Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 308 Insatiable greed, the army has arrived!

Chapter 308 Insatiable greed, the army has arrived!

The light group in the western sky disappeared.

The sunset gradually dissipated.

In the evening, as the sky continued to darken.

A large number of lights and silk lamps began to be lit in front of the streets and houses in Astapor.

Because most of the building materials in Astapor are red bricks.

Once the weather gets hot.

The ground square made of red bricks throughout the city is like a red-hot iron, which is extraordinarily hot and scalding to the feet.

This is why the busiest time in the city of Astapor is always in the evening.

The season of hope is half over.

The footsteps of the hot summer season are approaching.

The castle where the big slave owner is located is very conspicuous and easy to find.

After Morgan asked the tavern bartender.

He drove directly with Aphra and the little dragon Siglia.

at dusk.

There is no shortage of lights on both sides of the main street.

All the way to a huge castle with a vast area and ancient shapes.

As soon as Morgan got out of the car, he saw the two teams of Unsullied warriors in black armor in front of the castle, and the big slaves in yellow and blue toka robes standing in front of the castle gate. The Lord is already there.

Among them, a tall and well-proportioned girl with an exquisite appearance and a well-proportioned dress stood out beside several bloated slave owners.

"Your Excellency is the "Triple Crown" Morgan of Westeros..."

"Welcome to Astapor..."

Seeing the tall and handsome man dressed in the same clothes as the rumors got off the carriage, the bald-headed middle-aged slave owner among the several slave owners was the first to welcome Morgan and strode up to meet him.

The bald slave master's voice fell.

The young girl with a delicate face and wheat-colored sexy and well-proportioned skin immediately strode forward and began to translate to Morgan in the most widely spread "trade language" in the world.

At this time, other slave owners also followed with a smile.

For this big fat sheep who came from afar, no, he is a big customer, so they are naturally very welcome.

"Meet Lord Krazny..."

Morgan immediately greeted her with a little slave girl Aphra with a smile, speaking the same trade language.

It was a language he had learned on the boat in the narrow sea ahead.

Although he could understand the (lower) Valyrian spoken by the bald head, he didn't show it.

[High Valyrian: the language used by the Valyrian dynasty before the doomsday catastrophe; Low Valyrian: the Valyrian dialect, the dialect of the nine free cities and slave cities. 】

At this time, Aphra was holding a wooden cage covered with a wide black cloth in her arms, and inside it was the little baby dragon Siglia who whimpered and screamed strangely from time to time.

For the most powerful and famous Astapor, and at the same time almost equivalent to the ruler of Astapor, the great slave owner "Krazny", Morgan certainly knew about it.

He asked these questions in particular when he asked the bartender yesterday.

This was also the reason why he could recognize the leading slave owner at a glance.

As for other slave owners, there is no need to know more about them.

"We were very surprised to hear that Lord Morgan is coming yesterday..."

"Although I haven't been to King's Landing City for a long time, the bustling and lively place there is really impressive. I don't think I will ever forget it in my life..."

"How does Lord Morgan feel about Astapor..."

"Very good, the scenery is very beautiful, you can't see such a scenery in King's Landing City..."

"Haha, Your Excellency is right..."

"Although Astapor is not as young and prosperous as King's Landing City, this place belongs to the unique charm of Astapor..."

"Here, as long as your Excellency is willing, you can enjoy all the enjoyment you can think of, even the enjoyment that King's Landing City does not have..."

Hear the words of the great slave master Krazny.

Morgan felt a little disapproving.

Three slave cities next to Slaver's Bay.

Every city has a different emphasis on style.

The largest of the three cities was "Meereen".

The inhabitants of Meereen were equal to the inhabitants of the other two cities, Yunkai and Astapor combined.

At the same time, because of population and wealth.

Meereen's army is also the most powerful among the three slave cities, and they have huge spearmen with extremely luxurious equipment.

And "Yunkai", which is located between the other two cities.

Yunkai is best known for its brothels and whores, and Yunkai is known for being particularly good at cultivating women.

Whether it's a woman or a man.

Therefore, when it comes to enjoyment, among the three slave cities, "Yunkai" is the city of greatest enjoyment.

In Yunkai, there is a saying that is particularly resonant: "There is no enjoyment that you can't imagine, but there is no enjoyment that you can't achieve."

As for Astapor.

The most famous one is naturally the world-famous "Unsullied" warrior.

At the same time, it is also famous for training "Unsullied" and selling Unsullied fighters.

This is also the reason why Morgan disapproved of the words of the slave owner Krazny next to him.

Bragging will miss the point.

Of course, as a slave owner, Morgan must have never seen many ways to enjoy himself.

What Morgan said was only relative to the whole city.

As the ruler of Astapor, Krazny should introduce the "Unsullied" to him at this time, not anything else.

