Start with Lord of the Rings

Chapter 225 Hope When Dawn Breaks!

Chapter 225 Hope When Dawn Breaks!

In front of the gate of the Horn Fort.

The battle is in full swing.


"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty."

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

In the passage behind the gate of the crowded Horn Fort, several blood-soaked elite soldiers gathered around King Theoden, asking nervously.



Theoden panted heavily, and immediately raised his hand with difficulty: "It's okay!"

"I can't die yet."

Theoden leaned against the stone wall behind him, covering the bloody wound under his left arm and shoulder with one hand, looked palely at the several warrior leaders in front of him, and immediately said, "Go, send someone to press it up."

"Morgan and the others are still fighting."

"You must seize the time to strengthen the gate, and you must guard the gate desperately!"

"We haven't lost yet"

"Cough cough."

Theoden continued to pant and speak heavily, and the wound on his shoulder immediately gushed blood frantically, making Theoden's complexion even paler.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty!"

"Send your majesty to the inner city for treatment!"


The soldier, the leader of the guards, ordered immediately.

At this time, a tall figure in exquisite armor led several soldiers and quickly ran down from the fort above the gate of the Horn Fort.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups."

As soon as Eomer, the third Marshal of the Kingdom of Rohan, appeared, the leader of the Guards and surrounding soldiers immediately shouted.

"His Majesty!"

Before he could take care of the salutes of the surrounding soldiers, Éomer rushed over when he saw King Theoden's weakness, and said nervously.

"I'm fine"

"Shouldn't be dead yet."

"The battle is urgent, Eomer, listen up"

"Yes, I am listening"

"The gate must be guarded. When necessary, you must obey Morgan's command!"

Theoden gasped, as scarlet blood gushed from the wound on his shoulder again.

"Yes, I understand Your Majesty."

"I must obey Morgan's command."

"Quick, send His Majesty back for treatment, quick!"

Éomer sent the king away and immediately turned to the soldiers beside him and asked, "Where is Morgan now?"

"Fighting in front of the gate!"

"Have you prepared the wood for repairing the gate?"

"It's being urgently produced, and it will be ready soon."

"Okay, those are handed over to you, the speed must be fast!"

"Others, follow me."


After yelling, Éomer rushed towards the gate with all the soldiers behind him.

In front of the gate of the Horn Fort.

The originally fairly spacious passageway was already full of dead bodies.

Black and red blood flowed across the ground, and it could splatter blood when you stepped on it.


Morgan held a shield and raised his hand to block the incoming attack from the front, and the long sword in his hand kept stabbing at the maddened orc with red eyes on the side.


The elven sword pierced very accurately into the gap in the armor of the strong orc in front of him, directly penetrated deeply into the strong orc's body, and subconsciously got used to stirring it forcefully.

The orcs who were pierced and still frantically wanted to attack Morgan's offensive dropped sharply, but their tenacious fighting spirit drove the orcs in front of them to kill the humans in front of them no matter what.

Morgan moved too fast, and the orc, who was not yet dead, still brandished his weapon and chopped down at Morgan who was close at hand.

But Morgan reacted faster, he had so much experience against the enemy, he immediately raised his foot and kicked the orc in front of him fiercely.

This kick made the orc unable to hold back.

Originally only supported by the leader's order not long ago, he immediately felt the rapid weakness and powerlessness of his body, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground and burped.

Morgan didn't take a second look at the orc who fell to the ground, but quickly raised the steel shield in front of him to meet the attack of the orc who rushed up again.

"Bang bang bang bang."

In an instant, several heavy attacks rained down, smashing the steel shield with a ping-pong sound.

Feel the tremendous pressure coming from the shield.

Morgan did not stretch out his head hastily, but stood firm on his foot, took a step forward suddenly, and suddenly pushed the shield in his hand with his arm.

"bang bang bang"

The orcs standing in front of them were immediately thrown back by Morgan with their shields.

In an instant, two strong orcs accidentally rolled down the tens of meters high mountain road under the stone arch bridge in front of the gate, life and death were unknown.

Beside Morgan.

Aragorn brandished a long sword in his hand, and was also trying his best to fight fiercely with the orcs who rushed madly.

The other side is slightly behind.

The dwarf Jinli was panting heavily, and he couldn't stop swinging the battle ax in his hand.

Legolas supported the three friends and acted as a firefighter, shooting arrows wherever there was danger.

The bow of Galazmin in his hand was constantly being pulled away.

Every time an arrow was shot, one orc fell to the ground dead.

Despite the strength of the four-member hero team, the tacit cooperation quickly stabilized the collapsed Horn Fort gate.

But the number of strong orcs is basically endless, and it is inexhaustible to kill.

No matter how strong Morgan's team of four is, they will never be able to withstand the endless attacks of the orc army.

