Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 304 True Dragon Lord!

Chapter 304 True Dragon Lord!

The cold wind whistled.

On the vast red wasteland.

The land is always red and the weather is dry all year round.

There are no pastures, trees, animals, or life here.

There are only low hills, wind-eroded fields and dry riverbeds.

Under the dark night.

Near the Dothraki Sea to the south of the steppe east.

In the red wasteland.

On a gathering place.

A crowd of bronze-skinned, tawny-eyed, black-haired Dothraki was gathering.

In the middle of the crowd.

The two circles were surrounded by a large number of dead branches, wood, dry weeds and other flammable firewood.

And in the center of the two circles.

There is a wooden frame that is also piled up with dry firewood.

Above the wooden frame was lying a tall, mighty-looking body, especially the long, conspicuous long hair with a cut-off whip.

The owner of the body is Khal Drogo.

Before this.

Khal Drogo is the most powerful tribal leader of the Dothraki.

He is also the husband of Daenerys Targaryen, the last bloodline of the Targaryen dynasty.

a few months ago.

King's Landing in Westeros.

The reason why King Robert Baratheon was worried about Daenerys Targaryen, the last blood of the Targaryen dynasty, and vowed to kill Daenerys was because her husband was Khal Drogo.

Khal Drogo is the leader of the most powerful tribe in the Dothraki, has countless sturdy warriors, and is invincible.

but now.

Everything is already yesterday.

Because Khal Drogo was dead.

Now lying on the funeral pyre is his body.

In front of a group of Dothraki.

A very beautiful young girl with long silver-blond hair, purple eyes, a petite and fair figure with bumps, was looking at several Dothrakis who were busy beside the tall firewood with a blank expression on their faces.

Beside her stood a tall, bearded and severely bald middle-aged knight with a sword, Jorah Mormont.

At this time, two tall young Dothraki men carried three oval-shaped dragon egg boxes half a meter long, in different colors, but with complex and regular patterns, and came to the silver-blond long-haired girl.

If Morgan was here at this time, he would be surprised that although the three dragon eggs had different colors, they were not as big as the one he hatched from little Siglia in terms of size.

"Karixi, do you really want to use these things to be buried with you?"

[Kalixi: It is a title of the Dothraki nation, used to refer to the tribal leader (Kalasar) Leader: Drogo Khal's wife]

asked the young Dothraki respectfully.
The silver-blonde long-haired girl glanced at the young man, didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

The young Dothraki man was ordered to stride forward on the pyre to lay the corpse.

"Khaleesi, dragon eggs are useless against Drogo in the realm of the dead."

"It's better to sell them, so that you can return to the free city and live a life without worrying about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Knight Jorah Mormont watched the young Dothraki man place three dragon eggs next to Drogo Khal's body, and immediately spoke.

"No, they're not for sale."

The silver-blonde long-haired girl shook her head lightly.

"Kalixi, I know what you want to do, really don't do this, he is dead, just let him go."

Jorah Mormont suddenly became agitated and said urgently in a low voice.

"You don't understand, I want to save him, even if I try my best."

The silver-blonde long-haired girl shook her head again, and finally there were emotional fluctuations on her originally expressionless face, and she said with a firm and forceful smile.

"No, but I can't watch you climb a burning cremation stand."

"I can't watch you burn alive with my own eyes!"

"Forgive me, Khaleesi, my queen."

Jorah Mormont said with an extremely firm expression, and immediately knelt down on one knee: "I swear allegiance to you, and I am willing to die for you, but I really can't stand by and watch you take risks!"

"Is this what you're worried about?"

The beautiful girl who finally heard Jorah Mormont's voice suddenly showed a sincere smile, then shook her head lightly and smiled, "It's all right."

Immediately, regardless of whether Jorah Mormont understood or not, he turned around and strode up to a group of Srakis and said loudly:
"I know some of you are slaves"

"But today, I can give you freedom, I will unshackle your shackles, you can leave as you want, no one will stop you"

"But if you choose to stay, you will be my people, and all those who stay are brothers and sisters"

"I am House Targaryen."

"Daenerys Stormborn."

"Old Valyrian blood runs through me."

"I am the Daughter of the Dragon."

