Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 325 See you at last!

Chapter 325 See you at last!
"Didn't you say that we would be welcome to come to Slave Bay to buy slaves?"

Looking at the hostile Unsullied team in front of her, Daenerys Targaryen couldn't help asking the bald knight beside her, "Why is this happening?"

Jorah Mormont looked helplessly at the vigilant Unsullied warrior opposite.

"I don't know, but it used to be true."

"Whether it's in Meereen, Yunkai, or Astapor, they always treat their guests very warmly."

Jorah Mormont shook his head and said that he really didn't know why these Unsullied warriors treated him like an enemy as soon as he got off the boat.

Soon, listening to the dissatisfaction of the huge Dothraki behind him.

He turned his head and glanced at the Dothraki teams wearing leather armor and holding weapons behind him, as if he had thought of something.

"Maybe it's because our team is huge"

Jorah Mormont approached Daenerys and said softly, "Of course, it's more likely that the governor has changed here."

Although it says so.

But he thinks it's the former.

If so.

Khaleesi's next attempt at purchasing the Unsullied might not go so well.

The inner thoughts of Jorah Mormont, his subordinate.

Daenerys Targaryen was naturally unclear.

She is now thinking of going to the city earlier and purchasing the Unsullied Warriors earlier so as to continue her future plans.

Angry at being blocked on the pier by a team of 20 Unsullied in front of him.

After she bought the Unsullied troops, she would naturally settle the matter with the ruler here.

Central area of ​​the city.

Governor's residence castle.

When Morgan got out of the carriage and strode into the gate of the castle among the crowd.

Suddenly, a deep roar came from the depths of the castle.

Morgan looked up, and saw a big black man rushing out of the tall and spacious corridor of the castle, heading straight for him.

Face the incoming hunk.

Morgan could only smile and spread his hands.

next moment.

The big man rushed into his arms.

Feeling the heavy weight in his arms, Morgan couldn't help laughing and said, "Siglia, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold you in a short time."

In the face of the father's complaints.

The big man could only use his head to keep rubbing affectionately in the arms of the old man.

The body in Morgan's front arms has grown to a size close to two meters, so it is naturally the young dragon Siglia.

Ever since Pa took Astapor.

The meat that Siglia eats every day is the freshest. It is chased and gnawed directly from live cattle and sheep. There is no limit to the amount of food every day until Siglia is full.

Feed so hard.

Siglia's growth rate is also increasing at an almost visible speed, constantly refreshing Morgan's cognition.

Siglia was nearly two meters long at this time.

At the same time as the body shape changed rapidly, the color of the entire body also quickly changed from the ugly black at the beginning to black and red.

The horns on the forehead become larger;

The cold pupils gradually changed from orange to red at the beginning.

The spines extending from the neck to the tail also became sharper and more ferocious.

The dark red body, coupled with the increasingly ferocious and majestic head, coupled with the barbed thorn armor.

Siglia's figure has begun to show the majesty and terror of the dragon.

After licking the big guy in front of him a few times.

Morgan patted Siglia on the head: "Go and play, don't run too far."

With her father's permission, Siglia quickly got out of her father's arms, rushed out of the castle gate with a few strides, and then spread her wings and quickly flew into the sky.

Sigiriya keeps growing up.

Morgan had no choice but to ask the little guy to stay in the castle.

He gave the little one the freedom to fly over Astapor.

But the requirement is that the little guy is not allowed to be too far away from home, not to fly too low, and not to hurt people at will.

Siglia is also very obedient to her father.

Aside from the occasional greedy hunting of livestock such as pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep for the old man to wipe his ass to deal with the aftermath, he did not do any other outrageous things.

Of course, more than half a month ago, two mercenaries hid in the high bell tower and tried to shoot Siglia down with arrows, except for being burned to death by Siglia with dragon flames.

that time.

After learning what happened to Siglia.

Morgan was furious and sent the Unsullied to cleanse the entire Astapor mercenaries.

This is also the reason why the huge team led by Daenerys Targaryen on the pier was blocked.

