Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 315 Spread, grow!

Chapter 315 Spread, grow!
The night is getting darker.

The castle was brightly lit.

In the banquet hall.

Following several commanders of the Unsullied in armor, they left together.

In front of the exquisite long table.

Only Morgan on the main seat, Missandei the clerk, and Afra, the chief steward, were left.

As for the deputy director Silas and the newly appointed captain of the personal guard Missang Luo and others.

Still far from qualified to be on the table.

Watching the backs of the commanders leaving.

Morgan looked a little dazed.

Having just succeeded in seizing power, it is undoubtedly a very risky act to keep the captains of the Unsullied for dinner.

But Morgan did it anyway.

Except for the two commanders who are guarding the most important east and west city gates.

The other eight, including the two thousand commanders appointed not long ago by the two unsullied reserve army of the Unsullied, have all been asked to attend the banquet.

Morgan picked up the glass and drank one by one.

The purpose is to observe these commanders closely and more carefully.

The baby dragon Siglia has not grown up yet.

The army of the Unsullied is the only force he controls Astapor now, and it is also an important cornerstone for counterattacking Westeros in the future.

The importance is beyond doubt.

Therefore, he does not allow any accidents in the army of the Unsullied.

Among them, the commander under the rules and regulations of the Unsullied is the most important part.

Each commander has a thousand elite Unsullied fighters under his command.

Once there is a mistake, it will be a huge loss.

Although every Unsullied has been trained intensively since childhood.

As the position of commander-in-chief, it is one in a thousand, one in ten thousand.

Each of these people is extremely tenacious.

But the personalities are definitely different.

So even if the reputation of the Unsullied is world-famous, it is well-known.

Morgan also wants to meet and talk about it in person before talking about it.

He only believes in himself.

It was also during the day in the Pride Square. Among the eight Unsullied commanders, only two commanders, Gray Worm and Green Furry, were selected to go to the east and west gates of Astapor.

It was because Morgan saw the strongest loyalty in the eyes of the two of them when they faced him.

Morgan carefully considered the performance of the commanders just now.

Missandei and Aphra who were sitting upright at the side watched their master meditate without making a sound, and ate quietly.

a while.

Morgan recovered from his contemplation, picked up the wine in the transparent glass on the table in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

The nearest Missandei immediately put down the tableware in her hand, looked at Morgan next to her and said, "Master, I'm full."

"The things seized today have not been counted yet, I need to go and count them."

Hearing Missandei's words, Morgan put down his wine glass and said in surprise, "Have you checked everything?"

Missandei shook her head: "No, the raids today are all the castles of slave-owner nobles who intend to resist, and it will probably take another day for the rest."

Morgan immediately understood: "Have those who were not checked been controlled?"

Missandei: "It's already under control. All the castle rooms have been sealed off and surrounded. All the wives and children of slave owners, nobles, and servants and slaves who are waiting to be confiscated have been concentrated and controlled together, waiting for the master to deal with them."

Missandei's methodical answer made Morgan very satisfied.

He hadn't told Missandei any of this before.

Missandei needs to make up her own mind when encountering any problems during house raiding.

So far, she's definitely doing pretty well.


Morgan nodded, and continued after a little consideration: "Those people will continue to be locked up first, and I will talk about the rest after I finish meeting those guys tomorrow."

"Go ahead, remember to ask me if you have any questions."

"Yes, Master."

Missandei got up and gave Morgan a slight salute, then strode towards the door of the banquet hall.

Missandei left.

There were only Morgan and Aphra left on the dining table.

Picking up the wine glass that the maid had just filled, Morgan noticed the hesitant expression on Aphra's face out of the corner of his eyes.

But he didn't say or ask.

Missandei does better.

The pressure on Aphra is also increasing.

Morgan didn't need to guess and knew that his two little slave girls must have a rivalry in their hearts.

But he doesn't care about it, and he doesn't intend to favor anyone.

Because of the rapid change in Morgan's status.

Aphra and Missandei need to grow up fast to keep up.

Competition can make them grow faster.

Although in Morgan's heart, he likes Aphra who has unique green eyes.

But Missandei's ability did surprise him.

This is also the reason why he still treats Missandei differently even though he has only spent a short time with Missandei.

Meals are still going on.

But Aphra's previous hesitation and reluctance to speak finally did not come out.

Based on Morgan's understanding of his little slave girl.

The unspoken things should be a little difficult, but they must not be unsolvable, otherwise she will definitely tell herself.

In this regard, Aphra did not say anything, and Morgan did not ask.

He hoped that Aphra could grow faster, even if the process was difficult.

The night was darker.

The castle is heavily guarded and brightly lit.

After being served by the beautiful maids, Morgan finished his bath, walked into the spacious and luxurious master bedroom, and lay down on the brand-new soft big bed, he couldn't help but let out a long breath: "We've finally reached this point."

Although today seems to be going well.

From deceiving the great slave master Krazny, exchanging the young dragon for the golden scepter that controls the Unsullied.

Then he turned his face brazenly and killed Krazny and many slave-owner nobles.

Finally, the Unsullied were dispatched in an orderly manner to control the most important east and west city gates, patrol the streets, and kill the rebels in time.

All this requires more than a strategy that has been planned long ago.

It requires quick response on the spot and the ability to respond calmly.

Morgan did it.

Although he was a little confused at first.

What if the big slave owner, Krazny, suddenly repented temporarily and refused to agree to the exchange?
What if the other party directly forces and grabs the young dragon Siglia?
What if the other party prepares a trap for the young dragon and waits for him to get in?

Just in case
In short, reality is not a movie, there are too many variables and possibilities.

But fortunately there were no surprises in the final plan.

Let Morgan succeed in one fell swoop.

Astapor is a big city with 10,000+ people.

This is definitely a great achievement and experience that Morgan has never had.

It's also a good thing he was in Middle-earth.

In the Vale of Helm in the Kingdom of Rohan.

He personally participated in and commanded the battle between a human defending army and the half-orcs from Isinger.

This gave Morgan initial experience in commanding large-scale armies.

Otherwise, everything would never have gone so smoothly today.

Once he climbed from the level of ordinary people to the position of ruler of a big city.

Such a large class, achievements across.

The huge changes in emotions, stimuli and differences involved are by no means something ordinary people can hold.

But Morgan Hold lived.

In the early hours of the night.

When Aphra, the chief manager of the castle, finished her work, washed herself and walked into the master bedroom, she found that the master had already fallen into a deep sleep.

This is the first time I saw the owner go to bed earlier than myself.

Aphra also stopped at the bedroom door for the first time.

Looking at the deep master sleeping on the bed.

It was the first time she saw the master looking so tired.

After thinking about it, she finally closed the door carefully, turned around and backed out.

The night was darker.

The seemingly peaceful streets and lanes of Astapor.

From time to time, the sound of fighting came, but it quickly disappeared.

The dark night sky.

Carrier pigeons kept flying from the city, disappearing into the dark night sky in all directions.

Astapor is doomed to sleepless tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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