to him, and told him about the serious changes in the Great Green Forest.

"what is that?"

Seeing the things Gandalf took out carefully, Lord Elon asked immediately, wanting to reach out and touch them.

Just when Lord Elon was about to meet, the voice of Elf Queen Galadriel suddenly sounded: "That's the remains of Mordo."

After the words fell, Lord Elon's hand retracted immediately as if it had been stabbed suddenly.

Following Galadriel's words, the atmosphere in the entire attic became quiet.

Gandalf immediately stretched out his hand and uncovered the wrapped white cloth, revealing a short sword with a black hilt and a silver blade.

This seemingly ordinary dagger, which clearly reveals traces of time and evil aura, is by no means ordinary.

"This is the Ancient Sword of the Demon Cave," Lord Elon said in surprise.

The other two are not ordinary people, and they both saw the abnormality of the dagger in front of them immediately.

The atmosphere in the attic on the top of the mountain immediately became serious.

at the same time.

Morgan was getting up and walking quickly behind Kili the dwarf to the small garden where the expedition team was temporarily staying.

"Did Thorin say anything else?"

Morgan looked at the "student" on the side and asked casually.

"No, he didn't say anything other than ordering us to go now."

"Though we all want to know why."

Hearing Morgan's words, Kili shook his head and spoke.

Kili's expression was indifferent, and he really wanted to know, after all, the elves treated them very well these days.

They just wanted to leave, so they had to say hello to Lord Elon no matter what.

What's more, Kili would not lie to the human Morgan who could be regarded as his teacher in essence.

"I thought I might know something."

Morgan spoke softly, but apart from this sentence, he didn't speak any more.

Qili had the urge to say something but stopped, but "teacher" Morgan didn't want to say more, so he naturally didn't want to ask more.

When the two returned to Xiaohuayuan's residence together.

The dwarves are almost ready to pack up.

Morgan didn't hesitate, and went straight back to his residence to tidy up quickly.

Morgan didn't have many things, so after tidying up, he had time to trim himself.

The black hair that had grown to the shawl was cut to the length of the chin by him, so that it was loose and comfortable, and it was convenient and easy to tie it into a ponytail.

Shave off the beard, and shave off the beard on the manly sides of the cheeks.

After more than a month of long and dangerous journey, Morgan, who originally had a little boyish temperament, became more masculine after being honed.

At this time, the trimmed Morgan looks very mature and sexy.

"I didn't expect that I would become so handsome one day."

Standing in front of the delicate glass mirror, Morgan muttered.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Immediately afterwards, the voices of dwarves came from outside.

Morgan picked up the package and strode out the door.

When I went out, I found that the dwarves were all ready with big bags on their backs.

Because there was a reason for planning when to leave from the beginning.

When the elves prepared the daily consumption for the expedition team, the dwarves deliberately ordered more dry food such as dried meat, noodles, wine, and so on.

This time it finally came in handy.

The large and small packages on the dwarves are almost all dry food.

Morgan saw Bilbo in the crowd.

For the sudden departure of the dwarves, and the absence of Gandalf, Bilbo's face was full of confusion.

When he was visiting Rivendell before, he met Eldron Elf Lord.

Lord Elrond had told him frankly that Rivendell would welcome Bilbo to stay as long as he wanted.

The sudden change at this time made the words of Lord Elon flash across Bilbo's confused mind.

It's just that because he had promised Gandalf, signed an agreement with the dwarves, and the habit of taking risks together for more than a month, Bilbo couldn't bear to say that he would leave the team and stay in Rivendell.

Just when Bilbo was urged away by the dwarves in a very confused state, he saw Morgan in full gear.

In the expedition team, apart from the wizard Gandalf, Bilbo has the best relationship with the human Morgan.

Seeing Morgan at this time, Bilbo, who was unable to leave firmly, seemed to see the savior and his only partner.

"Morgan is powerful, Morgan will not ridicule and look down on himself, Morgan has a good relationship with himself"

All the previous adventures flashed through his mind, and Bilbo's originally unsteady mind seemed to have a backbone immediately, and quickly became firm.

Looking at Bilbo, who was a little lost in his soul, Morgan naturally had some understanding of this in his heart.

So he walked quickly to Bilbo's side, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's all right, Bilbo, take it easy."

After being slapped and said by Morgan, Bilbo's face was obviously calmed down a lot.

"Morgan, did we leave so suddenly?"

"Also, what about Gandalf, won't Gandalf leave with us?"

Bilbo, who had collected himself, approached Morgan immediately and asked in a low voice.

"It's Thorin who is leaving."

"As for Gandalf, he will certainly return, he just needs to be away for a while."

"Take it easy, Bilbo."

Morgan walked behind the line and explained quickly to Bilbo in a low voice.

"Follow up quickly."

At this moment, Thorin Oakenshield's voice came from ahead.

Morgan patted Bilbo, and strode forward in front of the line.

Bilbo only thought for a while, and then quickly followed Morgan.

The moonlight in the sky was hazy, and the expedition team quickly went to Rivendell in the night.

 Ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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