"Here I swear to you"

"Anyone who wants to hurt you is my enemy and will die screaming in fear"


Daenerys Targaryen, with long silver-blond hair, stood in front of a group of Duthrakis and finished speaking.

None of the people chose to leave.

Daenerys Targaryen was satisfied with this, but there was no extra expression on her face.

At this time of crisis.

As the leader, she must not change her face in the face of anything.

Only in this way can people who follow her have enough confidence.

At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Know that everything is ready.

Daenerys Targaryen turned around, took the torch from the Dothraki beside her, and walked towards the crematorium in front of her.

Watch Khaleesi approach with torch in hand.

The middle-aged witch who was tied up under the cremation altar in advance yelled, "Didn't you say you want to give everyone freedom?"

"Why don't you give me freedom!"

Faced with the witch who was rescued by him with good intentions, but kindly avenged her husband's death.

Daenerys Targaryen said with an extremely cold expression: "You are not eligible to be pardoned."

"This is your atonement."

The voice fell.

Daenerys Targaryen stretched out her hand and lit the extremely dry dry grass with a torch.

The flames spread immediately.

Fueled by the cold wind in the wilderness, the flames quickly spread to the entire cremation altar.

Amidst the rumbling flames and the screams of the middle-aged witch.

Under everyone's gaze, Daenerys Targaryen dropped the torch in her hand, walked slowly into the blazing flames, and disappeared.

The night was darker.

The cold wind is getting stronger.

All this happened on the red wasteland at this time.

No one knows what that means.

That night.

In the early hours of the night.

The flames in the cremation circle have not been extinguished.

Suddenly, a huge red comet flashed across the sky.

The size of the red comet.

Almost the entire Essos continent can be seen clearly at this moment.

Early the next morning.

It was just getting brighter.

When the flames in the huge cremation circle finally went out.

Ser Jorah Mormont, who was struggling to stay up all night, immediately stood up and walked towards the cremation circle.

The crowd of Slarks around also noticed the extinguishment of the flames, and immediately stood up and surrounded the cremation circle.

Smoke filled the remains of a large number of unburned dead branches.

Jorah Mormont approached slowly, staring at the cremation altar in the center of the cremation circle with wide-eyed eyes.

Although a large amount of rising smoke blocked the line of sight.

But Jorah Mormont could still see everything around the pyre.

But he couldn't see the figure he wanted to see.

There was a mess of black wreckage in front of him.

Jorah Mormont's heart sank rapidly.

He kept approaching the extremely hot burning wreckage, trying his best to see everything inside the cremation circle.

However, except for the unburned black wreckage in front of my eyes.

Nothing else.

"Is it going to be a failure?"

Jorah Mormont murmured softly, disappointment, self-blame and regret flooding his heart.

Right at this moment.

Before the cremation altar.

A black wreck suddenly moved.

Even though it was stained with a lot of black ash, a face that could still see fair skin slowly lifted up.

Jorah Mormont froze.

Before the cremation altar.

When Daenerys Targaryen, who was completely black, bald, and naked, stood up slowly from a curled black wreckage.

at the same time.

The size of the three kittens are different, their bodies are of different colors, their heads are slightly larger, and from the forehead to the neck, back, and finally the long tail is covered with thorns. The young dragons appeared in Dan respectively. Nellis Targaryen had a shoulder injury and a hand injury.

Daenerys Targaryen looked at everyone around her expressionlessly.

this moment.

Already in despair, Jorah Mormont seemed to see the most incredible and unimaginable surprise in the world.

Suppressing his extremely excited heart, he watched the petite figure in front of him in black and naked offering the most loyal etiquette, and slowly knelt down.

this moment.

Not just Jorah Mormont.

All the people around Daenerys Targaryen, who witnessed the greatest miracle in front of them, slowly knelt down and offered a gift for the birth of the real dragon.

From now on.

If there is no accident, Daenerys Targaryen's titles are not only "Stormborn" and "Daughter of the True Dragon", but she also has the title of "Unburnt" and "Lord of the True Dragon".

The last "Dragon Lord" of the Targaryen dynasty.

early morning.

South of the steppes of the Dothraki Sea.

A two-seater carriage was driving on the Wilderness Avenue at a constant speed.

"Look, my lord, that red star in the sky is so beautiful."

