Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 322 Forced Solicitation!

Chapter 322 Forced Solicitation!

A circle of light hangs high.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

It's early summer.

The weather in Astapor is already warming up.

But because it is close to the sea.

With the sea breeze blowing, the overall temperature is much cooler than other inland cities.

city ​​centre.

The largest Governor's residence.

On the open terrace at the highest point of the castle.

Morgan stroked the head of the black baby dragon Siglia and stood side by side with Barristan, looking at the whole of Astapor while blowing the sea breeze.

Behind the two of them.

Several Unsullied warriors in black armor are guarding meticulously.

"Is this little guy called Siglia?"

Barristan turned to look at the young dragon standing on the edge of the terrace.

In fact, it is not too small.

Siglia's height was close to 1.5 meters at this time.

Since Morgan took Astapor.

Siglia ate enough food every day, and as long as it was available in the castle kitchen, she could eat whatever she wanted.

This is also the reason why Siglia's height soared rapidly.


Morgan smiled and nodded at Barristan's question.

"It's the first time I've seen a real dragon with my own eyes."

Barristan sighed a little.

"Everyone who sees Sigiriya says so"

Morgan laughed.

And it does.

The dragons of House Targaryen died out more than 100 years ago.

It is not the first time that everyone sees the baby dragon now.

"It is said that owning a real dragon is enough to become a king"

Morgan stroked Siglia Qiuhei's smooth head, and continued: "When this little guy grows up, I will set foot on the continent of Westeros."

"Ser Barristan, would you be interested in staying?"

Morgan asked suddenly as he looked at the old man with white beard and hair beside him.

It was the first time since I saw Barristan visiting at the gate of the castle half a day ago.

Morgan intends to keep the former Iron Throne Captain of the Kingsguard.

Because he is too lacking in talent.

Especially a general like Barristan who has good personal strength and can lead troops in battle.

It's been a month and a half since Astapor was taken.

Apart from staring at the more than 4000 unsullied unsullied fighters who have not completed training, Morgan is more strict.

The rest of the time is basically spent sorting out the various taxes in Astapor and the city's rectification.

It is the first time to be a governor, and the first time to manage such a big city.

Morgan is rushing the ducks to the shelves.

Fortunately, there is strong force to suppress it.

There is also Missandei, the slave girl of the former clerk.

In addition, other managers who were originally responsible for helping Krazny's large slave owners manage the city were also called by Morgan to assist him.

Morgan just forced his way into the car and started his career as governor.

The city began to slowly smooth the rhythm.

On the military side.

Morgan felt that some talents were not enough.

The [-] Unsullied regular army performed very well in training under the leadership of the eight commanders.

This is Morgan's most important force now.

Daily defense of city gates, street patrols, and maintenance of city law and order all depend on these Unsullied.

As for the [-] Unsullied reserve troops that have not yet completed training, they are still undergoing strict training.

before training is complete.

Morgan wouldn't put those fighters on a mission.

These [-] Unsullied warriors were all Morgan's troops at this time.

He had long intended to recruit another army.

However, because he had just taken the position of governor and was busy, he couldn't leave him.

There are no suitable generals to lead.

That's why the idea of ​​forming another army has only stayed in his mind.

Now the city management is gradually smoothing out.

Morgan is already planning to start issuing recruiting orders.

at this time.

Barristan came suddenly to Astapor.

How could he let go of this former Kingsguard Captain whose strength and character he admired.

Morgan's voice fell.

Barristan, who was looking at the young dragon Siglia, froze immediately when he heard the sound.

The reason why he came to the continent of Essos.

One is because the offended Iron Throne Joffrey and the Lannister family behind him, in order to avoid their family being implicated, leaving is the best way.

But also to help the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty.

He was very clear about the news that Robert Baratheon had sent to assassinate Daenerys Targaryen.

Although in the end Robert withdrew his order to assassinate the pregnant Daenerys before his death.

But the message had been sent, and it was too late.


Barristan was looking for Daenerys Targaryen even more.

He intends to help the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty in his last days.

This is also the main reason why he came to the continent of Essos.

He hadn't expected to meet Morgan in Astapor.

Not even thought.

It's only been half a year since we saw each other.

The mercenaries who didn't even get the title of knight turned around and became the elite army of Unsullied with a large number, and became the governor of Astapor.

It is always rare to meet old acquaintances in other places.

Originally, he had a pretty good impression of Morgan.

This time contact Morgan, who became the governor again.

Whether it is the hospitality of the other party or the personality of the conversation.

It made Barristan's impression of Morgan deeper and better.

Moreover, because the other party has a very rare reason for having a young dragon.

It made him wonder if Morgan was the outcast blood of the Targaryen family.

But even so.

Barristan really had no intention of turning to anyone.

He is old.

Just want to do one last favor to the last remaining blood of House Targaryen.

He had a good impression of Morgan.

But it's true that she didn't think about relying on him.

He'd just been wondering what Morgan meant when the drakes grew up and set foot in Westeros.

That's when Morgan asked about it.

Barristan froze for a moment.

While stunned.

He suddenly thought that Morgan was sitting in Astapor, with a large army of Unsullied elite troops, and most importantly, he also owned a young dragon.

Morgan seems to have become a big force.

Once the baby dragon grows up.
Barristan now understood what Morgan meant by going to Westeros.

He's vying for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms!
Barristan's moment of distraction.

It seemed obvious to Morgan that there was silence.

So, looking at Barristan with white beard and hair in front of him.

With a slight movement in his mind, a special skill that he used the least frequently was activated.

Talent special skill: "Intimacy!"

For an instant.

Barristan, who had been lost in thought, immediately came to his senses.

The look at Morgan also became complicated and hesitant.

Morgan looked at Barristan with a sincere face and remained calm.

If it weren't for the fact that he really didn't want to let go of a general like Barristan.

He will not easily use the special skill of "intimacy".

After all, it is only a temporary increase in favorability with this thing.

Although it is very convenient to use on women.

But it is not so safe to use it on other people.

So Morgan is rarely used.

But now.

He can't take care of that much anymore.

Once he has Barristan's allegiance, it will be much easier for him to recruit and form a new army.

For the sake of the future, he couldn't let Barristan go.

Just as Morgan waited nervously.

In Barristan's mind, however, a fierce struggle seemed to be overwhelming.

The idea of ​​helping Daenerys Targaryen, the last bloodline of the Targaryen dynasty, and the idea of ​​being loyal to Morgan collided fiercely.

But the guilt for Daenerys was ultimately outweighed.

When Barristan was thinking that Morgan, whom he admired very much, was very likely to be the outcast blood of the Targaryen family, and helping Morgan was also the idea of ​​helping the Targaryen dynasty.

He finally made a decision.

Barristan looked at Morgan for a while, and finally took a step forward, bowed, and knelt on the ground on one knee.

(End of this chapter)

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