Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 48 The Elf Queen 【Please recommend】

Chapter 48 The Elf Queen 【Please recommend】

"Qiu Qiu."

The bird with snow-white wings looked at Lord Elon in the window and called softly, the sound was sweet and clear.

Lord Elon turned his head and saw the bird, with a smile on his face immediately.

"Gandalf, come with me for a walk."

Lord Elon took a sip of the amber-colored fruit wine in the exquisite wine glass in his hand, slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said.

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

Gandalf put a delicate and small post-dinner pastry into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, nodded and smiled.

In the small garden.

The sumptuous barbecue dinner of the expedition team is still going on.

Dinner was in full swing.

The dwarves drank wine, ate meat, and told bad jokes loudly, feeling very comfortable.

Morgan was sitting by the fire smoking a handsome oak pipe.

The oak pipes are of course from Rivendell.

It was the afternoon of two days ago, and Morgan was practicing archery tirelessly in a quiet corner of the small garden.

But Lord Elon, who was wandering around, happened to meet him.

Of course, Morgan didn't believe Lord Elon's claim that he was just wandering around.

In short, the powerful Lord Elon met Morgan, who was contacting archery, and was very surprised by Morgan's archery.

Morgan was able to succeed in his previous life not only because of his own strength, but also because of his experienced experience in dealing with people and things.

He had a fairly good impression when he came into contact with Lord Elon before.

In addition, the bow and arrow skills that are now so superb that they can almost be called a sharpshooter.

The conversation between Morgan and Lord Elon was very pleasant.

This time, Lord Elon also clearly expressed kindness to Morgan, instead of just being polite to Morgan as a friend of Gandalf before.

After some conversation, the relationship between the two was brought closer. Before Lord Elon left, he asked Morgan if he needed anything.

Morgan insisted that he wanted a pipe.

Lord Elon nodded and left with a smile.

So at supper time that day, the elves sent a fine oak pipe.

Due to his professional relationship in his previous life, Morgan had never touched cigarettes and drank alcohol very restrainedly.

Now in this world, with the Golden Thigh System, naturally there is no need to be so restrained.

As for the shredded tobacco he smoked, it was stolen from Gandalf from time to time.

Because of his relationship with Lord Elon, Gandalf supplemented a large amount of high-quality tobacco from the other party.

It was because of greed that Morgan boldly asked Elon for a pipe.

Back to the topic.

The dwarves drank wine, ate meat, and were still chattering and telling bad jokes.

Morgan, who had already eaten and drank enough, was puffing away at the side.

On the other side, the white-bearded dwarf Balin was still chatting with Thorin Oakenshield.

"Has the elf agreed to help?" Balin asked.

"Gandalf hasn't mentioned it to me yet." Thorin Oakenshield shook his head.

"Today is already the seventh day. If the elves want to help, they should say so."

Bahrain was silent for a while, and Shen Sheng continued to speak.

"I know"

Thorin Oakenshield nodded and remained silent for a while, then drank the wine in the bottle, got up and walked to the side.

Morgan, whose spirit has been strengthened to LV3, now has much better five senses than before the strengthening.

Although the scene was very noisy, he still heard Balin and Thorin Oakenshield clearly.

It has been a week since the expedition came to Rivendell.

Although Morgan knew that the expedition team would definitely leave, he didn't know the exact time.

Now listen to the conversation between Balin and Thorin Oakenshield.

He knew that it would not be too long before he left Rivendell.


Morgan was smoking a cigarette, looking at the bright yellow flames jumping and flickering in front of him, a little lost in thought.

At this moment, Morgan suddenly turned his head, watching the back of Thorin Oak Shield disappear from sight, and immediately thought of one thing.

With Thorin Oakenshield's stubbornness, he decided to leave, and the expedition team must not stay for long.

What caused him to leave without saying goodbye in the memory plot was that he heard the conversation between Gandalf and Lord Elon.

In the conversation, it was Lord Elon's dissatisfaction with this expedition, and his dissatisfaction with Thorin Oakenshield.

This led to Sorin Oakenshield, who was extremely proud of himself, not saying goodbye to Gandalf, let alone the elves.

Instead, he chose to leave directly.

"Could it be tonight!"

"The night Thorin Oakenshield heard the conversation between Gandalf and Lord Elon!"

Thinking of this, Morgan immediately couldn't sit still.

The world exploration progress of the system in the body is extremely slow.

Morgan is unwilling to give up any plot that increases the progress of exploration.

What's more, even if you guess wrong, you have nothing to lose.

Thinking of this, Morgan didn't hesitate, got up immediately, and strode towards Thorin Oakenshield's direction.

Deep in Rivendell.

Gandalf in a gray robe was walking with Lord Elon on an exquisite winding path, chatting while walking.

Lord Elon said with some dissatisfaction: "Gandalf, you and Thorin Oakenshield should have told me earlier about the purpose of this time."

Gandalf said quickly: "Of course I intend to tell you, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time."

"And I think you should believe that I know what I'm doing."

Lord Elon said in a deep voice, "Do you really know?"

"The dragon has been sleeping for 60 years. If your plan fails, what if the dragon wakes up?"

Gandalf retorted: "What if we succeed?"

"If the dwarves take back that mountain, our defenses in the east will be strengthened"

Lord Elon shook his head: "This step is too risky, Gandalf."

Gandalf went on to retort: ​​"It is dangerous for us to do nothing."

"Please, Thorin is the king of Irubor, what are you afraid of?"

After the words fell, Lord Elon stopped immediately, then turned around, stood in front of Gandalf and said in a deep voice, "Did you forget?"

"There's a history of madness in their family."

"His grandfather was insane and his father was stricken with the same disease."

"Do you dare to say that Thorin Oakenshield will not be like this?"

"Gandalf, these are not matters for us to decide."

"The pattern of Middle-earth is not something that you and I can change."

Hearing his old friend's solemn words, Gandalf knew that he would not be able to convince the other party today.

Only continue to speak out the attitude of the dwarves.

"With or without our help, those dwarves will march toward that mountain."

"They are determined to take back their homeland!"

"I don't think Thorin felt he needed to ask anyone for instructions."

"Actually, I think so too."

Gandalf strode behind Lord Elrond and shouted out the decision of the dwarves, hoping that something might be redeemed.

The two walked to the door of the exquisite attic on the top of the mountain. Lord Elon suddenly turned around and looked at his old friend: "What you said makes sense, but it's not me you need to ask for instructions."

After the words fell, Lord Elon stepped aside.

Then, Gandalf saw an ethereal and beautiful figure shrouded in hazy moonlight with an otherworldly temperament.

 Thank you "Samsara One Scholar" book friend for the reward, thank you very much~~~
(End of this chapter)

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