Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 280 The Famous King's Landing City!

Chapter 280 The Famous King's Landing City!

The cheers were loud and enthusiastic.

On the side of the stand, the audience in the area closest to the three participating knights and the target felt anticipation when they saw Morgan, who was dressed in dark red mighty armor, draw three arrows at once and put them on the bowstring.

It's just that Morgan's movements were too fast, and the position where the three arrows shot in volley and hit the bull's-eye was really magical and shocking.

This also made the audience who were looking forward to him excited and climaxed instantly when the three arrows hit.

The violent cheers confused the audience who were a little further away from the stands.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

"what is the problem?"

"Did that Morgan do something amazing again?"

"Damn, can anyone tell me what happened?"


Hearing the sudden burst of cheers, the curious audience couldn't help asking.

They were a little far away, and they could see the three knights but couldn't see the target further away.

But soon.

Someone passed the news.

"Three Arrows Hit by One Arrow"

"The three arrows that Morgan shot at once all hit the target, which is unbelievable."

"I have seen archers who can shoot three arrows at once, but it is unheard of for three arrows to hit the same target"

"I knew it, I knew my Morgan could do it, he was so handsome, I fell in love with him, he was the prince of my dreams."

"Shoot three arrows at once and hit the bullseye? Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

"Damn, hurry up and announce their results, I can't wait."


Countless spectators around the arena were discussing.

The highest, the best location on the high platform.

King Robert Baratheon, leaning on the throne, watched the moment when Morgan shot three arrows at the same time and hit the target.

He couldn't help but drank the wine glass in his hand, then laughed, and said to Barristan Selmy, the captain of the Kingsguard who stood beside him in full armor, "I knew he could do it."

"At the hunting competition in Winterfell, Morgan showed amazing shooting skills."

"Hey, it's a pity that the northern winter bear I hunted for the first time was actually defeated by this kid."

"The title of "Sharp Shooter" should spread throughout King's Landing this time."

Robert Baratheon smiled and said that he didn't feel ashamed at all because he lost to Morgan in the hunting competition.

Although he was in Winterfell back then, because of the persuasion of his old friend Ed Stark, he didn't insist on letting the smaller winter bear he hunted participate in the evaluation.

But with his character, being able to speak out in public means that he doesn't care at all.

"What do you think of this Morgan?"

Robert Baratheon asked while looking at Barristan Selmy, Captain of the Kingsguard Guards.

"Your Majesty is right."

"This Morgan is indeed a marksman. It's the first time I've seen such a powerful ability."

Barristan Selmy smiled, and continued: "And not only now, but also in the morning's "Pike Tournament" competition system, the strength displayed is also astonishing."

"I think as long as he can keep playing tomorrow, it should not be difficult to win the "Archery Tournament" next."

"Even in the "Pike Tournament" competition system, I also think he should be a strong contender for the No.1 victory this time."

Barristan Selmy, Captain of the Kingsguard, looked at the conspicuous figure on the field in the distance and said with a smile.

Yes, ever since Morgan easily defeated the Hugh Knight from the Vale of Arryn in the morning, Barristan Selmy had a good impression of Morgan on the spot when he helped him up with such a gentleman.

"Haha, it seems that you and I have the same vision."

Hearing the words of his captain of the Kingsguard, King Robert Baratheon laughed.

"I heard that this Morgan is Lord Stark's retainer?"

Barristan Selmy asked suddenly.

His relationship with the current Prime Minister Ed Stark has always been good.

At this time, looking at the conspicuous figure on the field who showed amazing strength in just two competitions, he couldn't help saying: "If this is the case, Lord Stark is lucky."

The benefits of being able to recruit or have a strong man of Morgan's level of strength are completely obvious.

Having such a strong man under his command can no longer be described by pure luck.

Look at the Lannister family behind Queen Cersei Lannister.

A "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane, a "Hound" Sandor Clegane, the brutal and powerful reputation of these two brothers made many people shudder.

Barristan Selmy, Captain of the Kingsguard, filled the king's empty cup as he spoke.

Robert Baratheon took a sip and continued, "He is the swordsman of Ed's family."

"But if it's Stark's retainer, I don't know."

"But I believe that as long as Ed is not stupid, he will not let Morgan go"

The king shook his head and spoke.

Queen Cersei Lannister, who was sitting aside frowning, suddenly narrowed her charming green eyes when she heard what the two said, as if thinking of something.