Morgan would not allow large armed groups to come uninvited.

Siglia was sent away.

Morgan was getting ready to go upstairs.

at this time.

Wearing armor, the tall Unsullied "Chief" Black Rat suddenly walked quickly into the castle hall.


The voice of the black mouse sounded.

Morgan stopped and turned around.

The black mouse immediately stepped forward and said: "The news from the port dock said that a team of hundreds of people led by Daenerys Targaryen was discovered by our soldiers and blocked on the dock. The second time I came to buy the Unsullied"

The black mouse quickly finished the news.

Morgan was stunned when he heard the name Daenerys Targaryen.

The name Daenerys is not uncommon.

But it is self-evident what the surname "Targaryen" represents.

When Daenerys and Targaryen link up.

Plus the large number of Dothraki that the black rat said.

Morgan knew that it should be the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty known as the "Mother of Dragons".

"It turned out to be at this point in time."

Morgan nodded secretly in his heart, and then said, "Let them in."


Morgan turned around and continued walking towards the second floor of the castle.

The black rat, who received the master's order, strode out of the castle.

Walk on clean floors.

Morgan tried his best to recall the memory of Daenerys Targaryen in his mind.

Just like what the Black Rat said just now, the other party came to buy the Unsullied, this must be the truth.

But the whole of Astapor has been completely controlled by him.

Even if she lacks a source of troops, Daenerys of the "Unsullied Army" must not have to think about it.

And without the Unsullied, Morgan was actually a little curious about what the other party would do next.

Speaking of which, judging from the footage in his memory, his perception of the real protagonist, Daenerys Targaryen, is very general.

What's more, Morgan's future plan is to invade the continent of Westeros and unify the Seven Kingdoms.

The goal of Daenerys Targaryen is also to break into Westeros, re-sit on the Iron Throne, and restore the glory of the Targaryen family.

The two have the same plan and conflict, so to speak, that Daenerys is still Morgan's enemy.

All kinds of factors add up.

Morgan naturally has no interest in Daenerys Targaryen.

His only interest in the other party is in the three young dragons owned by the other party.

"I don't know if the other party's three young dragons are as big as my own Siglia."

"But think about it, probably not"

Morgan thought to himself and walked to the study.

The two young maids guarding in front of the study immediately greeted respectfully and pushed open the door of the study.

Morgan nodded, explained something before entering the door, and then walked into the study.

Outside the study.

The handmaid who was confessed immediately ran out quickly.

Sitting down on the bench.

Morgan knew that.

Even if he turned a blind eye to Daenerys Targaryen who came from afar.

The other party will definitely come to the door.

For the enemy of this future plan.

If you want him to strangle the other party in Astapor now, Morgan feels that he can't do it.

Although as long as I give an order.

None of Daenerys, including her Dothraki followers, can escape.

But he's going to do it.

Barristan, who was still doing his best to train the army for himself, would definitely stop himself, and maybe run away.

of course.

If he is really determined to kill Daenerys, then no one can stop him.

But thinking about it carefully, there is no need for that, at least not for the time being.

speak up.

He really didn't think about how to treat Daenerys Targaryen.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the study door.

"Come in."

Morgan said casually.

Soon, Missandei in a long yellow dress walked into the study.

Served as a high-ranking Astapor police officer for half a year.

Missandei's stature is getting taller and her development is getting better and better.

The most important thing is in terms of temperament, the more experienced she is, the more she looks like a strong woman.

"Show me the full cost of Barristan's army."

Not thinking much about Daenerys Targaryen, Morgan asked.

Outside Astapor.

In front of the port pier.

Received an order from the Governor's Mansion.

Only then did the captain of the Unsullied patrol team release the supervision of the huge team with nearly a hundred people in front of him, and turned around and left the pier with the Unsullied warriors behind him to continue patrolling.

Jorah Mormont looked at the leaving Unsullied team, walked to Daenerys Targaryen and said softly, "Kalisi, let's go."

Daenerys looked away.

She remembered every humiliation she received, just like before before the city of Qarth, just like now.

