Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 311 Flip, Chaos, Killing!

Chapter 311 Flip, Chaos, Killing!

The weather was fine and sunny.

The salty sea breeze gently blows the ancient city standing on the coast.

It's the season of hope.

The light cluster hanging high in the sky is not so hot when it shines on people.

Throughout the city streets, squares, and alleys, a large number of people can be seen busy everywhere.

The hottest summer season of the year is approaching.

A large number of low-level residents have to finish their work as soon as possible, before the hot summer arrives.

For the civilians in Astapor City, today is a very ordinary day, the kind of ordinary day in which hope cannot be seen day after day.

And for the slave-owner nobles of Astapor.

Today is a day of great anticipation.

Because last night.

A shocking news came from the castle of Lord Krazny, the ruler of Astapor and the great slave owner: "Master Krazny will exchange the Unsullied Warrior for a real dragon and baby dragon tomorrow."

Yes, they heard right.

The real dragon, which had not been seen for many years, reappeared, and it was a young dragon.

Lord Krazny will exchange all the current Unsullied warriors in all of Astapor for a true dragon drake from Westeros.

When this news spread to the ears of all the slave owners and nobles in the whole city.

Everyone is looking forward to this performance.

One is because the real dragon has not appeared for too long, and there are too few people who have seen the real dragon.

It is definitely a very lucky thing to be able to feast your eyes this time.

It can't be said that after this time, the chance to see the real dragon again in the future will never appear again.

The second is that the transaction in this matter is very big.

Although real dragons and young dragons are rare, they are also very precious.

But the Unsullied warriors are equally precious, let alone all the Unsullied warriors in the entire city of Astapor.

Unsullied warriors are the pride of all slaveholders in Astapor.

for this transaction.

All the slave owners and nobles talked a lot.

Some people think it's not worth trading all the Unsullied warriors for one true dragon and drake.

But others think such a deal is worth it.

After all, the impression that the real dragon left on everyone was too powerful.

Who doesn't know that Aegon I Targaryen, the Targaryen dynasty many years ago, relied on three dragons to unify the entire continent of Westeros.

Owning a real dragon also has the possibility of raising troops to establish a kingdom.

This is the first cognition that many people in the world think of when they think of a real dragon.

This is also the reason why the great slave owner, Krazny, could not walk as soon as he saw the real dragon and young dragon, and could not give up at all.

Without him, the allure of being king is too great.

Others believed that even if Lord Krazny's deal was a good deal, losing all the Unsullied at once would inevitably put Astapor in danger.

Of course, there are only a few people who have this idea.

What they really worried about was not the danger of the city of Astapor, but their own property and life safety.

However, this kind of voice cannot reach Lord Krazny, who is the ruler of the entire city, at all.

Even if it is passed in, it is probably useless.

Because in addition to the Unsullied, Astapor also has a large number of warriors and mercenaries.

Although these are the private soldiers of various slave owners and nobles.

But at critical times, these slave owners will definitely let soldiers and mercenaries unite to deal with the enemy.

This is also the reason why the slave-owner nobles did not worry much about the city defense of Astapor after selling all the Unsullied warriors.

Of course, they probably never expected that someone would use the sold Unsullied Warriors to deal with Astapor.

Unsullied warriors exchanged for true dragons and young dragons.

Such startling news cannot be hidden.

Therefore, not only the vast majority of the slave-owner nobles in Astapor City came to Pride Square today.

There are also a lot of well-informed businessmen and civilians who also came to the square, wanting to see the real face of the real dragon and young dragon.

But since there are a lot of nobles here.

The civilians definitely don't want to get in.

They could only stretch their necks and look around the perimeter of the square guarded by soldiers.

Pride Square.

The moment when the man from Westeros named Morgan took the real dragon baby out of the cage.

The eyes of all the slave owners and nobles on the scene were all focused on the young dragon flying in the air and struggling constantly.

As one of the parties involved, the big slave owner Krazny couldn't move his eyes.

When the opponent handed over the control of the tethered young dragon to him.

Krazny was really a little excited.

Gripping the iron chain on which the young dragon was tied tightly, he seemed to be able to see himself riding on the back of a real grown dragon, conquering "Yunkai", conquering "Meereen" and becoming the king of the entire Slaver's Bay in one fell swoop.

He even thought about becoming the king of Slave Bay, continuing to conquer the Dothraki Sea Prairie to the north, and the Free Trade City to the west...

