Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 261 Plan, awards!

Chapter 261 Plan, awards!

The light group that rarely appears in the winter season has disappeared into the sky.

It was cold and windy.

A vast wilderness on the edge of a large forest.

The crowd who were waiting didn't feel cold at all, they were chatting and discussing with great interest.

"Who do you think will win the No.1 prize in this hunting conference?"

"I don't know, anyway, those who have already come out should not be able to get No.1."

"I think it's our Lord Duke"

"The Duke is getting old, but I think Lord Robb Stark can win."

"I think Jon can win, I've seen his strength before."

"This time, not only those from Winterfell are involved in the hunt, but also those from our King's Landing. His Majesty the King is still here."

"His Majesty the King is getting old, I think that "Hound Dog" is very likely to win No.1."

"It's a pity that Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard didn't come, otherwise he has the greatest chance of winning No.1."

"Don't mention the "King Slayer", if he is not the queen's brother, who would remember who he is?"

"You must think that because of your strength, you can definitely get No.1?"

"This is a hunting contest, not a tournament"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"When it comes to strength, didn't you think of Morgan the "Sharp Shooter" that the Stark family recruited not long ago?"

"I think that Mr. Morgan is the most likely to win No.1."

"Who? Sharpshooter Morgan? The new retainer of House Stark?"

"What's the point of your arguing like this? You'll know in a while."

"Hey, it's a pity that I'm not good at shooting, otherwise I can participate in this hunting meeting"

"No.1 has one thousand gold dragon coins, one thousand gold dragon coins!"

"Not only a thousand gold dragon coins, but also the No.1 reputation in the hunting conference, which is personally recognized by the king and queen."


"Who said it wasn't"

A group of guards and part-time prey-carrying warriors stood chatting together.

Not far ahead of them.

A dozen or so members of the hunting team have already left the forest first.

But among these members.

The best hunting results were two wild boars of average size.

The worst was killing two hares and two birds.

Luck is sometimes hard to explain clearly.

But if the strength is not enough, no matter how lucky you are, it is useless.

It was almost dusk.

At this time, it is very close to the collection time mentioned in the morning.

Presumably the other members of the hunting team, as well as His Majesty the King and His Excellency the Duke are already on their way back.

A group of guard soldiers and members who finished hunting all looked towards the edge of the forest frequently.

at this time.

A huge figure suddenly appeared at the edge of the dark forest.

"Giant bear, my God."

"Such a big bear, damn it, get up"

"Wait, something's wrong"

"That giant bear is dead, look carefully."

"Really, there are people down there."

"Unbelievable, he picked up the dead bear"

"Someone actually hunted down a giant bear, and it's still such a big bear, my God."


I saw the figure that suddenly appeared at the edge of the forest, carrying the astonishingly large bear corpse.

Everyone waiting at the edge of the forest was boiling.

Time passed slowly.

Watching the figure carrying the huge bear carcass continue to walk out of the forest.

Everyone is looking at that figure.

Finally, when the opponent walked out of the dark forest, his figure immediately became clear.

"It's Morgan!"

"It's Morgan, the new sharpshooter from Winterfell!"

"My God, I knew it was his!"

"You don't know how amazing the arrow he shot at the training ground was."

"Who is Morgan?"

"The Stark family recruited a swordsman not long ago. I heard that he is still a sharpshooter."

"I heard that the sharpshooter shoots all arrows without fail, but I don't know if it's true"

"It must be true, otherwise how can we hunt and kill a giant bear of such a size, it is a giant bear, far from what wild boars can compare"

"Is this the strength of a sharpshooter?"

"That kid is going to grow up"


The moment Morgan walked out of the forest carrying the giant bear's corpse.

The people not far away immediately heard discussions and exclamations.

Morgan's hearing is very good, and he doesn't care what everyone says.

He lifted the huge bear corpse and threw it to the ground.


A bang.

The ground shook slightly.

At this time, a group of guard soldiers and other hunting members immediately stepped forward.

Onlooker mode started.

A few hunting members who were fairly acquainted with Morgan stepped forward and licked Morgan, no, it was a compliment.

In Winterfell, anyone with a little bit of information knew about Morgan.

But it is limited to the inner castle of Winterfell, and even the winter escape town is almost there.

Now, he has hunted and killed a huge bear of this size in a hunting contest jointly held and participated by His Majesty the King and His Excellency the Duke.

It's really hard not to be famous.

Those present couldn't think of any prey that could compare to this adult giant bear.

This hunting contest.