Noble stand area.

"Look, look!"

Arya Stark pointed at the teacher in dark red armor on the field and shouted excitedly.

"Saw Arya."

"It's outside, you're a girl, you need to pay attention."

Ed Stark on the side stood up with some headaches and pressed his excited little daughter, and couldn't help saying.

"Can I learn archery with my teacher?"

Arya Stark, who was forced to sit down, seemed to have thought of something, and immediately looked at her father and asked.

"Of course, as long as you are not afraid of being tired, I can let Morgan teach you."

Eddard Stark nodded.

It has been compromised to let Arya learn swordsmanship, and it is okay to learn bow and archery again.

It's just that Arya Stark looked at the teacher on the field, fell silent for a while and then said, "Let's forget it."

"The teacher said that I have a talent for swordsmanship, so I don't need to be distracted anymore."

It's rare to hear my little daughter say such words and think like this.

Ed Stark couldn't help but said with relief: "Your teacher is right."

"Arya, if you think this way, it means that you have really grown up."

on the field.

Just when countless audiences were discussing.

The official staff next to the arena rushed to the position of the three targets at the moment when the three participating knights put down their longbows.


When the results of the three knights were counted.

The official staff loudly announced that Morgan's horse archery and foot archery scores were all hit, and all six arrows hit the target, and he was the winner of this group.

The overwhelming enthusiastic cheers once again resounded throughout the Royal Garden Arena.

If Morgan's astonishing performance in the first round of "Immediately Spear Fighting" in the morning was just to gain familiarity in front of countless audiences in King's Landing City.

Now, Morgan's amazing performance in this "Archery Tournament" project undoubtedly deepened the impression of Morgan on the spot for all the audience.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"



Morgan rode the "radish" on the field as a winner as usual, enjoying the calls of countless spectators in the stands.

Especially the screams of some female voices mixed with the cheers.

Put Morgan in a better mood.

Speaking of honor.

Morgan was already in glory in Middle-earth.

Speaking of fame.

Morgan's name in Middle-earth has already spread throughout the continent.

He has enjoyed too many people's attention, respect, reverence, and even fear.

However, he had never encountered such passionate cheers and fanatical shouts calling his name.

This kind of new feeling is somewhat similar to that of a star in focus.

Let Morgan feel unprecedented freshness.

After all, the foot has been replaced by the new Westeros instead of Middle-earth.

Facing the cheers from the stands, Morgan waved with a very cooperative smile.

This also made the audience cheer even louder.

Especially many young girls and young women who covet Morgan's handsome beauty.

Morgan's group was the last group in the first round of the Tournament Archery.

As he rode the same excited head-shaking "turnip" to the victory track, and left the field.

Countless spectators in the stands also began to disperse.

The competition at noon can be regarded as a temporary end.

a few hours later.

That is, in the evening, the most exciting and thrilling "group close combat" competition system in the tournament will be staged.

The few hours of rest are meant to allow the participating knights to rest (many knights participate in more than one competition system).

It is also for the audience who cheered for half a day and hours to take a good rest.

Eating, drinking, and even going to a brothel to do sports, to relax, and to be more passionate in the evening.

After half an hour.

Morgan returned to the Stark family castle in the noble district.

The showy Morgan returned to the castle and was pestered by student Arya Stark to ask various questions about the tournament.

Finally when Arya asks if she can compete in tourneys when she grows up.

It happened to be heard by Ed Stark, the Hand of the King, who cruelly cut off Arya's dream of participating in the tournament in the future for Morgan.

afternoon time.

After Morgan, Ed Stark and the two Miss Starks had another afternoon that wasn't dinner.

In the evening, I once again came to the royal garden in the east of the Red Castle with the Stark family.

When entering the arena.

Only to find that all kinds of oil lamps and oil-stained torches have been hung around the entire arena.

A large number of flames illuminated the entire arena as if it were daytime.

In the long stands, the audience continued to enter the arena amidst the noise.

Tournament activity center.

Morgan has gathered with a group of contestant knights for the final draw.

Among the three competition systems of the Martial Arts Tournament, the "Group Close Combat Competition" is somewhat different from the other two competition systems.

The competition system this time is that four participating knights gather in a certain range to fight and kill.

Until the last one left is the final winner.

This can also be regarded as the chicken eating mode of the Westeros continent.

Four people fight together.