With many thoughts in his mind, Morgan smiled and said, "I'm here for this..."

"Haha, then go in, I have prepared a dinner for you, we can talk while eating..."

The big slave owner Krazny spoke with a smile, and several other slave owners also echoed with a smile.

Morgan also brought Afra into the castle with a smile on his face, following a group of slave owners.

Sophistication, luxury, hordes of slaves...

This was Morgan's first impression when he saw the situation in the castle in front of him.

Especially the group of young and beautiful slave maids in thin clothes looked particularly eye-catching.

Walk into the spacious living room.

Under the incomparably bright lights, the exquisite long dining table was already filled with all kinds of sumptuous food and fine wines.

Served by a beautiful maid, Morgan took the first seat on the left next to the main seat.

As Morgan's slave, Aphra is not qualified to sit down even if she is a very close bed warming slave.

So she stood behind Morgan with a black cloth-covered cage in her arms, replacing the beautiful maid who stood beside her master.

As for the other beautiful girl who just translated for Morgan, she stood beside Aphra, and she needed to translate for the guest Morgan and the host, Krazny.

After taking their seats, the group didn't talk nonsense, and started to deal with the food and drinks in front of them after a few polite words.

After a routine meal.

The big slave owner who had eaten a little bit looked at Morgan with a smile and said, "What are you doing in Astapor this time, kid?"

Hearing the words of the bald slave owner Krazny, Morgan frowned slightly as he lowered his head to eat, but the moment he raised his face, his face returned to normal.

He looked at the beautiful young female interpreter, and heard the other party say: "Master Krazny asked Mr. Morgan what the purpose of coming to Astapor this time is, is it for fun, or is there something else?"

Hear the words of the female interpreter.

Morgan smiled slightly, put down the tableware in his hand, picked up the tablecloth to wipe it, and said, "Of course it's for the Unsullied..."

The voice fell.

The young female translator immediately looked at the bald slave owner on the main seat and translated, "He said he came for the Unsullied."

"I guessed it..."

Krazny smiled while looking at the other slave owners, then looked at Morgan and continued: "I know you have a lot of money, and it's all gold dragon coins. Tell me, how much do you want to buy?"

The female translator immediately turned to Morgan and relayed: "Master asked how many fighters you want to buy?"

"How many do you have?"

Morgan didn't care about the bald man's impolite tone, and continued to ask.

"We now have eight thousand Unsullied."

The female interpreter did not send a message to this question, so she could answer it directly.

"Is Yaqian those fighters who have already trained?"

Morgan asked again: "How many Unsullied fighters are there who haven't finished training?"

The female interpreter spoke directly again: "The number of untrained soldiers is four thousand."

"Then I want it all!"

"Eight thousand Unsullied, plus the four thousand untrained warriors."

The question and answer between Morgan and the female interpreter obviously made the slave master Krazny on the master's seat feel puzzled, and he looked at his interpreter.

The female translator immediately relayed: "The other party said that they want to buy all the Unsullied, including all the fighters who haven't finished training."

"That's not enough. His reward of [-] Golden Dragon Coins is far from enough to afford it, and even the beautiful female slave behind him is far from enough to afford it."

"You tell him that his [-] Golden Dragon Coins can only be purchased at most [-]..."

"Is this kid crazy?"

"Eighty thousand gold dragon coins just want to buy all our Unsullied..."

"Also, all his money is used to buy the Unsullied, doesn't it mean he doesn't want food and drinks? He doesn't think that the Unsullied really don't need to eat and drink..."

The slave owner, Krazny, looked at the other slave owners aside and smiled.

Beside him, another bloated recent slave owner immediately said: "If he wants those untrained fighters, we can't sell them to him."

"Once those untrained warriors are defeated, it will not only bring shame to Astapor, but also affect the reputation of our Unsullied..."

"Um...that's right, you tell him that."

Krazny nodded and said to the female translator beside him.

"Your Excellency, we don't sell untrained fighters."

"Also, Master Krazny said that with your financial resources, you can't buy all of our Unsullied."

The female translator hesitated for a while, but after all, she still didn't say clearly that everyone knew that Morgan had obtained [-] gold dragon coins. That would be too rude.

"Either sell them all to me, or I don't want any of them."

"Once on the battlefield, the soldiers are consumed quickly, and I need to have a source of soldiers to replenish."

"As for the cost your master is worried about, don't worry about it, I can fully afford it."

"You said whether to sell or not?"

With a smile on his face, Morgan said with more confidence.

"Master, he said that he can afford all the purchases of Unsullied, including untrained warriors."

"He wanted all the fighters, and asked the master if he would sell them."

Morgan's words repeated by the female translator again.

The bald slave owner, Krazny, fell silent.