Morgan's No.1 can be said to be a sure thing.

And in front of kings and dukes.

This kid is about to develop.

Looking at the huge bear corpse in front of them, this was almost the thought of most people present.

The cold wind whistled.

As the sky began to get dizzy.

The northern wilderness of winter is getting colder and colder.

When Morgan shocked everyone at the edge of the forest with the giant bear's corpse, he shocked several warriors returning from hunting one after another.

Among them is Robb Stark.

It didn't take long.

Two figures appeared at the edge of the forest.

A tall man with a resolute face.

The other figure is also tall, but even more bloated and mighty.

Watching these two figures appear.

All the people waiting outside greeted him immediately.

King Robert Baratheon and Duke of Winterfell Ed Stark smiled as they walked, and they were about to call the soldiers ahead to carry the corpses of their prey.

It's just that as soon as the two of them walked out of the forest, they saw a huge corpse lying there at the edge.

The two stopped for an instant.

King Robert Baratheon looked at the corpse on the ground in front of him, and immediately looked back at his old friend beside him, and saw his old friend looking over.

The king's eyes were full of surprise, shock, and a hint of helplessness.

Apart from the same surprise and astonishment in Eddard Stark's eyes, there was actually a trace of dumbfounding on his face.

Robert Baratheon stepped forward immediately, and after carefully looking at the frozen corpse of the giant bear, he squatted down next to the head of the giant bear, looking at the arrow that was shot deep into the eye socket. .

There was no trace of injury anywhere else on the dead bear in front of him.

Except this eye socket.

This shows that this huge and ferocious beast was killed by a single arrow.

Facing such a ferocious giant bear.

The arrow's archery is accurate and powerful.

There is no doubt that the person who shoots the arrow has extremely high archery skill and ability.

This is no coincidence at all.

This requires absolute strength.

Who is this guy?
King Robert Baratheon immediately stood up and looked at the crowd and asked, "Whose prey is this?"

"Your Majesty, it's mine."

Hearing the king's questioning, Morgan came out from the side.

"very good!"

"This is the most powerful prey I have seen being hunted for so many years."

"You are indeed a very good marksman"

Robert Baratheon walked up to Morgan Stone, patted him on the shoulder, and said.

Then he turned around to greet the other warriors, and followed him to carry the corpse of the prey.

Watch the king walk away.

Thinking of the other party's attitude just now, it seems that something is wrong.

Morgan immediately walked up to Ed Stark: "My lord, is this His Majesty the King?"

The strangeness His Majesty the King showed just now.

It wasn't just Morgan who found out.

Others who knew a little about the king's character were found.

"It's okay, you'll find out in a while."

Facing Morgan's doubts, Ed Stark just smiled slightly.

Not too long.

When King Robert Baratheon led several warriors out of the forest carrying a huge prey.

Morgan finally knew that something was wrong with the king's attitude just now.

It turned out that Robert Baratheon's prey was also a huge bear.

Only compared to the one Morgan hunted.

The giant bear in front of him was obviously a size smaller.

According to Morgan's visual inspection, the giant bear standing in front of him should be about three meters tall.

And the one he killed was [-] meters tall.

The body of the giant bear in front of him was covered with wounds everywhere, and the most deadly one was the sword that pierced into the bear's chest.

It is still stuck in the giant bear's chest and has not been pulled out.

It was only when Morgan saw this that he realized that the king's hair was disheveled and dirty, his body was also dusty, and the leather cloak had obvious signs of being torn.

This is obviously a trace left after the fierce battle between the king and the giant bear.

This also shows the strength of the king.

At such an age, with such a bloated body, he could still fight a ferocious bear with a stature of three meters.

Back to the topic.

Then look at the bigger giant bear that Morgan killed, except for the deep arrow in the eye socket, there is no other trauma.

Compare the two.

Regardless of the size and strength of the prey; or the hunting methods of the hunter.

There is no doubt that Morgan is stronger.

It was no wonder that King Robert Baratheon was in a depressed mood.

Kings are human too.

There are also seven emotions and six desires.

Robert Baratheon's various desires are stronger than everyone else's.

In front of me, whoever has changed.

In such a situation, I will never feel comfortable.

Only the person involved knows the hardship and danger of dealing with the giant bear.

Originally thought that the No.1 prize was already a sure thing.

Unexpectedly, an unremarkable Morgan appeared on the way.

Now Robert Baratheon clearly understood the meaning of the sharpshooter that his old friend Ed told him this morning.

Time passed slowly.