In the end, he became the king of the entire Essos continent in one fell swoop.

But the imagination is always full, and the reality is very skinny.

When Krazny was dreaming of a bright future, the struggling power of the young dragon came from the iron chain in his hand, not only did not disappear and resigned to his fate, but became stronger and stronger.

Krazny finally woke up from the fantasy.

He firmly controlled the chain in his hand.

It's just that the struggling strength of this small young dragon in the air in front of him is even more astonishing, almost giving him the feeling of letting go.

Krazny finally felt a sense of panic.

"damn it..."

Krazny cursed in a low voice with both hands out, tightly clutching the chain in his hand.

But the little baby dragon Siglia in the air didn't like him at all. Seeing her master walking away, little Siglia was anxious, struggled more, and yelled loudly at her master who was walking away.

It's just that Siglia struggled harder, but it hurt Krazny below.

Krazny was staggered by the little dragon in the air and almost fell to the ground.

As the actual ruler of Astapor, when did Krazny, the largest slave owner, suffer such a loss.

He was suddenly furious, but the object of his anger was not his still precious baby dragon, but Morgan who had already got the golden scepter.

"Hey boy, what's up with your dragon..."

"Quiet it up, or our deal won't count..."

Krazny struggled to hold the chain in his hand, and shouted at Morgan who was not far away.

In front.

He heard the shout of the great slave master Krazny behind him.

It has been tested that all the Unsullied warriors in front of them can indeed command and drive with only the golden scepter in their hands.

Morgan suppressed the excitement in his heart, tightly squeezed the golden scepter in his hand, and took a deep breath.

when turned around.

His complexion has become extremely indifferent and cold.

"It doesn't count if you say..."

Morgan turned his head and looked at the slave owner Krazny who was trying to pull the chain and said coldly: "I think Astapor should be managed by a more capable ruler..."

"What do you think, Monsieur Krazny?"

The voice fell.

"It doesn't count what you said... change the ruler..."

The big slave owner Krazny, who was still thinking about the real dragon and young dragon in his hand, turned his head instantly when he heard the voice from the opposite side.

Looking at the indifferent and cold face of the idiot boy in his own eyes.

For a moment, Krazny couldn't tell whether what the other party said was true or not.

"what are you saying?"

Krazny immediately asked nervously.

But looking at the golden scepter being held in the opponent's hand.

Krazny immediately thought of a very fatal question that he ignored: "What if the opponent uses the golden scepter to command all the Unsullied to deal with him?"

"Can the ordinary soldiers and mercenaries in the city stop the Unsullied?"

"Totally unstoppable..."

At this moment, Krazny, who realized that he had done something stupid, was instantly icy cold.

Even if the whole body is shrouded in golden sunlight;

Even if there is a scorching light above the head.

Krazny could also clearly feel the cold sweat starting to break out on his forehead and back.

But he didn't dare to make any extra moves, so he could only tightly hold the iron chain in his hand, praying in his heart that the damn Westeros boy in front of him would get out of here quickly, and even more hoped that the other party would break the contract and return the golden scepter to him.

Then I sent someone to kill this kid.

In this way, he didn't need to hand over an Unsullied warrior, and the young dragon still belonged to him.

this moment.

Krazny regretted not being able to listen to that guy Milota yesterday.

Astapor is all its own turf.

He could completely force the other party to hand over the young dragon, instead of using all the Unsullied fighters in exchange.

"This is really stupid..."

Krazny looked at Morgan holding the golden scepter opposite him with great annoyance and regret, feeling very nervous.

Looking at the momentary change in the face of the big slave owner not far away.

Morgan guessed what the other party had realized.

But it doesn't matter.

In the face of absolute strength, some are false.

He was not prepared to spare the life of the former ruler, Krazny.


Ignoring the other party's nervous eyes, Morgan directly shouted in a deep voice, "Kill him!"


Siglia, who heard the master's voice, immediately roared excitedly, before the big slave owner Krazny below could react.

Siglia immediately flapped her wings and turned her head, and opened her mouth towards the idiot holding the chain tightly, and an extremely hot crimson flame spewed out.

The big slave owner Krazny, who was holding the chain tightly below, was shocked when he heard the boy's voice on the opposite side. As soon as he looked up, he saw red flames falling from the sky above.