Fortunately, the location of the gate is relatively narrow compared to the endless army in front of it, and it cannot accommodate too many soldiers.

The tacit cooperation of the four of Morgan was able to keep the orcs out of the gate.

Otherwise, if they were pulled to the battlefield under the outer city wall, their team of four would have been overwhelmed by the orc army long ago.

The reason why Morgan dared to jump off the city wall alone to prevent the orcs from blasting the drain was that he had the special skill "Any Door" in his hand, and he could escape at any time if the situation was not right.

Otherwise he wouldn't have done such a risky thing.

Behind Morgan's team of four, surrounded by Rohan's elite fighters.

Some of them are also rushing to repair the gate, while others are holding bows and arrows and following closely behind the four-person team to kill the enemy.

at this time.

The Guards soldiers led by Éomer rushed up from the passage behind the gate.

Looking at Morgan, who was at the forefront.

Éomer immediately rushed over quickly.

"Bang bang."

Quickly rushing to the city gate, Éomer raised his hand to block the attack of the strong orcs in front of him.

Blocking several blows one after another, Éomer accelerated his steps and moved forward. The long sword in his hand quickly slashed out, and a helmeted head with blood splattered immediately rolled to the ground.

It was only then that Morgan, who was on the side, noticed that Éomer had appeared beside him.

"How is King Theoden?"

Seeing Éomer later, Morgan immediately asked.

"Shoulder is hurt, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Eomer dodged the front attack again, and said immediately after piercing the helmet of the orc on the opposite side with a sword.

"That's good"

Morgan nodded, and slapped the orc with the shield in his hand on the sideways attacking orc, making the orc so unstable that he stabbed out with the long sword in the other hand.


The elven sword pierced deeply into the orc's neck, and kicked the orc's body over.

With the support of Eomer.

Morgan quickly glanced back at the door behind him.

I saw that the door that had been smashed into pieces was quickly repaired.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the attack coming. He dodged the attack sideways, and just lowered his head slightly. Morgan quickly stabbed the long sword into the orc's belly.

After finishing off the enemy in front of him, Morgan immediately looked at the crazy figure not far away and shouted, "Aragorn!"

"It's time to retreat."

"Eomer, Gimli"

"The gate is mended, ready to retreat."

Morgan greeted his partner behind him, ready to retreat together.

The advantage at this time is that the strong orc army still has a big advantage.

Morgan and the others relied entirely on tacit cooperation and strong strength to suppress the orcs from the gate and not to enter.

At this time, you must be cautious when letting go and retreating.

Otherwise, when the aggressive orcs see the enemy retreating in front of them, they will definitely press down on them with all their might.

At that time, the situation maintained by all efforts will be destroyed in an instant, and it will be over.

Morgan and the others began to fight and retreat.

Finally, when approaching the gate, there was a loud roar from the rear gate.

Morgan immediately yelled, "Go!"

After speaking, he immediately turned around and rushed into the thick door that was about to be closed again.

The same was true for Aragorn Eomer Jinli, who rushed into the gate right behind Morgan.

At this time, the strong orcs outside chased after him frantically.

next second.

Immediately, dozens of arrows were shot from the gap where the gate was about to close, turning the most ruthless Orc warriors into hedgehogs.

But the strong orcs in the rear will not be afraid of this, and continue to rush forward frantically.

At this time.

With a loud bang.

The huge city gate made of thickened and thickened solid wood plus a large number of thick iron spikes was repaired and slammed shut.

The fastest rushing orc immediately slammed into the thick city gate.

The city gate was closed instantly.

The surrounding soldiers immediately rushed forward, and the huge thick wooden boards they each embraced were placed horizontally behind the city gate, and then thick and long iron nails were hammered straight into the gate.

Just a few short breaths.

The Rohan warriors who obviously had more experience nailed the gate into an iron barrel.

At this time.

"bang bang bang bang"

The sound of loud hammering on the door began to be heard continuously from the door.

Morgan and Aragorn Kimli were standing behind the city gate, looking at the repaired and stronger gate, panting heavily.

"It should be fine now."

With the battle ax in his hand, Jin Li looked at the patched gate in front of him and couldn't help saying something.

“It would be nice if it was that simple”

Morgan let out a long breath, stood up straight, and said in a deep voice: "The defense of the gate is only temporary, and more depends on the top."

Morgan said, stretching his fingers above his head and continued: "As long as the attack can keep up, those orcs will be as unable to get close to the gate as they were at the beginning."

The voice just fell.

"Bang bang."

Two loud noises came from outside the gate.

Immediately afterwards, the orc's knocking on the door stopped abruptly.

Morgan's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately looked at Éomer.

Eomer was also looking at Morgan at this moment.