The bloated slave owner next to him said again: "No, we can't sell untrained soldiers, not to mention that this kid only has [-] gold dragon coins at most, who knows if he is cheating..."

"Master Grazdan, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to forcefully take away our soldiers in Astapor..."

Another slave owner suddenly spoke.

"Yes, as long as he can afford to pay, it doesn't matter if we sell him."

"Anyway, there are plenty of lowly slaves. We finally came across such a big fat sheep. We must not miss it..."

"That's right, we can make a contract with him in advance, and untrained fighters are not allowed to fight, otherwise it has nothing to do with us in Astapor..."

"This method can..."

"As long as this transaction can be made, I will go to Meereen next month. I heard that there is another good batch of goods over there..."


Several slave owners talked about it.

Krazny, the biggest slave owner on the main seat, didn't make a sound, and his face was obviously hesitant.

Seeing this, Morgan slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

He had already inquired about the price of the Unsullied.

An Unsullied is worth around thirty gold coins.

With more than 8 Golden Dragon Coins, he can only buy more than 600 Unsullied at most.

But [-] Unsullied warriors could not deal with the remaining Unsullied warriors in Astapor.

The most expensive thing in his whole body now is naturally the young dragon Siglia.

Even if he sells himself, it is far less than Siglia's infinite value.

Therefore, it was his plan to exchange the young dragons for all the Unsullied warriors.

The Daenerys Targaryen in memory can do it.

Morgan can do it, of course.

Thinking of this, Morgan turned to look at Aphra behind him and said, "Let Siglia come out..."

Hear the master's words.

Aphra immediately removed the black cloth covering the cage, and exposed the wooden cage containing the young dragon to everyone's eyes for the first time.


Seeing the light and seeing so many people around, Siglia immediately became irritable, opened her mouth and growled in a low voice, her face was hideous and terrifying.

Seeing Morgan without saying a word, he suddenly took out the cage containing the baby dragon.

Everyone present was stunned.

Especially the closest beautiful maids around, and all the slave owners were a little dumbfounded.

Who can guess?

Who would have thought?

A giant dragon that has not been seen for many years, unexpectedly appears here, and it is still such a small young dragon.

Looking at the shocked expression of the people around them who have never seen the world.

Morgan was very satisfied, and then looked at the bald slave owner Krazny on the main seat and said in a deep voice, "How about a dragon in exchange for [-] Unsullied, plus [-] untrained warriors?"

The female translator relayed it immediately.

"Do not..."

The color of greed flashed in his eyes, and Krazny immediately looked at Morgan and said, "This dragon, plus all the money on your body, will be exchanged for all our soldiers."

The female translator relayed it again.

Morgan shook his head with a firm expression: "No, you know the value of a dragon better than I do, just a dragon!"

Krazny also shook his head: "It's too small, plus half the gold coins on your body!"

Wait until the female interpreter finishes speaking.

Morgan looked at the bald slave owner again, and said expressionlessly, "It's just a dragon."

"My God, there are still real dragons appearing, or young dragons..."

"It's the first time I've seen a real dragon..."

"We must take down this dragon..."

"I really don't know where this kid got the baby dragon..."

"Take out all the dragons and sell them, this kid is really stupid..."

"Shut up and keep your voice down..."

"What are you afraid of? He can't understand..."


Several slave owners on the side stared at the young dragon in the cage with fiery eyes and talked a lot.

On the main seat, Krazny looked at the man in front of him unmoved, not daring to delay for too long, and immediately said: "Okay, deal!"

"However, it is definitely impossible to trade today. It will take time to gather fighters."

"How about tomorrow, tomorrow morning, in Pride Square."

Krazny said quickly.

The female translator has finished translating.

Morgan smiled, glanced at the bald man on the main seat, then looked at the young and beautiful female interpreter with a smile: "Tell him, I have changed my mind. In addition to all the Unsullied fighters, you must be added..."

Hear Morgan's words.

The female translator was obviously stunned for a moment, and quickly came back to her senses. She looked at the slave owner beside her and said, "He agreed to the deal, but...he wants the master to give me to him."

After the words fell, the slave owner, Krazny, just glanced at the female translator slave beside him, and then said, "Yes, I agree."

"Now she's yours..."

Hearing what the master said, the female translator looked at Morgan with a more complicated look, and said, "Master Krazny agreed."

After finishing speaking, the female translator took two steps aside and stood side by side with Afra.

This also means that from this moment on, she no longer belongs to Krazny, but has a new owner, Morgan.

"Thank you for your hospitality, my lord, then let's talk about it."

"See you at Pride Square tomorrow morning..."

After a polite farewell.

Morgan left the slave owner's castle with Aphra, the baby dragon Siglia, and the new slave girl "Missandei", and quickly disappeared into the darkness in a carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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