She will definitely return with revenge.

Just like in Qarth City.
This time will be no exception.


Daenerys Targaryen marched towards the city of Astapor with a large team of Dothraki people.

After half an hour.

Inside the gates of Astapor.

Looking at the wide and busy street ahead.

Jorah Mormont looked at Daenerys beside him and said again: "Kalisi, it seems that the Governor has no intention of entertaining us, we need to find a place to live first."


Daenerys nodded, her face was a little ugly.

Originally, I thought that I would be greeted and entertained by the new governor of Astapor if I reported my name and intention to the outside world. It seems that I was wrong.

But she still has confidence in purchasing the Unsullied this time.

Because no one can refuse such a precious existence as a baby dragon.

Jorah Mormont has rich experience in traveling the rivers and lakes, and when he left Qarth, he looted all the wealth of Xaro Xhoan Daxos, one of the thirteen giants.

Daenerys' team also has a lot of wealth.

Didn't take much time.

Jorah Mormont rented a small castle to house the team.


Inside the castle restaurant.

As Daenerys Targaryen put down the tableware, Jorah Mormont on the side quickly finished the food on the plate.

Seeing that Khaleesi had something to say, the other small Dothraki leaders who were more than qualified to eat together also quickly put down the tableware in their hands.

"How about the news you've heard?"

Daenerys put down the water glass in her hand, looked at the bald knight beside her and asked.

Jorah Mormont put down the tablecloth and said, "According to what I heard, it may not be so easy for us to buy the Unsullied this time."

Daenerys frowned: "Tell me carefully."

Jorah Mormont: "Half a year ago, the governor Morgan came here with a maid and visited Krazny, the largest slave owner in the city at that time, and then they seemed to have negotiated some kind of deal, of course there may be other of"

"But on the second day in Pride Square, no one knew exactly what happened. In short, the governor killed a large number of slave owners and took the Unsullied Army into his hands. Finally, the other party used the Unsullied Take control of all of Astapor"

"By the way, that governor also has a dragon, and it's not too small. Many people here have seen it."

"That's all I heard."

Jorah Mormont finished speaking in one breath, picked up the water glass in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

At the head of the table.

Daenerys Targaryen frowned even more after hearing this.

Silent for a while.

Daenerys finally spoke: "Go and message the Governor, saying that we will visit tomorrow."

Khaleesi could hear a heavy heart.

Jorah Mormont knew the other party's plan, and the situation in Astapor was completely different from what they thought, and he was also feeling uncomfortable.

"I'll go now."

Jorah Mormont nodded, got up and left the table to go outside.

Several other small Dothraki leaders also realized that the leader Khaleesi was in a bad mood, and quickly left voluntarily.

Daenerys Targaryen was the only one left in the restaurant.

Her mind became clearer now.

Combined with the news that Jorah Mormont just said, she almost guessed that the Governor probably used young dragons to make a deal, to exchange Unsullied and so on, so that so many slave owners could be killed , took all of Astapor.

Otherwise, how could the other party have done all this in the first place.

Because everyone knows the preciousness of young dragons.

But no one is more aware of the dangers of baby dragons than she is.

Because that's what she intended.

Use the young dragons to exchange for the army of the Unsullied, and finally get the young dragons back easily.

This method seems simple, but there are many flaws.

However, the preciousness of the baby dragon can make greed blind everything.

"How to do."

From what Jorah Mormont just said, it is very likely that the other party has no intention of selling the Unsullied.

Moreover, the opponent still has a dragon in his hand?

"Wait, the only ones in this world who can control the real dragon are the Targaryen family of my own. Is it possible that the other party is my own clan?"

thought here.

The expression on Daenerys Targaryen's face became more and more complicated, cloudy or sunny.

Early the next morning.

The Eastern Light Group has just risen.

Daenerys Targaryen took Jorah Mormont, and the two got into the carriage and went straight to the governor's mansion in the center of the city.

When the two were brought by the Unsullied into the huge heavily guarded castle.

Daenerys finally met the rumored Governor Morgan.

(End of this chapter)

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