The two reacted the fastest, and immediately turned around and ran towards the stone stairs leading up to the fort behind the city gate.

Aragorn also reacted at this time, and hurriedly followed.

Legolas also reacted quickly, and was about to catch up but was pulled back by Gimli behind him.

"Why are you all running back?"

Looking at the few people who ran away without saying a word, Jinli immediately asked in confusion.

"Of course it's to better deal with those guys outside."

"Don't you see it?"

Legolas broke free from Gimli's pull, asked a question, and then ran back.

"All of you are like Gandalf, speaking incomprehensible words."

"How would I know."

Seeing Legolas running away quickly, Gimli muttered and had no choice but to follow.

When Morgan and Eomer quickly rushed up to the upper fort where the city gate was located, several warriors were carrying a boulder and throwing it downward.

Obviously, the loud noise just now was caused by these boulders.

Morgan walked to the edge of the fort.


An arrow shot up from the orc battlefield below.

Morgan turned his head slightly, dodging the arrow, and quickly looked at the entire battlefield.

First, resistance continued on the outer walls.

The orc's attempt to blow up the drain was sabotaged by him.

Without the loophole of the drain, the orcs could only forcefully attack the outer city wall.

And there are the most elite elf fighters from Rothlorian, plus the largest collection of Rohan's elite soldiers.

The battlefield on the outer city wall is obviously the most intense.

Even though the commander Morgan on the outer city wall was not there at this time, the two human and elf leaders Mullen and Haldir still firmly controlled the outer city wall.

Except for the outer city wall.

The other most important thing is naturally the lower city gate where the fortress under Morgan's feet is located.

But because of the height of the terrain.

The city gate is connected to the wilderness ground by a long curved bridge.

If the orcs want to enter the Horn Fort, they must pass this bridge.

But the width of this stone bridge is limited, and the orc army can't squeeze all of them onto the stone bridge.

This is an important reason why the gate of the Horn Fort is difficult to attack.

At this time, the strong orcs crowded on the stone bridge had already filled the bridge deck, and continued to attack the repaired city gate.

And the soldiers on the tall fort right above the city gate learned the lesson of the city gate being breached before. Although they were a lot more cautious at this time, their attacks did not weaken at all.

They also thought of a way to deal with the orcs below who wanted to attack the city gate.

That is to push down the boulder and block it in front of the city gate.

But the orcs will push the boulders out of the way.

But this is exactly what the soldiers are thinking.

It's just a pity that the stone bridge in front of the city gate is too strong, and it is difficult for a huge boulder of this size to break the stone bridge. Otherwise, if the stone bridge is broken, the orcs will not be able to attack the city gate again.

Except for these two places.

This is the fort where the Orcs attacked.

However, because the terrain here is too high, it belongs to the highest position in the entire Horn Fort.

It is very troublesome for the strong beasts to come up.

But they still have a way, that is the huge steel ladder that has been lengthened many times.

At this time, such a ladder is being quickly assembled in the army below.

"What shall we do next?"

Looking at the situation that seemed to be stalemate in front of him, Éomer who was standing beside Morgan suddenly spoke.

Although it was a little unexpected that Éomer would ask this question.

After thinking about it, Morgan said in a deep voice, "Persevere, I believe a miracle will happen."

Such discretion immediately made Éomer stunned.

But he quickly reacted, and asked hopefully, "Morgan, do you mean we still have reinforcements?"


hear the word.

Morgan turned his head and looked to the east.

It was a huge slope terrain.

This topography suddenly reminded Morgan of Lonely Mountain.

To the east of Erebor, the kingdom of the dwarves.

It also has similar mountain topography.

Facing Eomer's words, Morgan didn't answer, but just looked at the east with deep eyes.

"It's the fifth day"

"Will Gandalf be in time?"

Morgan thought to himself.

It was already late at night.

At this time, there was a sound from the stone ladder.

When Morgan turned his head, he saw Aragorn, Legolas and Kim Li following up.

this evening.

It was destined to be an extremely difficult night for the Kingdom of Rohan.

The Battle of the Horn Fort never stops.

Helm's Deep stayed up all night.

The next morning.

When the first ray of dawn in the sky shines on the earth.

Horn Fort, in front of the broken city gate.

The four-person team led by Morgan is fighting hard against the army of orcs rushing in front of them.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Jinli suddenly pointed in one direction, and excitedly shouted to the four partners not far away: "There!"

"Look there!"

"Who is that!"

Holding the shield in his hand, Morgan smashed the orc in front of him, raised his bloody and tired face and looked in the direction of Gimli's finger.

It can be seen in the east of the Horn Fort, on the huge and vast mountain slope.

A white figure riding a pure white horse.

At this time, it is standing under the golden light cluster that has just risen, glowing.
 It's the end of the month, ask for a few monthly tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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