The cold wind whistled.

It was getting darker.

When a group of freight fighters tied up many prey.

Following King Robert Baratheon's order.

The huge hunting team holding high the torches began to return, and quickly moved towards Winterfell.

"How about it?"

"Morgan's archery skills are pretty good, haha."

At the front of the line, Ed Stark looked at his bloated old friend and said, but he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha."

Being laughed at by his old friend, Robert Baratheon couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that."

"My first bear was actually hunted in the North."

"What made me even more unexpected is."

"Someone actually hunted a bigger and more ferocious giant bear on the same day as me."

Robert Baratheon laughed, and then thought of the extremely accurate, neat, crisp, and ferocious arrow that shot the giant bear, and turned to look at his old friend: "That kid is really good at archery, how did you find it?" ?”

Heard the king ask about this.

Ed Stark smiled and said, "He's not just good at shooting."

At this moment, he remembered the scene where he met James Lannister who was looking for trouble at the welcome banquet yesterday, and Morgan helped him out, which made Lannister leave in embarrassment.

after an hour.

It was completely dark that day.

The hunting party finally saw the huge and dark castle ahead.

After the king and Ed Stark returned with a full load of hunting members and warriors and walked into the inner castle of Winterfell, they discovered that something seemed wrong with the atmosphere in the inner castle.

Ed Stark decisively stopped a walking servant. After questioning, he found out that his second son, that is, Brandon Stark, accidentally fell off the city wall today. Life or death is unknown.

Immediately after listening, Ed Stark's originally good mood immediately plummeted to the bottom.

Getting ready to greet the king.

Robert Baratheon immediately said that he wanted to visit Brandon together.

The entire hunting team then quickly headed towards the main castle of the inner city.

In the team.

Morgan was stunned when he heard that student Brandon Stark stumbled and fell off the city wall, unconscious.

He carefully recalled the few plots left in his memory.

All I know is that Brandon Stark seems to be sitting in a wheelchair behind him, and has turned into a "Three-Eyed Raven".

There are not many other memories about him as a cheap student.

Swear by the system.

His knowledge of the world is really limited.

Except for some impressive characters and plots, he really didn't think of Brandon Stark's slipping and falling off the city wall.

Otherwise if you know about it.

He will find a way to bring the other party with him today.

But because he knew that Brandon Stark didn't really die, he just temporarily fell into a deep coma.

Morgan's mind also calmed down.

The only Bran who was studying with his heart and he also taught with his heart fell into a coma.

There are only three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, Rickon Stark, who is very playful.

Totally conceivable.

Morgan's next career as a swordsman was more leisurely.

But I'm sure I won't be idle for long.

Because the king cannot stay in Winterfell for long.

If Ed Stark promised the king to go south, he would definitely follow him.

Morgan wants to do.

Of course, I want to go to King's Landing City with Ed Stark.

The reason why he came to Winterfell to try to show his strength was for this matter.

Now, with my own performance these days.

Morgan already has great confidence in his heart that Ed Stark will bring him with him once he goes south.

Of course, if the other party is unwilling to take him.

He will also find a way to leave Winterfell for King's Landing.

But in that way, even Morgan can enter the palace to visit Ed Stark and the others.

But the weight and the degree of trust are too different.

Ed Stark, who is old-fashioned and sticks to traditional virtues, might feel bad for himself because he left Winterfell rashly, so he no longer treats himself.

It's entirely possible.

Therefore, it was Morgan's best choice to go to King's Landing with the Duke of Winterfell and the King's team.

The sad news that Ed Stark's second son, Brandon Stark, fell into a coma made the atmosphere in Winterfell heavy.

But the hunting contest was decided by His Majesty the King and the Duke before.

The word of the king is the decree.

The king's decision must be carried out.

Even if the atmosphere is heavy.

Winterfell was also at noon the next day.

The hunting competition selection and award ceremony will be held in the huge square in front of the main castle.

this day.

The gates of Winterfell's inner castle were wide open.

A group of people in the winter shelter town that has been interrogated can also be told to enter the inner castle to participate in the hunting competition selection ceremony.

When Morgan stood among the crowd in Winterfell.

Looking at the high platform a little far ahead, the two referees, Catherine Tully, the Duchess of Winterfell, who was dressed in exquisite gowns and had a troubled complexion, and Queen Cersei Lannister, who was dressed in a full dress and smiled like a flower, sat upright. .

Watching the soldiers carry the specially selected prey to the square.

The award ceremony for the hunting competition has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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