If acquaintances are assigned together, it will undoubtedly be unfair to other contestants once they form a team.

So use the lottery mode.

In this way, even if a similar thing happened, it could only be blamed on my bad luck.

Of course, if you feel that your strength is not enough, you can also form a team with other people.

Anyway, there is only one person left in the end, and there is only one winner.

A total of 24 people participated in the "Group Melee Competition" competition system, and a group of four can be divided into six groups.

Following the instructions of the white-haired old man I met during the day.

At the beginning, some participating knights stepped forward to draw their own participation numbers.

Morgan stood behind the crowd.

His gaze was sweeping over the contestants in front of him.

When he looked at the last one, he couldn't find a familiar one.

However, he knew very few people in King's Landing City.

In this tournament, he only knew two hounds, Sandor Clegane and Jaime Lannister.

One of them is an enemy.

Although I couldn't see acquaintances.

But Morgan did see several knights who participated in the other two formats during the day.

Of course, there may be more and not necessarily.

After all, today is a big day, and many knights are fully armed with armor and even their heads are wrapped in helmets, making it difficult for people to recognize them even if they see them.

The knights who drew their entry numbers one by one were registered together.

It wasn't long before it was Morgan's turn.

Morgan stepped forward, and casually took out a ball of paper rolled into a small ball in the sealed box.

Open the ball of paper, there is NO.16 on it.

According to the grouping rules, he belongs to the fourth group.

The 24 participating knights were divided into groups.

With the warriors came His Majesty's orders.

The first group of four riders also stood in front of the track on horseback.

Then, at the beginning of the white-haired old man.

The four horses rushed out together and galloped towards the field.

It was getting dark.

The entire arena was brightly illuminated by a large number of fires.

On the long stands.

Countless audiences were chatting, chatting and drinking, noisy and noisy.

In the noisy arena.

"bang bang bang"

At this time, the sound of horseshoes began to come from the distant track.

The originally noisy stands immediately became quiet.

All are waiting.

at last.

When the first group of four fully armed knights rushed into the arena on horseback.

Incomparably warm cheers resounded over the royal garden once again.

With the explanation and rules before the game.

The four knights first saluted in front of the King and Queen stands, and after running around the arena, they each chose their own direction, jumped off their horses, and walked quickly into the center of the arena. A circle with a diameter of about twenty meters was circled by white lime. within a large circle.

This circle is also known as the circle of death.

Because no matter active or passive, as long as you take a step outside the circle, you will be eliminated.

The first thing the four of them did when they stepped into the circle was to draw out their long swords and prepare for battle.

Maybe it's because they don't know each other, or maybe the time is too tight, none of these four have any behaviors such as forming an alliance with each other.

However, there is no time limit for the "Archery Tournament" competition system.

But the patience of the audience is extremely limited.

Once they find that the participating knights show signs of delay, they will boo the first time to urge the knights to fight.

They are the best watchers.

Right now, in the arena, when the four knights in the first group began to show signs of delay because of mutual scruples.

For the first time, boos began to sound from the stands.

Aware of the impatience of the audience in the stands, the four knights in the arena immediately changed. At the same time as speeding up the test, the battle broke out.

After half an hour.

When the last knight with broken armor, dropped helmet, and even a bloody wound on his face stood alone in the middle of the arena.

The first winner of the group melee jousting emerged.

Next is the second group. The third group.
When the increasingly enthusiastic audience sent away one winner after another.

There was another rush of hoofbeats.

The spectators looked expectantly at the entrance of the track again.

With the first, second, third and third knights rushing out of the track one after another.

There were warm cheers again from the stands.

And when the last tall, handsome knight in dark red mighty armor with a distinctive ponytail rushed into the arena.

The cheers over the entire arena suddenly became intense and high-pitched!

 Thank you "Native People Five and Six" for another 2 rewards, and thank you "Northern Black Bear, hill20208994, book friend [-]" for your rewards~~Ps: A few words, I haven't read the original work of Quan You. Some plots and scenes in the TV series are not expressive enough. For example, the martial arts competition that I am writing is, after all, the city of Junlin, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. The archery competitions and group melee competitions that are not in the TV series are all thought up by myself. I have no water recently. If you are not satisfied, please spray lightly (cover your face). Finally, fantasy novels, don’t compare them to reality, you Is this embarrassing my fat tiger? (dog head)~~Ask for a few monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~~
(End of this chapter)

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