A shrill scream and wail sounded from Krazny's mouth instantly.

Looking at the young dragon flying in mid-air and spewing flames downward, looking at the great slave master, Lord Krazny, the actual ruler of Astapor, was instantly surrounded by dragon flames.

In Pride Square, all the slave-owner nobles immediately rioted.

"My God, what's going on..."

"How could the young dragon spit flames on Lord Krazny..."

"No, hurry up and save Master Krazny..."

"Kill that kid, kill that Westeros kid, he must have done it..."

"Quick, save Lord Krazny..."

"Come on, grab that kid..."


In an instant, the slave-owner nobles in front of Pride Square were in a riot.

The soldiers at the side of the square began to surround Morgan in the center.

Aphra looked at the chaotic slave owner nobles, and immediately pulled Missandei to quickly approach the master's position.

Looking around in chaos.

Morgan grinned, and immediately turned around to face the extremely quiet army of Unsullied behind him, saying, "The Unsullied..."

"Bang bang..."

The tidy boom sounded again.

Looking at the army of Unsullied who were ready for battle in an instant.

Morgan issued an order again in a cold voice: "Kill all the soldiers! Kill all the hostiles!! Kill all the rebels!!!"

The voice fell instantly.

Immediately, screams came from the neat formation of the Unsullied army.

Morgan turned his head to look, and saw a slave patrolman overseer who had just drawn out his long sword, and an Unsullied man wearing a helmet with three spikes pierced his stomach with a spear.

Followed by.

The screams continued.

It turned out that it was the Unsullied warrior who had been ordered by Morgan to take the lead in attacking the slave patrolmen beside him.

The army of the Unsullied began to attack.

Morgan then turned his head to look at the many slave-owner nobles not far away, and shouted: "Those who surrender will not be killed, and those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

Morgan yelled.

Immediately, the slave owners and nobles who were already in a mess were shocked and angry.

It's just that the army of the Unsullied who had been ordered at this time had already pounced on the private fighters and mercenaries brought by all the surrounding nobles.

How big is Pride Square in front of you.

Eight thousand Unsullied elite fighters, plus [-] elite fighters who have not completed their training, a total of [-] Unsullied soldiers quickly attacked in a short period of time and almost surrounded everyone in the square.

Several soldiers who obeyed the slave owner's words and rushed to Morgan immediately were blocked by several Unsullied warriors who rushed up without Morgan making a move.

The sound of brutal fighting, screams, and wailing rang out in the square one after another.

With 1 Unsullied fighters, fighting hundreds of mercenary fighters is a completely one-sided massacre.

So much so that the slave-owner nobles had no time to respond to Morgan's call.

The Unsullied warriors had rushed to the stands where the nobles gathered.

"Damn it, if you dare to touch me, you lowly idiot, I will let you live or die..."


"No, don't kill me, I surrender I surrender!!!"

"Come on, come on, kill that kid in Westeros, everything will be fine if you kill that kid!!"



"I surrender!"

"Do not kill me!"

"Damn it, you audacious lowly slaves..."

"Rush out, hurry up..."

"Do not kill me..."

"I surrender..."


Under the golden sun.

In the gentle sea breeze of the season of hope.

Pride Square was full of bloody killings.

The sound of fighting, cursing, screaming, crying, and begging for mercy continued to resound from every corner of the square.

After just ten minutes.

The killing in the square finally stopped.

Hundreds of soldiers and mercenaries were slaughtered, blood flowed horizontally, shocking, and the smell of blood was extremely pungent.

Nearly a hundred slave owners and nobles were also killed more than half of them on the spot because of their resistance.

The remaining [-] or [-] nobles who were slave owners could only curl up and squat on the stands, guarded by Unsullied soldiers.

Looking at the bloody and scarlet Pride Square;

Looking at the trembling slave-owner nobles in the stands not far away;

Looking around, the discipline is still maintained, waiting for the army of Unsullied who he ordered.

Morgan let out a long breath.

Forcibly suppress the stirring emotions in my heart.

He raised his feet and walked towards the slave-owner nobles in the stands.


Aphra, whose face was blushing with excitement, and Missandei, who was suppressing the excitement in her heart, hurriedly followed.

The little baby dragon Siglia even flew up quickly, and no matter how big she was now, she landed directly on the master's shoulder, screaming continuously as if asking for credit.

(End of this chapter)

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