Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 271 Prologue, Dragon Egg!

Chapter 271 Prologue, Dragon Egg!
Early the next morning.

When Morgan wakes up.

It was just dawn.

The previous two days of snowstorms took away the bad weather on the east coast of Westeros.

When Morgan stepped out of the tent, he noticed a golden cloud spreading from the horizon in the eastern sky.

There is no doubt that this is a sign that the light group is about to rise.

Today will be a very nice sunny day.

At this time, the entire huge camp has begun to get busy.

It is only one day away from Junlin City, and the huge team from Junlin City is eager to return.

Everyone in Winterfell is also full of expectations for King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

The journey of more than three months in the wild was really exhausting.

Everyone wanted to reach King's Landing City as soon as possible.

Strange to say, it was blocked by a rare blizzard for two days when it was only one day away from King's Landing City.

It also happened that Prince Joffrey was bitten by the Duke of Winterfell's daughter's pet direwolf.

But fortunately, the trip in the wild is finally coming to an end.

Although the atmosphere of the huge team on the road again is much duller than before.

It was just dawn.

Those who woke up were servants and warriors.

The nobles did not get up until breakfast was ready.

But today is the day to arrive at Junlin City, and everyone is very active.

When the light group in the east just emerged.

The huge team embarked on the final journey.



The rhythmic sound of wheels rolling beside him continued to be heard.

In the middle of the huge team, there was an exquisite and large carriage on both sides, except for several heavily armed soldiers following on both sides.

Morgan riding an orange "radish" also followed beside the exquisite carriage body.

It seems that the cruelty of yesterday had a certain impact and influence on the two Miss Starks.

During previous journeys, Arya Stark, who often liked to lie by the window of the carriage and chattered around Morgan, was silent this time.

The car next to me was quiet.

Morgan is also happy to relax.

Time passed so slowly.

At that time, the light cluster in the sky climbed up to the sky above everyone's heads.

In the distance, the huge city towering majestically on the east coast began to become clearer.

It was just after noon.

The huge team finally reached the outskirts of King's Landing City.

A large number of poor people at the bottom could not afford to live in the city of King's Landing, so they could only live in small huts outside the city walls of King's Landing.

The countless huts built randomly by the poor at the bottom are not planned and the order is chaotic.

Therefore, these places are not only densely populated, but also the living environment is dirty and messy, with sewage flowing, garbage everywhere, and a foul smell.

Of course, King's Landing is not much better.

The team approached the shed area outside King's Landing.

A burst of foul smell was carried by the cold winter wind and quickly blew through the entire huge team.

In the team, a group of people from King's Landing City have long been familiar with this.

Although everyone from Winterfell frowned, they didn't find it too strange.

In this era, no matter which large city has similar problems.

The bigger the city, the more populous it is, and the more prosperous the mega-cities are.

The middle of the huge team.

Arya Stark, who had been holding back in the carriage for a long time, just opened the curtains when she smelled a stench coming from the front, and her little face immediately wrinkled into a ball.

"Mr. Morgan, can we reach King's Landing City today?"

Arya looked at the tall and handsome man on horseback and asked.

"Of course, we're almost there."

Morgan withdrew his gaze, looked at Arya and said.

"But why is King's Landing so smelly? Also, look at those houses"

Arya stretched out her head, looking at the large number of shacks getting closer and closer in front of her, she turned her head and asked again.

"Nothing strange."

"It's the same as your winter resort outside Winterfell, so you don't find it strange to think so."

Morgan continued.

"Okay, but our winter town is not as broken and smelly as here."

Arya continued to poke her head out and mutter.

But Morgan ignored it this time.

At this time, the large team had already entered the shed area.

Such a large, luxurious and majestic team came in, and soon attracted a large number of plain clothes or patches around the only spacious avenue in the shed area, and even many of them were barefoot in the winter, with dirty faces. The crowd of Xixi children.

The team moved forward slowly.

Finally, in the afternoon.

The large team finally passed through the shanty town and arrived in front of the "Giant Dragon Gate", one of the seven gates of King's Landing City.

The capital defense team on the city wall opened the city gate early and waited respectfully on both sides of the road.

