Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 259 Hunting Conference!

Chapter 259 Hunting Conference!


A slightly familiar voice came.

On the training ground, Morgan, who was chatting with the little devil Tyrion Lannister, turned his head.

Just a little far away, Ed Stark, the Duke of Winterfell, waved to him again, and King Robert Baratheon was standing beside him.

Almost immediately guessed the possibility of Ed Stark calling himself.

Morgan and Tyrion Lannister, whom he had just met, greeted the hound Sandor Clegane, and then quickly walked towards the Duke and King of Winterfell.

"Lord Stark"

Morgan first nodded towards Ed Stark, the host and employer.

Then he looked at His Majesty the King beside him.

"His Majesty."

Morgan bowed in salute, but not too much.

At such a time, when ordinary people faced His Majesty Robert Baratheon, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, they were either filled with fear or trepidation, or they were extremely nervous.

As for etiquette, at least they are kneeling on one knee.

But Morgan is clearly different.

He didn't intend to kneel to anyone.

Many people said that Morgan knelt on one knee yesterday with a group of people led by Ed Stark to welcome the arrival of the king, it was just a fake.

Please, the time when everyone in Winterfell kneels down and salutes.

You let Morgan stand?

Of course, with Morgan's strength, he can really be extremely hard-nosed and not kneel down. Even if there is a conflict, he is sure to break out of Winterfell.

But then what?

Not only offended the Stark family of Winterfell, the lord of the entire North.

Also offended a large group of people from the royal family, including the biggest king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms?

Morgan's diagram of what?
Why did he compete so hard with a bunch of mercenaries?
It's not for the purpose of getting a relationship with the Stark family, and eventually the royal family of King's Landing City, so that he can better implement his future plans.

Just for an insignificant kneeling ceremony?

Are you going to destroy everything you have worked so hard to plan and execute?
Morgan isn't crazy yet.

Not to be arrogant.

What's more, he didn't kneel yet, he just made a gesture.

This is an extremely real, extremely cold and cruel world.

It doesn't matter, if you don't have fame, who will talk to you?

Even if you are very powerful, you can't find a way to visit those big shots.

Even if you found it by force, do you think those big shots will talk to you and believe you as a stranger?

Don't be silly, this is no play.

If Morgan had really escaped from Winterfell yesterday because of the kneeling incident.

Ed Stark could have someone issue a bounty warrant just by turning his head.

Make Morgan wanted throughout the North.

King Robert Baratheon even allowed the other six countries in Westeros to issue a reward for Morgan.

At that time, even with Morgan's strength, he will not be afraid of the mercenaries' pursuit.

But there will be no peace either.

If it really got to that point, what would happen to his system?What about exploration progress?Is he going to leave this world?
Therefore, on the basis of adhering to the bottom line principle.

Morgan wasn't the type to know what to do.

like now.

Morgan clearly showed his confidence.

There was no salute.

Morgan's actions surprised both Ed Stark and King Robert Baratheon.

"I heard from Ed that you are a sharpshooter?"

Robert Baratheon looked at Morgan with interest and asked.

"Report Your Majesty, I am indeed quite good at archery."

Morgan smiled.

Although a little humble, but the tone of the words reveals a strong self-confidence.

This was Robert Baratheon's first impression of the tall man in front of him.

"I'm very confident. It seems that my shooting skills will not be bad."

"However, among the fighters I brought from King's Landing this time, there are many fighters with superb archery skills. You can compete with them."

Robert Baratheon smiled and watched Morgan finish speaking, then turned his voice to look at his old friend beside him and said, "Ed, why don't we simply hold a hunting meeting this time, just like a tournament."

"Let's get some rewards and rank one, two or three."

"Whoever hunts down the biggest, biggest, and most ferocious prey wins."

"We're in it too"

Robert Baratheon talked more and more.

Hearing that, Ed Stark felt a little headache. If the hunting activity turned into a hunting convention, it would obviously be too much trouble, and he is a person who doesn't like trouble very much.

But His Majesty the King is so interested, of course he can't disappoint.

"Okay, what kind of rewards are there?"

Ed Stark nodded against his will and asked.


"We'll talk about it later on the road."

Robert Baratheon definitely couldn't think of a suitable reward for a while, so he had to say this.

"What about the referee?"

Ed Stark asked again.

"The referee, of course it's us."

Robert Baratheon took it for granted.

It's just that the words fell, and the Morgan and Ed around were looking at him.

It was only then that Robert Baratheon realized that something was wrong.

Even if he disdains cheating and cheating in his heart.

But he is a king, a player and a referee. Although other people can't and dare not say anything, it's not good.

