Chapter 4 Cheers
"This strengthening consumes 1 point of soul power, do you want to strengthen it?"

Looking at the virtual data prompt that popped up in front of him, Morgan clicked on it.

Pale white light flickered, and the column of soul power quickly became zero.

"Archery LV2"

The moment the virtual data jumped in front of him, Morgan could clearly feel a heat flow into his body.

At the same time, there is an additional memory information about archery in his mind.

That's a bunch of information about shooting angles, arrow distances and what to look out for when shooting.

Quietly feeling and comprehending this memory about archery.

Morgan only felt that his understanding of archery before that was too shallow.

Now he has a strong urge to pick up the bow and arrow and try shooting.

But he opened his eyes and looked at the dark night around him, and the wizard Gandalf who was sleeping peacefully not far away.

Morgan pressed the urge forcefully.

night till dawn.

Morgan opened his eyes just as the eastern sky was getting brighter.

After some simple washing, Morgan and Gandalf ate another roasted bear for breakfast.

The giant bear's corpse was huge, even if the two of them ate two meals together, there would still be too much left over.

The giant bear corpse is a good thing, and Morgan can't give it up.

It's just that the body is too big, and there are only two horses in total for the two of them, so it is impossible to transport it all away.

So Morgan began to carve up the bear's carcass, and Gandalf also reached out to help.

It didn't take too long to disembowel the giant bear and carve up the bear's flesh.

When pieces of bloody giant bear meat were all hung on the backs of two horses.

The two set off.

According to what was said yesterday.

Morgan followed Gandalf on horseback, and the two of them walked quickly all the way into the distance.

Gandalf was right.

It was not until evening, and the two of them rode on their horses and saw low houses starting to appear in the distance ahead.

"There's Hobbiton ahead."

Seeing that the town was right in front of him, Gandalf said that the speed of the horse under him had dropped significantly.

Riding all day.

The butt has been spent in the bumps and frictions.

No one understands this pain better than Morgan.

Hearing Gandalf's words, Morgan breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously controlled the horse under him to slow down.

The destination is not far away, so don't rush too much.

Gandalf had already taken out the long tobacco rod, and began to take out shredded tobacco from the tobacco pouch, rub it into small balls and stuff it on the tobacco rod.

"Huh, I can finally see a living person."

Morgan looked into the distance and let out a long sigh. He heard the smoke that Gandalf had just breathed into his lungs and was immediately choked and coughed again and again.

"Cough cough."

"What does this kid mean, I'm not alive?"

"Bringing this kid to see Sorin and the others wouldn't be a wrong choice."

Gandalf squinted at Morgan sideways, muttering in his heart.

"Of course, Gandalf, you don't count."

Seeing Gandalf's strange gaze, Morgan immediately said, "I'm not saying you're not human, of course you're alive."

"I mean, Gandalf, you're a wizard"

Seeing that Morgan's explanations became more and more chaotic, Gandalf coughed lightly: "Ahem."

"Shut up, I know what you mean"

"Let's go to the advanced city and get rid of the bear meat as soon as possible."

"It's been exposed to the sun for a day, and the price will drop a lot if you wait any longer."

Gandalf was smoking a cigarette and spoke calmly, but he had already made up his mind to kill Morgan.

After yesterday night, and chatting all the way today, the relationship between the two is already very familiar.

They still understand each other's personalities, and they don't care about joking around.

"you're right."

"However, I'm not familiar with this place, and I will trouble you, Gandalf, to deal with these bear meats."

Morgan laughed and called Gandalf again as he spoke.

In the memory plot, he learned that Gandalf is righteous, humorous and talkative, but also a little boring.

After getting in touch now, I really found that Gandalf has a similar character.

For this kind of character, being generous and honest is the best way to get along and get closer.

Morgan has already decided that after dealing with the bear meat, he must treat Gandalf to a big meal and sacrifice his five viscera temples.

Before this period of time, he almost lived a life like a savage in the wilderness.

Although every meal eats wild game.

But there is only a small amount of salt, and there is no game without other spices.

Because there are no other tableware, only the most basic grilled food is used.

After eating for a period of time, I almost felt like vomiting when I saw the barbecue.

Even the giant bear meat can only be tasted fresh.

Gandalf couldn't deny it, smoking a cigarette.

The two rode quickly towards the small town ahead.

When the evening glow fills the sky.

The two rode into the town.

Soon, figures began to appear on the road ahead, very short figures.

Morgan knew well that he should have come to the Hobbiton mentioned by Gandalf. Those short people were the aborigines here, Hobbits, also called halflings.

On the verdant green hillsides and hills, there are delicately shaped bunker-like cabins inlaid with round door frames, scattered all over the place.

Green low hillsides, small fences, fences, flowers of various colors, bluestone roads, crystal clear rivers, busy little hobbits, and even smaller hobbits running barefoot in the hillside woods.

A peaceful, leisurely, relaxing and beautiful pastoral scenery.

Walking into this small town, Morgan felt like he was in a fairy tale world.

In his previous life, Morgan had personally been to New Zealand, where "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" were filmed.

Although the "Hobbiton" scenery there is still beautiful, the taste of artificial carving is too strong.

But here, all the scenery is so leisurely and natural.

"Perhaps when I get old in the future, it is a very good choice to settle here for the elderly"

The idea that popped up in his mind made Morgan laugh and shake his head.

Although it is still very early before retirement, it also shows Morgan's yearning for the beautiful and idyllic environment of Hobbiton.

"It's beautiful."

"I was just like you when I first came."

Seeing Morgan looking around, Gandalf leisurely puffed out smoke and laughed.

"Is this Hobbiton?"

“Surely beautiful”

Morgan looked at it for a while and said with emotion.

"Of course, the home of the hobbits is one of the most beautiful places in all Middle-earth."

"I love these hardworking little guys."

After taking the last puff of cigarette in his mouth, Gandalf tapped the cigarette stem on his shoe, wiped it again, raised his head and continued:

"Let's go, don't try to sell the giant bear meat if you stand here."

"Come with me."

As Gandalf spoke, he tugged at the reins, turned his head and walked forward.

Morgan quickly followed.

after an hour.

Hobbiton, inside the noisy Blackcurrant Tavern.

Morgan and Gandalf sat opposite each other on the wine table, and the tall wooden barrel cups they held in their hands collided vigorously.


(End of this chapter)

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