The huge team drove into the giant dragon gate at a constant speed.

Watching the tall city gate slowly closing behind.

Morgan finally arrived at the center of the Westeros continent, the "King's Landing City" in the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

The pavement is made of crushed stones, and the spacious streets are lined with various shops, and people in various costumes come and go.

Minaret, bell tower, garden, square.
The environment in King's Landing was similar to other big cities Morgan had seen.

If you really want Morgan to tell the difference.

That is, the flow of people in Junlin City is denser, the streets are more prosperous, and the environment is worse.

Go straight along the street where the giant dragon gate is located.

after an hour.

The huge convoy stopped on the bustling street in front of Aegon High Hill.

Soon, the huge team was divided into two.

The larger one went straight for the Red Keep, the royal castle atop Aegon's High Hill.

The other branch goes in the other direction of the busy street.

It was King Robert Baratheon and Queen Prince Joffrey who went to the huge and majestic royal castle on the high hill of Aegon.

And the other is the new former Prime Minister Ed Stark leading the Winterfell team.

After Morgan rode his horse and followed the team into an area guarded by heavily armed soldiers, he soon entered a large area of ​​clean streets, tree-lined, and exquisite buildings.

The environment here is clean and the scenery is beautiful, which is far different from the streets I have walked before.

Obviously, this should be the residence of the nobles of King's Landing City.

Soon, under the leadership of several well-dressed attendants.

Ed Stark led the Winterfell team into a small and exquisite castle.

Just after the large team entered the castle, a large group of male and female servants standing in front of the gate of the small castle immediately bowed and saluted.

"This should be my next residence in King's Landing City."

Looking at the servants bowing and saluting not far away, Morgan thought to himself.

This journey from Winterfell lasted for more than three months.

At this time, everyone was exhausted.

Soon, under the busyness of many servants.

It didn't take long for the team to settle down.

This small castle certainly cannot be compared with Winterfell in terms of size.

So Ed Stark and his two daughters lived on the second floor.

The first floor is where Morgan's guards live.

When everything is settled.

It was almost dusk.

The castle servants have prepared dinner.

First dinner in King's Landing.

Ed Stark greeted the female officer, clerk, Morgan, and the important members of the guard captain Kelsen brought from Winterfell this time, and sat together in the banquet restaurant on the second floor.

On the long banquet table, Arya Stark was a little sullen, but Sansa Stark said nothing.

Ed Stark didn't care, he just watched the retainers keep giving orders.

Among the other four who could be on the table, except for Morgan, the other three had long been retainers of the Stark family.

Ed Stark finished explaining to the female officer and the clerk, and was looking at Morgan when he was about to speak.

There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the restaurant.

Immediately afterwards, Jory, the deputy captain of the guard, appeared at the door of the restaurant.

"what's up?"

Ed Stark asked immediately.

"My lord, an attendant suddenly arrived in the Red Castle, saying that Grand Maester Pacelle is going to hold an imperial meeting, and he is respectfully inviting your lord to go."

said Jory quickly.

Ed Stark frowned and asked, "Now?"

Jory: "That's what they say."

Ed Stark: "Where are they?"

Jory: "It's down there."

After a short silence, Ed Stark stood up and prepared to leave.

"My lord, it's so late, do you need me to accompany you?"

Morgan, who was suffering from eye problems, immediately spoke.

Reminded by Morgan, Ed Stark stopped, turned his head to look at Morgan and smiled: "It's not that dangerous, Morgan, you stay and take care of the castle, and Arya and Sansa will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Ed Stark turned his head to look at the captain Kelsen and said, "Kelsen, bring some people with me."

"Yes, my lord."

Kelsen immediately got up in response, followed Ed Stark and walked downstairs with big strides.

Morgan sat back in his seat, slightly recalling Eddard Stark's expression in his mind and didn't care.

It's better not to let him follow, he still wants to go out at night.

Without speaking, Morgan immediately picked up the knife and fork to deal with the rich food in front of him.

Lord Eddard Stark left.

There is no one at the dinner table who can hold down the rebellious child Arya Stark.

