Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 25 Falling short of success 【Recommendation ticket requested】

Chapter 25 Falling short 【Please recommend】


Seeing the two gigantic trolls rushing towards the two archers regardless, the surrounding dwarves immediately shouted.

"Quick, stop them!"

Thorin Oakenshield roared immediately.

Such a huge monster has thick skin and thick defenses.

With the strength of the expedition team, only Morgan and Kili in the team could hurt the monster with bows and arrows.

Thorin Oakenshield could see it from the very beginning.

Morgan's arrow just now killed the smaller ogre monster as proof.

Now the two monsters obviously knew that the two archers were the biggest threat.

Attempt to kill Morgan and Kili first.

At this time, Thorin Oakenshield naturally gave priority to protecting the two archers.

Only the two archers were protected.

It is possible to defeat these two monsters.

"Quick, stop them."

Thorin Oakenshield roared and charged forward.

A dozen dwarves rushed forward.

Although it would not be able to kill two trolls at once, it would be uncomfortable to stab several daggers and hatchets on the lower body.

The injured ogre immediately roared, waving its big hands and slapping the flea-like dwarves below it.

On Qili's side, the ogre Menbo was besieged by the dwarves below him, and he couldn't help but stop when he was suddenly in pain, and stretched out his big hand to pat the dwarves.

Qili shot an arrow, took the opportunity to turn and leave immediately.

And on Morgan's side.

The troll Quebe was also haunted by the dwarves.

Quickly enraged by the dwarves, the troll Kuibo waved his thick tree trunk and slammed at the dwarves.

Jumping up and down, the dwarves managed to dodge the troll's attack.

Only the surrounding trees, ground, flowers and soil were completely turned upside down.

Morgan remained where he was.

Looking calmly at the huge ogre not far away, he once again drew an arrow from the quiver behind his back.

With Morgan's current bow and archery attainments, two arrows at a time is considered very proficient, and three arrows at a time is also fine, but the accuracy rate is relatively low.

And the huge troll in front of him looked like a huge living target.

But in reality, despite the troll's large size, due to its rough skin and thick flesh, the damage caused by arrows hitting the head, which is relatively weak, is very limited.

Not to mention shooting somewhere else on the troll.

This point has been demonstrated by Morgan and Keli before.

Their heads are full of arrows, and the trolls can jump around alive and kicking. It is conceivable that there will be no effect if they shoot arrows in other places.

It is now known that eyes are the only weakness of trolls.

But even if a troll has a huge body, there is a limit to how big a pair of eyes can be.

This is the same as Morgan's high hit rate of shooting half-orcs in the head with bows and arrows, but if Morgan is asked to shoot the half-orcs' eyes specifically, he can kill the half-orcs.

The difficulty must have risen immediately.

What's more, the two giant trolls in front of them seem to know to protect their eyes at this time.

Morgan didn't dare to push himself too hard at this time, and if he shot one arrow at a time, the hit rate would naturally be higher.


Breathing quickly became gentle, eyes focused on one point, and calmed down.

Morgan drew his bow and nocked an arrow to carefully aim at the huge troll not far away, trying his best to find the best opportunity.



"Damn dwarf, when I catch you, I will swallow you alive, roast you, cook you into thick soup."

The troll Kuibo spoke angrily, and the thick tree trunk was like a toy in his hands, smashing it around, splashing the plants, trees, mud and water.

"That's only if you can catch us."

"Big stupid guy."

"You are too slow, you will never catch up with us, you will only be played by us."

"Come on, catch me, let me eat if you catch me"

"Ha ha."

The dwarves jumped up and down around the troll Quebe with agility, mocking wantonly.

The ogre Quebec also became more and more angry: "Damn it, you bloody dwarfs, squirrels, mice"

"Hey big guy, look what this is, come get me"

Standing behind the troll, Bofur, the dwarf wearing a fur hat and holding a short hammer, pouted his ass and clapped his hands, loudly provoking the troll in front of him.

The ogre Quebec rolled his eyes and didn't look back, as if he didn't hear Bofur's provocation.

Holding the tree trunk in his hand, he was still chasing and smashing the dwarf Groin.

Just when Bofur thought the provocation would not get the troll's attention, he relaxed a little.

The troll Kuibo suddenly dropped the trunk in his hand, then turned around and rushed towards Bofur behind him.


"Beware, Bofur!"

The surrounding dwarves immediately roared.

Seeing the gigantic ogre suddenly pounce on him, Bofur's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to run back immediately.

It's just that the ogre Kuibo's action was extremely sudden.

The huge troll's pounce is more than ten meters long, and with his long arms, he can catch it like this.

The dwarf Bofur was captured by the troll without any resistance.

"Beware, Bofur!"


"Let go of Bofur"

Seeing that Bofur was captured, the surrounding dwarves rushed up immediately.

Trying to wave the weapon in his hand to attack the ogre.

It's just that the troll finally caught the dwarf in his hand at this time, but just waved his big hand to drive away the other dwarves and didn't fight back at all.

"Hey, I finally caught you!"

The ogre Kuibo grinned, revealing black, yellow and messy fangs, widened his muddy eyes, looked at the dwarf in his hand, and made a hideous sound.

"It's now!"

A little far away, Morgan, who stretched his bow and aimed at the ogre for a while, looked at the ogre standing there with a focused expression and wide-eyed eyes.

The arrow that was clenched by the fingers suddenly loosened.


The long arrow whizzed and shot out with a sound of rapid piercing through the air.

next second.


With an extremely shrill sound, the scream immediately resounded through the entire forest battlefield.

At this moment, the gazes of everyone, including the other troll, were immediately drawn to the screaming troll.

Then everyone saw that the shot ogre Kuibo threw out the dwarf Bofur from his hand.

Immediately, his figure trembled, and he quickly reached out his hand to dig out something in a bleeding eye socket.

Did not keep everyone waiting for long.

Soon, the ogre pulled out a bloody arrow from its eye socket, and there was a bloody white thing hanging from the sharp point of the arrow.

After pulling out the arrows in its eye sockets, the giant body of the ogre trembled even more.

Only then did the troll reluctantly lift the bloody arrow to the other good eye, as if he wanted to see what was in front of him.

But the huge body finally couldn't stand upright, and fell to the ground.


The four-meter tall ogre fell to the ground.

The ground shook.

The last and largest remaining troll finally felt afraid.

Turn around and run immediately.

Morgan was about to shout to stop the troll.

But seeing the dwarves who were blocking the surrounding area immediately made way for the ogre.

Morgan couldn't help but exclaimed in a hurry: "Fuck!"

(End of this chapter)

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