Thinking of this, Robert Baratheon immediately said again: "No, let's forget it."

"The referee is easy to find, just let Kate and Cersei be the judges"

Robert Baratheon didn't care.

He is very familiar with the martial arts conference.

Omit some unnecessary procedures, simply move it over, and then put it on the hunting conference.

"Okay then, I will order."

Ed Stark nodded, and called the little leader who followed him to give orders.

Robert Baratheon did the same, summoned the guards who were following him, and then began to give orders.

Watching a hunting competition comparable to a martial arts competition, the two people in front of them made a decision with a few words.

Morgan, who was standing aside, felt a little touched.

With the temporary change of these two, there were more warrior servants running around.

Time passed slowly.

The sky is also getting brighter.

Morgan stood by the training ground and waited quietly.

The hunt becomes a big game hunt.

The originally set departure time was also pushed back a bit.

at this time.

Morgan suddenly saw a familiar short figure approaching from a distance.

"Bran, there is no need for training today. The teacher will hunt with the Duke and His Majesty the King."


Seeing Brandon Stark in brown leather armor approaching, Morgan said, "Don't you know?"

"Father told me."

Brandon Stark looked at the teacher with a smile and said, "But mother just said that the hunting event has become a hunting competition. I want to come and have a look."

He still respects the new teacher who is replacing the old teacher in front of him.

Since the last time the teacher easily defeated several powerful warrior leaders who came to challenge him.

He began to hear people saying that his teacher was probably the most powerful swordsman in Winterfell.

In addition, under the guidance of his teacher, his bow and archery skills have improved a lot.

Let Brandon Stark respect this teacher even more.

"I think it's fake that you came here to see, and it's true that you want to participate in the hunting competition together?"

Morgan looked at Bran in front of him and smiled.

Although this kid looks handsome and quiet, his actual personality is not like that.

He has personally seen Brandon Stark climb the 30-meter-high inner city wall.

Although it was climbed from the tower in the middle of the city wall, the actual climbing height was only a dozen meters.

But such a high wall requires more than courage to climb.

After that experience, he has a very different view of this seemingly quiet student.

Looking at Brandon Stark's expression now, he can guess what the other party is thinking.

"But don't think about it today."

"It doesn't matter if I take you along for the hunt."

"But this time is a hunting competition, the teacher can't be distracted and bring you."

"If you want to participate in this kind of activity with your brother and father as soon as possible, then concentrate on practicing the sword and bow skills taught by the teacher."

Morgan looked at the students in front of him and said.

"I know teacher"

Hearing what the teacher said, Brandon Stark nodded obediently.

He really wanted to go out of the city with the team to participate in the hunting competition.

But his older brothers would definitely not take him with him, let alone his father.

He put his mind on the teacher who usually seems to be strict, but in fact he is not.

Just a pity.

If it weren't for the hunting event to become a hunting competition.

Morgan really might take Brandon Stark.


"We should go."

At this time, a little far away, Jon Snow in full armor shouted to Morgan.


Morgan replied, thinking of something when he was about to leave, he immediately turned his head to look at Brandon Stark and said, "Bran, you are not allowed to climb such a high city wall again."

"Otherwise, if the teacher finds out again, the teacher will not take you even if there are activities in the future."

"I see, teacher."

Brandon Stark nodded obediently immediately.

Morgan didn't say anything more, turned around and walked quickly towards the crowd.

Finally, when a well-armed and well-equipped team gathered on the training ground.

King Robert Baratheon laughed loudly, and rushed towards the city gate first.

Ed Stark, Duke of Winterfell, followed closely behind.

Behind them are the important figures and leaders of Winterfell and King's Landing.

On the side of King's Landing, there is "The Hound" Sandor Clegane, and several other knight leaders.

As for Prince Geoffrey Baratheon, he did not appear in the team.

There was also the Kingsguard Jaime Lannister who should have appeared, but also did not.

On the Winterfell side, there are Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, and Morgan riding on the orange "radish" bought from White Harbor.

Behind these heavyweight members.

It was the elite warriors proficient in archery from both sides of Winterfell and King's Landing, as well as the infantry responsible for carrying the prey.

"bang bang bang bang"

The group of horses galloped together, and the sound of horseshoes boomed.

When the huge hunting team led by King Robert Baratheon and Ed Stark rushed to the training ground.

Rush out of the inner keep of Winterfell.

Beside the training ground, an inconspicuous little figure immediately looked at the towering tower and the extremely tall and thick city wall in the distance.

"It has been climbed so many times."

"It's nothing to climb again."

"Although I agreed to the teacher, as long as the teacher doesn't find out, it's fine."