In the carriage, the little slave girl Aphra was sitting in front of the window, pointing to the bright red comet track in the sky and said.

by her side.

The growing baby dragon Siglia was standing on Aphra's shoulders, also looking in the direction of the sky where Aphra pointed.

Morgan, who was driving, looked up and glanced at the red comet trail in the sky.

He noticed it when he first woke up in the morning.

However, with the pitiful memory of this world in his mind, he naturally doesn't know what this means.

See the master did not speak.

Aphra didn't care either, so she quickly started playing with little Siglia in the carriage.

It should be eating and living together for a long time.

The young dragon Siglia has been very hostile to Aphra other than the master from the beginning, and now the relationship is very good.

With the existence of little Siglia.

The long and boring journey of the two-person team is also obviously more fun.

But the existence of the little guy is not all good.

At least in terms of food intake, little Siglia is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the food intake can be imagined.

The little guy is starting to eat more than Morgan now.

Although a lot of raw meat was purchased in the free trade city of Norvos.

But for more than a month.

The raw meat purchased has been basically eaten by the little guy.

Morgan is now trying to train little Siglia to eat cooked food like a human.

After all, he carried enough dried meat with him.

Otherwise he would need to hunt for little Siglia again.

Such a wild grassland is not a suitable place for hunting.

He's tried it before.

And with Siglia's current food intake, if he wants to catch enough raw food for the little guy every day, then he doesn't have to hurry.

Therefore, it is imperative to train your little one to eat cooked food like yourself.

a week later.


Looking at the end of the line of sight, the rolling black mountains.

Morgan's heart moved: "That should be the "big black cliff" indicated on the map."

"When we reach the Great Black Cliff, we are not far from Slaver's Bay."

Looking at the black mountains ahead.

Morgan thought to himself.

He looked up at the somewhat gloomy sky.

Morgan waved his horsewhip.

The two horses immediately pulled the carriage and galloped forward.

at dusk.

When Morgan finally arrived at the foot of the mountain range where the "big black cliff" was located.

The overcast sky with leaden clouds finally started to rain.

When Morgan found a suitable shelter from the rain for the night under the huge blue-black mountain wall.

Not far outside the stone wall.

The pouring rain suddenly fell down.

The dust and water mist stirred up on the ground rose rapidly.

In an instant, the whole world was shrouded in a curtain of rain.

Aphra began to get busy preparing dinner.

Morgan sat by the stone wall watching the rain, while little Siglia curled up lazily in the arms of her old father.

Looking at the little dragon in front of him.

Morgan's thoughts moved slightly.

"Brush brush"

Stripes of pale white dummy data immediately jumped and flickered in front of my eyes.

【Time Traveler: Morgan】

【Race: Human】

[Biology Level: Second Level]

【Soul Power: 1】

[Attributes: Strength LV7; Constitution LV8; Agility LV6; Spirit LV6]

[Abilities: Common Language; Muay Thai LV2; White Crow Sword Technique (Proficient) LV4; Bow and Archery (Proficient) LV4; Body of Rock (Special Skill); Dragon Power (Special Skill); Skill); Eagle Eye (special skill); Flash (special skill); Dimensional Door (special skill)]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Skill)]

[Current world exploration progress: 0.99%]


The virtual data in front of him kept jumping and flashing.

Little Siglias in her arms was unmoved.

Morgan looked at the data panel in front of him with a calm expression, and frowned slightly when he saw the data behind the current world exploration progress bar below.

A month and a half ago.

When he hatched the little Siglia in his arms, the data behind the exploration progress bar had already reached: 0.99%.

1% of the achievement reward can be achieved within easy reach.

It's been a month and a half now.

I'm almost at Slaver's Bay.

The exploration progress is still 0.99%, is it stuck?
Just like back in Middle-earth.

Stuck when he was about to reach the critical point of the achievement reward?
Look at the data in front of you.

Morgan was lost in thought.

at this time.

A palm-sized colorful butterfly suddenly flew in front of Morgan.

next second.

Little Siglia, curled up in her old father's arms, immediately opened her eyes and opened her mouth to spit.


A bright yellow flame suddenly spewed out from Siglia's mouth.

The flying colorful butterflies were instantly burnt to charcoal.

(End of this chapter)

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