Arya only took two bites before throwing down the fork in her hand, picking up the knife and poking it at the table.

"Miss, you should eat something."

Seeing this, the female officer on the side immediately spoke.

"I'm practicing."

Arya Stark replied immediately.

"What can you practice?"

Sansa Stark, who was sitting next to her sister, stopped the tableware in her hand, looked at her sister and asked.

"Practice swordsmanship and seek revenge on the annoying prince."

After Arya's voice fell, everyone at the table immediately looked at Arya.

"Shut up Arya, you can't talk nonsense."

The female officer was taken aback and stopped immediately.

She watched Arya grow up, and she was a retainer of the Stark family very early, her status was not low, and she was fully qualified to educate Arya and Sansa.

"He's just a cowardly liar and killed my friend. I won't let him go."

Arya continued with an angry face.

"The apprentice butcher was killed by the hounds, not the prince."

Sansa Stark answered immediately.

Arya: "But he gave orders!"

Sansa: "You're an idiot."

"You are, and you are a big liar"

Hearing this, Arya finally became angry. After holding back for a whole day and night, she yelled at her sister: "If you hadn't lied, my friend wouldn't have died!"


The female officer finally couldn't take it anymore and shouted loudly.

at this time.

"Arya, if you can convince Lord Stark, I can teach you the swordplay you want."

Morgan's voice suddenly sounded.

It's just that his voice didn't fall.

"Your Excellency Morgan, I will tell the Duke the truth."

The female officer who had just reprimanded Arya immediately turned her head to look at Morgan and said seriously.

Faced with the female officer's warning, Morgan just shrugged and smiled without saying a word. He chewed and swallowed the last lamb chop in his mouth, then put down the tableware, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and left the banquet hall.

"Arya, don't listen to him."

Seeing Morgan's disappearing back, the female officer immediately looked at Arya and said, "You want to be a lady, but you can't be a beast like a man."

Aegon Highhill.

The tallest building in the entire huge city of King's Landing is located: the royal castle "Red Castle".

At this time, in the depths of the Red Castle.

In a solemnly decorated hall.

When Ed Stark walked into the hall under the guidance of his attendants.

The four people who were originally sitting in the center of the hall, the four figures in front of a delicate and heavy conference table immediately stood up.

"Lord Stark, I'm finally waiting for you."

"Renly, long time no see."

"Lord Stark, you look a bit tired, I wanted to hold the meeting another day, but"

"But national affairs cannot be delayed"

"I'm Petyr Baelish, Lord Stark, I've wanted to see you for a long time"


After some chat.

Ed Stark sat at the center of the conference table.

Beside him and at the opposite table, sat the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom: "Renly Baratheon";
Chancellor of the Exchequer: "Petyr Baelish (also known as "Littlefinger" because he is from the Five Fingers Peninsula)";
Head of Intelligence: "Varys";
Bachelor: "Pycelle";
In addition to the absence of the Sea Minister "Stannis Baratheon" and the captain of the Kingsguard "Barristan Selmy", as well as the frequent absence of King Robert Baratheon.

All other members of the Imperial Council are present.

Ed Stark also started his first imperial meeting in King's Landing.

"The tournament in one month's time"

"Immediately the champion with the long spear will be rewarded with [-] gold dragon coins, and the runner-up will be rewarded with [-] gold dragon coins."

"The winner of the group close combat will be awarded [-] yuan, and the champion of the bow and arrow competition will be rewarded with [-] yuan."

"It adds up to a total of [-] gold dragon coins."

Ed Stark put down the charter in his hand, looked up at Till Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and asked, "Can the treasury afford it?"

late at night.

Steel Street.

As one of the busiest and busiest streets in Junlin City.

Even in the middle of the night, the streets are still full of people.

At this time, a tall figure in a black robe suddenly walked out of the side alleyway.

The tall figure walked up the street, towards the steel street where the street was more prosperous and the goods were more luxurious and expensive.

After half an hour.

Inside one of the most luxuriously decorated shops on Steel Street.

A tall figure in a black robe walked into the store, looked at the handsome and enthusiastic clerk and asked directly, "Do you have any dragon eggs for sale here?"

(End of this chapter)

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