Thinking of this secretly in his heart, Brandon Stark immediately strode towards the tall inner city wall tower in the distance.

Outside Winterfell.

Although the king's road and the moors are all white and snow-covered.

But the dense forest in the distance is lush and pleasing to the eye.

Today's weather is also very good.

Last night's snowstorm stopped long ago.

The sky also became brighter with the arrival of morning.

There was even a trace of golden clouds glowing in the eastern sky.

This is a sign that the sun is about to rise.

How long, since the weather in the north ushered in the winter season with a winter rain.

The weather is not only gloomy and uncomfortable.

Or it will be a few days of wind and snow.

In the cold winter season of the northern border, it is too rare and rare to meet the weather of the sun.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The horse's hooves splashed a snowflake on the snow-covered wilderness road.

King Robert Baratheon cursed and ran wildly on the snow, causing Eddard Stark behind him to worry.

Running a horse on snow is no better than flat ground. If you go too fast, you will fall easily.

Fortunately, it has only entered the winter not long ago.

The snow on the wilderness is not so thick.

"Haha, how long has it been!"

"How long has it been since I rode a horse like this!"

Robert Baratheon, who had been running wildly for a long time, finally slowed down his horse speed, looked at the vast expanse of white snow all around, and laughed in his heart.

"It's a regular thing for me."

"As for Your Majesty, I don't know."

Ed Stark stepped forward quickly, looked at the high-spirited old friend and smiled.

"Haha, I know you want to say that I eat, drink and have fun."

"But that's what I'm living for."

"Are you almost there?"

Robert Baratheon laughed heartily.

"Hurry up, we'll be there in half an hour."

Eddard Stark nodded.

"Ed, is your current strength comparable to that of the past?"

Robert Baratheon drove forward, turned to look at Eddard Stark and asked.

"Of course it's much worse."

"But it must be no problem to win you."

Ed Stark said seriously.

"Ha ha."

"It's not enough to just talk about it."

"It's like being a girl, you have to compete to know!"

Robert Baratheon laughed loudly, and then he clamped the horse's belly, and the tall horse under him immediately rushed out.

One man and one horse ran wildly again.

Ed Stark had no choice but to follow quickly.

half an hour.

In front of the huge hunting team led by the Duke of Winterfell and His Majesty the King.

Finally, there appeared a huge forest that could not be seen at a glance.

It didn't take long.

Standing on the edge of the big forest.

King Robert Baratheon stood in front of the large hunting team and said, "You all already know."

"This hunt has turned into a hunting convention."

"Since it is a hunting conference, there must be rewards"

"The No.1 winner this time will be rewarded with a thousand golden dragons."

"No.2, will get five hundred golden dragons."

"As for No.3, there are only one hundred golden dragons."

"So, work hard, the more prey you hunt and the stronger the prey, the more you can harvest."

King Robert Baratheon finished speaking.

The Duke of Winterfell, Ed Stark, stepped forward immediately, and said, "Your Majesty has mentioned rewards, so I will explain the rules of this competition."

"First, it is not allowed to hurt people. If the prey is not completely killed and runs away, the prey belongs to the last killer;"

"Second, there is no limit to the prey you catch."

"Finally, gather here in the evening, remember not to get lost, otherwise no one will wait for you"

"Okay, that's all for now."

"Now, the hunting conference begins."

Following the voice of King Robert Baratheon.

Except for the members of the guards who were protecting the king and the infantry who were responsible for carrying the prey, the other members of the hunting team immediately rushed towards the huge forest like beating chicken blood.

Watching a group of members of the hunting team rush into the forest quickly.

Morgan, Jon Snow, and Robb Stark walked into the forest.

Among the children of the Duke of Winterfell.

Morgan's current relationship with Jon Snow is the best.

Then there are students Brandon Stark, Robb Stark, and Rickon Stark.

As for the relationship with his adopted son, Sean Greyjoy, it is very ordinary.

Because that guy actually looked down on Morgan.

The three of them moved forward.

Avoiding the traces of other hunting members, they soon came to a fork in the road that was not a crossroads.

The number of people in this hunting conference is not too much.

But the No.1 winning prize actually has a reward of a thousand golden dragons.

And there is also an opportunity to show your excellence in front of everyone in Winterfell, the king, queen and all the nobles from King's Landing.

This is something that all members of the hunting team cannot resist.

The three of them are counting in their hearts.

Needless to say.

Jon Snow and Robb Stark left soon after.

Looking at the quiet surroundings, Morgan reached out and took off the longbow on his back, and then walked steadily towards the deeper depths of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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